49 lines
1.5 KiB
49 lines
1.5 KiB
Describe "Tests for portforwarding" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Setup-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to setup test environment."
$fileName = "test.txt"
$filePath = Join-Path ${TestDrive} $fileName
$logName = "log.txt"
$logPath = Join-Path ${TestDrive} $logName
$server = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Target"]
$port = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Port"]
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$testData = @(
Title = "Local port forwarding"
Options = "-L 5432:"
FwdedPort = 5432
Title = "Remote port forwarding"
Options = "-R 5432:"
FwdedPort = 5432
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ea silentlycontinue
Remove-Item -Path $logPath -Force -ea silentlycontinue
It '<Title>' -TestCases:$testData {
param([string]$Title, $Options, $FwdedPort)
$str = "ssh -p $($port) -E $logPath $($Options) $($ssouser)@$($server) powershell.exe Test-WSMan -computer -port $FwdedPort > $filePath"
# TODO - move this to PAL
cmd /c $str
#validate file content.
$content = Get-Content $filePath
$content -like "wsmid*" | Should Not Be $null