
269 lines
12 KiB

Describe "SFTP Test Cases" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
if($OpenSSHTestInfo -eq $null)
Throw "`$OpenSSHTestInfo is null. Please run Setup-OpenSSHTestEnvironment to setup test environment."
$rootDirectory = "$($OpenSSHTestInfo["TestDataPath"])\SFTP"
$outputFileName = "output.txt"
$batchFileName = "sftp-batchcmds.txt"
$outputFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory $outputFileName
$batchFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory $batchFileName
$tempFileName = "tempFile.txt"
$tempFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory $tempFileName
$tempUnicodeFileName = "tempFile_язык.txt"
$tempUnicodeFilePath = Join-Path $rootDirectory $tempUnicodeFileName
$clientDirectory = Join-Path $rootDirectory 'client_dir'
$serverDirectory = Join-Path $rootDirectory 'server_dir'
$null = New-Item $clientDirectory -ItemType directory -Force
$null = New-Item $serverDirectory -ItemType directory -Force
$null = New-Item $batchFilePath -ItemType file -Force
$null = New-Item $outputFilePath -ItemType file -Force
$null = New-Item $tempFilePath -ItemType file -Force -value "temp file data"
$null = New-Item $tempUnicodeFilePath -ItemType file -Force -value "temp file data"
$server = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Target"]
$port = $OpenSSHTestInfo["Port"]
$ssouser = $OpenSSHTestInfo["SSOUser"]
$script:testId = 1
$testData1 = @(
title = "put, ls for non-unicode file names"
options = ''
commands = "put $tempFilePath $serverDirectory
ls $serverDirectory"
expectedoutput = (join-path $serverdirectory $tempFileName)
title = "get, ls for non-unicode file names"
options = ''
commands = "get $tempFilePath $clientDirectory
ls $clientDirectory"
expectedoutput = (join-path $clientDirectory $tempFileName)
title = "mput, ls for non-unicode file names"
options = ''
commands = "mput $tempFilePath $serverDirectory
ls $serverDirectory"
expectedoutput = (join-path $serverdirectory $tempFileName)
title = "mget, ls for non-unicode file names"
options = ''
commands = "mget $tempFilePath $clientDirectory
ls $clientDirectory"
expectedoutput = (join-path $clientDirectory $tempFileName)
title = "mkdir, cd, pwd for non-unicode directory names"
options = ''
commands = "cd $serverdirectory
mkdir server_test_dir
cd server_test_dir
expectedoutput = (join-path $serverdirectory "server_test_dir")
Title = "lmkdir, lcd, lpwd for non-unicode directory names"
Options = ''
Commands = "lcd $clientDirectory
lmkdir client_test_dir
lcd client_test_dir
ExpectedOutput = (Join-Path $clientDirectory "client_test_dir")
title = "put, ls for unicode file names"
options = ''
commands = "put $tempUnicodeFilePath $serverDirectory
ls $serverDirectory"
expectedoutput = (join-path $serverdirectory $tempUnicodeFileName)
title = "get, ls for unicode file names"
options = ''
commands = "get $tempUnicodeFilePath $clientDirectory
ls $clientDirectory"
expectedoutput = (join-path $clientDirectory $tempUnicodeFileName)
title = "mput, ls for unicode file names"
options = ''
commands = "mput $tempUnicodeFilePath $serverDirectory
ls $serverDirectory"
expectedoutput = (join-path $serverdirectory $tempUnicodeFileName)
title = "mget, ls for unicode file names"
options = ''
commands = "mget $tempUnicodeFilePath $clientDirectory
ls $clientDirectory"
expectedoutput = (join-path $clientDirectory $tempUnicodeFileName)
title = "mkdir, cd, pwd for unicode directory names"
options = ''
commands = "cd $serverdirectory
mkdir server_test_dir_язык
cd server_test_dir_язык
expectedoutput = (join-path $serverdirectory "server_test_dir_язык")
Title = "lmkdir, lcd, lpwd for unicode directory names"
Options = ''
Commands = "lcd $clientDirectory
lmkdir client_test_dir_язык
lcd client_test_dir_язык
lls $clientDirectory"
ExpectedOutput = (Join-Path $clientDirectory "client_test_dir_язык")
$testData2 = @(
title = "rm, rmdir, rename for unicode file, directory"
options = '-b $batchFilePath'
tmpFileName1 = $tempUnicodeFileName
tmpFilePath1 = $tempUnicodeFilePath
tmpFileName2 = "tempfile_язык_2.txt"
tmpFilePath2 = (join-path $serverDirectory "tempfile_язык_2.txt")
tmpDirectoryName1 = "test_dir_язык_1"
tmpDirectoryPath1 = (join-path $serverDirectory "test_dir_язык_1")
tmpDirectoryName2 = "test_dir_язык_2"
tmpDirectoryPath2 = (join-path $serverDirectory "test_dir_язык_2")
title = "rm, rmdir, rename for non-unicode file, directory"
options = '-b $batchFilePath'
tmpFileName1 = $tempFileName
tmpFilePath1 = $tempFilePath
tmpFileName2 = "tempfile_2.txt"
tmpFilePath2 = (join-path $serverDirectory "tempfile_2.txt")
tmpDirectoryName1 = "test_dir_1"
tmpDirectoryPath1 = (join-path $serverDirectory "test_dir_1")
tmpDirectoryName2 = "test_dir_2"
tmpDirectoryPath2 = (join-path $serverDirectory "test_dir_2")
# for the first time, delete the existing log files.
if ($OpenSSHTestInfo['DebugMode'])
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sftp-server.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
function CopyDebugLogs {
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent_$script:testId.log" -Force
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd_$script:testId.log" -Force
Copy-Item "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sftp-server.log" "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sftp-server_$script:testId.log" -Force
# clear the ssh-agent, sshd logs so that next testcase will get fresh logs.
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\ssh-agent.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sshd.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
Clear-Content "$($OpenSSHTestInfo['OpenSSHBinPath'])\logs\sftp-server.log" -Force -ErrorAction ignore
AfterAll {
Get-Item $rootDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
BeforeEach {
Get-ChildItem $serverDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-ChildItem $clientDirectory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item $batchFilePath
Remove-Item $outputFilePath
AfterEach {
It '<Title>' -TestCases:$testData1 {
param([string]$Title, $Options, $Commands, $ExpectedOutput)
Set-Content $batchFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -value $Commands
$str = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString("sftp -P $port $($Options) -b $batchFilePath test_target > $outputFilePath")
iex $str
#validate file content.
Test-Path $ExpectedOutput | Should be $true
It '<Title>' -TestCases:$testData2 {
param([string]$Title, $Options, $tmpFileName1, $tmpFilePath1, $tmpFileName2, $tmpFilePath2, $tmpDirectoryName1, $tmpDirectoryPath1, $tmpDirectoryName2, $tmpDirectoryPath2)
#rm (remove file)
$commands = "mkdir $tmpDirectoryPath1
put $tmpFilePath1 $tmpDirectoryPath1
ls $tmpDirectoryPath1"
Set-Content $batchFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -value $commands
$str = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString("sftp -P $port $($Options) test_target > $outputFilePath")
iex $str
Test-Path (join-path $tmpDirectoryPath1 $tmpFileName1) | Should be $true
$commands = "rm $tmpDirectoryPath1\*
ls $tmpDirectoryPath1
Set-Content $batchFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -value $commands
$str = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString("sftp -P $port $($Options) test_target > $outputFilePath")
iex $str
Test-Path (join-path $tmpDirectoryPath1 $tmpFileName1) | Should be $false
#rename file
Remove-Item $outputFilePath
Copy-Item $tmpFilePath1 -destination $tmpDirectoryPath1
$commands = "rename $tmpDirectoryPath1\$tmpFileName1 $tmpDirectoryPath1\$tmpFileName2
ls $tmpDirectoryPath1
Set-Content $batchFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -value $commands
$str = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString("sftp -P $port $($Options) test_target > $outputFilePath")
iex $str
Test-Path (join-path $tmpDirectoryPath1 $tmpFileName2) | Should be $true
#rename directory
Remove-Item $outputFilePath
$commands = "rm $tmpDirectoryPath1\*
rename $tmpDirectoryPath1 $tmpDirectoryPath2
ls $serverDirectory"
Set-Content $batchFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -value $commands
$str = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString("sftp -P $port $($Options) test_target > $outputFilePath")
iex $str
Test-Path $tmpDirectoryPath2 | Should be $true
#rmdir (remove directory)
Remove-Item $outputFilePath
$commands = "rmdir $tmpDirectoryPath2
ls $serverDirectory"
Set-Content $batchFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -value $commands
$str = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString("sftp -P $port $($Options) test_target > $outputFilePath")
iex $str
Test-Path $tmpDirectoryPath2 | Should be $false