6. Your browser will automatically be opened and directed to the browser-sync proxy address
7. To prepare assets for production, run the `gulp prod` task (Note: the production task does not fire up the express server, and won't provide you with browser-sync's live reloading. Simply use `gulp dev` during development. More information below)
Now that `gulp dev` is running, the server is up as well and serving files from the `/build` directory. Any changes in the `/src` directory will be automatically processed by Gulp and the changes will be injected to any open browsers pointed at the proxy address.
Just as there is the `gulp dev` task for development, there is also a `gulp prod` task for putting your project into a production-ready state. This will run each of the tasks, while also adding the image minification task discussed above. There is also an empty `gulp deploy` task that is included when running the production task. This deploy task can be fleshed out to automatically push your production-ready site to your hosting setup.
**Reminder:** When running the production task, gulp will not fire up the express server and serve your index.html. This task is designed to be run before the `deploy` step that may copy the files from `/build` to a production web server.