es.js created online with Bitbucket
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@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
export default {
'WELCOME': 'Bievenido',
'TICKETS': 'Tickets',
'ARTICLES': 'Articulos',
'ACCOUNT': 'Cuenta',
'SUBMIT': 'Enviar',
'EMAIL': 'Email',
'PASSWORD': 'Contrasena',
'REPEAT_PASSWORD': 'Repetir Contrasena',
'LOG_IN': 'Logearse',
'SIGN_UP': 'Registrarse',
'FORGOT_PASSWORD': 'Olvidates tu contrasena?',
'RECOVER_PASSWORD': 'Recover Password',
'RECOVER_SENT': 'An email with recover instructions has been sent.',
'NEW_PASSWORD': 'New password',
'REPEAT_NEW_PASSWORD': 'Repeat new password',
'BACK_LOGIN_FORM': 'Back to login form',
'VIEW_ARTICLES': 'View Articles',
'EDIT_PROFILE': 'Edit Profile',
'CLOSE_SESSION': 'Close session',
'CREATE_TICKET': 'Create Ticket',
'TICKET_LIST': 'Ticket List',
'SUPPORT_CENTER': 'Support Center',
'DEPARTMENT': 'Department',
'AUTHOR': 'Author',
'DATE': 'Date',
'RESPOND': 'Respond',
'RESPOND_TICKET': 'Respond Ticket',
'NO_ATTACHMENT': 'No file attachment',
'STAFF': 'Staff',
'CUSTOMER': 'Customer',
'YES': 'Yes',
'NO': 'No',
'CANCEL': 'Cancel',
'MY_ACCOUNT': 'My Account',
'DASHBOARD': 'Dashboard',
'USERS': 'Users',
'SETTINGS': 'Settings',
'TICKET_STATS': 'Ticket Stats',
'LAST_ACTIVITY': 'Last Activity',
'MY_TICKETS': 'My Tickets',
'NEW_TICKETS': 'New Tickets',
'ALL_TICKETS': 'All Tickets',
'CUSTOM_RESPONSES': 'Custom Responses',
'LIST_USERS': 'List Users',
'BAN_USERS': 'Ban Users',
'LIST_ARTICLES': 'Article List',
'STAFF_MEMBERS': 'Staff Members',
'DEPARTMENTS': 'Departments',
'SYSTEM_PREFERENCES': 'System Preferences',
'USER_SYSTEM': 'User System',
'EMAIL_TEMPLATES': 'Email Templates',
'FILTERS_CUSTOM_FIELDS': 'Filters and Custom Fields',
'PRIORITY': 'Priority',
'NUMBER': 'Number',
'HIGH': 'High',
'MEDIUM': 'Medium',
'LOW': 'Low',
'TITLE': 'Title',
'CONTENT': 'Content',
'SAVE': 'Save',
'DISCARD_CHANGES': 'Discard changes',
'DELETE': 'Delete',
'LANGUAGE': 'Language',
'OWNER': 'Owner',
'OWNED': 'Owned',
'STATUS': 'Status',
'NONE': 'None',
'OPENED': 'Opened',
'CLOSED': 'Closed',
'CLOSE': 'Close',
'RE_OPEN': 'Re open',
'ASSIGN_TO_ME': 'Assign to me',
'UN_ASSIGN': 'Unassign',
'VIEW_TICKET': 'View Ticket',
'SELECT_CUSTOM_RESPONSE': 'Select a custom response...',
'WARNING': 'Warning',
'INFO': 'Information',
'ALL_DEPARTMENTS': 'All Departments',
'EMAIL_BANNED': 'Email banned',
'UN_BAN': 'Disable ban',
'BAN_NEW_EMAIL': 'Ban new email',
'BAN_EMAIL': 'Ban email',
'NAME': 'Name',
'SIGNUP_DATE': 'Sign up date',
'SEARCH_USERS': 'Search users...',
'SEARCH_EMAIL': 'Search email...',
'USER_VIEW_TITLE': 'User #{userId}',
'EDIT_TOPIC': 'Edit Topic',
'ADD_TOPIC': 'Add Topic',
'ICON': 'Icon',
'COLOR': 'Color',
'ADD_NEW_ARTICLE': 'Add new article',
'ADD_ARTICLE': 'Add article',
'LAST_EDITED_IN': 'Last edited in {date}',
'EDIT': 'Edit',
'NO_RESULTS': 'No results',
'DELETE_AND_BAN': 'Delete and ban',
'STAFF_LEVEL': 'Staff Level',
'ASSIGNED': 'Assigned',
'ASSIGNED_TICKETS': '{tickets} assigned tickets',
'CLOSED_TICKETS': '{tickets} closed tickets',
'LAST_LOGIN': 'Last login',
'ADD_NEW_STAFF': 'Add new staff',
'ADD_STAFF': 'Add staff',
'LEVEL': 'Level',
'LEVEL_1': 'Level 1 (Tickets)',
'LEVEL_2': 'Level 2 (Tickets + Articles)',
'LEVEL_3': 'Level 3 (Tickets + Articles + Staff)',
'LEVEL_1_DESCRIPTION': 'can only respond tickets and manage users.',
'LEVEL_2_DESCRIPTION': 'can do every Level 1 does, can create or edit articles and it can create custom responses.',
'LEVEL_3_DESCRIPTION': 'can do every Level 2 does, can create or edit staff members and can manage the whole system.',
'UPDATE_EMAIL': 'Update email',
'UPDATE_PASSWORD': 'Update password',
'UPDATE_LEVEL': 'Update level',
'UPDATE_DEPARTMENTS': 'Update departments',
'EDIT_STAFF': 'Edit staff member',
'ADD_DEPARTMENT': 'Add department',
'UPDATE_DEPARTMENT': 'Update department',
'TRANSFER_TICKETS_TO': 'Transfer tickets to',
'COMMENTS': 'Comments',
'DELETE_STAFF_MEMBER': 'Delete staff member',
'MAINTENANCE_MODE': 'Maintenance mode',
'MAINTENANCE_MODE_INFO': 'It will temporary disable the system for regular users.',
'RECOVER_DEFAULT': 'Recover default',
'SUPPORT_CENTER_URL': 'Support Center URL',
'SUPPORT_CENTER_TITLE': 'Support Center Title',
'SUPPORT_CENTER_LAYOUT': 'Support Center Layout',
'DEFAULT_TIMEZONE': 'Default Timezone (GMT)',
'NOREPLY_EMAIL': 'Noreply Email',
'PORT': 'Port',
'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY': 'Recaptcha Public Key',
'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY': 'Recaptcha Private Key',
'ALLOW_FILE_ATTACHMENTS': 'Allow file attachments',
'MAX_SIZE_KB': 'Max Size (KB)',
'UPDATE_SETTINGS': 'Update settings',
'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE': 'Default Language',
'SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES': 'Supported Languages',
'SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES_INFO': 'Supported languages are the languages that tickets can be written in.',
'ALLOWED_LANGUAGES': 'Allowed Languages',
'ALLOWED_LANGUAGES_INFO': 'Allowed languages are the languages that can be used by an user.',
'SETTINGS_UPDATED': 'Settings have been updated',
'ON': 'On',
'OFF': 'Off',
'BOXED': 'Boxed',
'FULL_WIDTH': 'Full width',
'LOAD_MORE': 'Load More',
'MY_NOTIFICATIONS': 'My notifications',
'ALL_NOTIFICATIONS': 'All notifications',
'VERIFY_SUCCESS': 'User verified',
'VERIFY_FAILED': 'Could not verify',
'ACTIVITY_COMMENT': 'commented ticket',
'ACTIVITY_ASSIGN': 'assigned ticket',
'ACTIVITY_UN_ASSIGN': 'unassigned ticket',
'ACTIVITY_CLOSE': 'closed ticket',
'ACTIVITY_CREATE_TICKET': 'created ticket',
'ACTIVITY_RE_OPEN': 'reopened ticket',
'ACTIVITY_DEPARTMENT_CHANGED': 'changed department of ticket',
'ACTIVITY_PRIORITY_CHANGED': 'changed priority of ticket',
'ACTIVITY_EDIT_SETTINGS': 'edited settings',
'ACTIVITY_SIGNUP': 'signed up',
'ACTIVITY_ADD_TOPIC': 'added topic',
'ACTIVITY_ADD_ARTICLE': 'added article',
'ACTIVITY_DELETE_TOPIC': 'deleted topic',
'ACTIVITY_DELETE_ARTICLE': 'deleted article',
'ACTIVITY_EDIT_ARTICLE': 'edited article',
'ACTIVITY_ADD_STAFF': 'added staff',
'ACTIVITY_ADD_DEPARTMENT': 'added department',
'ACTIVITY_DELETE_DEPARTMENT': 'deleted department',
'ACTIVITY_EDIT_DEPARTMENT': 'edited department',
'ACTIVITY_ADD_CUSTOM_RESPONSE': 'added custom response',
'ACTIVITY_DELETE_CUSTOM_RESPONSE': 'deleted custom response',
'ACTIVITY_EDIT_CUSTOM_RESPONSE': 'edited custom response',
'ACTIVITY_BAN_USER': 'banned user',
'ACTIVITY_DELETE_USER': 'deleted user',
'ACTIVITY_UN_BAN_USER': 'banned user',
'CREATE_TICKET_DESCRIPTION': 'This is a form for creating tickets. Fill the form and send us your issues/doubts/suggestions. Our support system will answer it as soon as possible.',
'TICKET_LIST_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can find a list of all tickets you have sent to our support team.',
'TICKETS_DESCRIPTION': 'Send ticket through our support center and get response of your doubts, suggestions and issues.',
'ARTICLES_DESCRIPTION': 'Take a look to our articles about common issues, guides and documentation.',
'ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION': 'All your tickets are stored in your accounts\'s profile. Keep track off all your tickets you send to our staff team.',
'SUPPORT_CENTER_DESCRIPTION': 'Welcome to our support center. You can contact us through a tickets system. Your tickets will be answered by our staff.',
'CUSTOM_RESPONSES_DESCRIPTION': 'Custom responses are automated responses for common problems',
'MY_TICKETS_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can view the tickets you are responsible for.',
'NEW_TICKETS_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can view all the new tickets that are not assigned by anyone.',
'ALL_TICKETS_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can view the tickets of the departments you are assigned.',
'TICKET_VIEW_DESCRIPTION': 'This ticket has been sent by a customer. Here you can respond or assign the ticket',
'BAN_USERS_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can see a list of banned emails, you can un-ban them or add more emails to the list.',
'LIST_USERS_DESCRIPTION': 'This is the list of users that are registered in this platform. You can search for someone in particular, delete it or ban it.',
'USER_VIEW_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can find all the information about an user and all the tickets sent by the user. You can also delete or ban it.',
'DELETE_USER_DESCRIPTION': 'The user will not be able to log in aging and all its tickets will be erased. Also, the email can not be used any more.',
'DELETE_TOPIC_DESCRIPTION': 'By deleting the topic, all articles on it will be erased.',
'EDIT_TOPIC_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can change the name, the icon and the icon color of the topic.',
'ADD_ARTICLE_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can add an article that will be available for every user. It will be added inside the category {category}.',
'LIST_ARTICLES_DESCRIPTION': 'This is a list of articles that includes information about our services.',
'ADD_TOPIC_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can add a topic that works as a category for articles.',
'DELETE_ARTICLE_DESCRIPTION': 'You\'re going to delete this article for ever.',
'STAFF_MEMBERS_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can see who are your staff members.',
'ADD_STAFF_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can add staff members to your teams.',
'EDIT_STAFF_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can edit information about a staff member.',
'MY_ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can edit information about you.',
'DEPARTMENTS_DESCRIPTION': 'A department is a group where the tickets can go. They are used to categorize the tickets. You can assign them to other staff members.',
'MAINTENANCE_MODE_DESCRIPTION': 'The support system is in maintenance mode, thus unavailable at the moment. We will come back as soon as possible.',
'EMAIL_TEMPLATES_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can edit the templates of the emails that will be sent to users. Remember that the double brackets curly braces indicate a variable value. For example, \'name\' represents the user\'s name.',
'SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_DESCRIPTION': 'Here you can edit the preferences of the system.',
'VERIFY_SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION': 'You user has been verified correctly. You can log in now.',
'VERIFY_FAILED_DESCRIPTION': 'The verification could not be done.',
'EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD': 'Email or password invalid',
'EMAIL_NOT_EXIST': 'Email does not exist',
'ERROR_EMPTY': 'Invalid value',
'ERROR_PASSWORD': 'Invalid password',
'ERROR_NAME': 'Invalid name',
'ERROR_TITLE': 'Invalid title',
'ERROR_EMAIL': 'Invalid email',
'ERROR_CONTENT_SHORT': 'Content too short',
'PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH': 'Password does not match',
'INVALID_RECOVER': 'Invalid recover data',
'TICKET_SENT_ERROR': 'An error occurred while trying to create the ticket.',
'TICKET_COMMENT_ERROR': 'An error occurred while trying to add the comment.',
'NO_PERMISSION': 'You\'ve no permission to access to this page.',
'INVALID_USER': 'User id is invalid',
'ERROR_RETRIEVING_TICKETS': 'An error occurred while trying to retrieve tickets.',
'ERROR_RETRIEVING_USERS': 'An error occurred while trying to retrieve users.',
'ERROR_RETRIEVING_BAN_LIST': 'An error occurred while trying to retrieve the list of banned emails.',
'ERROR_BANNING_EMAIL': 'An error occurred while trying to ban the email.',
'ERROR_RETRIEVING_ARTICLES': 'An error occurred while trying to retrieve articles.',
'ERROR_LIST': 'Select at least one',
'ERROR_URL': 'Invalid URL',
'UNVERIFIED_EMAIL': 'Email is not verified yet',
'ERROR_UPDATING_SETTINGS': 'An error occurred while trying to update settings',
'SIGNUP_SUCCESS': 'You have registered successfully in our support system.',
'TICKET_SENT': 'Ticket has been created successfully.',
'VALID_RECOVER': 'Password recovered successfully',
'EMAIL_EXISTS': 'Email already exists',
'ARE_YOU_SURE': 'Are you sure?',
'EMAIL_CHANGED': 'Email has been changed successfully',
'PASSWORD_CHANGED': 'Password has been changed successfully',
'OLD_PASSWORD_INCORRECT': 'Old password is incorrect',
'WILL_LOSE_CHANGES': 'You haven\'t save. Your changes will be lost.',
'WILL_DELETE_CUSTOM_RESPONSE': 'The custom response will be deleted.',
'WILL_DELETE_DEPARTMENT': 'The department will be deleted. All the tickets will be transfer to the department selected.',
'NO_STAFF_ASSIGNED': 'No staff member is assigned to this department.',
'LEVEL_UPDATED': 'Level has been updated successfully.',
'DEPARTMENTS_UPDATED': 'Departments have been updated successfully.',
'FAILED_EDIT_STAFF': 'An error occurred while trying to edit staff member.',
'EMAIL_BANNED_SUCCESSFULLY': 'Email has been banned successfully',
'WILL_DELETE_STAFF': 'This staff member will be deleted and all its tickets will be unassigned.',
'WILL_RECOVER_EMAIL_TEMPLATE': 'This email template will be recover to it\'s default value on this language.'
Reference in New Issue