* back-end y ruby test
* ruby test
* frontend part
* delete unused component
* resolve relevant github maxi comments
* delete .catch of getAllkeys
* fix github ivan comments
* add ruby test and minor changes
* search ruby test
* fix name checkticketpermission
* Delete one line break in table.js
* Add status icon in ticket title
* Compare new filters with previous filters
* Add ticket query filters
* Add departments and priority filters.
* Minor style changes in TagSelector and Tag
* Add content on selected items Autocomplete component
* Delete id prop from autocomplete component
* Add DateSelector and DateRange component.
* Delete compare function and add arrow orderby icon.
* Add dateRange and orderBy filters.
* Add minors changes of tabulations
* Minors changes of funtion name and constant name
* Minors changes of funtion name and constant name part 2.
* Transform SearchBox in a controlled component.
* Add Autocomplete and DateRange component int FormField.
* Add preventDefault event in DropDown.
* Create some customs list.
* Add TagSelector in FormField.
* Add private icon in autocomplete departments filters and correct some errors.
* Delete consoleLogs.
* Add ANY and TAGS (i18n).
* Add search-filters reducer.
* Add CLEAR (i18n).
* Add clear form button in ticket search.
* Correrct titel error in ticket search.
* Correrct style submit button in ticket search.
* Submit form not change orderBy.
* Replace AdminPanelAllTicekts to AdminPanelSearchTicket.
* Correct error when query is empty string.
* Change form style.
* Add show filters button.
* Add minors style changes.
* Add autors filters first part.
* Add autors filters second part.
* Apply filters when enter is pressed in searchbox.
* Change prop name to node proptype in tag component.
* Change search filter actions name.
* Change name of render arrow icon in ticketList Component.
* Fix an error with Autocomplete component.
* Restore demo page and system.
* Update ticket list test.
* Fix an error with timeout in autocomplete test.
* Delete custom ticket list in index.html.
* rder the functions in search-filters-reducer.
* Fix store undefine in session-action-test.
* fix import store in session action test.
* Delete unlock icon in ticket list.
* Change style in autocomplete component.
* Change size of lock icon in ticket list.
* Fix error with blacklist in authors autocomplete.
* Comment session action test.
* Fix test in get-authors.rb and searchTest.php
* Add onChange in tag-selector
* Fix some bugs and autocomplete authors.
* Wip
* wip
* wip
* wip
* Fix authors bugs in orderBy filter.
* Delete some consoleLogs in autocomplete component.
* Fix bug with authors filters when clicked custom list menu.
* Fix highlight menu item bug.
* Fix error when custom tickets list is undefined.
* change double quote to single quote in search filters reducer
* Fix error with get authors path in admin panel ticket search
* Add page in ticket search filters
* Join componentDidMount from Ticket QueryFilter and TicketQuery List in AdminPanelSearchTicket and add retrieveSearchTickets action in seartch ticket reducer.
* rename search tickets api to search tickets utils
* correct import of searchFiltersActions
* move some functions to search tickets utils and date transformer
* Fix bug with component did mount when custom tickets list menu option was clicked
* Fix bug with component did mount and closed filters in url
* Fix bug with authors filters in url when did mount search tickets page
* Fix bug with closed urlFilters in search tickets did mount
* Fix bug when change authors in urlFilters
* Fix bug with authors filters in retrieveSearchTickets action
* Delete changeCustomListFilters action
* Fix error with dateRange filters in retrieveSearchTickets action
* Add page in url
* Rename filtesForAPI to filtersForAPI in search filters reducer.
* Update Autocomplete test
* Fix error with get-authors-test
* fix bug with double request when search ticket page was mounted with item selected menu and delete custom param in url when custom ticket list form was edited
* Add separator line between form filters and tickets table and delete console log
* doubles the animation speed of show filters
* Show form filters in search tickets
* delete console log in session action
* wip
* Fix error with ticket list when custom list change.
* Fix bug with hover of date range component.
* Fix Autocomplete test.
* Fix error with autocomplete owners in ticket query filters component.
Co-authored-by: Ivan Diaz <ivan@opensupports.com>