use Respect\Validation\Validator as DataValidator;
DataValidator::with('CustomValidations', true);

 * @api {post} /ticket/edit-custom-response Edit a custom response.
 * @apiName Edit custom response
 * @apiGroup Ticket
 * @apiDescription This path edit a custom response.
 * @apiPermission Staff level 2
 * @apiParam {number} id Id of the custom response to edit.
 * @apiParam {string} content The new content of the custom response.
 * @apiParam {string} language The new language of the custom response.
 * @apiParam {string} name The new name of the custom response.
 * @apiError {String} message
 * @apiSuccess {Object} data

class EditCustomResponseController extends Controller {
    const PATH = '/edit-custom-response';
    const METHOD = 'POST';

    public function validations() {
        return [
            'permission' => 'staff_2',
            'requestData' => [
                'id' => [
                    'validation' => DataValidator::dataStoreId('customresponse'),
                    'error' => ERRORS::INVALID_NAME

    public function handler() {
        $customResponse = CustomResponse::getDataStore(Controller::request('id'));

        if (Controller::request('content')) {
            $customResponse->content = Controller::request('content', true);

        if (Controller::request('language')) {
            $customResponse->language = Controller::request('language');

        if (Controller::request('name')) {
            $customResponse->name = Controller::request('name');


        Log::createLog('EDIT_CUSTOM_RESPONSE', null);