'staff_1', 'requestData' => [ 'period' => [ 'validation' => DataValidator::in(['week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year']), 'error' => ERRORS::INVALID_PERIOD ] ] ]; } public function handler() { $this->generationNewStats(); $staffId = Controller::request('staffId'); if($staffId) { if($staffId !== Controller::getLoggedUser()->id && !Controller::isStaffLogged(3)) { Response::respondError(ERRORS::NO_PERMISSION); return; } $this->getStaffStat(); } else { $this->getGeneralStat(); } } public function generationNewStats() { $lastStatDay = Setting::getSetting('last-stat-day'); $previousCurrentDate = floor(Date::getCurrentDate()/10000)-1; if($lastStatDay->value !== $previousCurrentDate) { $begin = new DateTime($lastStatDay->value); $end = new DateTime($previousCurrentDate); $interval = new DateInterval('P1D'); $dateRange = new DatePeriod($begin, $interval ,$end); $staffList = Staff::getAll(); foreach($dateRange as $date) { $this->generateGeneralStat('CREATE_TICKET', $date); $this->generateGeneralStat('CLOSE', $date); $this->generateGeneralStat('SIGNUP', $date); $this->generateGeneralStat('COMMENT', $date); foreach($staffList as $staff) { $assignments = Ticketevent::count('type=? AND author_staff_id=? AND date LIKE ?',['ASSIGN',$staff->id, $date->format('Ymd') . '%']); $closed = Ticketevent::count('type=? AND author_staff_id=? AND date LIKE ?',['CLOSE',$staff->id, $date->format('Ymd') . '%']); $statAssign = new Stat(); $statAssign->setProperties([ 'date' => $date->format('Ymd'), 'type' => 'ASSIGN', 'general' => 0, 'value' => $assignments, ]); $statClose = new Stat(); $statClose->setProperties([ 'date' => $date->format('Ymd'), 'type' => 'CLOSE', 'general' => 0, 'value' => $closed, ]); $staff->ownStatList->add($statAssign); $staff->ownStatList->add($statClose); $staff->store(); } } $lastStatDay->value = $previousCurrentDate; $lastStatDay->store(); } } public function generateGeneralStat($type, $date) { $value = Log::count('type=? AND date LIKE ?',[$type, $date->format('Ymd') . '%']); $stat = new Stat(); $stat->setProperties([ 'date' => $date->format('Ymd'), 'type' => $type, 'general' => 1, 'value' => $value, ]); $stat->store(); } public function getGeneralStat() { $daysToRetrieve = $this->getDaysToRetrieve(); $statList = Stat::find('general=\'1\' ORDER BY id desc LIMIT ? ', [4 * $daysToRetrieve]); Response::respondSuccess($statList->toArray()); } public function getStaffStat() { $staffId = Controller::request('staffId'); $daysToRetrieve = $this->getDaysToRetrieve(); $statList = Stat::find('general=\'0\' AND staff_id=? ORDER BY id desc LIMIT ? ', [$staffId, 4 * $daysToRetrieve]); Response::respondSuccess($statList->toArray()); } public function getDaysToRetrieve() { $period = Controller::request('period'); $daysToRetrieve = 0; switch ($period) { case 'week': $daysToRetrieve = 7; break; case 'month': $daysToRetrieve = 30; break; case 'quarter': $daysToRetrieve = 90; break; case 'year': $daysToRetrieve = 365; break; } return $daysToRetrieve; } }