OpenSupports can work completely fine without a frontend. You could only use this API to manage the system. This documentation is intended for application developers who are looking to integrate OpenSupports with other applications. ## Request/Response Interface The API server is located in the `api/` folder of your OpenSupports' instance folder. **All the requests must be done via POST method**, with the exception of the path `/system/download`. The response object has the following JSON structure: ``` { status: ["success"/"fail"], message: [String], data: [Object/Array/String] } ``` * `status` indicates `"success"` if the request succeeded, else contains `"fail"` * `message` contains the message in case of failure. * `data` contains the returned data of the request. For each path, we will document first the *Parameters*, then the *success* content of the property `data`, and finally the possible error messages it can return. ## Session Permissions Some paths will not work if you're not logged in. All paths have documented a *"Permission"* that can be: * *any:* anyone can do a request, even if it's not logged in. * *user:* only logged regular users can do the request. * *staff1:* only a logged staff member with at least level 1 can do the request. * *staff2:* only a logged staff member with at least level 2 can do the request. * *staff3:* only a logged staff member with at least level 3 can do the request. To login, user or staff, you have to make a request to [/user/login](#api-User-Login) This request will return you the session data with an `userId` and a `token`. You will use these to validate the session every time you make a request that requires a logged user. **All the paths that have permission `user`, `staff1`, `staff2` or `staff3`, require *userId* and *token* to be passed as parameter**. You need to pass them as `csrf_userid` and `csrf_token` respectively. If you don't pass the userId and token, a `NO_PERMISSION` error will be returned.