/** * @api {post} /staff/get Get staff * @apiVersion 4.0.0 * * @apiName Get staff * * @apiGroup Staff * * @apiDescription This path retrieves information about a staff member. * * @apiPermission staff1 * * @apiParam {Number} staffId The id of the staff member to be searched. * * @apiUse NO_PERMISSION * * @apiSuccess {Object} data Information about a staff member * @apiSuccess {String} data.name Staff id * @apiSuccess {String} data.email Staff id * @apiSuccess {String} data.profilePic Staff id * @apiSuccess {Number} data.level Staff id * @apiSuccess {Boolean} data.staff Staff id * @apiSuccess {[Department](#api-Data_Structures-ObjectDepartment)[]} data.departments Array of departments that has assigned. * @apiSuccess {[Ticket](#api-Data_Structures-ObjectTicket)[]} data.tickets Array of tickets that has assigned. * */ /** * @api {get} /system/download Download file * @apiVersion 4.0.0 * * @apiName Download file * * @apiGroup System * * @apiDescription This path downloads a file. * * @apiPermission any * * @apiParam {String} file The filename to be downloaded. * * * @apiSuccess {Object} file File content * */ /** * @api {post} /system/init-settings Init settings * @apiVersion 4.0.0 * * @apiName Init settings * * @apiGroup System * * @apiDescription This path sets the initial settings. It can only be used once during installation. * * @apiPermission any * * @apiParam {String} language Indicates the default language of the system. * @apiParam {String} user-system-enabled Indicates if the user system should be enabled. * @apiParam {String} registration Indicates if the registration should be enabled. * * @apiUse INVALID_LANGUAGE * @apiUse INIT_SETTINGS_DONE * * @apiSuccess {Object} data Empty object * */ /** * @api {OBJECT} Staff Staff * @apiVersion 4.0.0 * @apiGroup Data Structures * @apiParam {String} name Name of the staff member. * @apiParam {String} email Email of the staff member. * @apiParam {String} profilePic profilePic url of the staff member. * @apiParam {Number} level Level of the staff member. * @apiParam {Object[]} departments The departments the staff member has assigned. * @apiParam {[Ticket](#api-Data_Structures-ObjectTicket)[]} tickets The tickets the staff member has assigned. * @apiParam {Number} lastLogin The last login of the staff member. */