
178 lines
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Executable File

* @api {OBJECT} Ticket Ticket
* @apiVersion 4.0.0
* @apiGroup Data Structures
* @apiParam {Number} ticketNumber The number of the ticket.
* @apiParam {String} title The title of the ticket.
* @apiParam {String} content The content of the ticket.
* @apiParam {Object} department The department of the ticket.
* @apiParam {Number} The id of the department of the ticket.
* @apiParam {String} The department's name of the ticket.
* @apiParam {String} file The filename of the ticket if attached.
* @apiParam {String} language The language of the ticket.
* @apiParam {Boolean} unread Indicates if the user has already read the last comment.
* @apiParam {Boolean} unreadStaff Indicates if the staff has already read the last comment.
* @apiParam {Boolean} closed Indicates if the ticket is closed.
* @apiParam {String} priority The priority of the ticket. It can be LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH.
* @apiParam {Object} author The author of the ticket.
* @apiParam {Number} The id of the author of the ticket.
* @apiParam {String} The author's name of the ticket.
* @apiParam {String} The author's email of the ticket.
* @apiParam {Object} owner The owner of the ticket.
* @apiParam {Number} The owner's id of the ticket.
* @apiParam {String} The owner's name of the ticket.
* @apiParam {String} The owner's email of the ticket.
* @apiParam {[TicketEvent](#api-Data_Structures-ObjectTicketevent)[]} events Events related to the ticket.
use RedBeanPHP\Facade as RedBean;
class Ticket extends DataStore {
const TABLE = 'ticket';
public static function getProps() {
return array(
public static function getTicket($value, $property = 'id') {
return parent::getDataStore($value, $property);
public static function getByTicketNumber($value) {
return Ticket::getTicket($value, 'ticketNumber');
public function getDefaultProps() {
return array(
'priority' => 'low',
'unread' => false,
'unreadStaff' => true,
'ticketNumber' => $this->generateUniqueTicketNumber()
public function store() {
public function generateUniqueTicketNumber() {
$linearCongruentialGenerator = new LinearCongruentialGenerator();
$ticketQuantity = Ticket::count();
if ($ticketQuantity === 0) {
$ticketNumber = $linearCongruentialGenerator->generateFirst();
} else {
$ticketNumber = $linearCongruentialGenerator->generate($ticketQuantity);
return $ticketNumber;
public function toArray() {
return [
'ticketNumber' => $this->ticketNumber,
'title' => $this->title,
'content' => $this->content,
'department' => [
'id' => $this->department->id,
'name' => $this->department->name
'date' => $this->date,
'file' => $this->file,
'language' => $this->language,
'unread' => !!$this->unread,
'unreadStaff' => !!$this->unreadStaff,
'closed' => !!$this->closed,
'priority' => $this->priority,
'author' => $this->authorToArray(),
'owner' => $this->ownerToArray(),
'events' => $this->eventsToArray()
public function authorToArray() {
$author = $this->author;
if ($author && !$author->isNull()) {
return [
'id' => $author->id,
'name' => $author->name,
'email' => $author->email
} else {
return [
'name' => $this->authorName,
'email' => $this->authorEmail
public function ownerToArray() {
$owner = $this->owner;
if ($owner && !$owner->isNull()) {
return [
'id' => $owner->id,
'name' => $owner->name,
'email' => $owner->email
} else {
return null;
public function eventsToArray() {
$events = [];
foreach ($this->ownTicketeventList as $ticketEvent) {
$event = [
'type' => $ticketEvent->type,
'content'=> $ticketEvent->content,
'author' => [],
'date'=> $ticketEvent->date,
'file'=> $ticketEvent->file
$author = $ticketEvent->getAuthor();
if(!$author->isNull()) {
$event['author'] = [
'id'=> $author->id,
'name' => $author->name,
'email' =>$author->email,
'profilePic' => ($author instanceof Staff) ? $author->profilePic : null,
'staff' => $author instanceof Staff
$events[] = $event;
return $events;
public function addEvent(Ticketevent $event) {