77 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File
77 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File
use Respect\Validation\Validator as DataValidator;
DataValidator::with('CustomValidations', true);
* @api {post} /staff/get Get staff
* @apiVersion 4.4.0
* @apiName Get staff
* @apiGroup Staff
* @apiDescription This path retrieves information about a staff member.
* @apiPermission staff1
* @apiParam {Number} staffId The id of the staff member to be searched.
* @apiSuccess {Object} data Information about a staff member
* @apiSuccess {String} data.name Name of the staff member
* @apiSuccess {String} data.email Elmail of the staff member
* @apiSuccess {String} data.profilePic Profile pic filename of staff member
* @apiSuccess {Number} data.level Level of staff member
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} data.staff Indicates that it is a staff (always true)
* @apiSuccess {[Department](#api-Data_Structures-ObjectDepartment)[]} data.departments Array of departments that has assigned.
* @apiSuccess {[Ticket](#api-Data_Structures-ObjectTicket)[]} data.tickets Array of tickets that has assigned.
* @apiSuccess {Boolean} data.sendEmailOnNewTicket Indicates if this member receives a mail when a ticket is created.
class GetStaffController extends Controller {
const PATH = '/get';
const METHOD = 'POST';
public function validations() {
return [
'permission' => 'staff_1',
'requestData' => []
public function handler() {
$user = Controller::getLoggedUser();
$userId = Controller::request('staffId');
$userRow = Staff::getDataStore($userId);
if($user->level == 3 && !$userRow->isNull()) {
$user = $userRow;
$parsedDepartmentList = [];
$departmentList = $user->sharedDepartmentList;
foreach($departmentList as $department) {
$parsedDepartmentList[] = [
'id' => $department->id,
'name' => $department->name,
'private' => $department->private
'name' => $user->name,
'email' => $user->email,
'profilePic' => $user->profilePic,
'level' => $user->level,
'staff' => true,
'departments' => $parsedDepartmentList,
'tickets' => $user->sharedTicketList->toArray(true),
'sendEmailOnNewTicket' => $user->sendEmailOnNewTicket