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# Pandora DB Stress tool
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Sancho Lerena,
# Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Configure here target (AGENT_ID for Stress)
my $target_module = -1; # -1 for all modules of that agent
my $target_agent = -1;
my $target_interval = 300;
my $target_days = 30;
# Includes list
use strict;
use Time::Local; # DateTime basic manipulation
use DBI; # DB interface with MySQL
use Date::Manip; # Date/Time manipulation
use Math::Trig; # Math functions
# Pandora Modules
use PandoraFMS::Config;
use PandoraFMS::Tools;
use PandoraFMS::DB;
my $version = "1.3-dev 070526";
# FLUSH in each IO (only for debug, very slooow)
$| = 0;
my %pa_config;
# Inicio del bucle principal de programa
pandora_init(\%pa_config,"Pandora DB Stress tool");
# Read config file for Global variables
pandora_loadconfig (\%pa_config,0); #Start like a data server
# open database, only ONCE. We pass reference to DBI handler ($dbh) to all subprocess
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$pa_config{'dbname'}:$pa_config{'dbhost'}:3306",$pa_config{'dbuser'}, $pa_config{'dbpass'}, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
print " [*] Working for agent ID $target_agent \n";
print " [*] Generating data of $target_days days ago \n";
print " [*] Interval for this workload is $target_interval \n";
# For each module of $target_agent_id
my $query_idag;
if ($target_agent ne -1){
if ($target_module ne -1){
$query_idag = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_agente = $target_agent AND id_agente_modulo = $target_module";
} else {
$query_idag = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_agente = $target_agent";
} else {
$query_idag = "select * from tagente_modulo";
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
my @data;
if ($s_idag->rows != 0) {
while (@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array()) {
# Fill this module with data !
process_module (\%pa_config, $data[0], $target_interval, $data[4], $target_days, $data[2], $data[1], $dbh);
print " [*] All work done\n\n";
# END of main proc
# SUB process_module ()
# Create a full range set of Pseudo random data for id_agente_modulo passed
# as second parameter. Depends on module_name to generate a random value
# (random) or periodic curve (cuve) values.
sub process_module(){
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $id_agentemodulo = $_[1];
my $target_interval = $_[2];
my $target_name = $_[3];
my $target_days = $_[4];
my $target_type = $_[5];
my $target_agent = $_[6];
my $dbh = $_[7];
my $factor;
$target_type = dame_nombretipomodulo_idagentemodulo ($pa_config, $target_type, $dbh);
my $valor = 0; # value storage for data generation
my $a; # loopcounter
my $b; # counter
print " [*] Processing module $target_name \n";
my $agent_name = dame_agente_nombre ($pa_config, $target_agent, $dbh);
my $err; # not used
# Init start time to now - target_days
my $fecha_actual = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
my $m_timestamp = DateCalc($fecha_actual,"- $target_days days",\$err);
my $mysql_date;
my $bUpdateDatos;
# Calculate how many iterations need to fill data range
# $target_days*min*sec / $target_interval
my $iterations = ($target_days * 24 * 60 * 60) / $target_interval;
print " [D] ID_AgenteMoludo $id_agentemodulo Interval $target_interval ModuleName $target_name Days $target_days Type $target_type Agent $target_agent \n";
open (LOG,">> pandora_dbstress.log");
# Generate MATH/Curve data for beautiful Drawings
if ( $target_name =~ /curve/i ){
# COS function to draw curves in a regular way
$b = 0;
for ($a=1;$a<$iterations;$a++){
$valor = 1 + cos(deg2rad($b));
$b = $b + $factor/10;
if ($b > 180){
$b =0;
$m_timestamp = DateCalc($m_timestamp,"+ $target_interval seconds",\$err);
$mysql_date = &UnixDate($m_timestamp,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
$valor = $valor * $b * 10;
$valor = sprintf("%.2f", $valor);
$valor =~ s/\,/\./g;
if (($a % 20) == 0) {
print "\r -> ".int($a / ($iterations / 100))."% generated for ($target_name) ";
pandora_lastagentcontact($pa_config, $mysql_date, $agent_name, "none","1.2", $target_interval, $dbh);
# print LOG $mysql_date, $target_name, $valor, "\n";
pandora_writestate ($pa_config,$agent_name,$target_type,$target_name,$valor,100,$dbh,$bUpdateDatos);
# Generate pseudo-random data for changing drawings
if ( $target_name =~ /random/i ){
# Random values over line a static line
for ($a=1;$a<$iterations;$a++){
$valor = rand(15) + rand(15) + rand(15) + rand(15) + rand(15) + rand(15);
$valor = sprintf("%.2f", $valor);
$valor =~ s/\,/\./g;
$m_timestamp = DateCalc($m_timestamp,"+ $target_interval seconds",\$err);
$mysql_date = &UnixDate($m_timestamp,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
if ($a % 20 == 0) {
print "\r -> ".int($a / ($iterations / 100))."% generated for ($target_name) ";
pandora_lastagentcontact($pa_config, $mysql_date, $agent_name, "none","1.2", $target_interval, $dbh);
#print LOG $mysql_date, $target_name, $valor, "\n";
pandora_writestate ($pa_config,$agent_name,$target_type,$target_name,$valor,100,$dbh,$bUpdateDatos);
# Generate pseudo-random data for boolean data
if ( $target_name =~ /boolean/i ){
for ($a=1;$a<$iterations;$a++){
$valor = rand(50);
if ($valor > 2){
$valor = 1;
} else {
$valor = 0;
$m_timestamp = DateCalc($m_timestamp,"+ $target_interval seconds",\$err);
$mysql_date = &UnixDate($m_timestamp,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
if ($a % 20 eq 0) {
print "\r -> ".int($a / ($iterations / 100))."% generated for ($target_name) ";
pandora_lastagentcontact($pa_config, $mysql_date, $agent_name, "none","1.2", $target_interval, $dbh);
#print LOG $mysql_date, $target_name, $valor, "\n";
pandora_writestate ($pa_config,$agent_name,$target_type,$target_name,$valor,$valor,$dbh,$bUpdateDatos);
# Generate pseudo-random data for boolean data
if ( $target_name =~ /text/i ){
for ($a=1;$a<$iterations;$a++){
$valor = pandora_trash_ascii (rand(100)+50);
$m_timestamp = DateCalc($m_timestamp,"+ $target_interval seconds",\$err);
$mysql_date = &UnixDate($m_timestamp,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
if ($a % 20 eq 0) {
print "\r -> ".int($a / ($iterations / 100))."% generated for ($target_name) ";
pandora_lastagentcontact($pa_config, $mysql_date, $agent_name, "none","1.2", $target_interval, $dbh);
#print LOG $mysql_date, $target_name, $valor, "\n";
pandora_writestate ($pa_config,$agent_name,$target_type,$target_name,$valor,100,$dbh,$bUpdateDatos);
close (LOG);
print "\n";