2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
< ? php
* Hook in Host & Devices for CSV import .
* @ category Wizard
* @ package Pandora FMS
* @ subpackage Host & Devices - CSV Import Agents
* @ version 1.0 . 0
* @ license See below
* ______ ___ _______ _______ ________
* | __ \ .-----.--.--.--| |.-----.----.-----. | ___ | | | __ |
* | __ /| _ | | _ || _ | _ | _ | | ___ | | __ |
* | ___ | | ___ . _ | __ | __ | _____ || _____ | __ | | ___ . _ | | ___ | | __ | _ | __ | _______ |
* ==========================================================
* Copyright ( c ) 2004 - 2023 Pandora FMS
* This code is NOT free software . This code is NOT licenced under GPL2 licence
* You cannnot redistribute it without written permission of copyright holder .
* ============================================================================
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
global $config ;
// Login check.
check_login ();
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
include $config [ 'homedir' ] . '/include/functions_inventory.php' ;
$action = ( string ) get_parameter ( 'action' , null );
if ( $action === 'create_demo_data' ) {
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
config_update_value ( 'demo_data_load_progress' , 0 );
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
$agents_num = ( int ) get_parameter ( 'agents_num' , 0 );
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
if ( $agents_num > 0 ) {
// Read all ini files.
$parsed_ini [] = parse_ini_file ( $config [ 'homedir' ] . '/extras/demodata/agents/linux.ini' , true , INI_SCANNER_TYPED );
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
$ag_groups_num = ( $agents_num / 10 );
// Create new group per group of ten agents that are to be created.
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $ag_groups_num ; $i ++ ) {
$group_name = db_get_value_sql (
' SELECT tg . nombre
FROM tdemo_data tdd INNER JOIN tgrupo tg ON tdd . item_id = tg . id_grupo
WHERE tdd . table_name = " t grupo "
ORDER BY tdd . id DESC '
if ( $group_name === false ) {
$group_last_id = 0 ;
} else {
$group_last_id = ( int ) explode ( ' ' , $group_name )[ 2 ];
if ( ! ( $group_last_id > - 1 )) {
echo json_encode ([ 'msg' => 'Demo group ID not valid' ]);
return ;
$demo_group_name = 'Demo group ' . ( $i + $group_last_id + 1 );
$created_group_id = groups_create_group ( $demo_group_name , []);
if ( $created_group_id > 0 ) {
$demo_group_ids [] = $created_group_id ;
// Register created demo item in tdemo_data.
$values = [
'item_id' => $created_group_id ,
'table_name' => 'tgrupo' ,
$result = ( bool ) db_process_sql_insert ( 'tdemo_data' , $values );
if ( $result === false ) {
// Rollback group creation.
db_process_sql_delete ( 'tgrupo' , [ 'id_grupo' => $created_group_id ]);
} else {
echo json_encode ([ 'msg' => 'Could not create demo agent group' ]);
return ;
$agents_created_count = 0 ;
$group_idx = 0 ;
$agent_alias = db_get_value_sql ( 'SELECT ta.alias FROM tdemo_data tdd INNER JOIN tagente ta ON tdd.item_id = ta.id_agente WHERE tdd.table_name="tagente" ORDER BY tdd.id DESC' );
if ( $agent_alias === false ) {
$agent_last_id = 0 ;
} else {
$agent_last_id = ( int ) explode ( ' ' , $agent_alias )[ 1 ];
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
// Traverse ini files and create items.
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
foreach ( $parsed_ini as $ini_so_data ) {
$agent_data = $ini_so_data [ 'agent_data' ];
$modules_data = $ini_so_data [ 'modules' ];
$inventory = $ini_so_data [ 'inventory' ];
$inventory_values = $ini_so_data [ 'inventory_values' ];
$address_network = $agent_data [ 'address_network' ];
$os_versions = $agent_data [ 'os_versions' ];
$os_name = $agent_data [ 'os_name' ];
// Get OS id given OS name.
$id_os = db_get_value_filter ( 'id_os' , 'tconfig_os' , [ 'name' => $os_name ]);
if ( $id_os === false ) {
// Create OS if does not exist.
$values = [ 'name' => $os_name ];
$id_os = ( bool ) db_process_sql_insert ( 'tconfig_os' , $values );
if ( $id_os === false ) {
continue ;
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
if ( $id_os > 0 ) {
// Register created OS in tdemo_data.
$values = [
'item_id' => $id_os ,
'table_name' => 'tconfig_os' ,
$result = ( bool ) db_process_sql_insert ( 'tdemo_data' , $values );
if ( $result === false ) {
// Rollback OS creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data.
db_process_sql_delete ( 'tconfig_os' , [ 'id_os' => $id_os ]);
continue ;
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
// Define agents to be created per group of 10.
$agents_per_os = [
'Linux' => 5 ,
'Windows' => 2 ,
'MAC OS' => 1 ,
'BSD' => 1 ,
'Cisco' => 1 ,
$agents_to_create = ( $ag_groups_num * $agents_per_os [ $os_name ]);
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $agents_to_create ; $i ++ ) {
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
$next_ip_address = calculateNextHostAddress ( $address_network );
$os_version = current ( $os_versions );
next ( $os_versions );
if ( current ( $os_versions ) === false ) {
reset ( $os_versions );
$agent_last_id ++ ;
$created_agent_id = agents_create_agent (
$agent_data [ 'agent_alias' ] . ' ' . $agent_last_id ,
$demo_group_ids [ $group_idx ],
// Default interval.
300 ,
$next_ip_address ,
false ,
false ,
$id_os ,
if ( $created_agent_id > 0 ) {
// Register created demo item in tdemo_data.
$values = [
'item_id' => $created_agent_id ,
'table_name' => 'tagente' ,
$result = ( bool ) db_process_sql_insert ( 'tdemo_data' , $values );
if ( $result === false ) {
// Rollback agent creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data.
db_process_sql_delete ( 'tagente' , [ 'id_agente' => $created_agent_id ]);
continue ;
$agents_created_count ++ ;
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
$percentage_inc = ((( $agents_created_count * 100 ) / $agents_to_create ) / count ( $parsed_ini ));
$current_progress_val = db_get_value_filter ( 'value' , 'tconfig' , [ 'token' => 'demo_data_load_progress' ]);
if ( $current_progress_val === false ) {
$current_progress_val = 0 ;
config_update_value ( 'demo_data_load_progress' , ( $current_progress_val + $percentage_inc ));
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
if (( $agents_created_count % 10 ) === 0 ) {
$group_idx ++ ;
// Create agent modules.
$module_access_idx = 1 ;
while ( 1 ) {
$modules_array = [];
foreach ( $modules_data as $key => $value ) {
$modules_array [ $key ] = ( $value [ $module_access_idx ] ? ? null );
$test_empty_array = array_filter ( $modules_array );
if ( empty ( $test_empty_array ) === true ) {
break ;
$id_tipo = db_get_value_filter ( 'id_tipo' , 'ttipo_modulo' , [ 'nombre' => $modules_array [ 'type' ]]);
$values = [
'unit' => $modules_array [ 'unit' ],
'descripcion' => $modules_array [ 'description' ],
'id_tipo_modulo' => $id_tipo ,
'id_module_group' => ( $modules_array [ 'group' ] ? ? 0 ),
$created_mod_id = modules_create_agent_module (
$created_agent_id ,
io_safe_input ( $modules_array [ 'name' ]),
if ( $created_mod_id > 0 ) {
// Register created demo item in tdemo_data.
$values = [
'item_id' => $created_mod_id ,
'table_name' => 'tagente_modulo' ,
$result = ( bool ) db_process_sql_insert ( 'tdemo_data' , $values );
if ( $result === false ) {
// Rollback agent module creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data.
db_process_sql_delete ( 'tagente_modulo' , [ 'id_agente_modulo' => $created_mod_id ]);
continue ;
// Insert module data.
$parsed = explode ( ';' , $modules_array [ 'values' ]);
if (( string ) $parsed [ 0 ] === 'RANDOM' ) {
$data = rand ( $parsed [ 1 ], $parsed [ 2 ]);
} else if (( string ) $parsed [ 0 ] === 'PROC' ) {
$probability = ( int ) $parsed [ 1 ];
$data = 0 ;
if ( $probability > 0 ) {
$randomNumber = rand ( 1 , 100 );
if ( $randomNumber <= $probability ) {
$data = 1 ;
$agent_data_values = [
'id_agente_modulo' => $created_mod_id ,
'datos' => $data ,
'utimestamp' => time (),
db_process_sql_insert ( 'tagente_datos' , $agent_data_values );
$module_access_idx ++ ;
// Create inventory modules.
$module_access_idx = 1 ;
$date_time = new DateTime ();
$current_date_time = $date_time -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
while ( 1 ) {
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
// Insert in tmodule_inventory.
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
$modules_array = [];
foreach ( $inventory as $key => $value ) {
$modules_array [ $key ] = ( $value [ $module_access_idx ] ? ? null );
$test_empty_array = array_filter ( $modules_array );
if ( empty ( $test_empty_array ) === true ) {
break ;
$values = [
'name' => $modules_array [ 'name' ],
'data_format' => $modules_array [ 'format' ],
'id_os' => 1 ,
$created_inventory_mod_id = inventory_create_inventory_module ( $values );
if ( $created_inventory_mod_id > 0 ) {
// Register created demo item in tdemo_data.
$values = [
'item_id' => $created_inventory_mod_id ,
'table_name' => 'tmodule_inventory' ,
$result = ( bool ) db_process_sql_insert ( 'tdemo_data' , $values );
if ( $result === false ) {
// Rollback inventory module if could not be registered in tdemo_data.
db_process_sql_delete ( 'tmodule_inventory' , [ 'id_module_inventory' => $created_inventory_mod_id ]);
continue ;
$module_access_idx ++ ;
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
// Insert in tagent_module_inventory and tagente_datos_inventory.
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
$field_idx = 1 ;
$values_array = explode ( ';' , $modules_array [ 'values' ]);
$selected_inventory_values = array_filter (
$inventory_values ,
function ( $key ) use ( $values_array ) {
return in_array ( $key , $values_array );
$data_lines = [];
while ( 1 ) {
$line_values = array_column ( $selected_inventory_values , $field_idx );
if ( empty ( array_filter ( $line_values )) === true ) {
break ;
$data_lines [] = implode ( ';' , $line_values );
$field_idx ++ ;
$data_str = implode ( '\n' , $data_lines );
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
$values = [
'id_agente' => $created_agent_id ,
'id_module_inventory' => $created_inventory_mod_id ,
'interval' => 300 ,
'utimestamp' => time (),
'timestamp' => $current_date_time ,
'data' => $data_str ,
$created_module_inventory_id = db_process_sql_insert ( 'tagent_module_inventory' , $values );
if ( $created_module_inventory_id > 0 ) {
// Register created demo item in tdemo_data.
$values = [
'item_id' => $created_module_inventory_id ,
'table_name' => 'tagent_module_inventory' ,
$result = ( bool ) db_process_sql_insert ( 'tdemo_data' , $values );
if ( $result === false ) {
// Rollback inventory module if could not be registered in tdemo_data.
db_process_sql_delete ( 'tagent_module_inventory' , [ 'id_agent_module_inventory' => $created_module_inventory_id ]);
continue ;
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
$inventory_data_values = [
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
'id_agent_module_inventory' => $created_module_inventory_id ,
'data' => $data_str ,
'utimestamp' => time (),
'timestamp' => $current_date_time ,
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
$created_inventory_data = db_process_sql_insert ( 'tagente_datos_inventory' , $inventory_data_values );
if ( $created_inventory_data > 0 ) {
// Register created inventory data element in tdemo_data.
$values = [
'item_id' => $created_inventory_data ,
'table_name' => 'tagente_datos_inventory' ,
$result = ( bool ) db_process_sql_insert ( 'tdemo_data' , $values );
if ( $result === false ) {
// Rollback inventory module if could not be registered in tdemo_data.
db_process_sql_delete (
'tagente_datos_inventory' ,
[ 'id_agent_module_inventory' => $created_inventory_data ]
continue ;
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
$demo_agents_count = db_get_value ( 'count(*)' , 'tdemo_data' , 'table_name' , 'tagente' );
echo json_encode ([ 'agents_count' => $demo_agents_count ]);
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
return ;
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
if ( $action === 'cleanup_demo_data' ) {
config_update_value ( 'demo_data_load_progress' , 0 );
$demo_items = db_get_all_rows_in_table ( 'tdemo_data' );
foreach ( $demo_items as $item ) {
$table_id_field_dict = [
'tconfig_os' => 'id_os' ,
'tagente' => 'id_agente' ,
'tgrupo' => 'id_grupo' ,
'tagente_modulo' => 'id_agente_modulo' ,
'tmodule_inventory' => 'id_module_inventory' ,
'tagent_module_inventory' => 'id_agent_module_inventory' ,
'tagente_datos_inventory' => 'id_agent_module_inventory' ,
$table_id_field = $table_id_field_dict [ $item [ 'table_name' ]];
$result = db_process_sql_delete (
$item [ 'table_name' ],
[ $table_id_field => $item [ 'item_id' ]]
if ( $result !== false ) {
db_process_sql_delete (
'tdemo_data' ,
[ 'item_id' => $item [ 'item_id' ]]
echo 1 ;
if ( $action === 'get_progress_bar' ) {
$operation = ( string ) get_parameter ( 'operation' );
if ( $operation === 'create' ) {
$current_progress_val = db_get_value_filter ( 'value' , 'tconfig' , [ 'token' => 'demo_data_load_progress' ]);
if ( $current_progress_val === false ) {
$current_progress_val = 0 ;
} else if ( $operation === 'cleanup' ) {
$demo_items_to_cleanup = ( int ) get_parameter ( 'demo_items_to_cleanup' );
$count_current_demo_items = db_get_value ( 'count(*)' , 'tdemo_data' );
$current_progress_val = ((( $demo_items_to_cleanup - $count_current_demo_items ) * 100 ) / $demo_items_to_cleanup );
echo $current_progress_val ;
return ;
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
function calculateNextHostAddress ( $ip ) {
list ( $network , $subnet ) = explode ( '/' , $ip );
// Convert the network address to an array of octets.
$octets = explode ( '.' , $network );
// Convert the last octet to an integer.
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
$lastOctet = ( int ) $octets [ 3 ];
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
// Increment the last octet, and wrap around if it exceeds 255.
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
$lastOctet = (( $lastOctet + 1 ) % 256 );
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
// Assemble the next host address.
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
$nextHost = implode ( '.' , [ $octets [ 0 ], $octets [ 1 ], $octets [ 2 ], $lastOctet ]);
2023-10-26 19:05:07 +02:00
2023-11-10 11:24:34 +01:00
return $nextHost . '/' . $subnet ;