2024-01-12 08:22:17 +01:00
< ? php
* This file is part of the Symfony package .
* ( c ) Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml ;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException ;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Tag\TaggedValue ;
* Parser parses YAML strings to convert them to PHP arrays .
* @ author Fabien Potencier < fabien @ symfony . com >
* @ final
class Parser
public const TAG_PATTERN = '(?P<tag>![\w!.\/:-]+)' ;
public const BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN = '(?P<separator>\||>)(?P<modifiers>\+|\-|\d+|\+\d+|\-\d+|\d+\+|\d+\-)?(?P<comments> +#.*)?' ;
public const REFERENCE_PATTERN = '#^&(?P<ref>[^ ]++) *+(?P<value>.*)#u' ;
private ? string $filename = null ;
private int $offset = 0 ;
private int $numberOfParsedLines = 0 ;
private ? int $totalNumberOfLines = null ;
private array $lines = [];
private int $currentLineNb = - 1 ;
private string $currentLine = '' ;
private array $refs = [];
private array $skippedLineNumbers = [];
private array $locallySkippedLineNumbers = [];
private array $refsBeingParsed = [];
* Parses a YAML file into a PHP value .
* @ param string $filename The path to the YAML file to be parsed
* @ param int $flags A bit field of Yaml :: PARSE_ * constants to customize the YAML parser behavior
* @ throws ParseException If the file could not be read or the YAML is not valid
public function parseFile ( string $filename , int $flags = 0 ) : mixed
if ( ! is_file ( $filename )) {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'File "%s" does not exist.' , $filename ));
if ( ! is_readable ( $filename )) {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'File "%s" cannot be read.' , $filename ));
$this -> filename = $filename ;
try {
return $this -> parse ( file_get_contents ( $filename ), $flags );
} finally {
$this -> filename = null ;
* Parses a YAML string to a PHP value .
* @ param string $value A YAML string
* @ param int $flags A bit field of Yaml :: PARSE_ * constants to customize the YAML parser behavior
* @ throws ParseException If the YAML is not valid
public function parse ( string $value , int $flags = 0 ) : mixed
if ( false === preg_match ( '//u' , $value )) {
throw new ParseException ( 'The YAML value does not appear to be valid UTF-8.' , - 1 , null , $this -> filename );
$this -> refs = [];
try {
$data = $this -> doParse ( $value , $flags );
} finally {
$this -> refsBeingParsed = [];
$this -> offset = 0 ;
$this -> lines = [];
$this -> currentLine = '' ;
$this -> numberOfParsedLines = 0 ;
$this -> refs = [];
$this -> skippedLineNumbers = [];
$this -> locallySkippedLineNumbers = [];
$this -> totalNumberOfLines = null ;
return $data ;
private function doParse ( string $value , int $flags ) : mixed
$this -> currentLineNb = - 1 ;
$this -> currentLine = '' ;
$value = $this -> cleanup ( $value );
$this -> lines = explode ( " \n " , $value );
$this -> numberOfParsedLines = \count ( $this -> lines );
$this -> locallySkippedLineNumbers = [];
$this -> totalNumberOfLines ? ? = $this -> numberOfParsedLines ;
if ( ! $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
return null ;
$data = [];
$context = null ;
$allowOverwrite = false ;
while ( $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty ()) {
if ( ! $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
return null ;
// Resolves the tag and returns if end of the document
if ( null !== ( $tag = $this -> getLineTag ( $this -> currentLine , $flags , false )) && ! $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
return new TaggedValue ( $tag , '' );
do {
if ( $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty ()) {
continue ;
// tab?
if ( " \t " === $this -> currentLine [ 0 ]) {
throw new ParseException ( 'A YAML file cannot contain tabs as indentation.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
Inline :: initialize ( $flags , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb (), $this -> filename );
$isRef = $mergeNode = false ;
if ( '-' === $this -> currentLine [ 0 ] && self :: preg_match ( '#^\-((?P<leadspaces>\s+)(?P<value>.+))?$#u' , rtrim ( $this -> currentLine ), $values )) {
if ( $context && 'mapping' == $context ) {
throw new ParseException ( 'You cannot define a sequence item when in a mapping.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
$context = 'sequence' ;
if ( isset ( $values [ 'value' ]) && '&' === $values [ 'value' ][ 0 ] && self :: preg_match ( self :: REFERENCE_PATTERN , $values [ 'value' ], $matches )) {
$isRef = $matches [ 'ref' ];
$this -> refsBeingParsed [] = $isRef ;
$values [ 'value' ] = $matches [ 'value' ];
if ( isset ( $values [ 'value' ][ 1 ]) && '?' === $values [ 'value' ][ 0 ] && ' ' === $values [ 'value' ][ 1 ]) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Complex mappings are not supported.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine );
// array
if ( isset ( $values [ 'value' ]) && str_starts_with ( ltrim ( $values [ 'value' ], ' ' ), '-' )) {
// Inline first child
$currentLineNumber = $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb ();
$sequenceIndentation = \strlen ( $values [ 'leadspaces' ]) + 1 ;
$sequenceYaml = substr ( $this -> currentLine , $sequenceIndentation );
$sequenceYaml .= " \n " . $this -> getNextEmbedBlock ( $sequenceIndentation , true );
$data [] = $this -> parseBlock ( $currentLineNumber , rtrim ( $sequenceYaml ), $flags );
} elseif ( ! isset ( $values [ 'value' ]) || '' == trim ( $values [ 'value' ], ' ' ) || str_starts_with ( ltrim ( $values [ 'value' ], ' ' ), '#' )) {
$data [] = $this -> parseBlock ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> getNextEmbedBlock ( null , true ) ? ? '' , $flags );
} elseif ( null !== $subTag = $this -> getLineTag ( ltrim ( $values [ 'value' ], ' ' ), $flags )) {
$data [] = new TaggedValue (
$subTag ,
$this -> parseBlock ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> getNextEmbedBlock ( null , true ), $flags )
} else {
if (
isset ( $values [ 'leadspaces' ])
&& (
'!' === $values [ 'value' ][ 0 ]
|| self :: preg_match ( '#^(?P<key>' . Inline :: REGEX_QUOTED_STRING . '|[^ \'"\{\[].*?) *\:(\s+(?P<value>.+?))?\s*$#u' , $this -> trimTag ( $values [ 'value' ]), $matches )
) {
$block = $values [ 'value' ];
if ( $this -> isNextLineIndented () || isset ( $matches [ 'value' ]) && '>-' === $matches [ 'value' ]) {
$block .= " \n " . $this -> getNextEmbedBlock ( $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation () + \strlen ( $values [ 'leadspaces' ]) + 1 );
$data [] = $this -> parseBlock ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb (), $block , $flags );
} else {
$data [] = $this -> parseValue ( $values [ 'value' ], $flags , $context );
if ( $isRef ) {
$this -> refs [ $isRef ] = end ( $data );
array_pop ( $this -> refsBeingParsed );
} elseif (
2024-01-24 11:47:02 +01:00
self :: preg_match ( '#^(?P<key>(?:![^\s]++\s++)?(?:' . Inline :: REGEX_QUOTED_STRING . '|[^ \'"\[\{!].*?)) *\:(( |\t)++(?P<value>.+))?$#u' , rtrim ( $this -> currentLine ), $values )
2024-01-12 08:22:17 +01:00
&& ( ! str_contains ( $values [ 'key' ], ' #' ) || \in_array ( $values [ 'key' ][ 0 ], [ '"' , " ' " ]))
) {
if ( $context && 'sequence' == $context ) {
throw new ParseException ( 'You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence.' , $this -> currentLineNb + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
$context = 'mapping' ;
try {
$key = Inline :: parseScalar ( $values [ 'key' ]);
} catch ( ParseException $e ) {
$e -> setParsedLine ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 );
$e -> setSnippet ( $this -> currentLine );
throw $e ;
if ( ! \is_string ( $key ) && ! \is_int ( $key )) {
throw new ParseException (( is_numeric ( $key ) ? 'Numeric' : 'Non-string' ) . ' keys are not supported. Quote your evaluable mapping keys instead.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine );
// Convert float keys to strings, to avoid being converted to integers by PHP
if ( \is_float ( $key )) {
$key = ( string ) $key ;
if ( '<<' === $key && ( ! isset ( $values [ 'value' ]) || '&' !== $values [ 'value' ][ 0 ] || ! self :: preg_match ( '#^&(?P<ref>[^ ]+)#u' , $values [ 'value' ], $refMatches ))) {
$mergeNode = true ;
$allowOverwrite = true ;
if ( isset ( $values [ 'value' ][ 0 ]) && '*' === $values [ 'value' ][ 0 ]) {
$refName = substr ( rtrim ( $values [ 'value' ]), 1 );
if ( ! \array_key_exists ( $refName , $this -> refs )) {
if ( false !== $pos = array_search ( $refName , $this -> refsBeingParsed , true )) {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Circular reference [%s] detected for reference "%s".' , implode ( ', ' , array_merge ( \array_slice ( $this -> refsBeingParsed , $pos ), [ $refName ])), $refName ), $this -> currentLineNb + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Reference "%s" does not exist.' , $refName ), $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
$refValue = $this -> refs [ $refName ];
if ( Yaml :: PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP & $flags && $refValue instanceof \stdClass ) {
$refValue = ( array ) $refValue ;
if ( ! \is_array ( $refValue )) {
throw new ParseException ( 'YAML merge keys used with a scalar value instead of an array.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
$data += $refValue ; // array union
} else {
if ( isset ( $values [ 'value' ]) && '' !== $values [ 'value' ]) {
$value = $values [ 'value' ];
} else {
$value = $this -> getNextEmbedBlock ();
$parsed = $this -> parseBlock ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $value , $flags );
if ( Yaml :: PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP & $flags && $parsed instanceof \stdClass ) {
$parsed = ( array ) $parsed ;
if ( ! \is_array ( $parsed )) {
throw new ParseException ( 'YAML merge keys used with a scalar value instead of an array.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
if ( isset ( $parsed [ 0 ])) {
// If the value associated with the merge key is a sequence, then this sequence is expected to contain mapping nodes
// and each of these nodes is merged in turn according to its order in the sequence. Keys in mapping nodes earlier
// in the sequence override keys specified in later mapping nodes.
foreach ( $parsed as $parsedItem ) {
if ( Yaml :: PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP & $flags && $parsedItem instanceof \stdClass ) {
$parsedItem = ( array ) $parsedItem ;
if ( ! \is_array ( $parsedItem )) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Merge items must be arrays.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $parsedItem , $this -> filename );
$data += $parsedItem ; // array union
} else {
// If the value associated with the key is a single mapping node, each of its key/value pairs is inserted into the
// current mapping, unless the key already exists in it.
$data += $parsed ; // array union
} elseif ( '<<' !== $key && isset ( $values [ 'value' ]) && '&' === $values [ 'value' ][ 0 ] && self :: preg_match ( self :: REFERENCE_PATTERN , $values [ 'value' ], $matches )) {
$isRef = $matches [ 'ref' ];
$this -> refsBeingParsed [] = $isRef ;
$values [ 'value' ] = $matches [ 'value' ];
$subTag = null ;
if ( $mergeNode ) {
// Merge keys
} elseif ( ! isset ( $values [ 'value' ]) || '' === $values [ 'value' ] || str_starts_with ( $values [ 'value' ], '#' ) || ( null !== $subTag = $this -> getLineTag ( $values [ 'value' ], $flags )) || '<<' === $key ) {
// hash
// if next line is less indented or equal, then it means that the current value is null
if ( ! $this -> isNextLineIndented () && ! $this -> isNextLineUnIndentedCollection ()) {
// Spec: Keys MUST be unique; first one wins.
// But overwriting is allowed when a merge node is used in current block.
if ( $allowOverwrite || ! isset ( $data [ $key ])) {
if ( null !== $subTag ) {
$data [ $key ] = new TaggedValue ( $subTag , '' );
} else {
$data [ $key ] = null ;
} else {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Duplicate key "%s" detected.' , $key ), $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine );
} else {
// remember the parsed line number here in case we need it to provide some contexts in error messages below
$realCurrentLineNbKey = $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb ();
$value = $this -> parseBlock ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> getNextEmbedBlock (), $flags );
if ( '<<' === $key ) {
$this -> refs [ $refMatches [ 'ref' ]] = $value ;
if ( Yaml :: PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP & $flags && $value instanceof \stdClass ) {
$value = ( array ) $value ;
$data += $value ;
} elseif ( $allowOverwrite || ! isset ( $data [ $key ])) {
// Spec: Keys MUST be unique; first one wins.
// But overwriting is allowed when a merge node is used in current block.
if ( null !== $subTag ) {
$data [ $key ] = new TaggedValue ( $subTag , $value );
} else {
$data [ $key ] = $value ;
} else {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Duplicate key "%s" detected.' , $key ), $realCurrentLineNbKey + 1 , $this -> currentLine );
} else {
$value = $this -> parseValue ( rtrim ( $values [ 'value' ]), $flags , $context );
// Spec: Keys MUST be unique; first one wins.
// But overwriting is allowed when a merge node is used in current block.
if ( $allowOverwrite || ! isset ( $data [ $key ])) {
$data [ $key ] = $value ;
} else {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Duplicate key "%s" detected.' , $key ), $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine );
if ( $isRef ) {
$this -> refs [ $isRef ] = $data [ $key ];
array_pop ( $this -> refsBeingParsed );
} elseif ( '"' === $this -> currentLine [ 0 ] || " ' " === $this -> currentLine [ 0 ]) {
if ( null !== $context ) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Unable to parse.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
try {
return Inline :: parse ( $this -> lexInlineQuotedString (), $flags , $this -> refs );
} catch ( ParseException $e ) {
$e -> setParsedLine ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 );
$e -> setSnippet ( $this -> currentLine );
throw $e ;
} elseif ( '{' === $this -> currentLine [ 0 ]) {
if ( null !== $context ) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Unable to parse.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
try {
$parsedMapping = Inline :: parse ( $this -> lexInlineMapping (), $flags , $this -> refs );
while ( $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
if ( ! $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty ()) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Unable to parse.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
return $parsedMapping ;
} catch ( ParseException $e ) {
$e -> setParsedLine ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 );
$e -> setSnippet ( $this -> currentLine );
throw $e ;
} elseif ( '[' === $this -> currentLine [ 0 ]) {
if ( null !== $context ) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Unable to parse.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
try {
$parsedSequence = Inline :: parse ( $this -> lexInlineSequence (), $flags , $this -> refs );
while ( $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
if ( ! $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty ()) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Unable to parse.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
return $parsedSequence ;
} catch ( ParseException $e ) {
$e -> setParsedLine ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 );
$e -> setSnippet ( $this -> currentLine );
throw $e ;
} else {
// multiple documents are not supported
if ( '---' === $this -> currentLine ) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Multiple documents are not supported.' , $this -> currentLineNb + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
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if ( isset ( $this -> currentLine [ 1 ]) && '?' === $this -> currentLine [ 0 ] && ' ' === $this -> currentLine [ 1 ]) {
2024-01-12 08:22:17 +01:00
throw new ParseException ( 'Complex mappings are not supported.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine );
// 1-liner optionally followed by newline(s)
if ( \is_string ( $value ) && $this -> lines [ 0 ] === trim ( $value )) {
try {
$value = Inline :: parse ( $this -> lines [ 0 ], $flags , $this -> refs );
} catch ( ParseException $e ) {
$e -> setParsedLine ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 );
$e -> setSnippet ( $this -> currentLine );
throw $e ;
return $value ;
// try to parse the value as a multi-line string as a last resort
if ( 0 === $this -> currentLineNb ) {
$previousLineWasNewline = false ;
$previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash = false ;
$value = '' ;
foreach ( $this -> lines as $line ) {
$trimmedLine = trim ( $line );
if ( '#' === ( $trimmedLine [ 0 ] ? ? '' )) {
continue ;
// If the indentation is not consistent at offset 0, it is to be considered as a ParseError
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if ( 0 === $this -> offset && isset ( $line [ 0 ]) && ' ' === $line [ 0 ]) {
2024-01-12 08:22:17 +01:00
throw new ParseException ( 'Unable to parse.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
if ( str_contains ( $line , ': ' )) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Mapping values are not allowed in multi-line blocks.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
if ( '' === $trimmedLine ) {
$value .= " \n " ;
} elseif ( ! $previousLineWasNewline && ! $previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash ) {
$value .= ' ' ;
if ( '' !== $trimmedLine && str_ends_with ( $line , '\\' )) {
$value .= ltrim ( substr ( $line , 0 , - 1 ));
} elseif ( '' !== $trimmedLine ) {
$value .= $trimmedLine ;
if ( '' === $trimmedLine ) {
$previousLineWasNewline = true ;
$previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash = false ;
} elseif ( str_ends_with ( $line , '\\' )) {
$previousLineWasNewline = false ;
$previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash = true ;
} else {
$previousLineWasNewline = false ;
$previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash = false ;
try {
return Inline :: parse ( trim ( $value ));
} catch ( ParseException ) {
// fall-through to the ParseException thrown below
throw new ParseException ( 'Unable to parse.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
} while ( $this -> moveToNextLine ());
if ( null !== $tag ) {
$data = new TaggedValue ( $tag , $data );
if ( Yaml :: PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP & $flags && 'mapping' === $context && ! \is_object ( $data )) {
$object = new \stdClass ();
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$object -> $key = $value ;
$data = $object ;
return empty ( $data ) ? null : $data ;
private function parseBlock ( int $offset , string $yaml , int $flags ) : mixed
$skippedLineNumbers = $this -> skippedLineNumbers ;
foreach ( $this -> locallySkippedLineNumbers as $lineNumber ) {
if ( $lineNumber < $offset ) {
continue ;
$skippedLineNumbers [] = $lineNumber ;
$parser = new self ();
$parser -> offset = $offset ;
$parser -> totalNumberOfLines = $this -> totalNumberOfLines ;
$parser -> skippedLineNumbers = $skippedLineNumbers ;
$parser -> refs = & $this -> refs ;
$parser -> refsBeingParsed = $this -> refsBeingParsed ;
return $parser -> doParse ( $yaml , $flags );
* Returns the current line number ( takes the offset into account ) .
* @ internal
public function getRealCurrentLineNb () : int
$realCurrentLineNumber = $this -> currentLineNb + $this -> offset ;
foreach ( $this -> skippedLineNumbers as $skippedLineNumber ) {
if ( $skippedLineNumber > $realCurrentLineNumber ) {
break ;
++ $realCurrentLineNumber ;
return $realCurrentLineNumber ;
private function getCurrentLineIndentation () : int
if ( ' ' !== ( $this -> currentLine [ 0 ] ? ? '' )) {
return 0 ;
return \strlen ( $this -> currentLine ) - \strlen ( ltrim ( $this -> currentLine , ' ' ));
* Returns the next embed block of YAML .
* @ param int | null $indentation The indent level at which the block is to be read , or null for default
* @ param bool $inSequence True if the enclosing data structure is a sequence
* @ throws ParseException When indentation problem are detected
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private function getNextEmbedBlock ( ? int $indentation = null , bool $inSequence = false ) : string
2024-01-12 08:22:17 +01:00
$oldLineIndentation = $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation ();
if ( ! $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
return '' ;
if ( null === $indentation ) {
$newIndent = null ;
$movements = 0 ;
do {
$EOF = false ;
// empty and comment-like lines do not influence the indentation depth
if ( $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty () || $this -> isCurrentLineComment ()) {
$EOF = ! $this -> moveToNextLine ();
if ( ! $EOF ) {
++ $movements ;
} else {
$newIndent = $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation ();
} while ( ! $EOF && null === $newIndent );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $movements ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
$unindentedEmbedBlock = $this -> isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem ();
if ( ! $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty () && 0 === $newIndent && ! $unindentedEmbedBlock ) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Indentation problem.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
} else {
$newIndent = $indentation ;
$data = [];
if ( $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation () >= $newIndent ) {
$data [] = substr ( $this -> currentLine , $newIndent ? ? 0 );
} elseif ( $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty () || $this -> isCurrentLineComment ()) {
$data [] = $this -> currentLine ;
} else {
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
return '' ;
if ( $inSequence && $oldLineIndentation === $newIndent && isset ( $data [ 0 ][ 0 ]) && '-' === $data [ 0 ][ 0 ]) {
// the previous line contained a dash but no item content, this line is a sequence item with the same indentation
// and therefore no nested list or mapping
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
return '' ;
$isItUnindentedCollection = $this -> isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem ();
$isItComment = $this -> isCurrentLineComment ();
while ( $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
if ( $isItComment && ! $isItUnindentedCollection ) {
$isItUnindentedCollection = $this -> isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem ();
$isItComment = $this -> isCurrentLineComment ();
$indent = $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation ();
if ( $isItUnindentedCollection && ! $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty () && ! $this -> isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem () && $newIndent === $indent ) {
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
break ;
if ( $this -> isCurrentLineBlank ()) {
$data [] = substr ( $this -> currentLine , $newIndent );
continue ;
if ( $indent >= $newIndent ) {
$data [] = substr ( $this -> currentLine , $newIndent );
} elseif ( $this -> isCurrentLineComment ()) {
$data [] = $this -> currentLine ;
} elseif ( 0 == $indent ) {
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
break ;
} else {
throw new ParseException ( 'Indentation problem.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
return implode ( " \n " , $data );
private function hasMoreLines () : bool
return ( \count ( $this -> lines ) - 1 ) > $this -> currentLineNb ;
* Moves the parser to the next line .
private function moveToNextLine () : bool
if ( $this -> currentLineNb >= $this -> numberOfParsedLines - 1 ) {
return false ;
$this -> currentLine = $this -> lines [ ++ $this -> currentLineNb ];
return true ;
* Moves the parser to the previous line .
private function moveToPreviousLine () : bool
if ( $this -> currentLineNb < 1 ) {
return false ;
$this -> currentLine = $this -> lines [ -- $this -> currentLineNb ];
return true ;
* Parses a YAML value .
* @ param string $value A YAML value
* @ param int $flags A bit field of Yaml :: PARSE_ * constants to customize the YAML parser behavior
* @ param string $context The parser context ( either sequence or mapping )
* @ throws ParseException When reference does not exist
private function parseValue ( string $value , int $flags , string $context ) : mixed
if ( str_starts_with ( $value , '*' )) {
if ( false !== $pos = strpos ( $value , '#' )) {
$value = substr ( $value , 1 , $pos - 2 );
} else {
$value = substr ( $value , 1 );
if ( ! \array_key_exists ( $value , $this -> refs )) {
if ( false !== $pos = array_search ( $value , $this -> refsBeingParsed , true )) {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Circular reference [%s] detected for reference "%s".' , implode ( ', ' , array_merge ( \array_slice ( $this -> refsBeingParsed , $pos ), [ $value ])), $value ), $this -> currentLineNb + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Reference "%s" does not exist.' , $value ), $this -> currentLineNb + 1 , $this -> currentLine , $this -> filename );
return $this -> refs [ $value ];
if ( \in_array ( $value [ 0 ], [ '!' , '|' , '>' ], true ) && self :: preg_match ( '/^(?:' . self :: TAG_PATTERN . ' +)?' . self :: BLOCK_SCALAR_HEADER_PATTERN . '$/' , $value , $matches )) {
$modifiers = $matches [ 'modifiers' ] ? ? '' ;
$data = $this -> parseBlockScalar ( $matches [ 'separator' ], preg_replace ( '#\d+#' , '' , $modifiers ), abs (( int ) $modifiers ));
if ( '' !== $matches [ 'tag' ] && '!' !== $matches [ 'tag' ]) {
if ( '!!binary' === $matches [ 'tag' ]) {
return Inline :: evaluateBinaryScalar ( $data );
return new TaggedValue ( substr ( $matches [ 'tag' ], 1 ), $data );
return $data ;
try {
if ( '' !== $value && '{' === $value [ 0 ]) {
$cursor = \strlen ( rtrim ( $this -> currentLine )) - \strlen ( rtrim ( $value ));
return Inline :: parse ( $this -> lexInlineMapping ( $cursor ), $flags , $this -> refs );
} elseif ( '' !== $value && '[' === $value [ 0 ]) {
$cursor = \strlen ( rtrim ( $this -> currentLine )) - \strlen ( rtrim ( $value ));
return Inline :: parse ( $this -> lexInlineSequence ( $cursor ), $flags , $this -> refs );
switch ( $value [ 0 ] ? ? '' ) {
case '"' :
case " ' " :
$cursor = \strlen ( rtrim ( $this -> currentLine )) - \strlen ( rtrim ( $value ));
$parsedValue = Inline :: parse ( $this -> lexInlineQuotedString ( $cursor ), $flags , $this -> refs );
if ( isset ( $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ]) && preg_replace ( '/\s*(#.*)?$/A' , '' , substr ( $this -> currentLine , $cursor ))) {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Unexpected characters near "%s".' , substr ( $this -> currentLine , $cursor )));
return $parsedValue ;
default :
$lines = [];
while ( $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
// unquoted strings end before the first unindented line
if ( 0 === $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation ()) {
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
break ;
$lines [] = trim ( $this -> currentLine );
for ( $i = 0 , $linesCount = \count ( $lines ), $previousLineBlank = false ; $i < $linesCount ; ++ $i ) {
if ( '' === $lines [ $i ]) {
$value .= " \n " ;
$previousLineBlank = true ;
} elseif ( $previousLineBlank ) {
$value .= $lines [ $i ];
$previousLineBlank = false ;
} else {
$value .= ' ' . $lines [ $i ];
$previousLineBlank = false ;
Inline :: $parsedLineNumber = $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb ();
$parsedValue = Inline :: parse ( $value , $flags , $this -> refs );
if ( 'mapping' === $context && \is_string ( $parsedValue ) && '"' !== $value [ 0 ] && " ' " !== $value [ 0 ] && '[' !== $value [ 0 ] && '{' !== $value [ 0 ] && '!' !== $value [ 0 ] && str_contains ( $parsedValue , ': ' )) {
throw new ParseException ( 'A colon cannot be used in an unquoted mapping value.' , $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $value , $this -> filename );
return $parsedValue ;
} catch ( ParseException $e ) {
$e -> setParsedLine ( $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 );
$e -> setSnippet ( $this -> currentLine );
throw $e ;
* Parses a block scalar .
* @ param string $style The style indicator that was used to begin this block scalar ( | or > )
* @ param string $chomping The chomping indicator that was used to begin this block scalar ( + or - )
* @ param int $indentation The indentation indicator that was used to begin this block scalar
private function parseBlockScalar ( string $style , string $chomping = '' , int $indentation = 0 ) : string
$notEOF = $this -> moveToNextLine ();
if ( ! $notEOF ) {
return '' ;
$isCurrentLineBlank = $this -> isCurrentLineBlank ();
$blockLines = [];
// leading blank lines are consumed before determining indentation
while ( $notEOF && $isCurrentLineBlank ) {
// newline only if not EOF
if ( $notEOF = $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
$blockLines [] = '' ;
$isCurrentLineBlank = $this -> isCurrentLineBlank ();
// determine indentation if not specified
if ( 0 === $indentation ) {
$currentLineLength = \strlen ( $this -> currentLine );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $currentLineLength && ' ' === $this -> currentLine [ $i ]; ++ $i ) {
++ $indentation ;
if ( $indentation > 0 ) {
$pattern = sprintf ( '/^ {%d}(.*)$/' , $indentation );
while (
$notEOF && (
|| self :: preg_match ( $pattern , $this -> currentLine , $matches )
) {
if ( $isCurrentLineBlank && \strlen ( $this -> currentLine ) > $indentation ) {
$blockLines [] = substr ( $this -> currentLine , $indentation );
} elseif ( $isCurrentLineBlank ) {
$blockLines [] = '' ;
} else {
$blockLines [] = $matches [ 1 ];
// newline only if not EOF
if ( $notEOF = $this -> moveToNextLine ()) {
$isCurrentLineBlank = $this -> isCurrentLineBlank ();
} elseif ( $notEOF ) {
$blockLines [] = '' ;
if ( $notEOF ) {
$blockLines [] = '' ;
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
} elseif ( ! $notEOF && ! $this -> isCurrentLineLastLineInDocument ()) {
$blockLines [] = '' ;
// folded style
if ( '>' === $style ) {
$text = '' ;
$previousLineIndented = false ;
$previousLineBlank = false ;
for ( $i = 0 , $blockLinesCount = \count ( $blockLines ); $i < $blockLinesCount ; ++ $i ) {
if ( '' === $blockLines [ $i ]) {
$text .= " \n " ;
$previousLineIndented = false ;
$previousLineBlank = true ;
} elseif ( ' ' === $blockLines [ $i ][ 0 ]) {
$text .= " \n " . $blockLines [ $i ];
$previousLineIndented = true ;
$previousLineBlank = false ;
} elseif ( $previousLineIndented ) {
$text .= " \n " . $blockLines [ $i ];
$previousLineIndented = false ;
$previousLineBlank = false ;
} elseif ( $previousLineBlank || 0 === $i ) {
$text .= $blockLines [ $i ];
$previousLineIndented = false ;
$previousLineBlank = false ;
} else {
$text .= ' ' . $blockLines [ $i ];
$previousLineIndented = false ;
$previousLineBlank = false ;
} else {
$text = implode ( " \n " , $blockLines );
// deal with trailing newlines
if ( '' === $chomping ) {
$text = preg_replace ( '/\n+$/' , " \n " , $text );
} elseif ( '-' === $chomping ) {
$text = preg_replace ( '/\n+$/' , '' , $text );
return $text ;
* Returns true if the next line is indented .
private function isNextLineIndented () : bool
$currentIndentation = $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation ();
$movements = 0 ;
do {
$EOF = ! $this -> moveToNextLine ();
if ( ! $EOF ) {
++ $movements ;
} while ( ! $EOF && ( $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty () || $this -> isCurrentLineComment ()));
if ( $EOF ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $movements ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
return false ;
$ret = $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation () > $currentIndentation ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $movements ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
return $ret ;
private function isCurrentLineEmpty () : bool
return $this -> isCurrentLineBlank () || $this -> isCurrentLineComment ();
private function isCurrentLineBlank () : bool
return '' === $this -> currentLine || '' === trim ( $this -> currentLine , ' ' );
private function isCurrentLineComment () : bool
// checking explicitly the first char of the trim is faster than loops or strpos
$ltrimmedLine = '' !== $this -> currentLine && ' ' === $this -> currentLine [ 0 ] ? ltrim ( $this -> currentLine , ' ' ) : $this -> currentLine ;
return '' !== $ltrimmedLine && '#' === $ltrimmedLine [ 0 ];
private function isCurrentLineLastLineInDocument () : bool
return ( $this -> offset + $this -> currentLineNb ) >= ( $this -> totalNumberOfLines - 1 );
private function cleanup ( string $value ) : string
$value = str_replace ([ " \r \n " , " \r " ], " \n " , $value );
// strip YAML header
$count = 0 ;
$value = preg_replace ( '#^\%YAML[: ][\d\.]+.*\n#u' , '' , $value , - 1 , $count );
$this -> offset += $count ;
// remove leading comments
$trimmedValue = preg_replace ( '#^(\#.*?\n)+#s' , '' , $value , - 1 , $count );
if ( 1 === $count ) {
// items have been removed, update the offset
$this -> offset += substr_count ( $value , " \n " ) - substr_count ( $trimmedValue , " \n " );
$value = $trimmedValue ;
// remove start of the document marker (---)
$trimmedValue = preg_replace ( '#^\-\-\-.*?\n#s' , '' , $value , - 1 , $count );
if ( 1 === $count ) {
// items have been removed, update the offset
$this -> offset += substr_count ( $value , " \n " ) - substr_count ( $trimmedValue , " \n " );
$value = $trimmedValue ;
// remove end of the document marker (...)
$value = preg_replace ( '#\.\.\.\s*$#' , '' , $value );
return $value ;
private function isNextLineUnIndentedCollection () : bool
$currentIndentation = $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation ();
$movements = 0 ;
do {
$EOF = ! $this -> moveToNextLine ();
if ( ! $EOF ) {
++ $movements ;
} while ( ! $EOF && ( $this -> isCurrentLineEmpty () || $this -> isCurrentLineComment ()));
if ( $EOF ) {
return false ;
$ret = $this -> getCurrentLineIndentation () === $currentIndentation && $this -> isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $movements ; ++ $i ) {
$this -> moveToPreviousLine ();
return $ret ;
private function isStringUnIndentedCollectionItem () : bool
return '-' === rtrim ( $this -> currentLine ) || str_starts_with ( $this -> currentLine , '- ' );
* A local wrapper for " preg_match " which will throw a ParseException if there
* is an internal error in the PCRE engine .
* This avoids us needing to check for " false " every time PCRE is used
* in the YAML engine
* @ throws ParseException on a PCRE internal error
* @ internal
2024-02-02 09:15:00 +01:00
public static function preg_match ( string $pattern , string $subject , ? array & $matches = null , int $flags = 0 , int $offset = 0 ) : int
2024-01-12 08:22:17 +01:00
if ( false === $ret = preg_match ( $pattern , $subject , $matches , $flags , $offset )) {
throw new ParseException ( preg_last_error_msg ());
return $ret ;
* Trim the tag on top of the value .
* Prevent values such as " !foo { quz: bar} " to be considered as
* a mapping block .
private function trimTag ( string $value ) : string
if ( '!' === $value [ 0 ]) {
return ltrim ( substr ( $value , 1 , strcspn ( $value , " \r \n " , 1 )), ' ' );
return $value ;
private function getLineTag ( string $value , int $flags , bool $nextLineCheck = true ) : ? string
if ( '' === $value || '!' !== $value [ 0 ] || 1 !== self :: preg_match ( '/^' . self :: TAG_PATTERN . ' *( +#.*)?$/' , $value , $matches )) {
return null ;
if ( $nextLineCheck && ! $this -> isNextLineIndented ()) {
return null ;
$tag = substr ( $matches [ 'tag' ], 1 );
// Built-in tags
if ( $tag && '!' === $tag [ 0 ]) {
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'The built-in tag "!%s" is not implemented.' , $tag ), $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $value , $this -> filename );
if ( Yaml :: PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS & $flags ) {
return $tag ;
throw new ParseException ( sprintf ( 'Tags support is not enabled. You must use the flag "Yaml::PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS" to use "%s".' , $matches [ 'tag' ]), $this -> getRealCurrentLineNb () + 1 , $value , $this -> filename );
private function lexInlineQuotedString ( int & $cursor = 0 ) : string
$quotation = $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ];
$value = $quotation ;
++ $cursor ;
$previousLineWasNewline = true ;
$previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash = false ;
$lineNumber = 0 ;
do {
if ( ++ $lineNumber > 1 ) {
$cursor += strspn ( $this -> currentLine , ' ' , $cursor );
if ( $this -> isCurrentLineBlank ()) {
$value .= " \n " ;
} elseif ( ! $previousLineWasNewline && ! $previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash ) {
$value .= ' ' ;
for (; \strlen ( $this -> currentLine ) > $cursor ; ++ $cursor ) {
switch ( $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ]) {
case '\\' :
if ( " ' " === $quotation ) {
$value .= '\\' ;
} elseif ( isset ( $this -> currentLine [ ++ $cursor ])) {
$value .= '\\' . $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ];
break ;
case $quotation :
++ $cursor ;
if ( " ' " === $quotation && isset ( $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ]) && " ' " === $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ]) {
$value .= " '' " ;
break ;
return $value . $quotation ;
default :
$value .= $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ];
if ( $this -> isCurrentLineBlank ()) {
$previousLineWasNewline = true ;
$previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash = false ;
} elseif ( '\\' === $this -> currentLine [ - 1 ]) {
$previousLineWasNewline = false ;
$previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash = true ;
} else {
$previousLineWasNewline = false ;
$previousLineWasTerminatedWithBackslash = false ;
if ( $this -> hasMoreLines ()) {
$cursor = 0 ;
} while ( $this -> moveToNextLine ());
throw new ParseException ( 'Malformed inline YAML string.' );
private function lexUnquotedString ( int & $cursor ) : string
$offset = $cursor ;
$cursor += strcspn ( $this -> currentLine , '[]{},: ' , $cursor );
if ( $cursor === $offset ) {
throw new ParseException ( 'Malformed unquoted YAML string.' );
return substr ( $this -> currentLine , $offset , $cursor - $offset );
private function lexInlineMapping ( int & $cursor = 0 ) : string
return $this -> lexInlineStructure ( $cursor , '}' );
private function lexInlineSequence ( int & $cursor = 0 ) : string
return $this -> lexInlineStructure ( $cursor , ']' );
private function lexInlineStructure ( int & $cursor , string $closingTag ) : string
$value = $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ];
++ $cursor ;
do {
$this -> consumeWhitespaces ( $cursor );
while ( isset ( $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ])) {
switch ( $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ]) {
case '"' :
case " ' " :
$value .= $this -> lexInlineQuotedString ( $cursor );
break ;
case ':' :
case ',' :
$value .= $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ];
++ $cursor ;
break ;
case '{' :
$value .= $this -> lexInlineMapping ( $cursor );
break ;
case '[' :
$value .= $this -> lexInlineSequence ( $cursor );
break ;
case $closingTag :
$value .= $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ];
++ $cursor ;
return $value ;
case '#' :
break 2 ;
default :
$value .= $this -> lexUnquotedString ( $cursor );
if ( $this -> consumeWhitespaces ( $cursor )) {
$value .= ' ' ;
if ( $this -> hasMoreLines ()) {
$cursor = 0 ;
} while ( $this -> moveToNextLine ());
throw new ParseException ( 'Malformed inline YAML string.' );
private function consumeWhitespaces ( int & $cursor ) : bool
$whitespacesConsumed = 0 ;
do {
$whitespaceOnlyTokenLength = strspn ( $this -> currentLine , ' ' , $cursor );
$whitespacesConsumed += $whitespaceOnlyTokenLength ;
$cursor += $whitespaceOnlyTokenLength ;
if ( isset ( $this -> currentLine [ $cursor ])) {
return 0 < $whitespacesConsumed ;
if ( $this -> hasMoreLines ()) {
$cursor = 0 ;
} while ( $this -> moveToNextLine ());
return 0 < $whitespacesConsumed ;