2014-05-05 16:57:10 +02:00
# (c) Ártica Soluciones Tecnológicas 2014 <info@artica.es>
# WMI Recon script.
use IO::Socket::INET ;
use POSIX qw( setsid strftime strftime ceil ) ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
# Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5' ;
use PandoraFMS::Tools ;
use PandoraFMS::DB ;
use PandoraFMS::Core ;
use PandoraFMS::Config ;
use PandoraFMS::NmapParser ;
# Pandora FMS configuration hash.
2014-05-10 04:09:44 +02:00
my $ OSNAME = $^O ;
my % CONF ;
if ( $ OSNAME eq "freebsd" ) {
% CONF = ( 'quiet' = > 0 ,
'verbosity' = > 1 ,
'daemon' = > 0 ,
'PID' = > '' ,
'pandora_path' = > '/usr/local/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf' ,
2014-08-07 12:43:25 +02:00
'networktimeout' = > 2 ,
'icmp_checks' = > 1 ,
2014-08-07 13:50:26 +02:00
'nmap_timing_template' = > 2 ,
2014-05-10 04:09:44 +02:00
'wmi_client' = > '/usr/local/bin/wmic' ) ;
} else {
% CONF = ( 'quiet' = > 0 ,
2014-05-05 16:57:10 +02:00
'verbosity' = > 1 ,
'daemon' = > 0 ,
'PID' = > '' ,
'pandora_path' = > '/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf' ,
2014-08-07 12:43:25 +02:00
'networktimeout' = > 2 ,
'icmp_checks' = > 1 ,
2014-08-07 13:50:26 +02:00
'nmap_timing_template' = > 2 ,
2014-05-05 16:57:10 +02:00
'wmi_client' = > '/usr/bin/wmic' ) ;
2014-05-10 04:09:44 +02:00
2014-05-05 16:57:10 +02:00
# If set to 1 incidents will be created in the Pandora FMS Console.
# Database connection handler.
my $ DBH ;
# ID of the group where new agents will be placed.
my $ GROUP_ID ;
# Comma separated list of target networks.
# ID of the recon task.
my $ TASK_ID ;
# Comma separated list of username%password tokens.
my $ WMI_AUTH ;
# Update recon task status.
sub update_recon_task ($$$) {
my ( $ DBH , $ id_task , $ status ) = @ _ ;
db_do ( $ DBH , 'UPDATE trecon_task SET utimestamp = ?, status = ? WHERE id_rt = ?' , time ( ) , $ status , $ id_task ) ;
# Show help
sub show_help {
print "\nPandora FMS WMI Recon Script.\n" ;
print "(c) Artica ST 2014 <info\@artica.es>\n\n" ;
print "Usage:\n\n" ;
print " $0 <task_id> <group_id> <create_incident_flag> <network> <wmi auth>\n\n" ;
print " * network: network to scan (e.g.\n" ;
print " * wmi auth: comma separated list of WMI authentication tokens in the format username%password (e.g. Administrador%pass)\n" ;
print "\n The other parameters are automatically filled by the Pandora FMS Server.\n\n\n" ;
exit ;
# Get SNMP response.
sub get_snmp_response ($$$) {
my ( $ target_timeout , $ target_community , $ addr ) = @ _ ;
# The OID used is the SysUptime OID
my $ buffer = `/usr/bin/snmpget -v 1 -r0 -t$target_timeout -OUevqt -c '$target_community' $addr . 2>/dev/null` ;
# Remove forbidden caracters
$ buffer =~ s/\l|\r|\"|\n|\<|\>|\&|\[|\]//g ;
return $ buffer ;
# Scan target networks for hosts and execute the given function on each
# host.
sub recon_scan ($$) {
my ( $ task , $ function ) = @ _ ;
# Timeout in ms.
2014-08-07 12:43:25 +02:00
my $ timeout = $ CONF { 'networktimeout' } * 1000 ;
2014-05-05 16:57:10 +02:00
# Added -PE to make nmap behave like ping and avoid confusion if ICMP traffic is blocked.
2014-08-07 12:43:25 +02:00
my $ nmap_args = '-nsP -PE --max-retries ' . $ CONF { 'icmp_checks' } . ' --host-timeout ' . $ timeout . ' -T' . $ CONF { 'nmap_timing_template' } ;
2014-05-05 16:57:10 +02:00
# Scan the network.
my $ np = new PandoraFMS:: NmapParser ;
$ np - > parsescan ( $ CONF { 'nmap' } , $ nmap_args , split ( ',' , $ task - > { 'subnet' } ) ) ;
my @ up_hosts = $ np - > all_hosts ( 'up' ) ;
my $ total_up = scalar ( @ up_hosts ) ;
my $ progress = 0 ;
foreach my $ host ( @ up_hosts ) {
$ progress + + ;
# Update the recon task or break if it does not exist anymore.
last if ( update_recon_task ( $ DBH , $ task - > { 'id_rt' } , ceil ( $ progress / ($total_up / 101 ) ) ) eq '0E0' ) ;
# Get the host address.
my $ addr = $ host - > addr ( ) ;
next unless ( $ addr ne '0' ) ;
# Execute the given function on the agent.
$ function - > ( $ task , $ addr ) ;
# Mark the recon task as done.
update_recon_task ( $ DBH , $ task - > { 'id_rt' } , - 1 ) ;
# Create a Pandora FMS agent for the given address if it does not exist.
sub create_pandora_agent ($$) {
my ( $ task , $ addr ) = @ _ ;
# Does the agent already exist?
my $ agent = get_agent_from_addr ( $ DBH , $ addr ) ;
if ( ! defined ( $ agent ) ) {
$ agent = get_agent_from_name ( $ DBH , $ addr ) ;
# Create the agent.
my $ agent_id = defined ( $ agent ) ? $ agent - > { 'id_agente' } : 0 ;
if ( $ agent_id <= 0 ) {
$ agent_id = pandora_create_agent ( \ % CONF , $ CONF { 'servername' } , $ addr , $ addr , $ GROUP_ID , 0 , 9 , '' , 300 , $ DBH , 0 ) ;
if ( $ agent_id <= 0 ) {
logger ( \ % CONF , "Error creating agent '$addr'." , 3 ) ;
return undef ;
# Generate an event
pandora_event ( \ % CONF , "[WMI RECON SCRIPT] New host [$addr] detected on network [" . $ task - > { 'subnet' } . ']' , $ GROUP_ID , $ agent_id , 2 , 0 , 0 , 'recon_host_detected' , 0 , $ DBH ) ;
push ( @ ADDED_HOSTS , $ addr ) ;
# Get the created agent.
$ agent = get_agent_from_name ( $ DBH , $ addr ) ;
return undef unless defined ( $ agent ) ;
# Add the new address if it does not exist
my $ addr_id = get_addr_id ( $ DBH , $ addr ) ;
$ addr_id = add_address ( $ DBH , $ addr ) unless ( $ addr_id > 0 ) ;
if ( $ addr_id <= 0 ) {
logger ( \ % CONF , "Could not add address '$addr' for host '$addr'." , 3 ) ;
return $ agent ;
# Assign the new address to the agent
my $ agent_addr_id = get_agent_addr_id ( $ DBH , $ addr_id , $ agent_id ) ;
if ( $ agent_addr_id <= 0 ) {
2015-05-14 12:16:54 +02:00
db_do ( $ DBH , 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (id_a, id_agent) VALUES (?, ?)' , $ addr_id , $ agent_id ) ;
2014-05-05 16:57:10 +02:00
return $ agent ;
# Returns the credentials with which the host responds to WMI queries or undef if it
# does not respond to WMI.
sub responds_to_wmi ($) {
my ( $ target ) = @ _ ;
my @ auth_array = defined ( $ WMI_AUTH ) ? split ( ',' , $ WMI_AUTH ) : ( '' ) ;
foreach my $ auth ( @ auth_array ) {
my @ output ;
if ( $ auth ne '' ) {
@ output = `$CONF{'wmi_client'} -U $auth //$target "SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem" 2>&1` ;
else {
@ output = `$CONF{'wmi_client'} -N //$target "SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem" 2>&1` ;
foreach my $ line ( @ output ) {
chomp ( $ line ) ;
return $ auth if ( $ line =~ m/^CLASS: Win32_ComputerSystem$/ ) ;
return undef ;
# Performs a wmi get requests and returns the response as an array.
sub wmi_get ($$$) {
my ( $ target , $ auth , $ query ) = @ _ ;
my @ output ;
if ( defined ( $ auth ) && $ auth ne '' ) {
@ output = `$CONF{'wmi_client'} -U $auth //$target "$query" 2>&1` ;
else {
@ output = `$CONF{'wmi_client'} -N //$target "$query" 2>&1` ;
# Something went wrong.
return ( ) if ( $? != 0 ) ;
return @ output ;
# Performs a WMI request and returns the requested column of the first row. Returns
# undef on error.
sub wmi_get_value ($$$$) {
my ( $ target , $ auth , $ query , $ column ) = @ _ ;
my @ result ;
my @ output = wmi_get ( $ target , $ auth , $ query ) ;
return undef unless defined ( $ output [ 2 ] ) ;
my $ line = $ output [ 2 ] ;
chomp ( $ line ) ;
my @ columns = split ( /\|/ , $ line ) ;
return undef unless defined ( $ columns [ $ column ] ) ;
return $ columns [ $ column ] ;
# Performs a WMI request and returns row values for the requested column in an array.
sub wmi_get_value_array ($$$$) {
my ( $ target , $ auth , $ query , $ column ) = @ _ ;
my @ result ;
my @ output = wmi_get ( $ target , $ auth , $ query ) ;
foreach ( my $ i = 2 ; defined ( $ output [ $ i ] ) ; $ i + + ) {
my $ line = $ output [ $ i ] ;
chomp ( $ line ) ;
my @ columns = split ( /\|/ , $ line ) ;
next unless defined ( $ columns [ $ column ] ) ;
push ( @ result , $ columns [ $ column ] ) ;
return @ result ;
# Create a WMI module for the given agent.
sub wmi_module ($$$$$$$$;$) {
my ( $ agent_id , $ target , $ wmi_query , $ wmi_auth ,
$ column , $ module_name , $ module_description , $ module_type ,
$ unit ) = @ _ ;
# Check whether the module already exists.
my $ module_id = get_agent_module_id ( $ DBH , $ module_name , $ agent_id ) ;
return if ( $ module_id > 0 ) ;
my ( $ user , $ pass ) = ( $ wmi_auth ne '' ) ? split ( '%' , $ wmi_auth ) : ( undef , undef ) ;
my % module = ( 'descripcion' = > safe_input ( $ module_description ) ,
'id_agente' = > $ agent_id ,
'id_modulo' = > 6 ,
'id_tipo_modulo' = > get_module_id ( $ DBH , $ module_type ) ,
'ip_target' = > $ target ,
'nombre' = > safe_input ( $ module_name ) ,
'plugin_pass' = > defined ( $ pass ) ? $ pass : '' ,
'plugin_user' = > defined ( $ user ) ? $ user : '' ,
'snmp_oid' = > $ wmi_query ,
'tcp_port' = > $ column ,
'unit' = > defined ( $ unit ) ? $ unit : '' ) ;
pandora_create_module_from_hash ( \ % CONF , \ % module , $ DBH ) ;
# Add wmi modules to the given host.
sub wmi_scan () {
my ( $ task , $ target ) = @ _ ;
my $ auth = responds_to_wmi ( $ target ) ;
return unless defined ( $ auth ) ;
# Create the agent if it does not exist.
my $ agent = create_pandora_agent ( $ task , $ target ) ;
next unless defined ( $ agent ) ;
# CPU.
my @ cpus = wmi_get_value_array ( $ target , $ auth , 'SELECT DeviceId FROM Win32_Processor' , 0 ) ;
foreach my $ cpu ( @ cpus ) {
wmi_module ( $ agent - > { 'id_agente' } , $ target , "SELECT LoadPercentage FROM Win32_Processor WHERE DeviceId='$cpu'" , $ auth , 1 , "CPU Load $cpu" , "Load for $cpu (%)" , 'generic_data' ) ;
# Memory.
my $ mem = wmi_get_value ( $ target , $ auth , 'SELECT FreePhysicalMemory FROM Win32_OperatingSystem' , 0 ) ;
if ( defined ( $ mem ) ) {
wmi_module ( $ agent - > { 'id_agente' } , $ target , "SELECT FreePhysicalMemory, TotalVisibleMemorySize FROM Win32_OperatingSystem" , $ auth , 0 , 'FreeMemory' , 'Free memory' , 'generic_data' , 'KB' ) ;
# Disk.
my @ units = wmi_get_value_array ( $ target , $ auth , 'SELECT DeviceID FROM Win32_LogicalDisk' , 0 ) ;
foreach my $ unit ( @ units ) {
wmi_module ( $ agent - > { 'id_agente' } , $ target , "SELECT FreeSpace FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DeviceID='$unit'" , $ auth , 1 , "FreeDisk $unit" , 'Available disk space in kilobytes' , 'generic_data' , 'KB' ) ;
## Main.
if ( $# ARGV < 4 ) {
show_help ( ) ;
# Passed by the server.
$ TASK_ID = $ ARGV [ 0 ] ;
$ GROUP_ID = $ ARGV [ 1 ] ;
# User defined parameters.
$ NETWORKS = $ ARGV [ 3 ] ;
$ WMI_AUTH = $ ARGV [ 4 ] ;
# Read the configuration file.
pandora_load_config ( \ % CONF ) ;
pandora_start_log ( \ % CONF ) ;
# Connect to the DB.
2015-05-12 16:30:05 +02:00
$ DBH = db_connect ( $ CONF { 'dbengine' } , $ CONF { 'dbname' } , $ CONF { 'dbhost' } , $ CONF { 'dbport' } , $ CONF { 'dbuser' } , $ CONF { 'dbpass' } ) ;
2014-05-05 16:57:10 +02:00
# Get the recon task from the database.
my $ task = get_db_single_row ( $ DBH , 'SELECT * FROM trecon_task WHERE id_rt = ?' , $ TASK_ID ) ;
die ( "Error retrieving recon task ID $TASK_ID\n" ) unless defined ( $ task ) ;
# Scan!
$ task - > { 'subnet' } = $ NETWORKS ;
$ task - > { 'id_group' } = $ GROUP_ID ;
recon_scan ( $ task , \ & wmi_scan ) ;