2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
< ? php
// Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Load global vars
global $config ;
check_login ();
require_once ( 'include/functions_modules.php' );
$module_id = get_parameter_get ( " id " , 0 );
$period = get_parameter ( " period " , 86400 );
$group = agents_get_agentmodule_group ( $module_id );
$agentId = get_parameter ( " id_agente " );
$freestring = get_parameter ( " freestring " );
// Select active connection
$connection = get_parameter ( " connection " , 'main' );
if ( $connection == 'history' && $config [ 'history_db_enabled' ] == 1 ) {
if ( ! isset ( $config [ 'history_db_connection' ]) || $config [ 'history_db_connection' ] === false ) {
$config [ 'history_db_connection' ] = db_connect ( $config [ 'history_db_host' ], $config [ 'history_db_name' ], $config [ 'history_db_user' ], $config [ 'history_db_pass' ], $config [ 'history_db_port' ], false );
$connection_handler = $config [ 'history_db_connection' ];
else {
$connection_handler = $config [ 'dbconnection' ];
$selection_mode = get_parameter ( 'selection_mode' , 'fromnow' );
2013-06-11 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* extensions/insert_data.php,
include/ajax/module.php, include/constants.php, operation/tree.php,
operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: fixed the date and time format
and set a help tip to say the Pandora's format.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@8287 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2013-06-11 15:14:48 +02:00
$date_from = ( string ) get_parameter ( 'date_from' , date ( DATE_FORMAT ));
$time_from = ( string ) get_parameter ( 'time_from' , date ( TIME_FORMAT ));
$date_to = ( string ) get_parameter ( 'date_to' , date ( DATE_FORMAT ));
$time_to = ( string ) get_parameter ( 'time_to' , date ( TIME_FORMAT ));
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
if ( ! check_acl ( $config [ 'id_user' ], $group , " AR " ) || $module_id == 0 ) {
db_pandora_audit ( " ACL Violation " ,
" Trying to access Agent Data view " );
require ( " general/noaccess.php " );
return ;
$table -> cellpadding = 3 ;
$table -> cellspacing = 3 ;
$table -> width = '98%' ;
$table -> class = " databox " ;
$table -> head = array ();
$table -> data = array ();
$table -> align = array ();
$table -> size = array ();
$moduletype_name = modules_get_moduletype_name ( modules_get_agentmodule_type ( $module_id ));
$offset = ( int ) get_parameter ( " offset " );
$block_size = ( int ) $config [ " block_size " ];
// The "columns" array is the number(and definition) of columns in the report:
// $columns = array(
// ....
// )
// For each row from the query, and for each column, we'll call the FUNCTION passing as argument
// the value of the ROW.
$columns = array ();
$datetime_from = strtotime ( $date_from . ' ' . $time_from );
$datetime_to = strtotime ( $date_to . ' ' . $time_to );
if ( $moduletype_name == " log4x " ) {
$table -> width = " 100% " ;
$sql_freestring = '%' . $freestring . '%' ;
if ( $selection_mode == " fromnow " ) {
$sql_body = sprintf ( " FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND message like '%s' AND utimestamp > %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC " , $module_id , $sql_freestring , get_system_time () - $period );
else {
$sql_body = sprintf ( " FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND message like '%s' AND utimestamp >= %d AND utimestamp <= %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC " , $module_id , $sql_freestring , $datetime_from , $datetime_to );
$columns = array (
" Sev " => array ( " severity " , " modules_format_data " , " align " => " center " , " width " => " 70px " ),
" Message " => array ( " message " , " modules_format_verbatim " , " align " => " left " , " width " => " 45% " ),
" StackTrace " => array ( " stacktrace " , " modules_format_verbatim " , " align " => " left " , " width " => " 50% " )
else if ( preg_match ( " /string/ " , $moduletype_name )) {
$sql_freestring = '%' . $freestring . '%' ;
if ( $selection_mode == " fromnow " ) {
$sql_body = sprintf ( " FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND datos like '%s' AND utimestamp > %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC " , $module_id , $sql_freestring , get_system_time () - $period );
else {
$sql_body = sprintf ( " FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND datos like '%s' AND utimestamp >= %d AND utimestamp <= %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC " , $module_id , $sql_freestring , $datetime_from , $datetime_to );
$columns = array (
2015-01-27 15:14:53 +01:00
" Data " => array ( " datos " , " modules_format_data " , " align " => " left " ),
" Time " => array ( " utimestamp " , " modules_format_time " , " align " => " center " ),
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
else {
if ( $selection_mode == " fromnow " ) {
$sql_body = sprintf ( " FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp > %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC " , $module_id , get_system_time () - $period );
else {
$sql_body = sprintf ( " FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp >= %d AND utimestamp <= %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC " , $module_id , $datetime_from , $datetime_to );
$columns = array (
" Data " => array ( " datos " , " modules_format_data " , " align " => " left " ),
" Time " => array ( " utimestamp " , " modules_format_time " , " align " => " center " )
$sql_body = io_safe_output ( $sql_body );
// Clean all codification characters
$sql = " SELECT * " . $sql_body ;
$sql_count = " SELECT count(*) " . $sql_body ;
$count = db_get_value_sql ( $sql_count , $connection_handler );
switch ( $config [ " dbtype " ]) {
case " mysql " :
$sql .= " LIMIT " . $offset . " , " . $block_size ;
break ;
case " postgresql " :
$sql .= " LIMIT " . $block_size . " OFFSET " . $offset ;
break ;
case " oracle " :
$set = array ();
$set [ 'limit' ] = $block_size ;
$set [ 'offset' ] = $offset ;
$sql = oracle_recode_query ( $sql , $set );
break ;
$result = db_get_all_rows_sql ( $sql , false , true , $connection_handler );
if ( $result === false ) {
$result = array ();
if (( $config [ 'dbtype' ] == 'oracle' ) && ( $result !== false )) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $result ); $i ++ ) {
unset ( $result [ $i ][ 'rnum' ]);
$header_title = __ ( 'Received data from' ) . " " . modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ( $module_id ) . " / " . modules_get_agentmodule_name ( $module_id );
echo " <form method='post' action='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente= " . $agentId . " &tab=data_view&id= " . $module_id . " '> " ;
echo " <h4> " . $header_title ;
if ( $config [ 'history_db_enabled' ] == 1 ) {
echo " " ;
html_print_select ( array ( 'main' => __ ( 'Main database' ), 'history' => __ ( 'History database' )), " connection " , $connection );
ui_print_help_tip ( __ ( 'Switch between the main database and the history database to retrieve module data' ));
echo " </h4> " ;
$formtable -> width = '98%' ;
$formtable -> class = " databox " ;
$formtable -> data = array ();
$formtable -> size = array ();
$formtable -> size [ 0 ] = '40%' ;
$formtable -> size [ 1 ] = '20%' ;
$formtable -> size [ 2 ] = '30%' ;
$formtable -> data [ 0 ][ 0 ] = html_print_radio_button_extended ( " selection_mode " , 'fromnow' , '' , $selection_mode , false , '' , 'style="margin-right: 15px;"' , true ) . __ ( " Choose a time from now " );
$formtable -> data [ 0 ][ 1 ] = html_print_extended_select_for_time ( 'period' , $period , '' , '' , '0' , 10 , true );
2015-01-27 15:45:12 +01:00
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 0 ] = html_print_radio_button_extended ( " selection_mode " , 'range' , '' , $selection_mode , false , '' , 'style="margin-right: 15px;"' , true ) . __ ( " Specify time range " );
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 1 ] = __ ( 'Timestamp from:' );
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 2 ] = html_print_input_text ( 'date_from' , $date_from , '' , 10 , 10 , true );
2013-06-07 11:13:08 +02:00
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 2 ] .= html_print_input_text ( 'time_from' , $time_from , '' , 9 , 7 , true );
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 1 ] .= '<br />' ;
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 1 ] .= __ ( 'Timestamp to:' );
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 2 ] .= '<br />' ;
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 2 ] .= html_print_input_text ( 'date_to' , $date_to , '' , 10 , 10 , true );
2013-06-07 11:13:08 +02:00
$formtable -> data [ 1 ][ 2 ] .= html_print_input_text ( 'time_to' , $time_to , '' , 9 , 7 , true );
2015-01-27 15:45:12 +01:00
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
if ( preg_match ( " /string/ " , $moduletype_name ) || $moduletype_name == " log4x " ) {
$formtable -> data [ 2 ][ 0 ] = __ ( 'Free text for search' );
$formtable -> data [ 2 ][ 1 ] = html_print_input_text ( " freestring " , $freestring , '' , 20 , 30 , true );
html_print_table ( $formtable );
echo '<div class="action-buttons" style="width:98%">' ;
html_print_submit_button ( __ ( 'Update' ), 'updbutton' , false , 'class="sub upd"' );
echo '</div>' ;
echo " </form><br /> " ;
$table -> width = '98%' ;
$index = 0 ;
foreach ( $columns as $col => $attr ) {
$table -> head [ $index ] = $col ;
if ( isset ( $attr [ " align " ]))
$table -> align [ $index ] = $attr [ " align " ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ " width " ]))
$table -> size [ $index ] = $attr [ " width " ];
$index ++ ;
$id_type_web_content_string = db_get_value ( 'id_tipo' , 'ttipo_modulo' ,
'nombre' , 'web_content_string' );
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$data = array ();
$is_web_content_string = ( bool ) db_get_value_filter ( 'id_agente_modulo' ,
'tagente_modulo' ,
array ( 'id_agente_modulo' => $row [ 'id_agente_modulo' ],
'id_tipo_modulo' => $id_type_web_content_string ));
foreach ( $columns as $col => $attr ) {
if ( $attr [ 1 ] != " modules_format_data " ) {
$data [] = $attr [ 1 ] ( $row [ $attr [ 0 ]]);
elseif (( $config [ 'command_snapshot' ]) && ( preg_match ( " /[ \n ]+/i " , $row [ $attr [ 0 ]]))) {
// Its a single-data, multiline data (data snapshot) ?
// Detect string data with \n and convert to <br>'s
$datos = preg_replace ( '/\n/i' , '<br>' , $row [ $attr [ 0 ]]);
$datos = preg_replace ( '/\s/i' , ' ' , $datos );
// Because this *SHIT* of print_table monster, I cannot format properly this cells
// so, eat this, motherfucker :))
$datos = " <span style='font-family: mono,monospace;'> " . $datos . " </span> " ;
// I dont why, but using index (value) method, data is automatically converted to html entities ¿?
$data [ $attr [ 1 ]] = $datos ;
elseif ( $is_web_content_string ) {
//Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web
//without HTML entities
$data [ $attr [ 1 ]] = io_safe_input ( $row [ $attr [ 0 ]]);
else {
// Just a string of alphanumerical data... just do print
//Fixed the data from Selenium Plugin
if ( $row [ $attr [ 0 ]] != strip_tags ( $row [ $attr [ 0 ]]))
$data [ $attr [ 1 ]] = io_safe_input ( $row [ $attr [ 0 ]]);
$data [ $attr [ 1 ]] = $row [ $attr [ 0 ]];
array_push ( $table -> data , $data );
if ( count ( $table -> data ) > 200 ) break ;
if ( empty ( $table -> data )) {
2013-05-23 17:42:32 +02:00
ui_print_error_message ( __ ( 'No available data to show' ));
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
else {
ui_pagination ( $count );
html_print_table ( $table );
unset ( $table );
2014-06-02 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* godmode/alerts/configure_alert_template.php,
godmode/agentes/planned_downtime.editor.php, godmode/setup/news.php,
include/ajax/module.php, include/functions.php,
include/functions_ui.php, extensions/insert_data.php,
operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php, operation/tree.php,
operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: fixed the i18n of the
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@10076 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2014-06-02 17:57:36 +02:00
ui_include_time_picker ();
2013-06-10 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* include/javascript/jquery.ui-timepicker-addon.js: updated the
datepicker for to avoid some found bugs.
* include/javascript/i18n: added translations for the datepicker.
* godmode/alerts/configure_alert_template.php,
include/ajax/module.php, include/functions_ui.php,
operation/tree.php, operation/agentes/status_monitor.php,
operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php, extensions/insert_data.php:
changed the code for to use the user/system language in the
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@8284 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2013-06-10 18:19:48 +02:00
ui_require_jquery_file ( " ui.datepicker- " . get_user_language (), " include/javascript/i18n/ " );
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
< script language = " javascript " type = " text/javascript " >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
$ ( " #text-time_from, #text-time_to " ) . timepicker ({
showSecond : true ,
2013-06-11 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* extensions/insert_data.php,
include/ajax/module.php, include/constants.php, operation/tree.php,
operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: fixed the date and time format
and set a help tip to say the Pandora's format.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@8287 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2013-06-11 15:14:48 +02:00
timeFormat : '<?php echo TIME_FORMAT_JS; ?>' ,
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
timeOnlyTitle : '<?php echo __(' Choose time ');?>' ,
timeText : '<?php echo __(' Time ');?>' ,
hourText : '<?php echo __(' Hour ');?>' ,
minuteText : '<?php echo __(' Minute ');?>' ,
secondText : '<?php echo __(' Second ');?>' ,
currentText : '<?php echo __(' Now ');?>' ,
closeText : '<?php echo __(' Close ');?>' });
2013-06-10 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* include/javascript/jquery.ui-timepicker-addon.js: updated the
datepicker for to avoid some found bugs.
* include/javascript/i18n: added translations for the datepicker.
* godmode/alerts/configure_alert_template.php,
include/ajax/module.php, include/functions_ui.php,
operation/tree.php, operation/agentes/status_monitor.php,
operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php, extensions/insert_data.php:
changed the code for to use the user/system language in the
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@8284 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2013-06-10 18:19:48 +02:00
2013-06-11 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* extensions/insert_data.php,
include/ajax/module.php, include/constants.php, operation/tree.php,
operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: fixed the date and time format
and set a help tip to say the Pandora's format.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@8287 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2013-06-11 15:14:48 +02:00
$ ( " #text-date_from, #text-date_to " ) . datepicker ({ dateFormat : " <?php echo DATE_FORMAT_JS; ?> " });
2013-06-10 Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
* include/javascript/jquery.ui-timepicker-addon.js: updated the
datepicker for to avoid some found bugs.
* include/javascript/i18n: added translations for the datepicker.
* godmode/alerts/configure_alert_template.php,
include/ajax/module.php, include/functions_ui.php,
operation/tree.php, operation/agentes/status_monitor.php,
operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php, extensions/insert_data.php:
changed the code for to use the user/system language in the
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@8284 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2013-06-10 18:19:48 +02:00
$ . datepicker . setDefaults ( $ . datepicker . regional [ " <?php echo get_user_language(); ?> " ]);
2013-04-10 18:59:42 +02:00
</ script >