2007-03-19 20:39:40 +01:00
// Pandora - the Free monitoring system
// ====================================
// Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
// Load global vars
$modules_server = 0;
$total_modules = 0;
$total_modules_data = 0;
if ((comprueba_login() == 0) AND (give_acl($id_user, 0, "AR")==1) ) {
// --------------------------------
// --------------------------------
if (give_acl($id_user, 0, "PM")==1){
if (isset($_GET["force"])) {
$id = entrada_limpia($_GET["force"]);
$sql = "UPDATE trecon_task set utimestamp = 0, status = -1 WHERE id_rt = $id ";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$id_server = $_GET["server_id"];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tserver where id_server = $id_server";
$server_name = $row["name"];
$id_server = $row[0];
echo "<h2>".$lang_label["server_detail"]." - $server_name </h2>";
// Show network tasks for Recon Server
if ($row["recon_server"]){
$sql = "SELECT * FROM trecon_task where id_network_server = $id_server";
// Connect DataBase
if (mysql_num_rows($result)){
echo "<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='4' withd='800'>";
echo "<tr><th class='datos'><th class='datos'>".$lang_label["task_name"]."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".$lang_label['interval']."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".$lang_label['network']."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".$lang_label['type']."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".$lang_label['status']."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".$lang_label['network_profile']."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".$lang_label['group']."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".$lang_label['progress']."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".$lang_label['lastupdate']."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'></th>";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){
if ($color == 1){
$tdcolor = "datos";
$color = 0;
else {
$tdcolor = "datos2";
$color = 1;
$id_rt = $row["id_rt"];
$name = $row["name"];
$status = $row["status"];
$utimestamp = $row["utimestamp"];
$interval = $row["interval_sweep"];
$create_incident = $row["create_incident"];
$id_network_server_assigned = $row["id_network_server_assigned"];
$subnet = $row["subnet"];
$id_group = $row["id_group"];
$id_network_profile = $row["id_network_profile"];
$type = $row["type"];
echo "<tr>";
// Name
echo "<td class='$tdcolor'>";
echo "<a href='index.php?sec=estado_server&sec2=operation/servers/view_server_detail&server_id=$id_server&force=$id_rt'><img src='images/target.gif' border='0'></A>";
echo "<td class='$tdcolor'>";
echo "<b>$name</b>";
// Interval
echo "<td class='$tdcolor'>";
if ($interval != 0){
if ($interval < 43200)
echo "~ ".floor ($interval / 3600)." ".$lang_label["hours"];
echo "~ ".floor ($interval / 86400)." ".$lang_label["days"];
} else
echo $interval;
// Subnet
echo "<td class='$tdcolor'>";
echo $subnet;
// Type
echo "<td class='$tdcolor' align='center'>";
if ($type == 1){
echo "ICMP";
elseif ($type == 2){
echo "SNMP";
// status
echo "<td class='$tdcolor' align='center'>";
if ($status == -1)
echo $lang_label["done"];
echo $lang_label["pending"];
// Network profile
echo "<td class='$tdcolor'>";
echo give_network_profile_name($id_network_profile);
// Group
echo "<td class='$tdcolor' align='center'>";
echo "<img class='bot' src='images/groups_small/".show_icon_group($id_group).".png'>";
// Progress
echo "<td class='$tdcolor' align='center'>";
if ($status < 0)
echo "-";
echo '<img src="reporting/fgraph.php?tipo=progress&percent='.$status.'&height=20&width=100">';
// Last execution
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."f9' >";
$keepalive = strftime ( "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S" , $utimestamp );
echo substr($keepalive,0,25)."</td>";
echo "<td class='$tdcolor'>";
if (give_acl($id_user, 0, "PM")==1){
2007-04-18 18:48:38 +02:00
echo "<a href='index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/manage_recontask_form&update=$id_rt'>";
2007-03-19 20:39:40 +01:00
echo "<img src='../images/wrench_orange.png'></A>";
echo "</table>";
2007-04-18 18:48:38 +02:00