263 lines
8.2 KiB
263 lines
8.2 KiB
// Example use of charset.hh in ../include/charset.hh.
// To compile, you need to make charset.hh accessible on the include path.
// Also, charset.hh includes my iconv wrapper, which is in ../include/Incover.hh,
// and depends on other things in that directory; those dependencies could be
// made to go away.
// This source file should be viewed using a UTF8 editor, and its output when run should be
// viewed on a UTF8 terminal.
#include "charset.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
using namespace pbe;
using namespace std;
void compile_time_tagged_strings_example()
// This example declares strings with compile-time-fixed character sets, converts
// them to other compile-time-fixed character sets, combines them, and checks for
// consistency:
cout << "\ncompile_time_tagged_strings_example:\n";
utf8_string french = "Le traité simplifié prêt à être soumis "
"à l'approbation des gouvernements";
latin1_string french_fixed = french.recode<latin1>();
utf8_string icelandic = "Smjörið er brætt og hveitið smátt og smátt hrært út í það";
latin1_string icelandic_fixed = icelandic.recode<latin1>();
utf8_string all = french + icelandic;
latin1_string all_fixed = french_fixed + icelandic_fixed;
if ((all.recode<latin1>() == all_fixed)
&& (all == all_fixed.recode<utf8>())) {
cout << "Pass, both strings are '" << all << "'\n";
void utf8_const_iterator_example()
// This example shows how a string with a variable-width
// character set can be iterated over character-at-a-time
// or "unit"-at-a-time.
cout << "\nutf8_const_iterator_example:\n";
utf8_string s = "Théâtre"; // My editor stores UTF8.
// Iterate "unit" (byte) at a time:
cout << "Here are the bytes of '" << s << "': " << hex;
for (utf8_string::const_iterator i = s.begin();
i != s.end(); ++i) {
char8_t c = *i;
cout << static_cast<unsigned int>(static_cast<uint8_t>(c)) << " ";
// Iterate character at a time:
cout << "\nHere are the characters of '" << s << "': ";
for (utf8_string::const_character_iterator i = s.begin();
i != utf8_string::const_character_iterator( s.end() ); ++i) {
utf8_char_t c = *i; // A 32-bit decoded Unicode character
cout << static_cast<unsigned int>(c) << " ";
cout << dec << "\n";
void utf8_output_iterator_example()
// This example shows how a string with a variable-width
// character set can be appended to using push_back and
// an output iterator.
cout << "\nutf8_output_iterator_example:\n";
utf8_string s;
for (utf8_char_t c=64; c<96; ++c) {
utf8_string::character_output_iterator i(s);
for (utf8_char_t c=150; c<200; ++c) {
*i++ = c;
// s.push_back(c);
cout << "Unicode characters 64 to 95 and 150 to 199:\n"
<< s << "\n";
void utf8_word_split_example()
// This example demonstrates a case where a "unit" rather than a character iterator for a
// UTF8 string is useful: because bytes < 128 can only ever represent single characters in
// UTF8, we can treat a UTF8 string as a sequence of bytes when spliting at spaces.
cout << "\nutf8_word_split_example:\n";
utf8_string s = "Yo también quemo la Corona española";
utf8_string::const_iterator i = s.begin();
utf8_string::const_iterator e = s.end();
utf8_string::const_iterator j;
do {
j = find(i,e,' ');
utf8_string word(i,j);
cout << word << "\n";
i = j+1;
} while (j != e);
void ucs4_line_wrap_example()
// Sometimes a random-access character iterator is needed, but an iso_8859 or similar byte
// character set can't be used because the characters in the content are not restricted.
// In this case, ucs4 is normally the best choice - though its requirement for 4 bytes per
// character may be considered a disadvantage in memory-limited applications.
// This example uses random access to break a string into lines of <=40 characters each.
cout << "\nucs4_line_wrap_example:\n";
utf8_string text_var = "Партия Единая Россия отказалась от формирования первой "
"тройки федерального списка - его возглавил только президент "
"Владимир Путин. Такое решение было принято на съезде Единой "
"России во вторник. Накануне президент России дал согласие "
"возглавить список Единой России на выборах в Госдуму.";
ucs4_string text_fixed = text_var.recode<ucs4>();
for (unsigned int i=39; i<text_fixed.length(); i+=40) {
while (text_fixed[i]!=' ') {
text_fixed[i] = '\n';
cout << text_fixed.recode<utf8>() << "\n";
// This example shows how a library-user can make a new character set available.
// The example is the KOI8 character set, a fixed-width byte character set containing
// cyrillic and latin characters.
////// This section needs some attention from a preprocessor expert; I want to use
////// a counter of some sort to allocate new charset_t values with a macro:
////// PBE_DEFINE_CHARSET(koi8);
////// But I can't see a good way to do it. For the time being, I'll choose a value
////// manually:
const charset_t koi8 = static_cast<charset_t>(25);
// Define charset_traits for KOI8:
namespace pbe {
template <>
struct charset_traits<koi8> {
typedef char8_t unit_t;
typedef char8_t char_t;
typedef tagged_string<koi8> koi8_string;
void user_defined_charset_example()
charset_names[koi8] = "koi8";
cout << "\nuser_defined_charset_example:\n";
// We'll convert a string back and forth between utf8 and koi8:
utf8_string u = "Код Обмена Информацией, 8 бит";
koi8_string k = u.recode<koi8>();
utf8_string u2 = k.recode<utf8>();
// KOI8 is a more compact encoiding than UTF8 for cyrillic:
cout << "Length of UTF8 string = " << u2.length()
<< ", length of KOI8 string = " << k.length() << "\n";
void runtime_tagged_example()
// This example shows how character sets known only at run-time can be used.
// This is motivated by multipart MIME email, where each part can have a different
// character set. But since MIME is rather complex to parse, this example uses
// the following simpler format: the input byte sequence consists of a character
// set name (in ascii) followed by data using that character set enclosed in {},
// followed by further content in another character set, and so on.
// This example first creates such a message and then decomposes it.
cout << "\nruntime_tagged_example:\n";
// We'll store the hybrid message in a std::string.
string message =
string("utf8{") + "El catalán, moneda lingüística" + "}"
+ "iso-8859-1{" + utf8_string("får årets Nobelpris i litteratur.").recode<latin1>() + "}";
// + "ucs2{" + utf8_string("Директором СВР назначен Михаил Фрадков").recode<ucs2>() + "}";
// Now parse it into a list of run-time-tagged strings:
typedef list<rt_tagged_string> strings_t;
strings_t strings;
string::const_iterator i = message.begin();
string::const_iterator e = message.end();
while (i != e) {
string::const_iterator j = find(i,e,'{');
string charset_name(i,j);
string::const_iterator k = find(j,e,'}');
string content(j+1,k);
rt_tagged_string s(lookup_charset(charset_name),content);
i = k+1;
// Output the parsed strings, converting to UTF8 to do so:
for (strings_t::const_iterator a = strings.begin();
a != strings.end(); ++a) {
utf8_string u = a->recode<utf8>();
cout << u << "\n";
// The following examples illustrate planned functionality that's not yet implemented:
#if 1
int main()
// These examples work:
// These examples don't yet work:
#if 1
return 0;