2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
package PandoraFMS::Config ;
2008-07-22 17:52:34 +02:00
# Configuration Package
# Pandora FMS. the Flexible Monitoring System. http://www.pandorafms.org
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
2008-02-20 03:09:36 +01:00
# Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; at version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
use warnings ;
use Time::Local ;
use Date::Manip ;
use PandoraFMS::Tools ;
use PandoraFMS::DB ;
require Exporter ;
our @ ISA = ( "Exporter" ) ;
our % EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' = > [ qw( ) ] ) ;
our @ EXPORT_OK = ( @ { $ EXPORT_TAGS { 'all' } } ) ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
our @ EXPORT = qw(
) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
# There is no global vars, all variables (setup) passed as hash reference
# version: Defines actual version of Pandora Server for this module only
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
my $ pandora_version = "2.0-dev" ;
2008-04-23 17:06:48 +02:00
my $ pandora_build = "PS080422" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
our $ VERSION = $ pandora_version . " " . $ pandora_build ;
# Setup hash
my % pa_config ;
# Public functions
# SUB pandora_help_screen()
# Show a help screen an exits
sub help_screen {
2008-04-17 17:05:35 +02:00
printf "\nSyntax: \n\n pandora_server [ options ] < fullpathname to configuration file > \n\n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
printf "Following options are optional : \n" ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
printf " -v : Verbose mode activated, give more information in logfile \n" ;
printf " -d : Debug mode activated, give extensive information in logfile \n" ;
printf " -D : Daemon mode (runs in backgroup)\n" ;
printf " -P <file> : Store PID to file.\n" ;
printf " -q : Quiet startup\n" ;
printf " -h : This screen, show a little help screen \n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
printf " \n" ;
exit ;
# SUB pandora_init ( %pandora_cfg )
# Makes the initial parameter parsing, initializing and error checking
sub pandora_init {
my $ pa_config = $ _ [ 0 ] ;
my $ init_string = $ _ [ 1 ] ;
2008-02-20 03:09:36 +01:00
printf "\n$init_string $pandora_version Build $pandora_build Copyright (c) 2004-2008 ArticaST\n" ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
printf "This program is OpenSource, licensed under the terms of GPL License version 2.\n" ;
printf "You can download latest versions and documentation at http://pandora.sourceforge.net \n\n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
# Load config file from command line
if ( $# ARGV == - 1 ) {
2007-08-02 20:30:10 +02:00
print "I Need at least one parameter: Complete path to Pandora FMS Server configuration file. \n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
help_screen ;
exit ;
$ pa_config - > { "verbosity" } = 1 ; # Verbose 1 by default
$ pa_config - > { "daemon" } = 0 ; # Daemon 0 by default
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
$ pa_config - > { 'PID' } = "" ; # PID file not exist by default
$ pa_config - > { "quiet" } = 0 ; # Daemon 0 by default
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
# If there are not valid parameters
my $ parametro ;
my $ ltotal = $# ARGV ; my $ ax ;
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
for ( $ ax = 0 ; $ ax <= $ ltotal ; $ ax + + ) {
$ parametro = $ ARGV [ $ ax ] ;
if ( ( $ parametro =~ m/-h\z/i ) || ( $ parametro =~ m/help\z/i ) ) {
help_screen ( ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/-v\z/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "verbosity" } = 5 ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^-P\z/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'PID' } = clean_blank ( $ ARGV [ $ ax + 1 ] ) ;
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/-d\z/ ) {
$ pa_config - > { "verbosity" } = 10 ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/-q\z/ ) {
$ pa_config - > { "quiet" } = 1 ;
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/-D\z/ ) {
$ pa_config - > { "daemon" } = 1 ;
else {
( $ pa_config - > { "pandora_path" } = $ parametro ) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
if ( $ pa_config - > { "pandora_path" } eq "" ) {
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
print " [ERROR] I Need at least one parameter: Complete path to Pandora FMS configuration file. \n" ;
print " For example: ./pandora_server /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf\n\n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
exit ;
# Read external configuration file
sub pandora_loadconfig {
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
my $ pa_config = $ _ [ 0 ] ;
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
my $ opmode = $ _ [ 1 ] ; # 0 dataserver, 1 network server, 2 snmp console
# 3 recon srv, 4 plugin srv, 5 prediction srv
2008-04-07 00:11:16 +02:00
# 6 WMI server, 7 export server
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
my $ archivo_cfg = $ pa_config - > { 'pandora_path' } ;
my $ buffer_line ;
my @ command_line ;
my $ tbuf ;
# Default values
$ pa_config - > { 'version' } = $ pandora_version ;
$ pa_config - > { 'build' } = $ pandora_build ;
$ pa_config - > { "dbuser" } = "pandora" ;
$ pa_config - > { "dbpass" } = "pandora" ;
$ pa_config - > { "dbhost" } = "localhost" ;
$ pa_config - > { "dbname" } = "pandora" ;
$ pa_config - > { "basepath" } = $ pa_config - > { 'pandora_path' } ; # Compatibility with Pandora 1.1
$ pa_config - > { "incomingdir" } = "/var/spool/pandora/data_in" ;
$ pa_config - > { "server_threshold" } = 30 ;
$ pa_config - > { "alert_threshold" } = 60 ;
$ pa_config - > { "logfile" } = "/var/log/pandora_server.log" ;
$ pa_config - > { "errorlogfile" } = "/var/log/pandora_server.error" ;
2008-06-17 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* config.pm: Added options for xprobe2, and autocreate.
* tools.pm: Added functions pandora_create_agent(), pandora_get_os(),
and pandora_event() (this has been moved from DB.pm).
* pandora_server.conf: Added options for xprobe2, autocreate and
* pandora_network: Added support for TCP scanning (not implemented in
console yet), parent detection using traceroute, OS fingerprinting with
xprobe2, event creation using central functions, and some optimizations.
* pandora_server: Added support for agent autocreation, OS detection from
the XML header, and event notification "new_agent" type.
* pandora_recon: First code to implement traceroute functionality
using Pureperl module. Added code for remote OS fingerprinting.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@874 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2008-06-17 19:26:03 +02:00
$ pa_config - > { "networktimeout" } = 5 ; # By default, not in config file yet
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
$ pa_config - > { "pandora_master" } = 1 ; # on by default
$ pa_config - > { "pandora_check" } = 0 ; # on by default
$ pa_config - > { "version" } = $ pandora_version ;
$ pa_config - > { "build" } = $ pandora_build ;
$ pa_config - > { "servername" } = `hostname` ;
$ pa_config - > { "servername" } =~ s/\s//g ; # Replace ' ' chars
$ pa_config - > { "dataserver" } = 0 ;
$ pa_config - > { "networkserver" } = 0 ;
$ pa_config - > { "snmpconsole" } = 0 ;
$ pa_config - > { "reconserver" } = 0 ;
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
$ pa_config - > { "wmiserver" } = 0 ; # Introduced on 2.0
$ pa_config - > { "pluginserver" } = 0 ; # Introduced on 2.0
$ pa_config - > { "predictionserver" } = 0 ; # Introduced on 2.0
2008-04-07 00:11:16 +02:00
$ pa_config - > { "exportserver" } = 0 ; # 2.0
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "" ;
$ pa_config - > { 'snmp_logfile' } = "/var/log/pandora_snmptrap.log" ;
$ pa_config - > { "network_threads" } = 5 ; # Fixed default
$ pa_config - > { "keepalive" } = 60 ; # 60 Seconds initially for server keepalive
$ pa_config - > { "keepalive_orig" } = $ pa_config - > { "keepalive" } ;
$ pa_config - > { "icmp_checks" } = 1 ; # Introduced on 1.3.1
$ pa_config - > { "alert_recovery" } = 0 ; # Introduced on 1.3.1
$ pa_config - > { "snmp_checks" } = 1 ; # Introduced on 1.3.1
$ pa_config - > { "snmp_timeout" } = 8 ; # Introduced on 1.3.1
$ pa_config - > { "tcp_checks" } = 1 ; # Introduced on 1.3.1
$ pa_config - > { "tcp_timeout" } = 20 ; # Introduced on 1.3.1
$ pa_config - > { "snmp_proc_deadresponse" } = 0 ; # Introduced on 1.3.1 10 Feb08
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
$ pa_config - > { "plugin_threads" } = 3 ; # Introduced on 2.0
2008-06-19 02:14:17 +02:00
$ pa_config - > { "recon_threads" } = 3 ; # Introduced on 2.0
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
$ pa_config - > { "prediction_threads" } = 3 ; # Introduced on 2.0
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
$ pa_config - > { "plugin_timeout" } = 5 ; # Introduced on 2.0
$ pa_config - > { "wmi_threads" } = 3 ; # Introduced on 2.0
$ pa_config - > { "wmi_timeout" } = 5 ; # Introduced on 2.0
2008-03-27 18:38:10 +01:00
$ pa_config - > { "compound_max_depth" } = 5 ; # Maximum nested compound alert depth. Not in config file.
2008-04-23 17:06:48 +02:00
$ pa_config - > { "dataserver_threads" } = 3 ; # Introduced on 2.0
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
2008-06-13 18:42:35 +02:00
# Internal MTA for alerts, each server need its own config.
$ pa_config - > { "mta_address" } = '' ; # Introduced on 2.0
$ pa_config - > { "mta_port" } = '25' ; # Introduced on 2.0
$ pa_config - > { "mta_user" } = '' ; # Introduced on 2.0
$ pa_config - > { "mta_pass" } = '' ; # Introduced on 2.0
$ pa_config - > { "mta_auth" } = 'none' ; # Introduced on 2.0 (Support LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD)
$ pa_config - > { "mta_from" } = 'pandora@localhost' ; # Introduced on 2.0
2008-06-17 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* config.pm: Added options for xprobe2, and autocreate.
* tools.pm: Added functions pandora_create_agent(), pandora_get_os(),
and pandora_event() (this has been moved from DB.pm).
* pandora_server.conf: Added options for xprobe2, autocreate and
* pandora_network: Added support for TCP scanning (not implemented in
console yet), parent detection using traceroute, OS fingerprinting with
xprobe2, event creation using central functions, and some optimizations.
* pandora_server: Added support for agent autocreation, OS detection from
the XML header, and event notification "new_agent" type.
* pandora_recon: First code to implement traceroute functionality
using Pureperl module. Added code for remote OS fingerprinting.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@874 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2008-06-17 19:26:03 +02:00
# Xprobe2 for recon OS fingerprinting (optional feature to detect OS)
$ pa_config - > { "xprobe2" } = "/usr/bin/xprobe2" ;
$ pa_config - > { 'autocreate_group' } = 2 ;
$ pa_config - > { 'autocreate' } = 1 ;
2008-07-22 17:52:34 +02:00
$ pa_config - > { 'recon_threads' } = 3 ;
# max log size (bytes)
$ pa_config - > { 'max_log_size' } = 1048576 ; # 1MB by default
2008-06-17 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* config.pm: Added options for xprobe2, and autocreate.
* tools.pm: Added functions pandora_create_agent(), pandora_get_os(),
and pandora_event() (this has been moved from DB.pm).
* pandora_server.conf: Added options for xprobe2, autocreate and
* pandora_network: Added support for TCP scanning (not implemented in
console yet), parent detection using traceroute, OS fingerprinting with
xprobe2, event creation using central functions, and some optimizations.
* pandora_server: Added support for agent autocreation, OS detection from
the XML header, and event notification "new_agent" type.
* pandora_recon: First code to implement traceroute functionality
using Pureperl module. Added code for remote OS fingerprinting.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@874 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2008-06-17 19:26:03 +02:00
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
# Check for UID0
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
if ( $ pa_config - > { "quiet" } != 0 ) {
if ( $> == 0 ) {
printf " [W] Not all Pandora FMS components need to be executed as root\n" ;
printf " please consider starting it with a non-privileged user.\n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
# Check for file
if ( ! - e $ archivo_cfg ) {
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
printf "\n [ERROR] Cannot open configuration file at $archivo_cfg. \n" ;
printf " Please specify a valid Pandora FMS configuration file in command line.\n" ;
print " Standard configuration file is at /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf \n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
exit 1 ;
# Collect items from config file and put in an array
open ( CFG , "< $archivo_cfg" ) ;
while ( <CFG> ) {
$ buffer_line = $ _ ;
if ( $ buffer_line =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/ ) { # begins with letters
if ( $ buffer_line =~ m/([\w\-\_\.]+)\s([0-9\w\-\_\.\/\?\&\=\)\(\_\-\!\*\@\#\%\$\~\"\']+)/ ) {
2008-02-20 03:09:36 +01:00
push @ command_line , $ buffer_line ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
close ( CFG ) ;
# Process this array with commandline like options
# Process input parameters
my @ args = @ command_line ;
my $ parametro ;
my $ ltotal = $# args ;
my $ ax ;
# Has read setup file ok ?
if ( $ ltotal == 0 ) {
print "[ERROR] No valid setup tokens readed in $archivo_cfg " ;
exit ;
for ( $ ax = 0 ; $ ax <= $ ltotal ; $ ax + + ) {
$ parametro = $ args [ $ ax ] ;
if ( $ parametro =~ m/^incomingdir\s(.*)/i ) {
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
$ tbuf = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
if ( $ tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/ ) {
$ pa_config - > { "incomingdir" } = $ pa_config - > { "basepath" } . $ 1 ;
} else {
$ pa_config - > { "incomingdir" } = $ tbuf ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^log_file\s(.*)/i ) {
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
$ tbuf = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
if ( $ tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/ ) {
$ pa_config - > { "logfile" } = $ pa_config - > { "basepath" } . $ 1 ;
} else {
$ pa_config - > { "logfile" } = $ tbuf ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^errorlog_file\s(.*)/i ) {
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
$ tbuf = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
if ( $ tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/ ) {
$ pa_config - > { "errorlogfile" } = $ pa_config - > { "basepath" } . $ 1 ;
} else {
$ pa_config - > { "errorlogfile" } = $ tbuf ;
2008-06-13 18:42:35 +02:00
# MTA setup (2.0)
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^mta_user\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'mta_user' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^mta_pass\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'mta_pass' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^mta_address\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'mta_address' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^mta_port\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'mta_port' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^mta_auth\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'mta_auth' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^mta_from\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'mta_from' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^snmp_logfile\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'snmp_logfile' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^dbname\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'dbname' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^dbuser\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'dbuser' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^dbpass\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'dbpass' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^dbhost\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'dbhost' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^daemon\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'daemon' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^dataserver\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'dataserver' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^networkserver\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'networkserver' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^pluginserver\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'pluginserver' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^predictionserver\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'predictionserver' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^reconserver\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'reconserver' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^reconserver\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'reconserver' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^wmiserver\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'wmiserver' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
2008-04-07 00:11:16 +02:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^exportserver\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'exportserver' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^servername\s(.*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'servername' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^checksum\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "pandora_check" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^master\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "pandora_master" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^icmp_checks\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "icmp_checks" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^snmpconsole\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "snmpconsole" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^alert_recovery\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "alert_recovery" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^snmp_checks\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "snmp_checks" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^snmp_timeout\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "snmp_timeout" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^tcp_checks\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "tcp_checks" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^tcp_timeout\s([0-9])/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "tcp_timeout" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^snmp_proc_deadresponse\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "snmp_proc_deadresponse" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^verbosity\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "verbosity" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^server_threshold\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "server_threshold" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^alert_threshold\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "alert_threshold" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^network_timeout\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'networktimeout' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^network_threads\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'network_threads' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^plugin_threads\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'plugin_threads' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^prediction_threads\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'prediction_threads' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^plugin_timeout\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'plugin_timeout' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-04-23 17:06:48 +02:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^dataserver_threads\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'dataserver_threads' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^server_keepalive\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { "keepalive" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
$ pa_config - > { "keepalive_orig" } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-06-17 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* config.pm: Added options for xprobe2, and autocreate.
* tools.pm: Added functions pandora_create_agent(), pandora_get_os(),
and pandora_event() (this has been moved from DB.pm).
* pandora_server.conf: Added options for xprobe2, autocreate and
* pandora_network: Added support for TCP scanning (not implemented in
console yet), parent detection using traceroute, OS fingerprinting with
xprobe2, event creation using central functions, and some optimizations.
* pandora_server: Added support for agent autocreation, OS detection from
the XML header, and event notification "new_agent" type.
* pandora_recon: First code to implement traceroute functionality
using Pureperl module. Added code for remote OS fingerprinting.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@874 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2008-06-17 19:26:03 +02:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^xprobe2\s([.*]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'xprobe2' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^autocreate\s([0-9*]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'autocreate' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^autocreate_group\s([0-9*]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'autocreate_group' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-06-19 02:14:17 +02:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^recon_threads\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'recon_threads' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-07-22 17:52:34 +02:00
elsif ( $ parametro =~ m/^max_log_size\s([0-9]*)/i ) {
$ pa_config - > { 'max_log_size' } = clean_blank ( $ 1 ) ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
} # end of loop for parameter #
2008-02-20 03:09:36 +01:00
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
if ( ( $ pa_config - > { "verbosity" } > 0 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "quiet" } == 0 ) ) {
if ( $ pa_config - > { "PID" } ne "" ) {
print " [*] PID File is written at " . $ pa_config - > { 'PID' } . "\n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
print " [*] Server basepath is " . $ pa_config - > { 'basepath' } . "\n" ;
print " [*] Server logfile at " . $ pa_config - > { "logfile" } . "\n" ;
print " [*] Server errorlogfile at " . $ pa_config - > { "errorlogfile" } . "\n" ;
print " [*] Server incoming directory at " . $ pa_config - > { "incomingdir" } . "\n" ;
print " [*] Server keepalive " . $ pa_config - > { "keepalive" } . "\n" ;
print " [*] Server threshold " . $ pa_config - > { "server_threshold" } . "\n" ;
# Check for valid token token values
if ( ( $ pa_config - > { "dbuser" } eq "" ) || ( $ pa_config - > { "basepath" } eq "" ) || ( $ pa_config - > { "incomingdir" } eq "" ) || ( $ pa_config - > { "logfile" } eq "" ) || ( $ pa_config - > { "dbhost" } eq "" ) || ( $ pa_config - > { "pandora_master" } eq "" ) || ( $ pa_config - > { "dbpass" } eq "" ) ) {
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
print " [ERROR] Bad Config values. Be sure that $archivo_cfg is a valid setup file. \n\n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
exit ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
if ( ( $ opmode == 0 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "dataserver" } ne 1 ) ) {
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
print " [ERROR] You must enable 'dataserver' in setup file to run Pandora FMS Data Server. \n\n" ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
exit ;
if ( ( $ opmode == 1 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "networkserver" } ne 1 ) ) {
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
print " [ERROR] You must enable 'networkserver' in setup file to run Pandora FMS Network Server. \n\n" ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
exit ;
if ( ( $ opmode == 2 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "snmpconsole" } ne 1 ) ) {
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
print " [ERROR] You must enable 'snmpconsole' in setup file to run Pandora FMS SNMP Console. \n\n" ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
exit ;
if ( ( $ opmode == 3 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "reconserver" } ne 1 ) ) {
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
print " [ERROR] You must enable 'reconserver' in setup file to run Pandora FMS Recon server. \n\n" ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
exit ;
if ( ( $ opmode == 4 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "pluginserver" } ne 1 ) ) {
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
print " [ERROR] You must enable 'pluginserver' in setup file to run Pandora FMS Plugin server. \n\n" ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
exit ;
if ( ( $ opmode == 5 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "predictionserver" } ne 1 ) ) {
2008-03-07 17:25:50 +01:00
print " [ERROR] You must enable 'predictionserver' in setup file to run Pandora FMS Prediction server. \n\n" ;
exit ;
if ( ( $ opmode == 6 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "wmiserver" } ne 1 ) ) {
print " [ERROR] You must enable 'wmiserver' in setup file to run Pandora FMS WMI server. \n\n" ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
exit ;
2008-04-07 00:11:16 +02:00
if ( ( $ opmode == 7 ) && ( $ pa_config - > { "exportserver" } ne 1 ) ) {
print " [ERROR] You must enable 'exportserver' in setup file to run Pandora FMS Export server. \n\n" ;
exit ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
# Show some config options in startup
if ( $ pa_config - > { "quiet" } == 0 ) {
if ( $ opmode == 0 ) {
print " [*] You are running Pandora FMS Data Server. \n" ;
$ parametro = "Pandora FMS Data Server" ;
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "_Data" ;
if ( $ opmode == 1 ) {
print " [*] You are running Pandora FMS Network Server. \n" ;
$ parametro = "Pandora FMS Network Server" ;
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "_Net" ;
if ( $ opmode == 2 ) {
print " [*] You are running Pandora FMS SNMP Console. \n" ;
$ parametro = "Pandora FMS SNMP Console" ;
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "_SNMP" ;
if ( $ opmode == 3 ) {
print " [*] You are running Pandora FMS Recon Server. \n" ;
$ parametro = "Pandora FMS Recon Server" ;
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "_Recon" ;
if ( $ opmode == 4 ) {
print " [*] You are running Pandora FMS Plugin Server. \n" ;
$ parametro = "Pandora FMS Plugin Server" ;
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "_Plugin" ;
if ( $ opmode == 5 ) {
print " [*] You are running Pandora FMS Prediction Server. \n" ;
$ parametro = "Pandora FMS Prediction Server" ;
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "_Prediction" ;
if ( $ opmode == 6 ) {
print " [*] You are running Pandora FMS WMI Server. \n" ;
$ parametro = "Pandora FMS WMI Server" ;
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "_WMI" ;
2008-04-07 00:11:16 +02:00
if ( $ opmode == 7 ) {
print " [*] You are running Pandora FMS Export Server. \n" ;
$ parametro = "Pandora FMS Export Server" ;
$ pa_config - > { "servermode" } = "_Export" ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
if ( $ pa_config - > { "pandora_check" } == 1 ) {
print " [*] MD5 Security enabled.\n" ;
if ( $ pa_config - > { "pandora_master" } == 1 ) {
print " [*] This server is running in MASTER mode.\n" ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
logger ( $ pa_config , "Launching $parametro $pa_config->{'version'} $pa_config->{'build'}" , 0 ) ;
my $ config_options = "Logfile at " . $ pa_config - > { "logfile" } . ", Basepath is " . $ pa_config - > { "basepath" } . ", Checksum is " . $ pa_config - > { "pandora_check" } . ", Master is " . $ pa_config - > { "pandora_master" } . ", SNMP Console is " . $ pa_config - > { "snmpconsole" } . ", Server Threshold at " . $ pa_config - > { "server_threshold" } . " sec, verbosity at " . $ pa_config - > { "verbosity" } . ", Alert Threshold at $pa_config->{'alert_threshold'}, ServerName is '" . $ pa_config - > { 'servername' } . $ pa_config - > { "servermode" } . "'" ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
logger ( $ pa_config , "Config options: $config_options" , 1 ) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
my $ dbh ;
# Check valid Database variables and update server status
eval {
$ dbh = DBI - > connect ( "DBI:mysql:$pa_config->{'dbname'}:$pa_config->{'dbhost'}:3306" , $ pa_config - > { 'dbuser' } , $ pa_config - > { 'dbpass' } , { RaiseError = > 1 , AutoCommit = > 1 } ) ;
2008-07-22 17:52:34 +02:00
pandora_updateserver ( $ pa_config , $ pa_config - > { 'servername' } , 1 , $ opmode , $ dbh ) ; # Alive status
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
} ;
if ( $@ ) {
logger ( $ pa_config , "Error connecting database in init Phase. Aborting startup." , 0 ) ;
2008-02-25 19:00:09 +01:00
print ( " [ERROR] Error connecting database in init Phase. Aborting startup. \n\n" ) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
print $@ ;
exit ;
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
if ( $ pa_config - > { "quiet" } == 0 ) {
print " [*] Pandora FMS Server [" . $ pa_config - > { 'servername' } . $ pa_config - > { "servermode" } . "] is running and operative \n" ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
$ pa_config - > { 'server_id' } = dame_server_id ( $ pa_config , $ pa_config - > { 'servername' } . $ pa_config - > { "servermode" } , $ dbh ) ;
2008-06-13 18:42:35 +02:00
pandora_event ( $ pa_config , $ pa_config - > { 'servername' } . $ pa_config - > { "servermode" } . " going UP" , 0 ,
0 , 3 , 0 , 0 , "system" , $ dbh ) ;
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
2008-03-13 19:33:44 +01:00
sub pandora_startlog ($) {
my $ pa_config = $ _ [ 0 ] ;
# Dump all errors to errorlog
open STDERR , ">>$pa_config->{'errorlogfile'}" or die " [ERROR] Pandora FMS can't write to Errorlog. Aborting : \n $! \n" ;
my $ time_now = & UnixDate ( "today" , "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" ) ;
print STDERR "$time_now - " . $ pa_config - > { 'servername' } . $ pa_config - > { "servermode" } . " Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated \n" ;
# This redirect ANY output to errorlog. Not a good idea for real usage !
# open STDOUT, ">>$pa_config->{'errorlogfile'}"
2007-08-02 19:53:07 +02:00
# End of function declaration
# End of defined Code
1 ;