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# (c) Ártica ST 2014 <>
# SNMP Recon script for network topology discovery.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5';
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use Socket qw/inet_aton/;
use NetAddr::IP;
use PandoraFMS::Tools;
use PandoraFMS::DB;
use PandoraFMS::Core;
use PandoraFMS::Config;
use PandoraFMS::NmapParser;
# Do not change code below this line.
# If set to '-a' all network interfaces will be added (the default is to only add interfaces that are up).
my $ALLIFACES = '';
# Keep our own ARP cache to connect hosts to switches/routers.
# IP address of a host given the MAC of one of its interfaces.
# Default configuration values.
my $OSNAME = $^O;
my %CONF;
if ($OSNAME eq "freebsd") {
%CONF = (
'nmap' => '/usr/local/bin/nmap',
'pandora_path' => '/usr/local/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf',
'icmp_checks' => 1,
'icmp_packets' => 1,
'networktimeout' => 2,
'snmp_checks' => 2,
'snmp_timeout' => 2,
'recon_timing_template' => 3,
'PID' => '',
'quiet' => 1,
} else {
%CONF = (
'nmap' => '/usr/bin/nmap',
'pandora_path' => '/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf',
'icmp_checks' => 1,
'icmp_packets' => 1,
'networktimeout' => 2,
'snmp_timeout' => 2,
'recon_timing_template' => 3,
'PID' => '',
'quiet' => 1,
# Connections between devices.
# Working SNMP community for each device.
# Create an incident when the scan finishes.
# Database connection handler.
my $DBH;
# Pandora FMS group where agents will be placed.
# Devices by type.
my @HOSTS;
# Switch to switch connections. Used to properly connect hosts
# that are connected to a switch wich is in turn connected to another switch,
# since the hosts will show up in the latter's switch AFT too.
# MAC addresses.
my %MAC;
# Parent-child relationships (in Pandora).
# Entry router.
# Comma separated list of sub-nets to scan.
# Comma separated list of SNMP communities to try.
# Current recon task.
my $TASK_ID;
# Visited devices (initially empty).
# Visited routers (initially empty).
# Some useful OID.
my $IFDESC = ".";
my $IFINDEX = ".";
my $IFINOCTECTS = ".";
my $IPENTADDR = ".";
my $IFNAME = ".";
my $IPROUTETYPE = ".";
my $SYSDESCR = ".";
my $SYSSERVICES = ".";
my $SYSUPTIME = ".";
# Print log messages.
sub message($) {
my $message = shift;
logger(\%CONF, "[SNMP L2 Recon] $message", 10);
# Return the numeric representation of the given IP address.
sub ip_to_long($) {
my $ip_address = shift;
return unpack('N', inet_aton($ip_address));
# Convert a MAC address to decimal dotted notation.
sub mac_to_dec($) {
my $mac = shift;
my $dec_mac = '';
my @elements = split(/:/, $mac);
foreach my $element (@elements) {
$dec_mac .= unpack('s', pack 's', hex($element)) . '.'
return $dec_mac;
# Make sure all MAC addresses are in the same format (00 11 22 33 44 55 66).
sub parse_mac($) {
my ($mac) = @_;
# Remove leading and trailing whitespaces.
$mac =~ s/(^\s+)|(\s+$)//g;
# Replace whitespaces and dots with colons.
$mac =~ s/\s+|\./:/g;
# Convert hex digits to uppercase.
$mac =~ s/([a-f])/\U$1/g;
# Add a leading 0 to single digits.
$mac =~ s/^([0-9A-F]):/0$1:/g;
$mac =~ s/:([0-9A-F]):/:0$1:/g;
$mac =~ s/:([0-9A-F])$/:0$1/g;
return $mac;
# Returns 1 if the two given MAC addresses are the same.
sub mac_matches($$) {
my ($mac_1, $mac_2) = @_;
if (parse_mac($mac_1) eq parse_mac($mac_2)) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Returns 1 if the device belongs to one of the scanned subnets.
sub in_subnet($) {
my $device = ip_to_long(shift);
# No subnets specified.
return 1 if ($#SUBNETS < 0);
foreach my $subnet (@SUBNETS) {
next unless $subnet =~ m/(^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\/(\d{1,2})$/;
my $subnet = ip_to_long($1);
my $bits = $2;
my $mask = -1 << (32 - $bits);
$subnet &= $mask;
if (($device & $mask) == $subnet ) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Returns undef if the device does not respond to SNMP queries.
sub responds_to_snmp($) {
my ($target) = @_;
foreach my $community (@SNMP_COMMUNITIES) {
`snmpwalk -M/dev/null -r$CONF{'snmp_checks'} -t$CONF{'snmp_timeout'} -v1 -On -Oe -c $community $target .0 2>/dev/null`;
if ($? == 0) {
$COMMUNITIES{$target} = $community;
return $community;
return undef;
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns the response as an array.
sub snmp_get($$$) {
my ($target, $community, $oid) = @_;
my @output;
@output = `snmpwalk -M/dev/null -r$CONF{'snmp_checks'} -t$CONF{'snmp_timeout'} -v1 -On -Oe -c $community $target $oid 2>/dev/null`;
return @output;
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns an array of values.
sub snmp_get_value_array($$$) {
my ($target, $community, $oid) = @_;
my @values;
my @output = snmp_get($target, $community, $oid);
foreach my $line (@output) {
chomp ($line);
push(@values, $1) if ($line =~ /^$oid\S*\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/);
return @values;
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns a hash of values.
sub snmp_get_value_hash($$$) {
my ($target, $community, $oid) = @_;
my %values;
my @output = snmp_get_value_array($target, $community, $oid);
foreach my $line (@output) {
$values{$line} = '';
return %values;
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns the value of the given OID. Returns undef
# on error.
sub snmp_get_value($$$) {
my ($target, $community, $oid) = @_;
my @output = snmp_get($target, $community, $oid);
foreach my $line (@output) {
chomp ($line);
return $1 if ($line =~ /^$oid\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/);
return undef;
# Get an interface name from an IP address.
sub get_if_from_ip($$$) {
my ($device, $community, $ip_addr) = @_;
# Get the port associated to the IP address.
my $if_index = snmp_get_value($device, $community, "$IPROUTEIFINDEX.$ip_addr");
return '' unless defined ($if_index);
# Get the name of the interface associated to the port.
my $if_name = snmp_get_value($device, $community, "$IFNAME.$if_index");
return '' unless defined ($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
return $if_name;
# Get an interface name from a MAC address.
sub get_if_from_mac($$$) {
my ($device, $community, $mac) = @_;
# Get the port associated to the IP address.
my @output = snmp_get($device, $community, $IFPHYSADDRESS);
foreach my $line (@output) {
next unless $line =~ /^$IFPHYSADDRESS.(\S+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/;
my ($if_index, $if_mac) = ($1, $2);
next unless (mac_matches($mac, $if_mac) == 1);
# Get the name of the interface associated to the port.
my $if_name = snmp_get_value($device, $community, "$IFNAME.$if_index");
return '' unless defined ($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
return $if_name;
return '';
# Get an interface name from an AFT entry. Returns undef on error.
sub get_if_from_aft($$$) {
my ($switch, $community, $mac) = @_;
# Get the port associated to the MAC.
my $port = snmp_get_value($switch, $community, "$DOT1DTPFDBPORT." . mac_to_dec($mac));
return '' unless defined($port);
# Get the interface index associated to the port.
my $if_index = snmp_get_value($switch, $community, "$DOT1DBASEPORTIFINDEX.$port");
return '' unless defined($if_index);
# Get the interface name.
my $if_name = snmp_get_value($switch, $COMMUNITIES{$switch}, "$IFNAME.$if_index");
return "if$if_index" unless defined($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
return $if_name;
# Returns the IP address of the given interface (by index).
sub get_if_ip($$$) {
my ($device, $community, $if_index) = @_;
my @output = snmp_get($device, $community, $IPADENTIFINDEX);
foreach my $line (@output) {
chomp ($line);
return $1 if ($line =~ m/^$IPADENTIFINDEX.(\S+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+$if_index$/);
return '';
# Returns the MAC address of the given interface (by index).
sub get_if_mac($$$) {
my ($device, $community, $if_index) = @_;
my $mac = snmp_get_value($device, $community, "$IFPHYSADDRESS.$if_index");
return '' unless defined($mac);
# Clean-up the MAC address.
$mac = parse_mac($mac);
return $mac;
# Find devices using next-hops.
sub next_hop_discovery {
my $router = shift;
# Check if the router has already been visited.
return if (defined($VISITED_ROUTERS{$router}));
# Mark the router as visited.
$VISITED_ROUTERS{$router} = '';
# Check if the router responds to SNMP.
my $community = defined($COMMUNITIES{$router}) ? $COMMUNITIES{$router} : responds_to_snmp($router);
return unless defined ($community);
# Get next hops.
my @next_hops = snmp_get($router, $community, $IPROUTENEXTHOP);
foreach my $line (@next_hops) {
next unless ($line =~ /^$IPROUTENEXTHOP.([^ ]+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/);
my ($route, $next_hop) = ($1, $2);
my $route_type = snmp_get_value($router, $community, "$IPROUTETYPE.$route");
next unless defined($route_type);
# Recursively process found routers (route type 4, 'indirect').
next_hop_discovery($next_hop) if ($route_type eq '4');
# Find devices using ARP caches.
sub arp_cache_discovery {
my $device = shift;
# Check if the device has already been visited.
return if (defined($VISITED_DEVICES{$device}));
# The device does not belong to one of the scanned sub-nets.
return if (in_subnet($device) == 0);
# Set a default device type.
my $device_type = defined ($VISITED_ROUTERS{$device}) ? 'router' : 'host';
# Mark the device as visited.
$VISITED_DEVICES{$device} = { 'addr' => { $device => '' },
'connected' => 0,
'type' => $device_type };
# Check if the device responds to SNMP.
my $community = defined($COMMUNITIES{$device}) ? $COMMUNITIES{$device} : responds_to_snmp($device);
if (defined ($community)) {
# Guess device type.
if ($device_type ne 'router') {
$device_type = guess_device_type($device, $community);
$VISITED_DEVICES{$device}->{'type'} = $device_type;
# Find synonyms for the device.
find_synonyms($device, $device_type, $community);
# Get ARP cache.
my @output = snmp_get($device, $community, $IPNETTOMEDIAPHYSADDRESS);
foreach my $line (@output) {
next unless ($line =~ /^$IPNETTOMEDIAPHYSADDRESS.\d+.(\S+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/);
my ($ip_addr, $mac_addr) = ($1, $2);
next if ($ip_addr =~ m/\.255$|\.0$|127\.0\.0\.1$/);
$mac_addr = parse_mac($mac_addr);
# Save the mac to connect hosts to switches/routers.
$ARP_CACHE{$mac_addr} = $ip_addr;
# Recursively visit found devices.
# Separate devices by type to find device connectivity later.
if ($device_type eq 'host' || $device_type eq 'printer') {
# Hosts are indexed to help find router/switch to host connectivity.
push(@HOSTS, $device);
elsif ($device_type eq 'switch') {
push(@SWITCHES, $device);
elsif ($device_type eq 'router') {
push(@ROUTERS, $device);
# Create a Pandora FMS agent for the device.
# Find IP address synonyms for the given device.
sub find_synonyms($$$) {
my ($device, $device_type, $community) = @_;
# Get ARP cache.
my @ip_addresses = snmp_get_value_array($device, $community, $IPENTADDR);
foreach my $ip_address (@ip_addresses) {
next if ($ip_address =~ m/\.255$|\.0$|127\.0\.0\.1$/);
$VISITED_DEVICES{$device}->{'addr'}->{$ip_address} = '';
# Link the two addresses.
$VISITED_DEVICES{$ip_address} = \$VISITED_DEVICES{$device} if (!defined($VISITED_DEVICES{$ip_address}));
# There is no need to access switches or routers from different IP addresses.
if ($device_type eq 'host' || $device_type eq 'printer') {
push(@HOSTS, $device);
# Guess the type of the given device.
sub guess_device_type($$) {
my ($device, $community) = @_;
my $device_type = 'host';
# Get the value of sysServices.
my $services = snmp_get_value($device, $community, "$SYSSERVICES.0");
return $device_type unless defined($services);
my @service_bits = split('', unpack('b8', pack('C', $services)));
# Check for L2 connectivity support.
my $bridge_mib = snmp_get_value($device, $community, $DOT1DBASEBRIDGEADDRESS);
# L2?
if ($service_bits[1] == 1) {
# L3?
if ($service_bits[2] == 1) {
# Bridge MIB?
if (defined($bridge_mib)) {
return 'switch';
} else {
# L7?
if ($service_bits[6] == 1) {
return 'host';
} else {
return 'router';
else {
# Bridge MIB?
if (defined($bridge_mib)) {
return 'switch';
} else {
return 'host';
else {
# L3?
if ($service_bits[2] == 1) {
# L4?
if ($service_bits[3] == 1) {
return 'switch';
} else {
# L7?
if ($service_bits[6] == 1) {
return 'host';
} else {
return 'router';
else {
# Printer MIB?
my $printer_mib = snmp_get_value($device, $community, $PRTMARKERINDEX);
if (defined($printer_mib)) {
return 'printer';
} else {
return 'host';
# Discover switch to switch connectivity.
sub switch_to_switch_connectivity($$) {
my ($switch_1, $switch_2) = @_;
my (%mac_temp, @aft_temp);
# Make sure both switches respond to SNMP.
return unless defined($COMMUNITIES{$switch_1} && $COMMUNITIES{$switch_2});
# Get the list of MAC addresses of each switch.
my %mac_1;
%mac_temp = snmp_get_value_hash($switch_1, $COMMUNITIES{$switch_1}, $IFPHYSADDRESS);
foreach my $mac (keys(%mac_temp)) {
$mac_1{parse_mac($mac)} = '';
my %mac_2;
%mac_temp = snmp_get_value_hash($switch_2, $COMMUNITIES{$switch_2}, $IFPHYSADDRESS);
foreach my $mac (keys(%mac_temp)) {
$mac_2{parse_mac($mac)} = '';
# Get the address forwarding table (AFT) of each switch.
my @aft_1;
@aft_temp = snmp_get_value_array($switch_1, $COMMUNITIES{$switch_1}, $DOT1DTPFDBADDRESS);
foreach my $mac (@aft_temp) {
push(@aft_1, parse_mac($mac));
my @aft_2;
@aft_temp = snmp_get_value_array($switch_2, $COMMUNITIES{$switch_2}, $DOT1DTPFDBADDRESS);
foreach my $mac (@aft_temp) {
push(@aft_2, parse_mac($mac));
# Search for matching entries.
foreach my $aft_mac_1 (@aft_1) {
if (defined($mac_2{$aft_mac_1})) {
foreach my $aft_mac_2 (@aft_2) {
if (defined($mac_1{$aft_mac_2})) {
my $if_name_1 = get_if_from_aft($switch_1, $COMMUNITIES{$switch_1}, $aft_mac_1);
next unless ($if_name_1) ne '';
my $if_name_2 = get_if_from_aft($switch_2, $COMMUNITIES{$switch_2}, $aft_mac_2);
next unless ($if_name_2) ne '';
message("Switch $switch_1 (if $if_name_1) is connected to switch $switch_2 (if $if_name_2).");
connect_pandora_agents($switch_1, $if_name_1, $switch_2, $if_name_2);
# Mark switch to switch connections.
$SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$switch_1$if_name_1"} = 1;
$SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$switch_2$if_name_2"} = 1;
# Discover router to switch connectivity.
sub router_to_switch_connectivity($$) {
my ($router, $switch) = @_;
my (%mac_temp, @aft_temp);
# Make sure both routers respond to SNMP.
return unless defined($COMMUNITIES{$router} && $COMMUNITIES{$switch});
# Get the list of MAC addresses of the router.
my %mac_router;
%mac_temp = snmp_get_value_hash($router, $COMMUNITIES{$router}, $IFPHYSADDRESS);
foreach my $mac (keys(%mac_temp)) {
$mac_router{parse_mac($mac)} = '';
# Get the address forwarding table (AFT) of the switch.
my @aft;
@aft_temp = snmp_get_value_array($switch, $COMMUNITIES{$switch}, $DOT1DTPFDBADDRESS);
foreach my $mac (@aft_temp) {
push(@aft, parse_mac($mac));
# Search for matching entries in the AFT.
foreach my $aft_mac (@aft) {
if (defined($mac_router{$aft_mac})) {
# Get the router interface.
my $router_if_name = get_if_from_mac($router, $COMMUNITIES{$router}, $aft_mac);
# Get the switch interface.
my $switch_if_name = get_if_from_aft($switch, $COMMUNITIES{$switch}, $aft_mac);
next unless ($switch_if_name ne '');
message("Router $router (if $router_if_name) is connected to switch $switch (if $switch_if_name).");
connect_pandora_agents($router, $router_if_name, $switch, $switch_if_name);
# Mark connections in case the routers are switches too.
$SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$switch$switch_if_name"} = 1;
$SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$router$router_if_name"} = 1;
# Discover router to router connectivity.
sub router_to_router_connectivity($$) {
my ($router_1, $router_2) = @_;
# Make sure both routers respond to SNMP.
return unless defined($COMMUNITIES{$router_1} && $COMMUNITIES{$router_2});
# Get the list of next hops of the routers.
my %next_hops_1 = snmp_get_value_hash($router_1, $COMMUNITIES{$router_1}, $IPROUTENEXTHOP);
my %next_hops_2 = snmp_get_value_hash($router_2, $COMMUNITIES{$router_2}, $IPROUTENEXTHOP);
# Search for matching entries.
foreach my $ip_addr_1 (keys(%{$VISITED_DEVICES{$router_1}->{'addr'}})) {
if (defined($next_hops_2{$ip_addr_1})) {
foreach my $ip_addr_2 (keys(%{$VISITED_DEVICES{$router_2}->{'addr'}})) {
if (defined($next_hops_1{$ip_addr_2})) {
my $if_1 = get_if_from_ip($router_1, $COMMUNITIES{$router_1}, $ip_addr_2);
my $if_2 = get_if_from_ip($router_2, $COMMUNITIES{$router_2}, $ip_addr_1);
message("Router $ip_addr_1 (if $if_2) is connected to router $ip_addr_2 (if $if_2).");
connect_pandora_agents($router_1, $if_1, $router_2, $if_2);
# Mark connections in case the routers are switches too.
$SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$router_1$if_1"} = 1;
$SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$router_2$if_2"} = 1;
# Discover host connectivity.
sub host_connectivity($) {
my ($device) = @_;
# Make sure the device respond to SNMP.
return unless defined($COMMUNITIES{$device});
# Get the address forwarding table (AFT) of the device.
my @aft = snmp_get_value_array($device, $COMMUNITIES{$device}, $DOT1DTPFDBADDRESS);
foreach my $mac (@aft) {
$mac = parse_mac($mac);
my $host;
if (defined ($ARP_CACHE{$mac})) {
$host = $ARP_CACHE{$mac};
} elsif (defined ($IF_CACHE{$mac})) {
$host = $IF_CACHE{$mac};
} else {
next unless defined ($VISITED_DEVICES{$host});
my $device_if_name = get_if_from_aft($device, $COMMUNITIES{$device}, $mac);
next unless ($device_if_name ne '');
my $host_if_name = defined($COMMUNITIES{$host}) ? get_if_from_mac($host, $COMMUNITIES{$host}, $mac) : '';
if ($VISITED_DEVICES{$device}->{'type'} eq 'router') {
message("Host $host " . ($host_if_name ne '' ? "(if $host_if_name)" : '') . " is connected to router $device (if $device_if_name).");
elsif ($VISITED_DEVICES{$device}->{'type'} eq 'switch') {
next if defined ($SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$device$device_if_name"}); # The switch is probably connected to another switch.
message("Host $host " . ($host_if_name ne '' ? "(if $host_if_name)" : '') . " is connected to switch $device (if $device_if_name).");
else {
message("Host $host " . ($host_if_name ne '' ? "(if $host_if_name)" : '') . " is connected to host $device (if $device_if_name).");
connect_pandora_agents($device, $device_if_name, $host, $host_if_name);
# Create an agent for the given device. Returns the ID of the new (or
# existing) agent, undef on error.
sub create_pandora_agent($) {
my ($device) = @_;
my $agent;
my @agents = get_db_rows($DBH,
'SELECT * FROM taddress, taddress_agent, tagente
WHERE tagente.id_agente = taddress_agent.id_agent
AND taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a
AND ip = ?', $device
# Does the host already exist?
foreach my $candidate (@agents) {
$agent = {map {$_} %$candidate}; # copy contents, do not use shallow copy
# exclude $device itself, because it handle corner case when target includes NAT
my @registered = map {$_->{ip}} get_db_rows($DBH,
'SELECT ip FROM taddress, taddress_agent, tagente
WHERE tagente.id_agente = taddress_agent.id_agent
AND taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a
AND tagente.id_agente = ?
AND taddress.ip != ?', $agent->{id_agente}, $device
foreach my $ip_addr (@registered) {
my @matched = grep { $_ =~ /^$ip_addr$/ } keys(%{$VISITED_DEVICES{$device}->{'addr'}});
if (scalar(@matched) == 0) {
$agent = undef;
last if(defined($agent)); # exit loop if match all ip_addr
if (!defined($agent)) {
$agent = get_agent_from_name($DBH, $device);
my ($agent_id, $agent_learning);
if (!defined($agent)) {
my $id_os = 10; # Other.
my $device_type = $VISITED_DEVICES{$device}->{'type'};
if ($device_type eq 'router') {
$id_os = 17;
elsif ($device_type eq 'switch') {
$id_os = 18;
$agent_id = pandora_create_agent(\%CONF, $CONF{'servername'}, $device, $device, $GROUP_ID, 0, $id_os, '', 300, $DBH);
return undef unless defined ($agent_id) and ($agent_id > 0);
pandora_event(\%CONF, "[RECON] New $device_type found (" . join(',', keys(%{$VISITED_DEVICES{$device}->{'addr'}})) . ").", $GROUP_ID, $agent_id, 2, 0, 0, 'recon_host_detected', 0, $DBH);
$agent_learning = 1 == 1;
else {
$agent_id = $agent->{'id_agente'};
$agent_learning = $agent->{'modo'} == 1;
# Add found IP addresses to the agent.
foreach my $ip_addr (keys(%{$VISITED_DEVICES{$device}->{'addr'}})) {
my $addr_id = get_addr_id ($DBH, $ip_addr);
$addr_id = add_address ($DBH, $ip_addr) unless ($addr_id > 0);
next unless ($addr_id > 0);
# Assign the new address to the agent
my $agent_addr_id = get_agent_addr_id ($DBH, $addr_id, $agent_id);
if ($agent_addr_id <= 0) {
db_do ($DBH, 'INSERT INTO taddress_agent (`id_a`, `id_agent`)
VALUES (?, ?)', $addr_id, $agent_id);
# Create a ping module.
my $module_id = get_agent_module_id($DBH, "ping", $agent_id);
if ($module_id <= 0 && $agent_learning) {
my %module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 6,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "ping",
'descripcion' => '',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device);
pandora_create_module_from_hash (\%CONF, \%module, $DBH);
# Add interfaces to the agent if it responds to SNMP.
return $agent_id unless defined($COMMUNITIES{$device});
my @output = snmp_get_value_array($device, $COMMUNITIES{$device}, $IFINDEX);
foreach my $if_index (@output) {
# Check the status of the interface.
if ($ALLIFACES ne '-a') {
my $if_status = snmp_get_value($device, $COMMUNITIES{$device}, "$IFOPERSTATUS.$if_index");
next unless $if_status == 1;
# Fill the module description with the IP and MAC addresses.
my $mac = get_if_mac($device, $COMMUNITIES{$device}, $if_index);
my $ip = get_if_ip($device, $COMMUNITIES{$device}, $if_index);
my $if_desc = ($mac ne '' ? "MAC $mac " : '') . ($ip ne '' ? "IP $ip" : '');
# Fill the interface cache.
$IF_CACHE{$mac} = $ip;
# Get the name of the network interface.
my $if_name = snmp_get_value($device, $COMMUNITIES{$device}, "$IFNAME.$if_index");
$if_name = "if$if_index" unless defined ($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
# Check whether the module already exists.
2014-10-27 13:21:09 +01:00
my $module_id = get_agent_module_id($DBH, "ifOperStatus_${if_name}", $agent_id);
next if ($module_id > 0 && !$agent_learning);
# Encode problematic characters.
$if_name = safe_input($if_name);
$if_desc = safe_input($if_desc);
# Interface status module.
my %module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 18,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "ifOperStatus_${if_name}",
'descripcion' => $if_desc,
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => 1,
'snmp_community' => $COMMUNITIES{$device},
'snmp_oid' => "$IFOPERSTATUS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash (\%CONF, \%module, $DBH);
# Incoming traffic module.
%module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 16,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "ifInOctets_${if_name}",
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => 1,
'snmp_community' => $COMMUNITIES{$device},
'snmp_oid' => "$IFINOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash (\%CONF, \%module, $DBH);
# Outgoing traffic module.
%module = ('id_tipo_modulo' => 16,
'id_modulo' => 2,
'nombre' => "ifOutOctets_${if_name}",
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => 1,
'snmp_community' => $COMMUNITIES{$device},
'snmp_oid' => "$IFOUTOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash (\%CONF, \%module, $DBH);
return $agent_id;
# Check for switches that are connected to other switches/routers and show
# up in a switche/router's port.
sub switch_already_connected ($$$$) {
my ($dev_1, $if_1, $dev_2, $if_2) = @_;
if ($VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_1}->{'type'} eq 'router' ||
$VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_1}->{'type'} eq 'switch') {
return 1 if defined ($SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$dev_1$if_1"}); # The switch is probably connected to another router/switch.
elsif ($VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_2}->{'type'} eq 'router' ||
$VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_2}->{'type'} eq 'switch') {
return 1 if defined ($SWITCH_TO_SWITCH{"$dev_2$if_2"}); # The switch is probably connected to another router/switch.
return 0;
# Connect the given devices in the Pandora FMS database.
sub connect_pandora_agents($$$$) {
my ($dev_1, $if_1, $dev_2, $if_2) = @_;
# Check switch connectivy.
return if (switch_already_connected($dev_1, $if_1, $dev_2, $if_2) == 1);
# Get the agent for the first device.
my $agent_1 = get_agent_from_addr($DBH, $dev_1);
if (!defined($agent_1)) {
$agent_1 = get_agent_from_name($DBH, $dev_1);
return unless defined($agent_1);
# Get the agent for the second device.
my $agent_2 = get_agent_from_addr($DBH, $dev_2);
if (!defined($agent_2)) {
$agent_2 = get_agent_from_name($DBH, $dev_2);
return unless defined($agent_2);
# Check whether the modules exists.
2014-10-02 20:14:22 +02:00
my $module_name_1 = safe_input($if_1 eq '' ? 'ping' : "ifOperStatus_$if_1");
my $module_name_2 = safe_input($if_2 eq '' ? 'ping' : "ifOperStatus_$if_2");
my $module_id_1 = get_agent_module_id($DBH, $module_name_1, $agent_1->{'id_agente'});
if ($module_id_1 <= 0) {
message("ERROR: Module " . safe_output($module_name_1) . " does not exist for agent $dev_1.");
my $module_id_2 = get_agent_module_id($DBH, $module_name_2, $agent_2->{'id_agente'});
if ($module_id_2 <= 0) {
message("ERROR: Module " . safe_output($module_name_2) . " does not exist for agent $dev_2.");
# Make sure the modules are not already connected.
if (defined($CONNECTIONS{"${module_id_1}_${module_id_2}"}) ||
defined($CONNECTIONS{"${module_id_2}_${module_id_1}"})) {
message("Devices $dev_1 and $dev_2 are already connected.");
# Mark the two devices as connected.
$CONNECTIONS{"${module_id_1}_${module_id_2}"} = 1;
if (ref($VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_1}) eq 'HASH') {
$VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_1}->{'connected'} = 1;
} else {
${$VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_1}}->{'connected'} = 1; # An alias.
if (ref($VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_2}) eq 'HASH') {
$VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_2}->{'connected'} = 1;
} else {
${$VISITED_DEVICES{$dev_2}}->{'connected'} = 1; # An alias.
# Connect the modules if they are not already connected.
my $connection_id = get_db_value($DBH, 'SELECT id FROM tmodule_relationship WHERE (module_a = ? AND module_b = ?) OR (module_b = ? AND module_a = ?)', $module_id_1, $module_id_2, $module_id_1, $module_id_2);
if (! defined($connection_id)) {
db_do($DBH, 'INSERT INTO tmodule_relationship (`module_a`, `module_b`, `id_rt`) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', $module_id_1, $module_id_2, $TASK_ID);
# Update parents.
if (!defined($PARENTS{$agent_2->{'id_agente'}}) &&
(!defined($PARENTS{$agent_1->{'id_agente'}}) ||
$PARENTS{$agent_1->{'id_agente'}} != $agent_2->{'id_agente'})) {
$PARENTS{$agent_2->{'id_agente'}} = $agent_1->{'id_agente'};
db_do($DBH, 'UPDATE tagente SET id_parent=? WHERE id_agente=?', $agent_1->{'id_agente'}, $agent_2->{'id_agente'});
} elsif (!defined($PARENTS{$agent_1->{'id_agente'}}) &&
(!defined($PARENTS{$agent_2->{'id_agente'}}) ||
$PARENTS{$agent_2->{'id_agente'}} != $agent_1->{'id_agente'})) {
$PARENTS{$agent_1->{'id_agente'}} = $agent_2->{'id_agente'};
db_do($DBH, 'UPDATE tagente SET id_parent=? WHERE id_agente=?', $agent_2->{'id_agente'}, $agent_1->{'id_agente'});
# Delete unused connections.
sub delete_unused_connections($$$$) {
my ($conf, $dbh, $task_id, $connections) = @_;
message("Deleting unused connections...");
my @relations = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tmodule_relationship WHERE disable_update=0 AND id_rt=?', $task_id);
foreach my $relation (@relations) {
my $module_a = $relation->{'module_a'};
my $module_b = $relation->{'module_b'};
if (!defined($connections->{"${module_a}_${module_b}"}) && !defined($connections->{"${module_b}_${module_a}"})) {
db_do($dbh, 'DELETE FROM tmodule_relationship WHERE id=?', $relation->{'id'});
# Update recon task status.
sub update_recon_task ($$$) {
my ($dbh, $id_task, $status) = @_;
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE trecon_task SET utimestamp = ?, status = ? WHERE id_rt = ?', time (), $status, $id_task);
# Show help
sub show_help {
print "\nPandora FMS SNMP Recon Plugin for level 2 network topology discovery.\n";
print "(c) Artica ST 2014 <info\>\n\n";
print "Usage:\n\n";
print " $0 <task_id> <group_id> <create_incident> <custom_field1> <custom_field2> [custom_field3] [custom_field4]\n\n";
print " * custom_field1 = comma separated list of networks (i.e.:,\n";
print " * custom_field2 = comma separated list of snmp communities to try.\n";
print " * custom_field3 = a router in the network. Optional but recommended.\n\n";
print " * custom_field4 = set to -a to add all network interfaces (by default only interfaces that are up are added).\n\n";
print " Additional information:\nWhen the script is called from a recon task the task_id, group_id and create_incident";
print " parameters are automatically filled by the Pandora FMS Server.\n";
# Connect the given hosts to its parent using traceroute.
sub traceroute_connectivity($) {
my ($host) = @_;
# Get the agent for the first device.
my $agent = get_agent_from_addr($DBH, $host);
if (!defined($agent)) {
$agent = get_agent_from_name($DBH, $host);
return unless defined($agent);
# Perform a traceroute.
my $nmap_args = '-nsP -PE --traceroute --max-retries '.$CONF{'icmp_checks'}.' --host-timeout '.$CONF{'networktimeout'}.'s -T'.$CONF{'recon_timing_template'};
my $np = new PandoraFMS::NmapParser;
eval {
$np->parsescan($CONF{'nmap'}, $nmap_args, ($host));
return if ($@);
# Get hops to the host.
my ($h) = $np->all_hosts ();
return unless defined ($h);
my @hops = $h->all_trace_hops ();
# Skip the target host.
# Reverse the host order (closest hosts first).
@hops = reverse(@hops);
# Look for parents.
my $parent_id = 0;
my $child_id = $agent->{'id_agente'};
foreach my $hop (@hops) {
my $host_addr = $hop->ipaddr ();
# Check if the parent agent exists.
my $agent_parent = get_agent_from_addr ($DBH, $host_addr);
if (!defined($agent_parent)) {
$agent_parent = get_agent_from_name($DBH, $host_addr);
if (defined ($agent_parent)) {
$parent_id = $agent_parent->{'id_agente'};
next unless ($agent_parent->{'modo'} == 1);
} else {
$parent_id = create_pandora_agent ($host_addr);
# Connect the host to its parent.
if ($parent_id > 0) {
db_do($DBH, 'UPDATE tagente SET id_parent=? WHERE id_agente=?', $parent_id, $child_id);
$child_id = $parent_id;
## Main.
if ($#ARGV < 3 ) {
$TASK_ID = $ARGV[0];
$GROUP_ID = $ARGV[1]; # Defined by user
$CREATE_INCIDENT = $ARGV[2]; # Defined by user
@SUBNETS = split(',', $ARGV[3]);
@SNMP_COMMUNITIES = split(',', $ARGV[4]) if defined($ARGV[4]);
$ROUTER = $ARGV[5] if defined($ARGV[5]);
$ALLIFACES = $ARGV[6] if defined($ARGV[6]);
$ALLIFACES = $ARGV[6] if defined($ARGV[6]);
# Read config filea and start logging.
# Connect to the DB
$DBH = db_connect ('mysql', $CONF{'dbname'}, $CONF{'dbhost'}, $CONF{'dbport'}, $CONF{'dbuser'}, $CONF{'dbpass'});
# 0%
update_recon_task($DBH, $TASK_ID, 1);
# Find routers.
message("[1/6] Searching for routers...");
if (defined($ROUTER) && $ROUTER ne '') {
update_recon_task($DBH, $TASK_ID, 15);
# Find devices.
message("[2/6] Searching for switches and end hosts...");
if (defined($ROUTER) && $ROUTER ne '') {
foreach my $router (keys(%VISITED_ROUTERS)) {
else {
foreach my $subnet (@SUBNETS) {
my $net_addr = new NetAddr::IP ($subnet);
if (!defined($net_addr)) {
message("Invalid network: $subnet");
exit 1;
my @hosts = map { (split('/', $_))[0] } $net_addr->hostenum;
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
# Check if the device has already been visited.
next if (defined($VISITED_DEVICES{$host}));
2015-09-09 11:39:44 +02:00
# Check if the host is up.
next if (pandora_ping(\%CONF, $host, 1, 1) == 0);
update_recon_task($DBH, $TASK_ID, 30);
# Find switch to switch connections.
message("[3/6] Finding switch to switch connectivity...");
for (my $i = 0; defined($SWITCHES[$i]); $i++) {
my $switch_1 = $SWITCHES[$i];
for (my $j = $i + 1; defined($SWITCHES[$j]); $j++) {
my $switch_2 = $SWITCHES[$j];
switch_to_switch_connectivity($switch_1, $switch_2) if ($switch_1 ne $switch_2);
update_recon_task($DBH, $TASK_ID, 45);
# Find router to switch connections.
message("[4/6] Finding router to switch connectivity...");
foreach my $router (@ROUTERS) {
foreach my $switch (@SWITCHES) {
router_to_switch_connectivity($router, $switch);
update_recon_task($DBH, $TASK_ID, 60);
# Find router to router connections.
message("[5/6] Finding router to router connectivity...");
for (my $i = 0; defined($ROUTERS[$i]); $i++) {
my $router_1 = $ROUTERS[$i];
for (my $j = $i + 1; defined($ROUTERS[$j]); $j++) {
my $router_2 = $ROUTERS[$j];
router_to_router_connectivity($router_1, $router_2) if ($router_1 ne $router_2);
update_recon_task($DBH, $TASK_ID, 75);
# Find switch/router to host connections.
my @hosts = (@ROUTERS, @SWITCHES, @HOSTS);
message("[6/6] Finding switch/router to end host connectivity...");
foreach my $device (@hosts) {
# Retry all known connectivity methods by brute force.
for (my $i = 0; defined($hosts[$i]); $i++) {
my $switch_1 = $hosts[$i];
for (my $j = $i + 1; defined($hosts[$j]); $j++) {
my $switch_2 = $hosts[$j];
switch_to_switch_connectivity($switch_1, $switch_2) if ($switch_1 ne $switch_2);
foreach my $router (@hosts) {
foreach my $switch (@hosts) {
router_to_switch_connectivity($router, $switch) if ($router ne $switch);
for (my $i = 0; defined($hosts[$i]); $i++) {
my $router_1 = $hosts[$i];
for (my $j = $i + 1; defined($hosts[$j]); $j++) {
my $router_2 = $hosts[$j];
router_to_router_connectivity($router_1, $router_2) if ($router_1 ne $router_2);
# Connect hosts that are still unconnected using traceroute.
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
next if ($VISITED_DEVICES{$host}->{'connected'} == 1); # Skip already connected hosts.
update_recon_task($DBH, $TASK_ID, -1);
# Print debug information on found devices.
foreach my $device (values(%VISITED_DEVICES)) {
if (ref($device) eq 'HASH') {
my $dev_info = "Device: " . $device->{'type'} . " (";
foreach my $ip_address (keys(%{$device->{'addr'}})) {
$dev_info .= "$ip_address,";
$dev_info .= ')';
# Do not delete unused connections unless at least one connection has been found
# (prevents the script from deleting connections if there has been a network outage).
delete_unused_connections(\%CONF, $DBH, $TASK_ID,\%CONNECTIONS) if (scalar(keys(%CONNECTIONS)) > 0);