2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
< ? php
2006-07-09 16:20:10 +02:00
// Pandora - the Free monitoring system
// ====================================
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
// Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L, info@artica.es
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Raul Mateos Martin, raulofpandora@gmail.com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
// Load global vars
require ( " include/config.php " );
if ( comprueba_login () == 0 ) {
if (( give_acl ( $id_user , 0 , " AR " ) == 1 ) or ( give_acl ( $id_user , 0 , " AW " )) or ( dame_admin ( $id_user ) == 1 )) {
// Load icon index array from ttipo_modulo
$iconindex [] = " " ;
$sql_tm = 'SELECT id_tipo, icon FROM ttipo_modulo' ;
$result_tm = mysql_query ( $sql_tm );
while ( $row_tm = mysql_fetch_array ( $result_tm )){
$iconindex [ $row_tm [ " id_tipo " ]] = $row_tm [ " icon " ];
echo " <h2> " . $lang_label [ " ag_title " ] . " </h2> " ;
2006-07-09 16:58:02 +02:00
echo " <h3> " . $lang_label [ " monitor_listing " ] . " <a href='help/ " . $help_code . " /chap3.php#334' target='_help' class='help'> <span> " . $lang_label [ " help " ] . " </span></a></h3> " ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
$iduser_temp = $_SESSION [ 'id_usuario' ];
if ( isset ( $_POST [ " ag_group " ]))
$ag_group = $_POST [ " ag_group " ];
elseif ( isset ( $_GET [ " group_id " ]))
$ag_group = $_GET [ " group_id " ];
$ag_group = - 1 ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ " ag_group_refresh " ])){
$ag_group = $_GET [ " ag_group_refresh " ];
if ( isset ( $_POST [ " ag_group " ])){
$ag_group = $_POST [ " ag_group " ];
echo " <form method='post' action='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&refr=60&ag_group_refresh= " . $ag_group . " '> " ;
} else {
echo " <form method='post' action='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&refr=60'> " ;
echo " <table border='0' cellspacing=3 cellpadding=3><tr><td valign='middle'> " . $lang_label [ " group_name " ];
echo " <td valign='middle'> " ;
echo " <select name='ag_group' onChange='javascript:this.form.submit();'> " ;
if ( $ag_group > 1 ){
echo " <option value=' " . $ag_group . " '> " . dame_nombre_grupo ( $ag_group );
echo " <option value=1> " . dame_nombre_grupo ( 1 );
$mis_grupos [] = " " ; // Define array mis_grupos to put here all groups with Agent Read permission
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tgrupo' ;
$result = mysql_query ( $sql );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )){
if ( $row [ " id_grupo " ] != 1 ){
if ( give_acl ( $iduser_temp , $row [ " id_grupo " ], " AR " ) == 1 ){
echo " <option value=' " . $row [ " id_grupo " ] . " '> " . dame_nombre_grupo ( $row [ " id_grupo " ]);
$mis_grupos [] = $row [ " id_grupo " ]; //Put in an array all the groups the user belongs
echo " </select> " ;
// Module name selector
// This code thanks for an idea from Nikum, nikun_h@hotmail.com
if ( isset ( $_POST [ " ag_modulename " ])){
$ag_modulename = $_POST [ " ag_modulename " ];
echo " <form method='post' action='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&refr=60&ag_modulename= " . $ag_modulename . " '> " ;
} else {
echo " <form method='post' action='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&refr=60'> " ;
echo " <tr><td valign='middle'> " ;
echo $lang_label [ " module_name " ] . " <td valign='middle'> <select name='ag_modulename' onChange='javascript:this.form.submit();'> " ;
if ( isset ( $ag_modulename )){
echo " <option> " . $ag_modulename ;
echo " <option>--- " ;
2006-04-25 12:08:16 +02:00
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT nombre FROM tagente_modulo WHERE (id_tipo_modulo = 2) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 9) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 12) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 18) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 6) ' ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
$result = mysql_query ( $sql );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )){
echo " <option> " . $row [ 0 ];
echo " </select> " ;
echo " <td valign='middle'><noscript><input name='uptbutton' type='submit' class='sub' value=' " . $lang_label [ " show " ] . " '></noscript></form> " ;
// Show only selected names & groups
if ( $ag_group > 1 )
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo=' . $ag_group . ' ORDER BY nombre' ;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tagente ORDER BY id_grupo, nombre' ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo " <br> " ;
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
$color = 1 ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
$result = mysql_query ( $sql );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $result )){
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )){ //while there are agents
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
if ( $row [ " disabled " ] == 0 ) {
if (( isset ( $ag_modulename )) && ( $ag_modulename != " --- " ))
$query_gen = 'SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ' . $row [ " id_agente " ] . ' AND nombre = "' . entrada_limpia ( $_POST [ " ag_modulename " ]) . '" AND ( (id_tipo_modulo = 2) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 9) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 12) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 18) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 6))' ;
$query_gen = 'SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ' . $row [ " id_agente " ] . ' AND ( (id_tipo_modulo = 2) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 9) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 12) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 18) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 6))' ;
$result_gen = mysql_query ( $query_gen );
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $result_gen )) {
while ( $data = mysql_fetch_array ( $result_gen )){
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
if ( $color == 1 ){
$tdcolor = " datos " ;
$color = 0 ;
} else {
$tdcolor = " datos2 " ;
$color = 1 ;
if ( ! isset ( $string )) { $string = '' ;}
$string = $string . " <tr><td class=' $tdcolor '><b> " ;
$string = $string . " <a href='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente= " . $data [ " id_agente " ] . " '> " . dame_nombre_agente ( $data [ " id_agente " ]) . " </a></b> " ;
$string = $string . " <td class=' $tdcolor '> " ;
$string = $string . " <img src='images/ " . $iconindex [ $data [ " id_tipo_modulo " ]] . " ' border=0> " ;
$string = $string . " <td class=' $tdcolor '> " . $data [ " nombre " ];
$string = $string . " <td class=' " . $tdcolor . " f9'> " . substr ( $data [ " descripcion " ], 0 , 30 );
$string = $string . " <td class=' $tdcolor ' width=25> " . $data [ " max " ] . " / " . $data [ " min " ];
$string = $string . " <td class=' $tdcolor ' width=25> " ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
if ( $data [ " module_interval " ] == 0 ){
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
$string = $string . give_agentinterval ( $data [ " id_agente " ]);
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
} else {
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
$string = $string . $data [ " module_interval " ];
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
$query_gen2 = 'SELECT * FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . $data [ " id_agente_modulo " ];
$result_gen2 = mysql_query ( $query_gen2 );
$data2 = mysql_fetch_array ( $result_gen2 );
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
$string = $string . " <td class=' $tdcolor ' align='center' width=20> " ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
if ( $data2 [ " datos " ] > 0 ){
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
$string = $string . " <img src='images/b_green.gif'> " ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
} else {
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
$string = $string . " <img src='images/b_red.gif'> " ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
$string = $string . " <td class=' " . $tdcolor . " f9' width='140'> " . $data2 [ " timestamp " ] . " </td></tr> " ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
2006-07-06 17:31:31 +02:00
else if ( $ag_group > 1 ) { unset ( $string );}
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
if ( isset ( $string )) {
echo " <table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='3' width='750'><tr><th> " . $lang_label [ " agent " ] . " </th><th> " . $lang_label [ " type " ] . " </th><th> " . $lang_label [ " name " ] . " </th><th> " . $lang_label [ " description " ] . " </th><th> " . $lang_label [ " max_min " ] . " </th><th> " . $lang_label [ " interval " ] . " </th><th> " . $lang_label [ " status " ] . " </th><th> " . $lang_label [ " timestamp " ] . " </th> " ;
echo $string ; //the built table of monitors
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
echo " <tr><td colspan='8'><div class='raya'></div></td></tr></table> " ;
2006-04-25 12:08:16 +02:00
echo " <br><table> " ;
echo " <tr><td class='f9i'> " ;
echo " <img src='images/b_green.gif'> - " . $lang_label [ " green_light " ] . " </td><td> </td> " ;
echo " <td class='f9i'> " ;
echo " <img src='images/b_red.gif'> - " . $lang_label [ " red_light " ] . " </td> " ;
echo " </table> " ;
2006-07-05 15:33:13 +02:00
else {
echo " <font class='red'> " . $lang_label [ " no_monitors_g " ] . " </font> " ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
} else {
echo " <font class='red'> " . $lang_label [ " no_agent " ] . " </font> " ;
} //end acl
} //end login