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/* x_win.js compiled from X 4.0 with XC 0.27b. Distributed by GNU LGPL. For copyrights, license, documentation and more visit */
function xWinClass(clsName, winName, w, h, x, y, loc, men, res, scr, sta, too){var thisObj = this;var e='',c=',',xf='left=',yf='top='; this.n = name;if (document.layers) {xf='screenX='; yf='screenY=';}this.f = (w?'width='+w+c:e)+(h?'height='+h+c:e)+(x>=0?xf+x+c:e)+(y>=0?yf+y+c:e)+'location='+loc+',menubar='+men+',resizable='+res+',scrollbars='+scr+',status='+sta+',toolbar='+too;this.opened = function() {return this.w && !this.w.closed;};this.close = function() {if(this.opened()) this.w.close();};this.focus = function() {if(this.opened()) this.w.focus();};this.load = function(sUrl) {if (this.opened()) this.w.location.href = sUrl;else this.w =,this.n,this.f);this.focus();return false;};function onClick() {return thisObj.load(this.href);}xGetElementsByClassName(clsName, document, '*', bindOnClick);function bindOnClick(e) {e.onclick = onClick;}}function xWindow(name, w, h, x, y, loc, men, res, scr, sta, too){var e='',c=',',xf='left=',yf='top='; this.n = name;if (document.layers) {xf='screenX='; yf='screenY=';}this.f = (w?'width='+w+c:e)+(h?'height='+h+c:e)+(x>=0?xf+x+c:e)+(y>=0?yf+y+c:e)+'location='+loc+',menubar='+men+',resizable='+res+',scrollbars='+scr+',status='+sta+',toolbar='+too;this.opened = function() {return this.w && !this.w.closed;};this.close = function() {if(this.opened()) this.w.close();};this.focus = function() {if(this.opened()) this.w.focus();};this.load = function(sUrl) {if (this.opened()) this.w.location.href = sUrl;else this.w =,this.n,this.f);this.focus();return false;};}var xChildWindow = null;function xWinOpen(sUrl){var features = "left=0,top=0,width=600,height=500,location=0,menubar=0," +"resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=0,toolbar=0";if (xChildWindow && !xChildWindow.closed) {xChildWindow.location.href = sUrl;}else {xChildWindow =, "myWinName", features);}xChildWindow.focus();return false;}var xWinScrollWin = null;function xWinScrollTo(win,x,y,uTime) {var e = win;if (!e.timeout) e.timeout = 25;var st = xScrollTop(e, 1);var sl = xScrollLeft(e, 1);e.xTarget = x; e.yTarget = y; e.slideTime = uTime; e.stop = false;e.yA = e.yTarget - st;e.xA = e.xTarget - sl; e.B = Math.PI / (2 * e.slideTime); e.yD = st;e.xD = sl; var d = new Date(); e.C = d.getTime();if (!e.moving) {xWinScrollWin = e;_xWinScrollTo();}}function _xWinScrollTo() {var e = xWinScrollWin || window;var now, s, t, newY, newX;now = new Date();t = now.getTime() - e.C;if (e.stop) { e.moving = false; }else if (t < e.slideTime) {setTimeout("_xWinScrollTo()", e.timeout);s = Math.sin(e.B * t);newX = Math.round(e.xA * s + e.xD);newY = Math.round(e.yA * s + e.yD);e.scrollTo(newX, newY);e.moving = true;} else {e.scrollTo(e.xTarget, e.yTarget);xWinScrollWin = null;e.moving = false;} }