// Pandora FMS - https://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Pandora FMS
// Please see https://pandorafms.com/community/ for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
global $config;
require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_users.php';
require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_reporting.php';
$searchAgents = get_parameter('search_agents', 0);
$stringSearchSQL = get_parameter('stringSearchSQL');
$order = get_datatable_order(true);
if (empty($order)) {
$order = [];
$totalAgents = 0;
switch ($order['field']) {
case 'comentarios':
$order['field'] = 't1.comentarios';
case 'os':
$order['field'] = 't1.id_os';
case 'interval':
$order['field'] = 't1.intervalo';
case 'group_icon':
$order['field'] = 't1.id_grupo';
case 'module':
$order['field'] = 'id_agente';
case 'status':
case 'alert':
case 'last_contact':
$order['field'] = 't1.ultimo_contacto';
case 'agent':
$order['field'] = 't1.alias';
$agents = false;
if ($searchAgents) {
$userGroups = users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'AR', false);
$id_userGroups = array_keys($userGroups);
$has_secondary = enterprise_hook('agents_is_using_secondary_groups');
$stringSearchSQL = str_replace('&', '&', $stringSearchSQL);
$stringSearchSQL = str_replace('\', '\\', $stringSearchSQL);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT taddress_agent.id_agent FROM taddress
INNER JOIN taddress_agent ON
taddress.id_a = taddress_agent.id_a
WHERE taddress.ip LIKE '$stringSearchSQL'";
$id = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);
if ($id != '') {
$aux = $id[0]['id_agent'];
$search_sql = " t1.nombre LIKE '".$stringSearchSQL."' OR
t2.nombre LIKE '".$stringSearchSQL."' OR
t1.alias LIKE '".$stringSearchSQL."' OR
t1.comentarios LIKE '".$stringSearchSQL."' OR
t1.id_agente =".$aux;
$idCount = count($id);
if ($idCount >= 2) {
for ($i = 1; $i < $idCount; $i++) {
$aux = $id[$i]['id_agent'];
$search_sql .= " OR t1.id_agente = $aux";
} else {
t1.direccion LIKE '".$stringSearchSQL."' OR
t1.alias LIKE '".$stringSearchSQL."'";
if ($has_secondary === true) {
$search_sql .= " OR (tasg.id_group IS NOT NULL AND
tasg.id_group IN (SELECT id_grupo FROM tgrupo WHERE nombre LIKE '".$stringSearchSQL."'))";
$sql = "
FROM tagente t1 LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg
ON t1.id_agente = tasg.id_agent
INNER JOIN tgrupo t2
ON t2.id_grupo = t1.id_grupo
1 = (
SELECT is_admin
FROM tusuario
WHERE id_user = '".$config['id_user']."'
OR (
t1.id_grupo IN (".implode(',', $id_userGroups).')
OR tasg.id_group IN ('.implode(',', $id_userGroups).")
OR 0 IN (
SELECT id_grupo
FROM tusuario_perfil
WHERE id_usuario = '".$config['id_user']."'
AND id_perfil IN (
SELECT id_perfil
FROM tperfil WHERE agent_view = 1
$select = 'SELECT DISTINCT(t1.id_agente), t1.ultimo_contacto, t1.nombre, t1.comentarios, t1.id_os, t1.intervalo, t1.id_grupo, t1.disabled, t1.alias, t1.quiet';
if (is_array($order)) {
// Datatables offset, limit.
$start = get_parameter('start', 0);
$length = get_parameter(
$limit = ' ORDER BY '.$order['field'].' '.$order['direction'].' LIMIT '.$length.' OFFSET '.$start;
$query = $select.$sql;
$query .= $limit;
$agents = db_process_sql($query);
if (empty($agents)) {
$agents = [];
$count_agents_main = 0;
if ($only_count) {
$count_agents_main = count($agents);
if ($agents !== false) {
$totalAgents = db_get_value_sql(
'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_agente) AS agent_count '.$sql
foreach ($agents as $key => $agent) {
if ($agent['disabled']) {
$agents[$key]['agent'] = '<em><a style href=index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$agent['id_agente'].'
title="'.$agent['id_agente'].'"><b><span style>'.ucfirst(strtolower($agent['alias'])).'</span></b></a>'.ui_print_help_tip(__('Disabled'), true).'</em>';
$agents[$key]['agent'] = '<a style href=index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$agent['id_agente'].'
title='.$agent['nombre'].'><b><span style>'.ucfirst(strtolower($agent['alias'])).'</span></b></a>';
$agents[$key]['os'] = ui_print_os_icon($agent['id_os'], false, true);
$agents[$key]['interval'] = human_time_description_raw($agent['intervalo'], false, 'tiny');
$agents[$key]['group_icon'] = ui_print_group_icon($agent['id_grupo'], true);
$agent_info = reporting_get_agent_module_info($agent['id_agente']);
$modulesCell = reporting_tiny_stats($agent_info, true);
$agents[$key]['module'] = $modulesCell;
$agents[$key]['status'] = $agent_info['status_img'];
$agents[$key]['alert'] = $agent_info['alert_img'];
$last_time = time_w_fixed_tz($agent['ultimo_contacto']);
$now = get_system_time();
$diferencia = ($now - $last_time);
$time = ui_print_timestamp($last_time, true);
$time_style = $time;
if ($diferencia > ($agent['intervalo'] * 2)) {
$time_style = '<b><span class="color_ff0">'.$time.'</span></b>';
$agents[$key]['last_contact'] = $time_style;
// RecordsTotal && recordsfiltered resultados totales.
echo json_encode(
'data' => ($agents ?? []),
'recordsTotal' => $totalAgents,
'recordsFiltered' => $totalAgents,