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/* x_table.js compiled from X 4.0 with XC 0.27b. Distributed by GNU LGPL. For copyrights, license, documentation and more visit */
function xTableCellVisibility(bShow, sec, nRow, nCol){sec = xGetElementById(sec);if (sec && nRow < sec.rows.length && nCol < sec.rows[nRow].cells.length) {sec.rows[nRow].cells[nCol].style.visibility = bShow ? 'visible' : 'hidden';}}function xTableColDisplay(bShow, sec, nCol){var r;sec = xGetElementById(sec);if (sec && nCol < sec.rows[0].cells.length) {for (r = 0; r < sec.rows.length; ++r) {sec.rows[r].cells[nCol].style.display = bShow ? '' : 'none';}}}function xTableCursor(id, inh, def, hov, sel) {var tbl = xGetElementById(id);if (tbl) {xTableIterate(tbl, init);}function init(obj, isRow){if (isRow) {obj.className = def;obj.onmouseover = trOver;obj.onmouseout = trOut;}else {obj.className = inh;obj.onmouseover = tdOver;obj.onmouseout = tdOut;}}this.unload = function() { xTableIterate(tbl, done); };function done(o) { o.onmouseover = o.onmouseout = null; }function trOver() { this.className = hov; }function trOut() { this.className = def; }function tdOver() { this.className = sel; }function tdOut() { this.className = inh; }}function xTableIterate(sec, fnCallback, data){var r, c;sec = xGetElementById(sec);if (!sec || !fnCallback) { return; }for (r = 0; r < sec.rows.length; ++r) {if (false == fnCallback(sec.rows[r], true, r, c, data)) { return; }for (c = 0; c < sec.rows[r].cells.length; ++c) {if (false == fnCallback(sec.rows[r].cells[c], false, r, c, data)) { return; }}}}function xTableRowDisplay(bShow, sec, nRow){sec = xGetElementById(sec);if (sec && nRow < sec.rows.length) {sec.rows[nRow].style.display = bShow ? '' : 'none';}}