1880 lines
60 KiB
1880 lines
60 KiB
Author : Infosoft Global Pvt. Ltd.
version : FREE
Company : Infosoft Global Pvt. Ltd.
FusionCharts Class easily handles All FusionCharts XML Structures like
graph, categories, dataset, set, Trend Lines, [vline, styles (for Future)] etc.
It<EFBFBD>s easy to use, it binds data into FusionCharts XML Structures
class FusionCharts{
var $chartType; # Chart Friendly Name
var $chartID; # ID of the Chart for JS interactivity(optional)
var $SWFFile; # Name of the required FusionCharts SWF file
var $SWFPath; # relative path of FusionCharts SWF files
var $width; # FusionCharts width
var $height; # FusionCharts height
# attribute Delimiter
var $del;
# Chart XML string
var $strXML;
# Chart Series Types : 1 => single series, 2=> multi-series, 5=>Gantt (
# For Future Use : 3=> scatter and bubble, 4=> MSStacked
var $seriesType;
# Charts Atribute array
var $chartParams = array(); #List of Chart Parameters
var $chartParamsCounter; #Number of Chart parameters
var $categoriesParam; # Categories Parameter Setting
var $categoryNames = array(); # Category array for storing Category set
var $categoryNamesCounter; # Category array counter
var $dataset = array(); # dataset array
var $datasetParam = array(); # dataset parameter setting array
var $datasetCounter; # dataset array counter
var $setCounter; # set array counter
# trendLines array
var $trendLines = array(); # trendLines array
var $tLineCounter; # trendLines array counter
#chart messages
var $chartMSG;
var $chartSWF = array(); # Charts SWF array
var $arr_FCColors = array(); # Color Set to be applied to dataplots
#############============ For Gantt Chart ============================
# Gantt categories
var $GT_categories = array();
var $GT_categories_Counter;
var $GT_categoriesParam = array();
var $GT_subcategories_Counter;
# Gantt processes
var $GT_processes = array();
var $GT_processes_Counter;
var $GT_processes_Param;
# Gantt Tasks
var $GT_Tasks = array();
var $GT_Tasks_Counter;
var $GT_Tasks_Param;
# Gantt Connectors
var $GT_Connectors = array();
var $GT_Connectors_Counter;
var $GT_Connectors_Param;
# Gantt Milestones
var $GT_Milestones = array();
var $GT_Milestones_Counter;
var $GT_Milestones_Param;
# Gantt datatable
var $GT_datatable = array();
var $GT_datatable_Counter;
var $GT_datatableParam;
var $GT_dataColumnParam = array();
var $GT_subdatatable_Counter;
#------- For Futute Use (start)----------------
# Gantt legend
var $GT_legend = array();
var $GT_legend_Counter;
var $GT_legend_Param;
#------- For Futute Use (end)----------------
# JS Constrator
var $debugMode;
var $registerWithJS;
var $bgColor;
var $scaleMode;
var $lang;
#############============ For Future Use (start)============================
# dataset for MSStackedColumn2D
var $MSSDataset = array(); # dataset array for MSStackedColumn2D
var $MSSDatasetParams = array(); # MSSDataset parameter setting
var $MSSDatasetCounter; # MSSDataset array counter
var $MSSSubDatasetCounter; # ms sub dataset array counter
var $MSSSetCounter; # msset array counter
# lineset
var $lineSet = array(); # lineSet array
var $lineSetParam = array(); # lineSet Parameter setting array
var $lineCounter; # line array counter
var $lineSetCounter; # lineset array counter
var $lineIDCounter; # lineID counter;
# vtrendLines array
var $vtrendLines = array(); # vtrendLines array
var $vtLineCounter; # vtrendLines array counter
# style array
var $styles = array(); # styles array
var $styleDefCounter; # define counter
var $styleAppCounter; # apply counter
#############============ For Future Use (end)============================
# FusionCharts Constructor, its take 4 Parameters.
# when we create object of FusionCharts, then Constructor will auto run and initialize
# chats array parameter like chartType, width, height, chartsID
function FusionCharts($chartType,$width,$height,$chartID=""){
# Setting All Charts Array
#initialise colorList
# Setting Chart name
# Getting Charts Series Type
# Setting Charts Width and Height
# Setting ChartID, Defult is Charts Name
if ($chartID==""){
if($chartCounter<=0 || $chartCounter==NULL){
$this->chartID=$chartType . $chartCounter;
# Setting Defult Parameter Delimiter to ';'
# Setting Default SWF Path
$this->SWFFile=$this->SWFPath . "FCF_" . $this->chartSWF[$this->chartType][0] . ".swf";
# Initialize categoriesParam
# Creating Category Array
# Initialize Dataset Variables
$this->setCounter= 0;
# Initialize MSSDataset Variables
# vTrendLines Array inisialize
# TrendLines Array inisialize
# Styles Array inisialize
# Gantt Connectors
# Gantt datatable
# Gantt legend
# JS Constractor
# XML store Variables
##------------ PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Setting Parameter Delimiter, Defult Parameter Separator is ";"
function setParamDelimiter($strDel){
# Setting path of SWF file. file name like FCF_Column3D.swf. where FCF_ is common for all SWF file
function setSWFPath($SWFPath){
$this->SWFFile=$this->SWFPath . "FCF_" . $this->chartSWF[$this->chartType][0] . ".swf";
# We can add or change single Chart parameter by setChartParam function
# its take Parameter Name and its Value
function setChartParam($paramName, $paramValue){
# We can add or change Chart parameter sets by setChartParams function
# its take parameterset [ caption=xyz caption;subCaption=abcd abcd abcd;xAxisName=x axis;yAxisName=y's axis;bgColor=f2fec0;animation=1 ]
# Defult Parameter Separator is ";"
function setChartParams($strParam){
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# Setting Categories Parameter into categoriesParam variables
function setCategoriesParams($strParam){
# Fetching all value and converting into xml attribute
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->categoriesParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addCategoryFromDatabase adding Category from dataset
function addCategoryFromDatabase($query_result, $categoryColumn){
# fetching recordset till eof
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)){
# adding category
$this->addCategory($row[$categoryColumn],"","" );
# Function addCategoryFromArray adding Category from Array
function addCategoryFromArray($categoryArray){
# convert array to category set
foreach ($categoryArray as $value) {
# adding category
# Function for create set and catagory, dataset , set from array
function addChartDataFromArray($dataArray, $dataCatArray=""){
if ($this->seriesType==1){
# Single series Array
# aa[..][..]="name" aa[..][..]="value"
foreach($dataArray as $arrayvalue){
$this->addChartData($arrayvalue[1],"name=" . $arrayvalue[0] );
# Multi series Array
foreach($dataCatArray as $value){
foreach($dataArray as $arrayvalue){
foreach($arrayvalue as $value){
# Function addCategory adding Category and vLine element
function addCategory($label="",$catParam="",$vlineParam = "" ){
# cheking vlineParam equal blank
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding label and parameter set to category
$strCatXML ="<category name='" . $label . "' " . $strParam . " />";
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding parameter set to vLine
$strCatXML="<vLine " . $strParam . " />";
# storing into categoryNames array
# Increase Counter
# adding dataset array element
function addDataset($seriesName, $strParam=""){
$this->createDataValues($this->datasetCounter,"_" . $this->setCounter);
# creating seriesName and dataset parameter set
$tempParam ="seriesName='" . $seriesName . "' ";
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$tempParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# setting datasetParam array
$colorParam=" color='" . $this->getColor($this->datasetCounter-1) . "'";
$this->datasetParam[$this->datasetCounter]=$tempParam . $colorParam;
# Function addChartData adding set data element
function addChartData($value="",$setParam="",$vlineParam = "" ){
# Choosing dataset depend on seriesType and getting XML set
if($this->seriesType>=1 and $this->seriesType<=2){
$this->setChartParams("lineColor=" . $colorSet );
$this->setChartParams("areaBgColor=" . $colorSet );
}elseif ($this->seriesType==3){
}elseif (($this->seriesType==4)){
# Adding xml set to dataset array and Increase set counter
if ($this->seriesType==1){
}elseif($this->seriesType>1 and $this->seriesType<4){
$this->dataset[$this->datasetCounter]["_" . $this->setCounter]=$strSetXML;
# Function addDatasetsFromDatabase adding dataset and set element by mysql recordset
function addDatasetsFromDatabase($query_result, $ctrlField, $valueField,$datsetParamArray="",$LinkPlaceHolder=""){
# Initialize variables
# Calculate total no of array elements in datsetParamArray
# fetching recordset till eof
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)){
# Creating Control break depending on ctrlField
# if ctrlField value change then dataset will be Generate
if ($tempContrl!=$row[$ctrlField]){
$tempParam = $datsetParamArray[$i-1];
# Adding Dataset
# Generating URL link
# Generating URL link from getLinkFromPattern
$paramset="link=" . urlencode($this->getLinkFromPattern($row,$LinkPlaceHolder));
# Adding set into dataset
$this->addChartData($row[$valueField], $paramset, "");
# addDataFromDatabase funcion take 5 parameter like query_result, label field, value field
# and initialize dataset variables and link
function addDataFromDatabase($query_result, $db_field_ChartData,$db_field_CategoryNames="", $strParam="",$LinkPlaceHolder=""){
# fetching recordset till eof
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_result)){
# Getting link
$paramset="link=" . urlencode($this->getLinkFromPattern($row,$LinkPlaceHolder));
if ($strParam=""){
$strParam .= ";" . $paramset;
# covert to set element and save to $partXML
$this->addChartData($this->encodeSpecialChars($data),$strParam,"" );
$this->addChartData($this->encodeSpecialChars($data),"name=" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($label) . ";" .$strParam,"" );
# setTLine create TrendLine parameter
function addTrendLine($strParam){
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
#this function sets chart messages
function setChartMessage($strParam){
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->chartMSG.=$paramValue[0] . "=" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "&";
#### - This function is mostly for Future USE -----------------------------
# set JS constructor of FusionCharts.js
function setAddChartParams($debugMode, $registerWithJS=0, $c="", $scaleMode="", $lang=""){
# getXML render all class arrays to XML output
function getXML(){
# calling getChartParamsXML function for chart parameter
$this->strXML = "<graph " . $this->getChartParamsXML() . " >";
if ($this->seriesType >= 0 and $this->seriesType <= 4) {
# calling getCategoriesXML function for Category element
$this->strXML .= $this->getCategoriesXML();
# calling getDatasetXML function for set element
$this->strXML .= $this->getDatasetXML();
# calling getvTrendLinesXML function for vTrendLines element
$this->strXML .= $this->getvTrendLinesXML();
# Calling getLinesetXML
$this->strXML .= $this->getLinesetXML();
# calling getTrendLinesXML function for TrendLines element
$this->strXML .= $this->getTrendLinesXML();
# calling getStylesXML function for Styles element
$this->strXML .= $this->getStylesXML();
}else if($this->seriesType == 5) {
$this->strXML .= $this->getGanttCategoriesXML();
$this->strXML .= $this->getProcessesXML();
$this->strXML .= $this->getGanttDatatableXML();
$this->strXML .= $this->getTasksXML();
$this->strXML .= $this->getConnectorsXML();
$this->strXML .= $this->getMilestonesXML();
# calling getTrendLinesXML function for TrendLines element
$this->strXML .= $this->getTrendLinesXML();
# calling getStylesXML function for Styles element
$this->strXML .= $this->getStylesXML();
$this->strXML .= $this->getLegendXML();
# Closing Chart element
$this->strXML .= "</graph>";
# Return XML output
return $this->strXML;
# Function getXML render all class arrays to XML output
function renderChart(){
$this->SWFFile=$this->SWFPath . "FCF_" . $this->chartSWF[$this->chartType][0] . ".swf";
# print the charts
print renderChart($this->SWFFile . $this->chartMSG,"",$this->strXML,$this->chartID, $this->width, $this->height,$this->debugMode,$this->registerWithJS,$this->bgColor,$this->scaleMode,$this->lang);
# Renders Chart form External XML data source
function renderChartFromExtXML($dataXML){
print renderChart($this->SWFFile,"",$dataXML,$this->chartID, $this->width, $this->height,$this->debugMode,$this->registerWithJS,$this->bgColor,$this->scaleMode,$this->lang);
##------------ PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------
# getDatasetXML create set chart xml
function getDatasetXML(){
# Calling dataset function depending on seriesType
switch ($this->seriesType){
case 1 :
return $this->getSSDatasetXML();
case 2 :
return $this->getMSDatasetXML();
case 3 :
return $this->getMSDatasetXML();
case 4 :
return $this->getMSStackedDatasetXML();
# By getChartParamsXML, we can fetch charts array and convert into XML
# and return like "caption='xyz' xAxisName='x side' ............
function getChartParamsXML(){
# feching charts each array and converting into chat parameter
foreach($this->chartParams as $part_type => $part_name){
$partXML .= $part_type . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($part_name) . "' ";
# Return Chart Parameter
return $partXML;
# Function getCategoriesXML for getting Category part XML
function getCategoriesXML(){
# adding categories parameter
$partXML="<categories " . $this->categoriesParam . " >";
foreach($this->categoryNames as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name;
# Closing <categories>
$partXML .="</categories>";
return $partXML;
# creating single set element
# <set value='30' />
# <set value='26' />
function getSSDatasetXML(){
foreach($this->dataset as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name;
return $partXML;
# getMSDatasetXML for getting datset part XML
# <dataset seriesName='Product A' color='AFD8F8' showValues='0'>
# <set value='30' />
# <set value='26' />
# </dataset>
function getMSDatasetXML(){
foreach($this->dataset as $part_type => $part_name){
$partXML .="<dataset " . $this->datasetParam[$part_type] . " >";
foreach($this->dataset[$part_type] as $part_type1 => $part_name1){
# Adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name1;
$partXML .="</dataset>";
return $partXML;
# getTrendLinesXML create XML output depending on trendLines array
# <trendLines>
# <line startValue='700000' color='009933' displayvalue='Target' />
# </trendLines>
function getTrendLinesXML(){
# fetching trendLines array
foreach($this->trendLines as $l_type => $l_name){
# staring line element
$lineXML .="<line ";
# fetching trendLines array with in array element
foreach($this->trendLines[$l_type] as $part_type => $part_name){
$lineXML .= $part_type . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($part_name) . "' ";
# close line element
$lineXML .=" />";
# if line element present then adding $lineXML with in trendLines element
$pos = strpos($lineXML, "=");
if ($pos!==false){
$partXML = "<trendLines>" . $lineXML . "</trendLines>";
# return nothing
# return trendLines xml
return $partXML;
# adding set element to dataset element for seriesType 1 and 2
function setSSMSDataArray($value="",$setParam="",$vlineParam = "" ){
# parameter creating
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
if($this->seriesType==1 && (gettype(strpos($this->chartType,"pie"))=="boolean" && gettype(strpos($this->chartType,"line"))=="boolean" && gettype(strpos($this->chartType,"area"))=="boolean")){
$colorSet=" color='" . $this->getColor($this->setCounter) . "' ";
# setting set parameter
$strSetXML ="<set value='" . $value . "' " . $strParam . $colorSet . " />";
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# setting vline parameter
$strSetXML="<vLine " . $strParam . " />";
return $strSetXML;
## - - - - - - Array Init Functions - - --- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -
# Function createCategory create array element with in Categories
function createCategory($catID){
$this->categoryNames[$catID]= array();
# createDataset dataset array element
function createDataset($dataID){
$this->dataset[$dataID]= array();
# creating set dataset array element
function createDataValues($datasetID, $dataID){
$this->dataset[$datasetID][$dataID]= array();
# createTrendLines create TrendLines array
function createTrendLines($lineID){
$this->trendLines[$lineID] = array();
# setTLine create TrendLine parameter
function setTLine($lineID,$paramName, $paramValue){
# ----- ---------- ----- Misc utility functions ---- ------ -----------
# converting ' and " to %26apos; and "
function encodeSpecialChars($strValue){
return $strValue;
# Its convert pattern link to original link
# abcd.php?cid=##Field_name_1##&pname=##Field_name_2##
function getLinkFromPattern($row,$tempLink){
# convert link into array break on '##'
# Reading array
foreach($aa as $v){
# Finding '=' into array
$pos = strpos($v, "=");
# not found '='
if($pos === false){
$pet="##" . $v . "##";
return $tempLink;
function validateParam($paramValue){
return false;
return false;
return true;
return false;
# Getting Charts series type from charts array. 1 => single series, 2=> multi-series, 3=> scatter and bubble, 4=> MSStacked. defult 1 => single series
function getSeriesType(){
#this function returns a color from a list of colors
function getColor($counter){
return $this->arr_FCColors[$counter % count($this->arr_FCColors)];
### ----- Pupulate Color and Chart SWF array ------ ------- ---------------------
function colorInit(){
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "AFD8F8";
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "F6BD0F";
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "8BBA00";
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "A66EDD";
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "F984A1" ;
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "CCCC00" ;//Chrome Yellow+Green
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "999999" ;//Grey
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "0099CC" ;//Blue Shade
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "FF0000" ;//Bright Red
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "006F00" ;//Dark Green
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "0099FF"; //Blue (Light)
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "FF66CC" ;//Dark Pink
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "669966" ;//Dirty green
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "7C7CB4" ;//Violet shade of blue
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "FF9933" ;//Orange
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "9900FF" ;//Violet
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "99FFCC" ;//Blue+Green Light
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "CCCCFF" ;//Light violet
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "669900" ;//Shade of green
$this->arr_FCColors[] = "1941A5" ;//Dark Blue
# Setting FusionCharts SWF file array list and series
function setChartArrays(){
####################### GANTT CHART (start) ######################################
# ----------- Public Functions -----------------------------------------------
# Function addCategory adding Category and vLine element
function addGanttCategorySet($catParam=""){
$this->GT_categories[$this->GT_categories_Counter]= array();
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addGanttCategory adding Category
function addGanttCategory($label="",$catParam=""){
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding label and parameter set to category
$strCatXML ="<category name='" . $label . "' " . $strParam . " />";
# storing into GT_categories array
# Increase Counter
# Setting Process Parameter into categoriesParam variables
function setGanttProcessesParams($strParam){
# Fetching all value and converting into xml attribute
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->GT_processes_Param .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addGanttProcess adding Process
function addGanttProcess($label="",$catParam=""){
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding label and parameter set to category
$strCatXML ="<process name='" . $label . "' " . $strParam . " />";
# storing into categoryNames array
# Increase Counter
# Setting Tasks Parameter into TaskParam variables
function setGanttTasksParams($strParam){
# Fetching all value and converting into xml attribute
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->GT_Tasks_Param .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addGanttTasks adding Tasks
function addGanttTask($label="",$catParam=""){
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . urldecode($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding label and parameter set to category
$strCatXML ="<task name='" . $label . "' " . $strParam . " />";
# storing into GT_Tasks array
# Increase Counter
# Setting Tasks Parameter into ConnectorsParam variables
function setGanttConnectorsParams($strParam){
# Fetching all value and converting into xml attribute
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->GT_Connectors_Param .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addGanttConnector adding Connector
function addGanttConnector($From,$To,$catParam=""){
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding label and parameter set to category
$strCatXML ="<connector fromTaskId='" . $From . "' toTaskId='" . $To . "' " . $strParam . " />";
# storing into GT_Connectors array
# Increase Counter
# Setting Milestones Parameter into MilestonesParam variables
function setGanttMilestonesParams($strParam){
# Fetching all value and converting into xml attribute
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->GT_Milestones_Param .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addGanttMilestones adding Milestones
function addGanttMilestone($taskID,$catParam=""){
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding label and parameter set to Milestones
$strCatXML ="<milestone taskId='" . $taskID . "' " . $strParam . " />";
# storing into GT_Milestones array
# Increase Counter
# Setting Legend Parameter into LegendParam variables
function setGanttLegendParams($strParam){
# Fetching all value and converting into xml attribute
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->GT_legend_Param .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addGanttLegendItem adding LegendItem
function addGanttLegendItem($label,$catParam=""){
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding label and parameter set to LegendItem
$strCatXML ="<item label='" . $label . "' " . $strParam . " />";
# storing into GT_legend array
# Increase Counter
# Setting Datatable Parameter into DatatableParam variables
function setGanttDatatableParams($strParam){
# Fetching all value and converting into xml attribute
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->GT_datatableParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addGanttDatacolumn adding Datacolumn
function addGanttDatacolumn($catParam=""){
$this->GT_datatable[$this->GT_datatable_Counter]= array();
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# Function addGanttColumnText adding ColumnText
function addGanttColumnText($label="",$catParam=""){
# cheking catParam not blank
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter set
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding label and parameter set to category
$strCatXML ="<text label='" . $label . "' " . $strParam . " />";
# storing into GT_datatable array
# Increase Counter
### ------------- Gantt Private Functoins ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#-- Gantt array init ------------------------------------------------
# Function createCategory create array element with in Categories
function createGanttCategory($catID){
$this->GT_categories[$catID]= array();
# Function createGanttDatatable create array element with in Datatable
function createGanttDatatable($catID){
$this->GT_datatable[$catID]= array();
#-- GANTT XML genetators -------------------------------------------
# Function getCategoriesXML for getting Category part XML
function getGanttCategoriesXML(){
foreach($this->GT_categories as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding categories parameter
$partXML .="<categories " . $this->GT_categoriesParam[$part_type] . " >";
foreach($this->GT_categories[$part_type] as $part_type1 => $part_name1){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name1;
# Closing <categories>
$partXML .="</categories>";
return $partXML;
# Function getProcessesXML for getting Processes part XML
function getProcessesXML(){
# adding processes parameter
$partXML="<processes " . $this->GT_processes_Param . " >";
foreach($this->GT_processes as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name;
# Closing <categories>
$partXML .="</processes>";
return $partXML;
# Function getProcessesXML for getting Processes part XML
function getTasksXML(){
# adding processes parameter
$partXML="<tasks " . $this->GT_Tasks_Param . " >";
foreach($this->GT_Tasks as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name;
# Closing <tasks>
$partXML .="</tasks>";
return $partXML;
# Function getConnectorsXML for getting Connectors part XML
function getConnectorsXML(){
# adding connectors parameter
$partXML="<connectors " . $this->GT_Connectors_Param . " >";
foreach($this->GT_Connectors as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name;
# Closing <connectors>
$partXML .="</connectors>";
if ($c>0){
return $partXML;
return "";
# Function getMilestonesXML for getting Milestones part XML
function getMilestonesXML(){
# adding Milestones parameter
$partXML="<milestones " . $this->GT_Milestones_Param . " >";
foreach($this->GT_Milestones as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name;
# Closing <milestones>
$partXML .="</milestones>";
if ($c>0) {
return $partXML;
return "";
# Function getLegendXML for getting Legend part XML
function getLegendXML(){
# adding Legend parameter
$partXML="<legend " . $this->GT_legend_Param . " >";
foreach($this->GT_legend as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name;
# Closing <milestones>
$partXML .="</legend>";
if ($c>0) {
return $partXML;
return "";
# Function getGanttDatatableXML for getting Category part XML
function getGanttDatatableXML(){
foreach($this->GT_datatable as $part_type => $part_name){
# adding dataColumn parameter
$partXML .="<dataColumn " . $this->GT_dataColumnParam[$part_type] . " >";
foreach($this->GT_datatable[$part_type] as $part_type1 => $part_name1){
# adding elements
$partXML .= $part_name1;
# Closing <dataColumn>
$partXML .="</dataColumn>";
$allPart="<dataTable " . $this->GT_datatableParam . " >" . $partXML . "</dataTable>";
return $allPart;
####################### GANTT CHART (end) ######################################
#====================== For Future Use (start) =====================================
##---------PUBLIC functions ----------------------------------------------------
# adding Lineset array and parameter to it
function addLineset($seriesName, $strParam){
$this->lineSet[$this->lineCounter][$this->lineSetCounter]= array();
$tempParam ="seriesName='" . $seriesName . "' ";
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# adding parameter
$tempParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# setting lineSetParam array with Parameter set
$this->lineSetParam [$this->lineSetCounter]=$tempParam;
# adding Line's Set data
function addLinesetData($value="",$setParam="",$vlineParam = "" ){
# getting parameter set
# setting paramter to lineSet array
# Increase lineIDCounter
# adding ms dataset and parameter
function addMSSSubDataset($seriesName, $strParam){
$this->MSSDataset[$this->MSSDatasetCounter][$this->MSSSubDatasetCounter]= array();
# creating seriesName
$tempParam ="seriesName='" . $seriesName . "' ";
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creatting MSSDataset parameter set
$tempParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding Parameter to MSSDatasetParams array
// $this->createMSSSetData();
# adding set element to dataset element for seriesType 3
function setScatterBubbleDataArray($value="",$setParam="",$vlineParam = "" ){
# parameter for set
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# creating parameter sets
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding Parameter into set elements
$strSetXML ="<set x='" . $value . "' " . $strParam . " />";
# Parameter for vLine
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$strParam .= $paramValue[0] . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]) . "' ";
# adding vLine element
$strSetXML="<vLine " . $strParam . " />";
return $strSetXML;
# setvTLine create TrendLine parameter
function setVTrendLines($strParam){
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
# setSubStylesParam create sub styles array to store parameters
function addStyleDef($styleName,$styleType,$strParam){
$this->styles["definition"]["style"][$this->styleDefCounter]["name"]= $styleName;
$this->styles["definition"]["style"][$this->styleDefCounter]["type"]= $styleType;
foreach ($listArray as $valueArray) {
$this->styles["definition"]["style"][$this->styleDefCounter][$paramValue[0]]= $this->encodeSpecialChars($paramValue[1]);
# apply styles
function addStyleApp($toObject,$styles){
$this->styles["application"]["apply"][$this->styleAppCounter]["toObject"]= $toObject;
$this->styles["application"]["apply"][$this->styleAppCounter]["styles"]= $styles;
##---------PRIVATE functions ----------------------------------------------------
## - -- - - XML generators - - - - ---- - -- - - - -
# Function getLinesetXML for getting Lineset XML
function getLinesetXML(){
# if seriesType MSStackedColumn2DLineDY (4) then linset element will be Generate
# Fetching lineSet array and Generating lineset xml element
foreach($this->lineSet as $part_type => $part_name){
$partXML .= "<lineset " . $this->lineSetParam[$part_type] . " >";
foreach($this->lineSet[$part_type] as $part_type1 => $part_name1){
foreach($this->lineSet[$part_type][$part_type1] as $part_type2 => $part_name2){
if ($part_type2!=""){
$partXML .= $part_name2;
$partXML .= "</lineset>";
return $partXML;
# Function getMSStackedDatasetXML for getting datset part XML from ms stacked chart dataset array
# <dataset>
# <dataset seriesName='Product A' color='AFD8F8' showValues='0'>
# <set value='30' />
# <set value='26' />
# </dataset>
# </dataset>
function getMSStackedDatasetXML(){
foreach($this->MSSDataset as $part_type => $part_name){
$partXML .= "<dataset>";
foreach($this->MSSDataset[$part_type] as $part_type1 => $part_name1){
$partXML .= "<dataset " . $this->MSSDatasetParams[$part_type][$part_type1] . " >";
foreach($this->MSSDataset[$part_type][$part_type1] as $part_type2 => $part_name2){
if ($part_type2!=""){
$partXML .= $part_name2;
$partXML .= "</dataset>";
$partXML .= "</dataset>";
return $partXML;
# getvTrendLinesXML create XML output depending on trendLines array
# <vTrendlines>
# <line displayValue='vTrendLines' startValue='5' endValue='6' alpha='10' color='ff0000' />
# </vTrendlines>
function getvTrendLinesXML(){
# fetching vtrendLines array
foreach($this->vtrendLines as $l_type => $l_name){
# staring line element
$lineXML .="<line ";
# fetching vtrendLines array with in array element
foreach($this->vtrendLines[$l_type] as $part_type => $part_name){
$lineXML .= $part_type . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($part_name) . "' ";
# close line element
$lineXML .=" />";
# if line element present then adding $lineXML with in vtrendLines element
$pos = strpos($lineXML, "=");
if ($pos !== false) {
$partXML = "<vTrendlines>" . $lineXML . "</vTrendlines>";
# return nothing
# return vtrendLines xml
return $partXML;
# getStylesXML create the styles XML from styles array
<style name='CanvasAnim' type='animation' param='_xScale' start='0' duration='1' />
<apply toObject='Canvas' styles='CanvasAnim' />
function getStylesXML(){
# fetching styles array
foreach($this->styles as $s_type => $s_name){
$lineXML .="<" . $s_type . ">";
# fetching styles array with in array
foreach($this->styles[$s_type] as $sub_type => $sub_name){
# creating dynamic element depend on array name
# fetching styles array with in array with array element
foreach($this->styles[$s_type][$sub_type] as $part_type => $part_name){
$lineXML .="<" . $sub_type . " ";
foreach($this->styles[$s_type][$sub_type][$part_type] as $part_type1 => $part_name1){
# adding elements parameter
$lineXML .= $part_type1 . "='" . $this->encodeSpecialChars($part_name1) . "' ";
$lineXML .=" />";
# closing open eleement
$lineXML .="</" . $s_type . ">";
# adding $lineXML with in style element
# cheking element have any attribute or not
$pos = strpos($lineXML, "=");
if ($pos !== false) {
$partXML = "<styles>" . $lineXML . "</styles>";
$partXML ="";
# returning the part of xml
return $partXML;
## ---------- Array Init functions ----------------------------------------------
# create Lineset array
function createLineset(){
$this->lineSet[$this->lineCounter]= array();
# creating MS-Stacked ataset array element and parameter array
function createMSSDataset(){
$this->MSSDataset[$this->MSSDatasetCounter]= array();
# Creating set data with in datset
function createMSSSetData(){
$this->MSSDataset[$this->MSSDatasetCounter][$this->MSSSubDatasetCounter][$this->MSSSetCounter]= array();
# createStyles create array element with in styles array
function createStyles($styleID){
$this->styles[$styleID]= array();
# createSubStyles create array element with in styles array element with in sub styles array
# element for storing sub element parameter
function createSubStyles($styleID,$subStyle){
$this->styles[$styleID][$subStyle]= array();
# createvTrendLines create TrendLines array
function createvTrendLines($lineID){
$this->vtrendLines[$lineID] = array();
# setvTLine create TrendLine parameter
function setvTLine($lineID,$paramName, $paramValue){
# create sub styles param
function createSubStylesParam($styleID,$subStyle,$subParam){
$this->styles[$styleID][$subStyle][$subParam]= array();
# setSubStylesParam create sub styles array to store parameters
function setSubStylesParam($styleID,$subStyle,$subParam,$id,$value){
$this->styles[$styleID][$subStyle][$subParam][$id]= $value;
#====================== For Future Use (end) ======================================