2012-06-26 Mark Holland <mark@mark-holland.me.uk>
* res/values/strings.xml: Added strings for
smsReceived, networkType, phoneType and calls.
Replicated in values-en and values-es.
* res/layout/setup.xml: Added checkboxes for simID
and task reporting.
* res/layout/status.xml: Added textviews for new data.
* src/pandroid/agent/core.java: set simID
reporting as disabled by default. Added variables
for networkOperator, networkType, phoneType,
signalStrength, incoming, missed and outgoing calls.
* src/pandroid/agent/PandroidAgentListener.java: task,
smsReceived, networkType, phoneType and calls methods
and then added to XML. simID now checks whether
enabled in user configuration.
* src/pandroid/agent/setup.java: Added spinner for task
* src/pandroid/agent/SMSActivity.java: removed
* src/pandroid/agent/SMSBroadcastReceiver.java: upon
receiving a smsreceived intent, increments the stored
number of smsReceived.
* src/pandroid/agent/status.java: Added textviews for
new methods mentioned above.
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@6708 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
2012-06-26 02:47:47 +02:00
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2013-04-28 06:43:12 +02:00