2013-03-15 15:50:47 +01:00
< ? php
// Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
include_once ( " ../include/functions_users.php " );
class Groups {
private $correct_acl = false ;
private $groups = array ();
private $status = array ();
function __construct () {
$system = System :: getInstance ();
if ( $system -> checkACL ()) {
$this -> correct_acl = true ;
$this -> groups = $this -> getListGroups ();
2013-04-02 15:44:48 +02:00
//~ foreach ($this->groups as $key => $group) {
//~ $this->status[$key] = $group['status'];
//~ unset($this->groups[$key]['status']);
//~ }
2013-03-15 15:50:47 +01:00
else {
$this -> correct_acl = false ;
public function show () {
if ( ! $this -> correct_acl ) {
$this -> show_fail_acl ();
else {
$this -> show_group ();
private function show_fail_acl () {
2013-04-24 14:36:32 +02:00
$error [ 'title_text' ] = __ ( 'You don\'t have access to this page' );
$error [ 'content_text' ] = __ ( 'Access to this page is restricted to authorized users only, please contact system administrator if you need assistance. <br><br>Please know that all attempts to access this page are recorded in security logs of Pandora System Database' );
$home = new Home ();
$home -> show ( $error );
2013-03-15 15:50:47 +01:00
private function show_group () {
$ui = Ui :: getInstance ();
$ui -> createPage ();
$ui -> createDefaultHeader ( __ ( " PandoraFMS: Groups " ));
$ui -> showFooter ( false );
$ui -> beginContent ();
2013-04-09 11:29:03 +02:00
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<div class="list_groups" data-role="collapsible-set" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="d">' );
2013-04-02 15:44:48 +02:00
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> groups as $group ) {
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '
< style type = " text/css " >
. ui - icon - group_ ' . $count . ' {
background : url ( " ' . $group['group_icon'] . ' " ) no - repeat scroll 0 0 transparent ! important ;
</ style >
' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<div data-collapsed-icon="group_' . $count . '" ' .
'data-expanded-icon="group_' . $count . '" ' .
'data-iconpos="right" data-role="collapsible" ' .
'data-collapsed="true" data-theme="' . $group [ 'status' ] . '" data-content-theme="d">' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<h4>' . $group [ 'group_name' ] . '</h4>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<ul data-role="listview">' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<li>' .
__ ( 'Agents' ) .
' ' . $group [ __ ( 'Agents' )] .
'</li>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<li>' .
__ ( 'Agents unknown' ) .
' ' . $group [ __ ( 'Agents unknown' )] .
'</li>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<li>' .
__ ( 'Unknown' ) .
' ' . $group [ __ ( 'Unknown' )] .
'</li>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<li>' .
__ ( 'Not init' ) .
' ' . $group [ __ ( 'Not init' )] .
'</li>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<li>' .
__ ( 'Normal' ) .
' ' . $group [ __ ( 'Normal' )] .
'</li>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<li>' .
__ ( 'Warning' ) .
' ' . $group [ __ ( 'Warning' )] .
'</li>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<li>' .
__ ( 'Critical' ) .
' ' . $group [ __ ( 'Critical' )] .
'</li>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '<li>' .
__ ( 'Alerts fired' ) .
' ' . $group [ __ ( 'Alerts fired' )] .
'</li>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '</ul>' );
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '</div>' );
$count ++ ;
$ui -> contentAddHtml ( '</div>' );
//~ $table = new Table();
//~ $table->setId('list_groups');
//~ $table->setClass('group_view');
//~ $table->importFromHash($this->groups);
//~ $table->setRowClass($this->status);
//~ $ui->contentAddHtml($table->getHTML());
2013-03-15 15:50:47 +01:00
$ui -> endContent ();
$ui -> showPage ();
private function getListGroups () {
$return = array ();
$user = User :: getInstance ();
// Get group list that user has access
$groups_full = users_get_groups ( $user -> getIdUser (), " AR " , true , true );
$groups = array ();
foreach ( $groups_full as $group ) {
$groups [ $group [ 'id_grupo' ]][ 'name' ] = $group [ 'nombre' ];
if ( $group [ 'id_grupo' ] != 0 ) {
$groups [ $group [ 'parent' ]][ 'childs' ][] = $group [ 'id_grupo' ];
$groups [ $group [ 'id_grupo' ]][ 'prefix' ] = $groups [ $group [ 'parent' ]][ 'prefix' ] . ' ' ;
else {
$groups [ $group [ 'id_grupo' ]][ 'prefix' ] = '' ;
if ( ! isset ( $groups [ $group [ 'id_grupo' ]][ 'childs' ])) {
$groups [ $group [ 'id_grupo' ]][ 'childs' ] = array ();
// For each valid group for this user, take data from agent and modules
foreach ( $groups as $id_group => $group ) {
2013-04-10 12:31:18 +02:00
$rows = groups_get_group_row_data ( $id_group , $groups , $group , $printed_groups );
2013-04-02 15:44:48 +02:00
2013-03-15 15:50:47 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $rows ))
$return = array_merge ( $return , $rows );
return $return ;