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Change the values in the ./conf/pandora_server.conf file to your own values: servername, IP and so.
SNMP Troubleshooting
You need to install libnet-snmp-perl (not the old libsnmp-perl) package (debian name) to use SNMP Network Agents.
On PERL code for Pandora Server:
If problems occur there are number areas to look at to narrow down the possibilities.
The first step should be to test the UCD SNMP installation independently from the Perl5 SNMP interface.
Try running the apps from the UCD SNMP distribution, this means: try to exec manually snmpget in the Pandora Network Server. Try for example:
snmpget -v 1 -c public SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0
bash: snmpget: command not found
Houston, you've a problem with snmpget :-). Fix it before launch pandora network server.
Make sure your agent (snmpd) is running and properly configured with read-write access for the community you are using.
Ensure that your MIBs are installed and enviroment variables are set appropriately (see man mib_api)
Be sure to remove old ucd-snmp installations and ensure headers and libraries from old CMU installations are not being used by mistake.
If the problem occurs during compilation/linking check that the snmp library being linked is actually the UCD SNMP library (there have been name conflicts with existing snmp libs).
Also check that the header files are correct and up to date.
Sometimes compiling the UCD SNMP library with 'position-independent-code' enabled is required (HPUX specifically).
Network Agent: ICMP Latency
This module only works if Network Server component its executed under root privileges due limitations of Net::Ping perl library. You can run Network Server using an user without admin privileges but you cannot use ICMP Data / Latency module, but ICMP Proc it's usable using any user because other perl library it's used in this case.
Network Agent: UDP
This module only works if Network Server component its executed under root privileges due limitations of Net::Ping perl library.
Network Agent chat
Its possible to send data to remote TCP ports in Network Agents, you can use "^M" macro to replace \r\n (Return Carriage and Line Feed), for example, to use a simple http request: "GET / HTTP/1.0^M^M".
remote_tcp_proc moduletype allows you to "expect" a string (rcv data). If this string is matched in any place of the answer, value will be 1 (OK), if not, 0 (BAD).
Network SNMP Agent
SNMP OID MUST be provided in dotted format, p.e:
IF-MIB::ifInOctets.6 -> .
SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime -> .