2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
-- MySQL dump 9.11
-- Host: localhost Database: pandora
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version 4.0.24_Debian-10-log
-- Dumping data for table `talerta`
2006-07-03 19:16:20 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` talerta ` VALUES ( 1 , ' eMail ' , ' echo _field3_ | sendmail -s _field2_ _field1_ ' , ' Send email from Pandora Server. mail is a default command on all "standard" Unix systems, using:\r\n_field1_ as destination email address, and\r\n_field2_ as subject for message. \r\n_field3_ as text of message. ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` talerta ` VALUES ( 2 , ' LogFile ' , ' echo _timestamp_ pandora _field1_ _field2_ >> /var/log/pandora_alert.log ' , ' This is a default alert to write alerts in a standard ASCII plaintext log file in /var/log/pandora_alert.log\r\n ' ) ;
2006-07-03 12:49:42 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` talerta ` VALUES ( 3 , ' Internal Audit ' , ' ' , ' This alert save alert in Pandora internal audit system. Fields are static and only _field1_ is used. ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` talerta ` VALUES ( 4 , ' SNMP Trap ' , ' /usr/bin/snmptrap -v 1 -c trap_public _agent_ _field1_ ' , ' Send a SNMPTRAP to Please review config and adapt to your needs, this is only a sample, not functional itself. ' ) ;
2006-07-03 12:49:42 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` talerta ` VALUES ( 5 , ' SMS Text ' , ' echo _field2_ | mail -s PANDORA_field1_ slerena@vodafone.es ' , ' Send SMS via e-mail gateway. Use _field1_ for a short SMS text (35 chars) and _field2_ for text message (full SMS) ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` talerta ` VALUES ( 6 , ' Syslog ' , ' /usr/bin/logger -pri daemon.alert Pandora Alert _agent_ _field1_ _field2_ ' , ' Uses _field1_ and _field2_ to generate a Syslog alert in facility "daemon" with "alert" level. ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
-- Dumping data for table `tconfig`
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 1 , ' language_code ' , ' en ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 3 , ' block_size ' , ' 20 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 4 , ' days_purge ' , ' 60 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 5 , ' days_compact ' , ' 15 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 6 , ' graph_res ' , ' 2 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 7 , ' step_compact ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
2006-09-28 11:52:54 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 8 , ' db_scheme_version ' , ' 1.2 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 9 , ' db_scheme_build ' , ' PD60926 ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 10 , ' graph_order ' , ' 1 ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 11 , ' truetype ' , ' 0 ' ) ;
2006-07-01 03:48:56 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tconfig ` VALUES ( 12 , ' bgimage ' , ' background2.jpg ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
-- Dumping data for table `tconfig_os`
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 1 , ' Linux ' , ' Linux: All versions ' , ' so_linux.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 2 , ' Solaris ' , ' Sun Solaris ' , ' so_solaris.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 3 , ' AIX ' , ' IBM AIX ' , ' so_aix.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 4 , ' BSD ' , ' OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Others ' , ' so_bsd.gif ' ) ;
2006-07-03 17:21:37 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 5 , ' HP-UX ' , ' HP-UX Unix OS ' , ' so_hpux.gif ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 6 , ' BeOS ' , ' BeOS ' , ' so_beos.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 7 , ' Cisco ' , ' CISCO IOS ' , ' so_cisco.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 8 , ' MacOS ' , ' MAC OS ' , ' so_mac.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 9 , ' Windows ' , ' Microsoft Windows OS ' , ' so_win.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 10 , ' Other ' , ' Other SO ' , ' so_other.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tconfig_os ` VALUES ( 11 , ' Network ' , ' Pandora Network Agent ' , ' network.gif ' ) ;
-- Dumping data for table `tgrupo`
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 1 , ' All ' , ' ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 2 , ' Servers ' , ' servers ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 3 , ' IDS ' , ' ids ' ) ;
2006-06-29 16:47:49 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 4 , ' Firewalls ' , ' firewall ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 8 , ' Databases ' , ' db ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 9 , ' Comms ' , ' comms ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 10 , ' Others ' , ' others ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 11 , ' Workstations ' , ' workstation ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tgrupo ` VALUES ( 12 , ' Applications ' , ' apps ' ) ;
-- Dumping data for table `tlink`
INSERT INTO ` tlink ` VALUES ( 0000000001 , ' GeekTools ' , ' www.geektools.com ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tlink ` VALUES ( 0000000002 , ' CentralOPS ' , ' http://www.centralops.net/ ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tlink ` VALUES ( 0000000003 , ' Pandora Project ' , ' http://pandora.sourceforge.net ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tlink ` VALUES ( 0000000004 , ' Babel Project ' , ' http://babel.sourceforge.net ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tlink ` VALUES ( 0000000005 , ' Google ' , ' http://www.google.com ' ) ;
-- Dumping data for table `torigen`
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' Operating System event ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' IDS events ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' Firewall records ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' Database event ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' Application data ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' Logfiles ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' Other data source ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' Pandora event ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' User report ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` torigen ` VALUES ( ' Unknown source ' ) ;
-- Dumping data for table `tperfil`
INSERT INTO ` tperfil ` VALUES ( 1 , ' Operator (Read) ' , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tperfil ` VALUES ( 2 , ' Operator (Write) ' , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tperfil ` VALUES ( 3 , ' Chief Operator ' , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tperfil ` VALUES ( 4 , ' Group coordinator ' , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tperfil ` VALUES ( 5 , ' Pandora Administrator ' , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) ;
-- Dumping data for table `ttipo_modulo`
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 1 , ' generic_data ' , 0 , ' Generic module to adquire numeric data ' , ' mod_data.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 2 , ' generic_proc ' , 1 , ' Generic module to adquire boolean data ' , ' mod_proc.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 3 , ' generic_data_string ' , 0 , ' Generic module to adquire alphanumeric data ' , ' mod_string.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 4 , ' generic_data_inc ' , 0 , ' Generic module to adquire numeric incremental data ' , ' mod_data_inc.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 6 , ' remote_icmp_proc ' , 3 , ' Remote ICMP network agent, boolean data ' , ' mod_icmp_proc.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 7 , ' remote_icmp ' , 2 , ' Remote ICMP network agent (latency) ' , ' mod_icmp_data.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 8 , ' remote_tcp ' , 2 , ' Remote TCP network agent, numeric data ' , ' mod_tcp_data.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 9 , ' remote_tcp_proc ' , 3 , ' Remote TCP network agent, boolean data ' , ' mod_tcp_proc.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 10 , ' remote_tcp_string ' , 2 , ' Remote TCP network agent, alphanumeric data ' , ' mod_tcp_string.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 11 , ' remote_tcp_inc ' , 2 , ' Remote TCP network agent, incremental data ' , ' mod_tcp_inc.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 12 , ' remote_udp_proc ' , 3 , ' Remote UDP network agent, boolean data ' , ' mod_udp_proc.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 15 , ' remote_snmp ' , 2 , ' Remote SNMP network agent, numeric data ' , ' mod_snmp_data.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 16 , ' remote_snmp_inc ' , 2 , ' Remote SNMP network agent, incremental data ' , ' mod_snmp_inc.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 17 , ' remote_snmp_string ' , 2 , ' Remote SNMP network agent, alphanumeric data ' , ' mod_snmp_string.gif ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` ttipo_modulo ` VALUES ( 18 , ' remote_snmp_proc ' , 1 , ' Remote SNMP network agent, boolean data ' , ' mod_snmp_proc.gif ' ) ;
-- Dumping data for table `tusuario`
INSERT INTO ` tusuario ` VALUES ( ' admin ' , ' Default Admin ' , ' 1da7ee7d45b96d0e1f45ee4ee23da560 ' , ' Admin Pandora ' , ' 2005-12-18 20:13:10 ' , ' admin_pandora@nowhere.net ' , ' 555-555-555 ' , 1 ) ;
2006-06-29 13:04:21 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tusuario ` VALUES ( ' demo ' , ' Demo user ' , ' fe01ce2a7fbac8fafaed7c982a04e229 ' , ' Please do not change anything in this user, so other users can connect with it.\r\n\r\nThanks. ' , ' 2005-12-20 17:46:48 ' , ' demo@nowhere.net ' , ' +4555435435 ' , 0 ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
-- Dumping data for table `tusuario_perfil`
INSERT INTO ` tusuario_perfil ` VALUES ( 1 , ' demo ' , 1 , 1 , ' admin ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tusuario_perfil ` VALUES ( 2 , ' admin ' , 5 , 1 , ' admin ' ) ;
-- Dumping data for table `tlanguage`
2006-07-09 16:58:02 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' ast_es ' , ' Bable ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' en ' , ' English ' ) ;
2006-06-29 13:04:21 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' es_es ' , ' Español ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' es_la ' , ' Español-Latinoamérica ' ) ;
2006-07-06 17:58:34 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' pt_br ' , ' Português-Brasil ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' fr ' , ' Français ' ) ;
2006-07-12 10:29:41 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' it ' , ' Italiano ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' ca ' , ' Català ' ) ;
2006-12-26 17:42:54 +01:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' gl ' , ' Galego ' ) ;
2007-01-09 21:57:56 +01:00
INSERT INTO ` tlanguage ` VALUES ( ' de ' , ' Deutch ' ) ;
2006-03-27 05:37:27 +02:00
-- Dumping data for table `tmodule_group`
INSERT INTO ` tmodule_group ` VALUES ( ' 1 ' , ' General ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tmodule_group ` VALUES ( ' 2 ' , ' Networking ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tmodule_group ` VALUES ( ' 3 ' , ' Application ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tmodule_group ` VALUES ( ' 4 ' , ' System ' ) ;
INSERT INTO ` tmodule_group ` VALUES ( ' 5 ' , ' Miscellaneous ' ) ;