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// src/Database.hh
// This file is part of libpbe; see
// (C) 2004 - 2007 Philip Endecott
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef libpbe_Database_hh
#define libpbe_Database_hh
#include "Exception.hh"
#include "FileDescriptor.hh"
#include "endian.hh"
#include <string>
#include <libpq-fe.h>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
namespace pbe {
// The maximum number of query parameters is set by this macro, which user code can
// define before #including this file.
// Making it too large has the disadvantage that error messages become even more
// incomprehensible, and may also increase compile times.
// private:
// We support queries with variable numbers of parameters by means of
// sentinel default paramter values. The sentinel is of a special empty type
// null_t.
// ? Could we just use void for this ?
struct null_t {};
static const null_t nullval = null_t();
// We need to map between C++ types and PostgreSQL types in query parameters.
// This enum lists all of the PostgreSQL types that we map to, plus two
// sentinels: unknown_type indicates that no PostgreSQL type corresponds to the
// supplied C++ type, and should result in a compile-time error; null_type is used
// in unused arguments slots in the varargs-like query syntax.
enum typecode_t { /*unknown_type=0,*/ null_type,
text_type, numeric_type, timestamptz_type, bytea_type,
float_type, double_type,
typecode_t_max };
// Now we use template specialisation to get the typecode_t corresponding to a C++
// type at compile time. get_typecode<T>() is the typecode_t for type T.
// The generic template is not implemented anywhere, so it will fail at link
// time for these unsupported types.
template <typename T> inline typecode_t get_typecode(void);
template <> inline typecode_t get_typecode<null_t>(void) { return null_type; }
template <> inline typecode_t get_typecode<std::string>(void) { return text_type; }
template <> inline typecode_t get_typecode<int>(void) { return numeric_type; }
template <> inline typecode_t get_typecode<time_t>(void) { return timestamptz_type; }
template <> inline typecode_t get_typecode<float>(void) { return float_type; }
template <> inline typecode_t get_typecode<double>(void) { return double_type; }
// public:
// class Database represents a connection to the database server.
// It's marked non-copyable because it's not clear what should be done with
// the underlying libpq connection object in that case.
class Database: public boost::noncopyable {
// Connect to the database server using the supplied connection info.
Database(std::string conninfo);
// Disconnect on destruction.
// Get the file descriptor for the connction to the server.
// This is useful if you want to use select() to wait for asynchronous
// notifications from the server. You obviously mustn't read or write to
// it.
const pbe::FileDescriptor& get_fd(void) const;
// Return any asynchronous notifications received from the server.
std::string get_any_notification(void);
// libpq data structure representing the connection.
PGconn* pgconn;
// Connection file descriptor.
pbe::FileDescriptor conn_fd;
// This is needed so that we can support nested transactions.
// (PostgreSQL now has built-in support for this, so it should be reviewed.)
bool transaction_in_progress;
// Run arbitary queries
void exec_sql(std::string cmd);
friend class QueryCore;
friend class Transaction;
// Exceptions thrown by the Database functions:
class DatabaseException: public Exception {
DatabaseException(PGconn* pgconn, std::string doing_what_):
doing_what(doing_what_) {}
void report(std::ostream& s) const;
std::string postgres_error;
std::string doing_what;
class QueryFailed: public DatabaseException {
QueryFailed(PGconn* pgconn, std::string query):
DatabaseException(pgconn,"Executing query " + query) {}
class TypeError: public DatabaseException {
TypeError(PGconn* pgconn):
DatabaseException(pgconn,"Type error") {}
// Transactions. Typical usage:
// {
// Transaction t(db);
// ... run queries ...
// t.commit();
// }
// If the transaction goes out of scope without commit() having been called, e.g.
// because an exception was thrown and not caught, the transaction will be rolled
// back.
// TODO: PostgreSQL now has some sort of built-in support for nested
// transactions.
class Transaction: public boost::noncopyable {
Transaction(Database& database_);
void commit(void);
Database& database;
bool nested;
bool committed;
// Convert from the representation returned by libpq to a normal C++ type.
template <typename T>
T decode_pq_res(const char* data, int length __attribute__((unused)));
template <>
inline int decode_pq_res<int>(const char* data, int length __attribute__((unused))) {
const int* valp = reinterpret_cast<const int*>(data);
return ntohl(*valp);
template <>
inline uint64_t decode_pq_res<uint64_t>(const char* data, int length __attribute__((unused))) {
const uint64_t* valp = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(data);
return ntoh64(*valp);
template <>
inline int64_t decode_pq_res<int64_t>(const char* data, int length __attribute__((unused))) {
const int64_t* valp = reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(data);
return ntoh64(*valp);
template <>
inline time_t decode_pq_res<time_t>(const char* data, int length __attribute__((unused))) {
// Timestamp values are returned by PostgreSQL as 64-bit microsecond
// values. 946684800000000 is a magic number to convert to the Unix
// 1970 epoch.
int64_t t = decode_pq_res<int64_t>(data, length);
return t/1000000 + 946684800;
template <>
inline std::string decode_pq_res<std::string>(const char* data, int length __attribute__((unused))) {
return std::string(data,length);
union float_or_int {
float f;
int i;
template <>
inline float decode_pq_res<float>(const char* data, int length __attribute__((unused))) {
const float_or_int* uptr = reinterpret_cast<const float_or_int*>(data);
float_or_int ucopy;
ucopy.i = ntohl(uptr->i);
return ucopy.f;
union double_or_two_ints {
double d;
int i[2];
template <>
inline double decode_pq_res<double>(const char* data, int length __attribute__((unused))) {
const double_or_two_ints* uptr = reinterpret_cast<const double_or_two_ints*>(data);
double_or_two_ints ucopy;
ucopy.i[0] = ntohl(uptr->i[0]);
ucopy.i[1] = ntohl(uptr->i[1]);
return ucopy.d;
// Result of a SELECT query:
class Result {
// Construct from the result object from libpq
// For insert, update and delete statements the result tells us how many
// rows were inserted, updated or deleted, using the following:
int get_rows_changed(void) const;
// Everything below here is for getting at the table returned for a select
// statement:
// The size of the table
const int rows;
const int cols;
// Map between column names and numbers
int column(std::string name) const ;
std::string column_name(int pos) const;
// Get data
// The pointer returned by rawget is valid for as long as the Result object exists.
char* rawget(int row, int col) const;
int getlength(int row, int col) const;
template <typename T>
T get_nocheck(int row, int col) const {
return decode_pq_res<T>(rawget(row,col),getlength(row,col));
template <typename T>
T get(int row, int col) const {
return get_nocheck<T>(row,col);
template <typename T>
T get(int row, std::string colname) const {
return get<T>(row, column(colname));
#if 0
// ... does this work?
template <typename T>
T operator()(int row, int col) const {
template <typename T>
T operator()(int row, std::string colname) const {
return operator()<T>(row, column(colname));
bool is_null(int row, int col) const;
bool is_null(int row, std::string colname) const {
return is_null(row, column(colname));
// Column types
typecode_t column_typecode(int col) const;
template <typename T>
void check_column_type(int col) const {
if (column_typecode(col)!=get_typecode<T>()) {
throw StrException("type error for column "
+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(col)+", expecting typecode "
+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(get_typecode<T>())+" but got typecode "
boost::shared_ptr<PGresult> res;
// Alternative result for a query that generates a single column.
// Values can be accessed using (), e.g. r(i).
template <typename T>
class ColumnResult: public Result {
ColumnResult(Result r): Result(r) {
if (cols!=1) {
throw "Single column expected";
if (rows>0) {
T operator ()(int row) const { return get<T>(row,0); }
bool is_null (int row) const { return Result::is_null(row,0); }
class const_iterator:
public boost::iterator_facade<const_iterator,const T,boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag,T> {
res(NULL), row(0) {}
const_iterator(const const_iterator& other):
res(other.res), row(other.row) {}
const ColumnResult& res;
int row;
friend class ColumnResult;
const_iterator(const ColumnResult& res_, int row_):
res(res_), row(row_) {}
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
void increment() { ++row; }
void decrement() { --row; }
void advance(int n) { row+=n; }
int distance_to(const_iterator other) { return other.row-row; }
bool equal(const const_iterator& other) const {
return row==other.row && &res==&(other.res);
const T dereference() const {
return res(row);
const_iterator begin() const {
return const_iterator(*this,0);
const_iterator end() const {
return const_iterator(*this,rows);
// Alternative result for a query that generates a single value
// (e.g. a "count(*)" query).
// This is convertable to the type of that value.
template <typename T>
class SingletonResult: public Result {
SingletonResult(Result r): Result(r) {
if (rows!=1 || cols!=1) {
throw "Singleton expected";
operator T () const { return get<T>(0,0); }
bool is_null () const { return Result::is_null(0,0); }
// Alternative result for a query that generates a zero or one values.
// This is convertable to the type of that value.
template <typename T>
class OptResult: public Result {
OptResult(Result r): Result(r) {
if (rows>1 || cols!=1) {
throw "Zero or one values expected";
if (rows==1) {
operator T () { return get<T>(0,0); }
bool is_null () { return Result::is_null(0,0); }
bool empty() { return rows==0; }
// private:
// Generate names for prepared statements
class statement_name_t: public std::string {
static int counter;
// Most of the work of Query is delagated to QueryCore which is not a template
// class and so need not be coded inline.
// This is "semi-private": code can use it if it needs to pass more than
// PBE_DB_MAX_QUERY_PARAMS paramters to a query, but if that's not necessary then it
// should not be used.
class QueryCore {
QueryCore(Database& database_, std::string querystr_, int nparams,
typecode_t* argtypecodes, int* lengths, int* formats);
Result operator()(const char* enc_args[]);
Result runonce(const char* enc_args[]);
Database& database;
const std::string querystr;
const bool params_ok;
const statement_name_t statement_name;
int nparams;
int* param_lengths;
int* param_formats;
Oid* argoids;
bool prepared;
void prepare(void);
// Convert from C++ types to the representation passed to libpq.
// Types are either binary or character. Binary is used for numeric types and
// character is used for text types. Binary types must be in network byte
// order.
// This uses template specialisation.
// It's OK for these function to modify their paramters in place.
template <typename T>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg(T& t);
template <>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg<null_t>(null_t& i __attribute__((unused)) ) {
return NULL;
template <>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg<int>(int& i) {
i = htonl(i);
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&i);
template <>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg<uint64_t>(uint64_t& i) {
i = hton64(i);
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&i);
template <>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg<int64_t>(int64_t& i) {
i = hton64(i);
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&i);
template <>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg<time_t>(time_t& t) {
// No! This leaks!
int64_t* iptr = new int64_t;
*iptr = static_cast<int64_t>(t-946684800)*1000000;
return encode_pq_arg<int64_t>(*iptr);
template <>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg<std::string>(std::string& s) {
return s.c_str();
static inline float htonfloat(float f) {
uint32_t i;
i = htonl(i);
float r;
return r;
template <>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg<float>(float& f) {
f = htonfloat(f);
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&f);
template <>
inline const char* encode_pq_arg<double>(double& d) {
uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&d);
ptr[0] = htonl(ptr[0]);
ptr[1] = htonl(ptr[1]);
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&d);
// We need to know the size of the encoded data.
// In most cases this is sizeof(T), but there are exceptions when the
// encoding process changes the size.
template <typename T>
inline size_t get_enc_type_size(void) { return sizeof(T); }
template <>
inline size_t get_enc_type_size<time_t>(void) { return 8; }
// The Boost preprocessor library is used to build query parameter lists (etc.) with
// multiple argumnets.
#define PBE_DB_Q_TEMPLATE_PARAM(z,n,data) typename T##n=null_t
// Expands to e.g. typename T0=null_t,typename T1=null_t
#define PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAM(z,n,data) T##n arg##n=nullval
// Expands to e.g. T0 arg0=nullval,T1 arg1=nullval
#define PBE_DB_Q_BASE_TEMPL_PARAM(z,n,data) T##n
// Expands to e.g. T0,T1
#define PBE_DB_Q_BASE_OP_APPLY_PARAM(z,n,data) arg##n
// Expands to e.g. arg0,arg1
// This base class is used to form the parameters passed to Query, below, into arrays
// that can be passed to QueryCore.
template <PBE_DB_Q_TEMPLATE_PARAMS> struct QueryBase {
typecode_t typecodes[PBE_DB_MAX_QUERY_PARAMS];
QueryBase() {
#define PBE_DB_QB_INIT_ONE(z,n,data) \
typecodes[n]=get_typecode<T##n>(); \
// Prepare and run a query. Typical usage:
// Query<std::string,int> insert_item(db,"insert into items(name,qty) values ($1,$2)");
// insert_item("nut",100);
// insert_item("bolt",102);
// The query can have up to PBE_DB_MAX_QUERY_PARAMS parameters. This limit can be
// increased at the top of this file.
template <PBE_DB_Q_TEMPLATE_PARAMS> class Query:
private QueryBase<PBE_DB_Q_BASE_TEMPL_PARAMS> {
// Create a query. SQL is supplied in querystr with parameters indicated by
// $1, $2 etc. C++ types of these parameters are the template paramters.
Query(Database& database, std::string querystr):
core(database, querystr, PBE_DB_MAX_QUERY_PARAMS,
// Run a query. It is prepared the first time that it is run.
Result operator()(PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAMS) {
const char* arg_cs[PBE_DB_MAX_QUERY_PARAMS];
#define PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_ONE(z,n,data) \
T##n arg##n##_c = arg##n; \
arg_cs[n] = encode_pq_arg(arg##n##_c);
return core(arg_cs);
// Run a query immediately, without preparation. Use this for queries that will only be
// run once.
Result runonce(PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAMS) {
const char* arg_cs[PBE_DB_MAX_QUERY_PARAMS];
#define PBE_DB_Q_RUNONCE_ONE(z,n,data) \
T##n arg##n##_c = arg##n; \
arg_cs[n] = encode_pq_arg(arg##n##_c);
return core.runonce(arg_cs);
QueryCore core;
// A query that returns a ColumnResult.
template <typename RT, PBE_DB_Q_TEMPLATE_PARAMS>
class ColumnQuery: public Query< PBE_DB_Q_BASE_TEMPL_PARAMS> {
typedef ColumnResult<RT> result_t;
ColumnQuery(Database& database, std::string querystr):
result_t operator()(PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAMS) {
result_t runonce(PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAMS) {
// A query that returns a SingeltonResult. In this case there's no need to
// delcare the result object, thanks to implicit type conversion. For
// example: int a = query(param);
template <typename RT, PBE_DB_Q_TEMPLATE_PARAMS>
class SingletonQuery: public Query< PBE_DB_Q_BASE_TEMPL_PARAMS> {
typedef SingletonResult<RT> result_t;
SingletonQuery(Database& database, std::string querystr):
result_t operator()(PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAMS) {
result_t runonce(PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAMS) {
// A query that returns a OptResult.
template <typename RT, PBE_DB_Q_TEMPLATE_PARAMS>
class OptQuery: public Query< PBE_DB_Q_BASE_TEMPL_PARAMS> {
typedef OptResult<RT> result_t;
OptQuery(Database& database, std::string querystr):
result_t operator()(PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAMS) {
result_t runonce(PBE_DB_Q_OP_APPLY_PARAMS) {