2014-04-23 Vanessa Gil <vanessa.gil@artica.es>
* include/functions_ui.php include/ajax/module.php operation/tree.php operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php operation/agentes/status_monitor.php: Changed data view of modules to popup. * include/styles/menu.css: Changed style of menu. git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@9800 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
2014-04-23 Vanessa Gil <vanessa.gil@artica.es>
* include/functions_ui.php
operation/agentes/status_monitor.php: Changed
data view of modules to popup.
* include/styles/menu.css: Changed style of menu.
2014-04-22 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* pandoradb.postgreSQL.sql
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ if ($get_module_detail) {
ui_print_error_message(__('No available data to show'));
else {
ui_pagination($count, false, $offset);
ui_pagination ($count, false, $offset, 0, false, 'offset', true, 'binary_dialog');
@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@ function ui_process_page_body ($string, $bitfield) {
* @return string The pagination div or nothing if no pagination needs to be done
function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $return = false, $offset_name = 'offset', $print_total_items = true) {
function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $return = false, $offset_name = 'offset', $print_total_items = true, $other_class = '') {
global $config;
if (empty ($pagination)) {
@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
if ($count <= $pagination) {
if ($print_total_items) {
$output = '<div class="pagination">';
$output = "<div class='pagination $other_class'>";
//Show the count of items
$output .= sprintf(__('Total items: %s'), $count);
// End div and layout
@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
$inicio_pag = 0;
$output = '<div class="pagination">';
$output = "<div class='pagination $other_class'>";
//Show the count of items
if ($print_total_items) {
@ -1568,13 +1568,23 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
// Show GOTO FIRST button
$output .= '<a class="pagination go_first" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'=0">'.html_print_image ("images/go_first.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a> ';
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination go_first" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'=0">'.html_print_image ("images/go_first.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a> ';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class go_first' href='$url.&$offset_name=0'>".html_print_image ("images/go_first.png", true, array ("class" => "bot"))."</a> ";
// Show PREVIOUS button
if ($index_page > 0) {
$index_page_prev = ($index_page - (floor ($block_limit / 2))) * $pagination;
if ($index_page_prev < 0)
$index_page_prev = 0;
$output .= '<a class="pagination go_rewind" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$index_page_prev.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_previous.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination go_rewind" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$index_page_prev.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_previous.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class go_rewind' href='$url &$offset_name = $index_page_prev'>".html_print_image ("images/go_previous.png", true, array ("class" => "bot"))."</a>";
// Draw blocks markers
@ -1598,7 +1608,11 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
// it must be shown if not round to block limit)
$link_offset = $config['block_size'] * $i;
$output .= '<a class="pagination offset_' . $link_offset . '" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$inicio_bloque.'">';
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination offset_' . $link_offset . '" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$inicio_bloque.'">';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$link_offset' href='$url &$offset_name=$inicio_bloque'>";
$output .= "[ $i ]";
$output .= '</a></span>';
@ -1610,7 +1624,12 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
$prox_bloque = ($i + ceil ($block_limit / 2)) * $pagination;
if ($prox_bloque > $count)
$prox_bloque = ($count -1) - $pagination;
$output .= '<a class="pagination go_fastforward" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$prox_bloque.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_next.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination go_fastforward" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$prox_bloque.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_next.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class go_fastforward' href='$url&$offset_name=$prox_bloque'>".html_print_image ("images/go_next.png", true, array ("class" => "bot"))."</a>";
$i = $index_counter;
// if exists more registers than i can put in a page (defined by $block_size config parameter)
@ -1619,7 +1638,12 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
// as painted in last block (last integer block).
if (($count - $pagination) > 0) {
$myoffset = floor (($count - 1) / $pagination) * $pagination;
$output .= '<a class="pagination go_last" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$myoffset.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_last.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination go_last" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$myoffset.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_last.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class go_last' href='$url&$offset_name=$myoffset'>".html_print_image ("images/go_last.png", true, array ("class" => "bot"))."</a>";
// End div and layout
@ -111,8 +111,7 @@
margin: -20px 0px 0 0; /* Positions it back where it should be */
border-left: 1px;
.menu li.has_submenu.selected > img.toggle,
.menu li:hover.has_submenu > img.toggle {
.menu li.has_submenu > img.toggle{
visibility: visible;
z-index: 1; /* Positions it on top of the rest */
@ -627,7 +627,8 @@ foreach ($modules as $module) {
$link ="winopeng('operation/agentes/stat_win.php?type=$graph_type&period=86400&id=".$module["id_agente_modulo"]."&label=".base64_encode($module["nombre"])."&refresh=600','day_".$win_handle."')";
$data[8] .= '<a href="javascript:'.$link.'">' . html_print_image("images/chart_curve.png", true, array("border" => '0', "alt" => "")) . '</a> ';
$data[8] .= "<a href='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=$id_agente&tab=data_view&period=86400&id=".$module["id_agente_modulo"]."'>" . html_print_image('images/binary.png', true, array("border" => '0', "alt" => "")) . "</a>";
$server_name = '';
$data[8] .= "<a href='javascript: show_module_detail_dialog(" . $module["id_agente_modulo"] . ", ". $id_agente.", \"" . $server_name . "\", 0, 86400)'>". html_print_image ("images/binary.png", true, array ("border" => "0", "alt" => "")) . "</a>";
if ($module['estado'] == 3) {
@ -689,6 +690,13 @@ unset ($table_data);
ui_require_css_file ('cluetip');
ui_require_jquery_file ('cluetip');
echo "<div id='module_details_dialog'></div>";
ui_require_jquery_file ("ui-timepicker-addon");
// This script is included manually to be included after jquery and avoid error
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . ui_get_full_url('include/javascript/i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-' . get_user_language() . '.js', false, false, false) . '"></script>';
ui_require_jquery_file("ui.datepicker-" . get_user_language(), "include/javascript/i18n/");
<script type="text/javascript">
@ -709,6 +717,86 @@ ui_require_jquery_file ('cluetip');
mouseOutClose: 'both',
closeText: '<?php html_print_image("images/cancel.png") ?>'
// Show the modal window of an module
function show_module_detail_dialog(module_id, id_agent, server_name, offset, period) {
var server_name = '';
var extra_parameters = '';
if (period == -1) {
period = $('#period').val();
var selection_mode = $('input[name=selection_mode]:checked').val();
var date_from = $('#text-date_from').val();
var time_from = $('#text-time_from').val();
var date_to = $('#text-date_to').val();
var time_to = $('#text-time_to').val();
extra_parameters = '&selection_mode=' + selection_mode + '&date_from=' + date_from + '&date_to=' + date_to + '&time_from=' + time_from + '&time_to=' + time_to;
type: "POST",
url: "<?php echo ui_get_full_url('ajax.php', false, false, false); ?>",
data: "page=include/ajax/module&get_module_detail=1&server_name="+server_name+"&id_agent="+id_agent+"&id_module=" + module_id+"&offset="+offset+"&period="+period + extra_parameters,
dataType: "html",
success: function(data) {
$("#module_details_dialog").hide ()
.empty ()
.append (data)
.dialog ({
resizable: true,
draggable: true,
modal: true,
overlay: {
opacity: 0.5,
background: "black"
width: 650,
height: 500
.show ();
refresh_pagination_callback (module_id, id_agent, "");
function datetime_picker_callback() {
$("#text-time_from, #text-time_to").timepicker({
showSecond: true,
timeFormat: '<?php echo TIME_FORMAT_JS; ?>',
timeOnlyTitle: '<?php echo __('Choose time');?>',
timeText: '<?php echo __('Time');?>',
hourText: '<?php echo __('Hour');?>',
minuteText: '<?php echo __('Minute');?>',
secondText: '<?php echo __('Second');?>',
currentText: '<?php echo __('Now');?>',
closeText: '<?php echo __('Close');?>'});
$("#text-date_from, #text-date_to").datepicker({dateFormat: "<?php echo DATE_FORMAT_JS; ?>"});
$.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional[ "<?php echo get_user_language(); ?>"]);
function refresh_pagination_callback (module_id, id_agent, server_name) {
$(".binary_dialog").click( function() {
var classes = $(this).attr('class');
classes = classes.split(' ');
var offset_class = classes[2];
offset_class = offset_class.split('_');
var offset = offset_class[1];
var period = $('#period').val();
show_module_detail_dialog(module_id, id_agent, server_name, offset, period);
return false;
/* ]]> */
@ -1292,10 +1292,11 @@ ui_require_javascript_file('pandora_modules');
function refresh_pagination_callback (module_id, id_agent, server_name) {
$(".pagination").click( function() {
$(".binary_dialog").click( function() {
var classes = $(this).attr('class');
classes = classes.split(' ');
var offset_class = classes[1];
var offset_class = classes[2];
offset_class = offset_class.split('_');
var offset = offset_class[1];
@ -903,10 +903,12 @@ ui_require_jquery_file("ui.datepicker-" . get_user_language(), "include/javascri
function refresh_pagination_callback (module_id, id_agent, server_name) {
$(".pagination").click( function() {
$(".binary_dialog").click( function() {
var classes = $(this).attr('class');
classes = classes.split(' ');
var offset_class = classes[1];
var offset_class = classes[2];
offset_class = offset_class.split('_');
var offset = offset_class[1];
Reference in New Issue