Rewrote some parts of code of function ui_pagination. Ticket #1407

This commit is contained in:
mdtrooper 2014-10-10 14:42:50 +02:00
parent e1349c8a68
commit 02dbdf1648
2 changed files with 76 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -380,4 +380,7 @@ define("CUSTOM_GRAPH_STACKED_LINE", 3);

View File

@ -1527,7 +1527,10 @@ function ui_process_page_body ($string, $bitfield) {
* @return string The pagination div or nothing if no pagination needs to be done
function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $return = false, $offset_name = 'offset', $print_total_items = true, $other_class = '') {
function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0,
$pagination = 0, $return = false, $offset_name = 'offset',
$print_total_items = true, $other_class = '') {
global $config;
if (empty ($pagination)) {
@ -1547,13 +1550,14 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
$url = ui_get_url_refresh (array ($offset_name => false));
/* URL passed render links with some parameter
URL passed render links with some parameter
&offset - Offset records passed to next page
&counter - Number of items to be blocked
Pagination needs $url to build the base URL to render links, its a base url, like
" http://pandora/index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/admin_access_logs "
$block_limit = 15; // Visualize only $block_limit blocks
$block_limit = PAGINATION_BLOCKS_LIMIT; // Visualize only $block_limit blocks
if ($count <= $pagination) {
if ($print_total_items) {
@ -1572,32 +1576,22 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
return false;
// If exists more registers than I can put in a page, calculate index markers
$index_counter = ceil ($count /$pagination); // Number of blocks of block_size with data
$index_page = ceil ($offset / $pagination) - (ceil ($block_limit / 2)); // block to begin to show data;
if ($index_page < 0)
$index_page = 0;
$number_of_pages = ceil($count / $pagination);
//~ html_debug_print('number_of_pages');
//~ html_debug_print($number_of_pages);
$actual_page = floor($offset / $pagination);
//~ html_debug_print('actual_page');
//~ html_debug_print($actual_page);
$ini_page = floor($actual_page / $block_limit) * $block_limit;
//~ html_debug_print('ini_page');
//~ html_debug_print($ini_page);
$end_page = $ini_page + $block_limit - 1;
if ($end_page > $number_of_pages) {
$end_page = $number_of_pages - 1;
//~ html_debug_print('end_page');
//~ html_debug_print($end_page);
// This calculate index_limit, block limit for this search.
if (($index_page + $block_limit) > $index_counter)
$index_limit = $index_counter;
$index_limit = $index_page + $block_limit;
// This calculate if there are more blocks than visible (more than $block_limit blocks)
if ($index_counter > $block_limit )
$paginacion_maxima = 1; // If maximum blocks ($block_limit), show only 10 and "...."
$paginacion_maxima = 0;
// This setup first block of query
if ( $paginacion_maxima == 1)
if ($index_page == 0)
$inicio_pag = 0;
$inicio_pag = $index_page;
$inicio_pag = 0;
$output = "<div class='pagination $other_class'>";
@ -1607,82 +1601,70 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $ret
$output .= '<br>';
// Show GOTO FIRST button
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination offset_0" href="'.$url.'&amp;' .$offset_name.'=0">'.html_print_image ("images/go_first.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>&nbsp;';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_0' href='$url.&amp;$offset_name=0'>".html_print_image ("images/go_first.png", true, array ("class" => "bot"))."</a>&nbsp;";
// Show PREVIOUS button
if ($index_page > 0) {
$index_page_prev = ($index_page - (floor ($block_limit / 2))) * $pagination;
if ($index_page_prev < 0)
$index_page_prev = 0;
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination offset_' . $index_page_prev . '" href="'.$url.'&amp;'.$offset_name.'='.$index_page_prev.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_previous.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$index_page_prev' href='$url &amp;$offset_name = $index_page_prev'>".html_print_image ("images/go_previous.png", true, array ("class" => "bot"))."</a>";
// Show GOTO FIRST PAGE button
if ($number_of_pages > $block_limit) {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_0' href='$url&amp;$offset_name=0'>" .
html_print_image ("images/go_first.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")) .
// Draw blocks markers
// $i stores number of page
for ($i = $inicio_pag; $i < $index_limit; $i++) {
$inicio_bloque = ($i * $pagination);
$final_bloque = $inicio_bloque + $pagination;
if ($final_bloque > $count){ // if upper limit is beyond max, this shouldnt be possible !
$final_bloque = ($i-1) * $pagination + $count-(($i-1) * $pagination);
// For example
// You are in the 12 page with a block of 5 pages
// << < 10 - 11 - [12] - 13 - 14 > >>
// Click in <
// Result << < 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - [9] > >>
if ($ini_page >= $block_limit) {
$offset_previous_page = ($ini_page - 1) * $pagination;
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$offset_previous_page' href='$url&amp;$offset_name=$offset_previous_page'>" .
html_print_image ("images/go_previous.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")) .
// Show pages
for ($iterator = $ini_page; $iterator <= $end_page; $iterator++) {
if ($inicio_bloque == $offset) {
$actual_page = (int)($offset / $pagination);
if ($iterator == $actual_page) {
$output .= "<span style='font-weight: bold;'>";
else {
$output .= "<span>";
$inicio_bloque_fake = $inicio_bloque + 1;
// To Calculate last block (doesnt end with round data,
// it must be shown if not round to block limit)
$link_offset = $config['block_size'] * $i;
$offset_page = $iterator * $pagination;
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination offset_' . $link_offset . '" href="'.$url.'&amp;'.$offset_name.'='.$inicio_bloque.'">';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$link_offset' href='$url &amp;$offset_name=$inicio_bloque'>";
$output .= "[ $i ]";
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$offset_page' href='$url&amp;$offset_name=$offset_page'>";
$output .= "[ $iterator ]";
$output .= '</a></span>';
$output .= "&nbsp;";
// Show NEXT PAGE (fast forward)
// Index_counter stores max of blocks
if (($paginacion_maxima == 1) AND (($index_counter - $i) > 0)) {
$prox_bloque = ($i + ceil ($block_limit / 2)) * $pagination;
if ($prox_bloque >= $count)
$prox_bloque = (int) (($count - 1) / $pagination) * $pagination;
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination offset_' . $prox_bloque . '" href="'.$url.'&amp;'.$offset_name.'='.$prox_bloque.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_next.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$prox_bloque' href='$url&amp;$offset_name=$prox_bloque'>".html_print_image ("images/go_next.png", true, array ("class" => "bot"))."</a>";
$i = $index_counter;
// if exists more registers than i can put in a page (defined by $block_size config parameter)
// get offset for index calculation
// Draw "last" block link, ajust for last block will be the same
// as painted in last block (last integer block).
if (($count - $pagination) > 0) {
$myoffset = floor (($count - 1) / $pagination) * $pagination;
if ($other_class == '') {
$output .= '<a class="pagination offset_' . $myoffset . '" href="'.$url. '&amp;'.$offset_name.'='.$myoffset.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_last.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>';
} else {
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$myoffset' href='$url&amp;$offset_name=$myoffset'>".html_print_image ("images/go_last.png", true, array ("class" => "bot"))."</a>";
// For example
// You are in the 12 page with a block of 5 pages
// << < 10 - 11 - [12] - 13 - 14 > >>
// Click in >
// Result << < [15] - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 > >>
if ($number_of_pages - $ini_page > $block_limit) {
$offset_next_page = ($end_page + 1) * $pagination;
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$offset_next_page' href='$url&amp;$offset_name=$offset_next_page'>" .
html_print_image ("images/go_next.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")) .
//Show GOTO LAST PAGE button
if ($number_of_pages > $block_limit) {
$offset_lastpage = ($number_of_pages - 1) * $pagination;
$output .= "<a class='pagination $other_class offset_$offset_lastpage' href='$url&amp;$offset_name=$offset_lastpage'>" .
html_print_image ("images/go_last.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")) .
// End div and layout