2008-10-20 Jorge Gonzalez <jorgegonz@artica.es>

* include/languages/cs.po, include/languages/pt_BR.po,
          include/languages/es.po, include/languages/uk.po,
          include/languages/ro.po, include/languages/fr.po,
          include/languages/ca.po, include/languages/de.po,
          include/languages/sv.po, include/languages/zh_TW.po,
          include/languages/hi.po, include/languages/zh_CN.po,
          include/languages/te.po, include/languages/eu.po,
          include/languages/hu.po, include/languages/ru.po,
          include/languages/gl.po, include/languages/pl.po,
          include/languages/it.po, include/languages/sl.po,
          include/languages/pt.po, include/languages/ast.po: Updated
          translations from Rosetta, thanks to all contributors.

        * Makefile: modified entries to make them be in alphabetic order.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@1169 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
aloriel 2008-10-20 07:38:26 +00:00
parent 7d93cc90db
commit 0648aa23f1
24 changed files with 3296 additions and 3276 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
2008-10-20 Jorge Gonzalez <jorgegonz@artica.es>
* include/languages/cs.po, include/languages/pt_BR.po,
include/languages/es.po, include/languages/uk.po,
include/languages/ro.po, include/languages/fr.po,
include/languages/ca.po, include/languages/de.po,
include/languages/sv.po, include/languages/zh_TW.po,
include/languages/hi.po, include/languages/zh_CN.po,
include/languages/te.po, include/languages/eu.po,
include/languages/hu.po, include/languages/ru.po,
include/languages/gl.po, include/languages/pl.po,
include/languages/it.po, include/languages/sl.po,
include/languages/pt.po, include/languages/ast.po: Updated
translations from Rosetta, thanks to all contributors.
* Makefile: modified entries to make them be in alphabetic order.
2008-10-17 Evi Vanoost <vanooste@rcbi.rochester.edu>
* godmode/db/db_purge.php: Bug fix where db_purge wouldn't work

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
all: ast.mo ca.mo cs.mo de.mo eu.mo es.mo fr.mo hi.mo hu.mo gl.mo it.mo pl.mo pt.mo pt_BR.mo ro.mo ru.mo sl.mo sv.mo te.mo uk.mo zh_CN.mo zh_TW.mo
all: ast.mo ca.mo cs.mo de.mo es.mo eu.mo fr.mo gl.mo hi.mo hu.mo it.mo pl.mo pt.mo pt_BR.mo ro.mo ru.mo sl.mo sv.mo te.mo uk.mo zh_CN.mo zh_TW.mo
xgettext `find ../../ -name "*\.php"` --output=index.pot --keyword=__ --add-comments=///
ast.mo: ast.po

View File

@ -14,365 +14,9 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr "ye un <b> Proyeutu de Software GPL</b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "Nun tas conectáu/da"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al eliminar el servidor"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al actualizar el servidor"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr "Pulse equí pa agüeyar información de la BD como texto"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Tarea de borrau lanzada pal axente "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Por favor sea paciente, esta operación pue tardar varios minutos (1-10 "
#~ "minutos)"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "Mientres se borren datos pa "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Borrar rexistros pal módulu "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " Na Base de Datos"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de tres meses"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos d'un mes"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de dos selmanes"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos d'una selmana"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de tres díes"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de 24 hores"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar los datos con más de tres meses"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar los datos con más de 30 díes"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar los datos con más de dos selmanes"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar los datos con más de una selmana"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al crear l'usuariu"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Usuariu creáu correutamente"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Enlace elimináu correutamente"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "L'axente ya existe"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Módulu a&ntilde;adíu correutamente"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Módulu elimináu correutamente"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Axente elimináu correutamente"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "Nun alcontrose el módulu"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "Nun selecionáronse axentes destinu pal borráu"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al eliminar el perfil"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Vista principal d'eventos"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "Remitente"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "Destinatariu"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nuevu mensax a un grupu"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Detalle de los grupos d'axentes"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Nuevu incidente"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Abierta y con notes"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Borrar incidente"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Orixen"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Destinu"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "Últimos datos recibíos pel axente"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Edición/Creación de módulu"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Desarrolláu utilizando ferramientes y software GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vista principal d'incidentes"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantalla principal de configuración del axente"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar axente a modificar"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nome / Tipu"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada de les alertes"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Allerta per defeutu d'axente ca&atilde;du"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Configuración de Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Páxines d'Auditoría Interna"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Tipu de filtru de Log"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Borrar toos los datos"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Manipulación de la BBDD"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compautáu de la BBDD"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configurar"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Validáu per"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Resolución (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr "(*) Por favor introduzca la fecha con formatu yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Hay "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "usuarios definíos en Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "alertes definíes en Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "módulos de datos recogíos por Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "Datos recogíos per un axente per vez cabera el "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Estadístiques xenerales de Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Media"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gráficu mensual"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gráficu selmanal"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gráficu horariu"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al crear el módulu keepalive nel nuevu axente"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Los perfiles d'usuariu en Pandora definen que usuarios puen aceder a Pandora "
#~ "y que puen facer cada unu. Los grupos definen ellementos en común, cada "
#~ "usuariu pue pertenecer a unu o más grupos, y tien asignáu un perfil a cada "
#~ "grupu que pertenezca. Un perfil ye una llista de lo que pue y nun pue facer "
#~ "cada grupu, como per exemplu «agüeyar incidente» o «estionar bases de dato». "
#~ "Abaxu se muestra una llista de los perfiles disponibles (definíos por los "
#~ "alministraores llocales de Pandora)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Esti usuariu ye especial y tien permisu pa tou, pasando per encima de los "
#~ "privilexios asignados mediante grupos/perfiles"
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Esti botón resfresca la información sobre el usu de la Base de Datos a lo "
#~ "llargu del tiempu"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Use esti control pa selecionar un axente. Ye necesariu selecionar un axente "
#~ "tantu pa obtener información de la Base de Datos como pa borrar datos de la "
#~ "misma"
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ERROR: Nesti momentu sólu el Alministrador Xeneral pue alministrar perfiles"
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de llectura d'axentes"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Escritura sobre axentes"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión d'axentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de llectura al sistema d'incidentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de escritura al sistema d'incidentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión al sistema d'incidentes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de asignación d'allertes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión d'allertes"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión d'usuarios"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de la BD"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "dende l'axente"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Destinu"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes per rangos de fecha"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Eventos totales"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Incidentes"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Detalle de grupos"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de Datos de Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "Debense seleccionar módulos o alertes pa borrar"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al eliminar la nota"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Autores de los incidentes"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Esti campu nun pue modificase nel modu edición"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " , per tantu nun hai alertes"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "Nun hai eventos"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Distribución de módulos"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Fontes truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "dre. a manz."
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "manz. a dre."
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Cancelar"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "Ejecutado el refresco del módulo de red"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Ajuda"
#~ msgid "active_console"
#~ msgstr "Consola activa"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
#: ../../operation/agentes/datos_agente.php:120
msgid "There was a problem locating the source of the graph"
@ -5568,3 +5212,359 @@ msgstr "Remitente"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:215
msgid "No subject"
msgstr "Ensin asuntu"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr "ye un <b> Proyeutu de Software GPL</b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "Nun tas conectáu/da"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al eliminar el servidor"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al actualizar el servidor"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr "Pulse equí pa agüeyar información de la BD como texto"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Tarea de borrau lanzada pal axente "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Por favor sea paciente, esta operación pue tardar varios minutos (1-10 "
#~ "minutos)"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "Mientres se borren datos pa "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Borrar rexistros pal módulu "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " Na Base de Datos"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de tres meses"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos d'un mes"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de dos selmanes"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos d'una selmana"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de tres díes"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de 24 hores"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar los datos con más de tres meses"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar los datos con más de 30 díes"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar los datos con más de dos selmanes"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar los datos con más de una selmana"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al crear l'usuariu"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Usuariu creáu correutamente"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Enlace elimináu correutamente"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "L'axente ya existe"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Módulu a&ntilde;adíu correutamente"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Módulu elimináu correutamente"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Axente elimináu correutamente"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "Nun alcontrose el módulu"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "Nun selecionáronse axentes destinu pal borráu"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al eliminar el perfil"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Vista principal d'eventos"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "Remitente"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "Destinatariu"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nuevu mensax a un grupu"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Detalle de los grupos d'axentes"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Nuevu incidente"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Abierta y con notes"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Borrar incidente"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Orixen"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Destinu"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "Últimos datos recibíos pel axente"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Edición/Creación de módulu"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Desarrolláu utilizando ferramientes y software GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vista principal d'incidentes"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantalla principal de configuración del axente"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar axente a modificar"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nome / Tipu"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada de les alertes"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Allerta per defeutu d'axente ca&atilde;du"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Configuración de Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Páxines d'Auditoría Interna"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Tipu de filtru de Log"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Borrar toos los datos"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Manipulación de la BBDD"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compautáu de la BBDD"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configurar"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Validáu per"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Resolución (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr "(*) Por favor introduzca la fecha con formatu yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Hay "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "usuarios definíos en Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "alertes definíes en Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "módulos de datos recogíos por Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "Datos recogíos per un axente per vez cabera el "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Estadístiques xenerales de Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Media"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gráficu mensual"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gráficu selmanal"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gráficu horariu"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al crear el módulu keepalive nel nuevu axente"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Los perfiles d'usuariu en Pandora definen que usuarios puen aceder a Pandora "
#~ "y que puen facer cada unu. Los grupos definen ellementos en común, cada "
#~ "usuariu pue pertenecer a unu o más grupos, y tien asignáu un perfil a cada "
#~ "grupu que pertenezca. Un perfil ye una llista de lo que pue y nun pue facer "
#~ "cada grupu, como per exemplu «agüeyar incidente» o «estionar bases de dato». "
#~ "Abaxu se muestra una llista de los perfiles disponibles (definíos por los "
#~ "alministraores llocales de Pandora)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Esti usuariu ye especial y tien permisu pa tou, pasando per encima de los "
#~ "privilexios asignados mediante grupos/perfiles"
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Esti botón resfresca la información sobre el usu de la Base de Datos a lo "
#~ "llargu del tiempu"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Use esti control pa selecionar un axente. Ye necesariu selecionar un axente "
#~ "tantu pa obtener información de la Base de Datos como pa borrar datos de la "
#~ "misma"
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ERROR: Nesti momentu sólu el Alministrador Xeneral pue alministrar perfiles"
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de llectura d'axentes"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Escritura sobre axentes"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión d'axentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de llectura al sistema d'incidentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de escritura al sistema d'incidentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión al sistema d'incidentes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de asignación d'allertes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión d'allertes"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión d'usuarios"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de la BD"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "dende l'axente"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Destinu"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes per rangos de fecha"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Eventos totales"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Incidentes"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Detalle de grupos"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de Datos de Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "Debense seleccionar módulos o alertes pa borrar"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un problema al eliminar la nota"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Autores de los incidentes"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Esti campu nun pue modificase nel modu edición"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " , per tantu nun hai alertes"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "Nun hai eventos"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Distribución de módulos"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Fontes truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "dre. a manz."
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "manz. a dre."
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Cancelar"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "Ejecutado el refresco del módulo de red"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Ajuda"
#~ msgid "active_console"
#~ msgstr "Consola activa"

View File

@ -8,378 +8,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-10 15:55+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-08-20 12:41+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: nevot <r.nevot@gmail.com>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-15 09:32+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: persanz <pere.sanz@ast-global.com>\n"
"Language-Team: ca <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr "es un <b>Projecte de Software GPL</b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "No est&aacute;s conectat"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema esborrant el servidor"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema actualitzant el servidor"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr "Prem aqu&iacute; per obtenir la base de dades en format texte"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Purgar tasques llan&ccedil;ades per l'gent amb id "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr "Si us plau esperi"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "mentre s'esborraven dades per "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Esborrant registres del m&ograve;dul "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " a la base de dades"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets dels tres &uacute;ltims mesos"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets del l'&uacute;ltim mes"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets de les &uacute;ltimes dues setmanes"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets del l'&uacute;ltima setmana"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets dels &uacute;ltims tres dies"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets del l'&uacute;ltim dia"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Purgar dades de m&eacute;s de 90 dies"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Purgar dades de m&eacute;s de 30 dies"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Purgar dades de m&eacute;s de 14 dies"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Purgar dades de m&eacute;s de 7 dies"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema creant l'usuari"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Usuari creat amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Enlla&ccedil; esborrat amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "Aquest agent ja existeix"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "M&ograve;dul afegit amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "M&ograve;dul esborrat amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Agent esborrat amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "M&ograve;dul no trobat"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap agent seleccionat per esborrar"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema esborrant el perfil"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Visor principal d'events"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "De"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "A"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nou mensatge a un grup"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Detalls del grup d'agents"
#~ msgid "Update_alert"
#~ msgstr "Actualitzar alerta"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Nou Incident"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Obert amb notes"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Esborrar incident"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) d'origen"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) de destinaci&oacute;"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "&Uacute;ltima dada rebuda de l'agent"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Formulari d'actualitzaci&oacute;/creaci&oacute; de moduls"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyat utilitzant eines y programari GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vista Principal d'Incidents"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantalla principal de configurci&oacute; de l'agent"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Seleccioni l'agent a modificar"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nom/ Tipus"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada de l'alerta"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Vista completa detallada"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Alerta per defecte d'agent fora de servei"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Configuraci&oacute; principal del Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Paginaci&oacute; de la auditoria interna"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de filtre pel Log"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Purgar totes les dades"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Operacions a la base de dades"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compactar base de dades"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configure"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Comprobat per"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Resoluci&oacute; (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "(*) Si us plaus introdueix la data amb el seguent format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Hi ha "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "usuaris definits en el Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "alertes definides en el Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "modules de dades en la base de dades del Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "&uacute;ltimes dades rebudes a les "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Estad&iacute;stiques generals del Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Mitjana"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gr&agrave;fica mensual"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gr&agrave;fica setmanal"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gr&agrave;fica horaria"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema creant un m&ograve;dul 'keepalive'"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Els perfils dels usuaris en el Pandora estableix qui pot accedir i que pot "
#~ "fer en el sistema. Els grups defineixen elements en com&uacute; entre "
#~ "diversos usuaris. Cada usuari pot estar en un o m&eacute;s grups a la "
#~ "vegada. Cada grup te una serie de perfils predefinits. Un perfil es una "
#~ "llista de cosses que un usuari por fer, veure incidents, gestionar la base "
#~ "de dades, etc. M&eacute;s abaix hi ha una llista de perfils disponibles que "
#~ "han sigut creats pels administradors del Pandora."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest usuari te perm&iacute;s per gestionar-ho tot. Aquest usuari es un "
#~ "administrador i pot fer el que vulgui mes enll&agrave; del que extableixin "
#~ "el perfils o grups."
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest but&ograve; refresca la informaci&oacute; sobre l'utilitzaci&oacute; "
#~ "de la base de dades en funci&oacute; del temps."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Utilitza aquest 'combo' per seleccionar l'agent sobre el cual vols operar. "
#~ "Es necessari seleccionar un agent per purgar dades i per obtenir "
#~ "informaci&oacute; sobre l'us de la base de dades."
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ERROR: En aquest moment nom&eacute;s l'Administrador Global pot gestionar "
#~ "perfils."
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Lectura dels agents"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Escriptura dels agents"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Gesti&oacute; dels agents"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Lectura del incidents de sistema"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Escriptura del incidents de sistema"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Gesti&oacute; del incidents de sistema"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos d'edici&oacute; de les alertes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de gesti&oacute; de les alertes"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de gesti&oacute; de usuaris"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de gesti&oacute; de les bases de dades"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de gesti&oacute; del sistema Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "Des de l'Agent"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Dest&iacute;"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Paquets per rang de dates"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Events en total"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Incidents"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Detalls del grup"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de dades del Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "Es necessari seleccionar els m&ograve;duls o alertes per esborrar"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema esborrant la nota"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Crador de l'incident"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Aquest camp no pot ser modificat mentre s'est&agrave; editant"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " doncs no hi ha alertes"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap event"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Distribuci&oacute; de m&ograve;duls"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Fonts Truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "Dre. a Esq."
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "Esq. a Dre."
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Cancel.lar"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "Executat el refresc del m&ograve;dul de xarxa"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Ajuda"
#~ msgid "active_console"
#~ msgstr "Consola activa"
#~ msgid "Agent overview"
#~ msgstr "Agent overview"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
#: ../../operation/agentes/datos_agente.php:120
msgid "There was a problem locating the source of the graph"
@ -392,28 +29,28 @@ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema localitzant l'origen de la gr&agrave;fica"
#: ../../include/functions.php:533
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:122
msgid "1 hour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Una hora"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:55 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:219
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:336
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:390
#: ../../include/functions.php:536
msgid "2 hours"
msgstr ""
msgstr "2 hores"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:57 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:220
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:342
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:392
#: ../../include/functions.php:539
msgid "6 hours"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sis hores"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:59 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:221
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:345
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:393
#: ../../include/functions.php:542
msgid "12 hours"
msgstr "12 hores"
msgstr "Dotze hores"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:61 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:222
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:348
@ -431,19 +68,19 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../include/functions.php:548
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:128
msgid "2 days"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dos dies"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:65 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:224
#: ../../include/functions.php:551
msgid "5 days"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cinc dies"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:67 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:225
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:390
#: ../../include/functions.php:554
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:129
msgid "1 week"
msgstr ""
msgstr "1 setmana"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:69 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:226
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:373
@ -458,14 +95,14 @@ msgstr "15 dies"
#: ../../include/functions.php:560
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:130
msgid "1 month"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Un mes"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:73 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:228
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:366
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:399
#: ../../include/functions.php:563
msgid "2 months"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dos mesos"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:75 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:229
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:369
@ -474,7 +111,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../include/functions.php:566
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:131
msgid "6 months"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sis mesos"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:114
#: ../../godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_wmi.php:211
@ -485,7 +122,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../include/functions.php:1007
#: ../../operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php:312
msgid "Max. Value"
msgstr "Valor m&agrave;xim"
msgstr "Valor màxim"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:116 ../../include/functions.php:1006
#: ../../operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php:297
@ -501,7 +138,7 @@ msgstr "Valor Mig"
#: ../../include/functions.php:1008
#: ../../operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php:327
msgid "Min. Value"
msgstr "Valor m&iacute;nim"
msgstr "Valor mínim"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:187
msgid "Refresh time"
@ -509,7 +146,7 @@ msgstr "Temps de refresc"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:191
msgid "Avg. Only"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Només mitja"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:198
msgid "Begin date"
@ -569,7 +206,7 @@ msgstr "Greu"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1043
msgid "Very serious"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Molt greu"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1044 ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1264
#: ../../include/functions.php:673 ../../include/functions.php:1157
@ -584,17 +221,17 @@ msgstr "Manteniment"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1272 ../../include/functions.php:676
#: ../../include/functions.php:1158 ../../include/functions.php:1178
msgid "Informational"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Informatiu"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1279 ../../include/functions.php:679
#: ../../include/functions.php:1159 ../../include/functions.php:1180
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Normal"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1286 ../../include/functions.php:682
#: ../../include/functions.php:1160 ../../include/functions.php:1182
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Advertència"
msgstr "Avís"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1293 ../../include/functions.php:685
#: ../../include/functions.php:1161 ../../include/functions.php:1184
@ -603,23 +240,23 @@ msgstr "Crític"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1468
msgid "Today"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Avui"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1469
msgid "Week"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Setmana"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1470
msgid "Month"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mes"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1471
msgid "Months"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mesos"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1472
msgid "Older"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Més vell"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1504
msgid "no data"
@ -627,25 +264,25 @@ msgstr "sense dades"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1571
msgid "Out of limits"
msgstr "Fora dels l&iacute;mits"
msgstr "Fora limits"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:2129 ../../include/functions_reporting.php:342
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php:162
#: ../../operation/agentes/ver_agente.php:106
msgid "Alerts fired"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Alertes activades"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:2130
msgid "Alerts not fired"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cap alerta activada"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:2139
msgid "Monitors BAD"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Monitors en fallida"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:2140
msgid "Monitors OK"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Monitors correctes"
#: ../../general/pandora_help.php:22
msgid "Pandora FMS help system"
@ -653,29 +290,31 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../general/pandora_help.php:32
msgid "Help system error"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Error al sistema d'ajuda"
#: ../../general/pandora_help.php:38
msgid ""
"Pandora FMS help system has been called with a help reference that currently "
"don't exist. There is no help content to show."
msgstr ""
"El sistema d'ajuda de Pandora FMS ha estat cridat amb una referència que "
"actualemnt no existeix. No hi ha ajudes a mostrar."
#: ../../general/pandora_help.php:44
msgid "Pandora FMS Help System"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ajuda de Pandora FMS"
#: ../../general/login_page.php:32
msgid "Pandora FMS Web Console"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Consola web de Pandora FMS"
#: ../../general/login_page.php:38
msgid "Build"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Munta"
#: ../../general/login_page.php:40
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Entrar al sistema"
msgstr "Inici de sessió"
#: ../../general/login_page.php:43
#: ../../godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_wmi.php:160
@ -694,10 +333,11 @@ msgstr "Pagina generada a les"
#: ../../general/footer.php:36
msgid "Pandora FMS console is best viewed with Firefox web browser"
msgstr ""
"La consola web de Pandora FMS esta optimitzada per el navegador Firefox"
#: ../../general/logoff.php:22
msgid "Logged Out"
msgstr "Sessi&oacute; finalitzada"
msgstr "Fi de sessió"
#: ../../general/logoff.php:31
msgid ""
@ -709,7 +349,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../general/links_menu.php:22 ../../godmode/menu.php:218
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Enlla&ccedil;os"
msgstr "Enllaços"
#: ../../general/noaccess.php:22
msgid "You don't have access to this page"
@ -5604,3 +5244,366 @@ msgstr "Remitent"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:215
msgid "No subject"
msgstr "Sense asumpte"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr "es un <b>Projecte de Software GPL</b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "No est&aacute;s conectat"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema esborrant el servidor"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema actualitzant el servidor"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr "Prem aqu&iacute; per obtenir la base de dades en format texte"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Purgar tasques llan&ccedil;ades per l'gent amb id "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr "Si us plau esperi"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "mentre s'esborraven dades per "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Esborrant registres del m&ograve;dul "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " a la base de dades"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets dels tres &uacute;ltims mesos"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets del l'&uacute;ltim mes"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets de les &uacute;ltimes dues setmanes"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets del l'&uacute;ltima setmana"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets dels &uacute;ltims tres dies"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets del l'&uacute;ltim dia"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Purgar dades de m&eacute;s de 90 dies"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Purgar dades de m&eacute;s de 30 dies"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Purgar dades de m&eacute;s de 14 dies"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Purgar dades de m&eacute;s de 7 dies"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema creant l'usuari"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Usuari creat amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Enlla&ccedil; esborrat amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "Aquest agent ja existeix"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "M&ograve;dul afegit amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "M&ograve;dul esborrat amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Agent esborrat amb &egrave;xit"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "M&ograve;dul no trobat"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap agent seleccionat per esborrar"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema esborrant el perfil"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Visor principal d'events"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "De"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "A"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nou mensatge a un grup"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Detalls del grup d'agents"
#~ msgid "Update_alert"
#~ msgstr "Actualitzar alerta"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Nou Incident"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Obert amb notes"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Esborrar incident"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) d'origen"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) de destinaci&oacute;"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "&Uacute;ltima dada rebuda de l'agent"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Formulari d'actualitzaci&oacute;/creaci&oacute; de moduls"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Dissenyat utilitzant eines y programari GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vista Principal d'Incidents"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantalla principal de configurci&oacute; de l'agent"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Seleccioni l'agent a modificar"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nom/ Tipus"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada de l'alerta"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Vista completa detallada"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Alerta per defecte d'agent fora de servei"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Configuraci&oacute; principal del Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Paginaci&oacute; de la auditoria interna"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Tipus de filtre pel Log"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Purgar totes les dades"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Operacions a la base de dades"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compactar base de dades"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configure"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Comprobat per"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Resoluci&oacute; (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "(*) Si us plaus introdueix la data amb el seguent format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Hi ha "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "usuaris definits en el Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "alertes definides en el Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "modules de dades en la base de dades del Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "&uacute;ltimes dades rebudes a les "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Estad&iacute;stiques generals del Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Mitjana"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gr&agrave;fica mensual"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gr&agrave;fica setmanal"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Gr&agrave;fica horaria"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema creant un m&ograve;dul 'keepalive'"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Els perfils dels usuaris en el Pandora estableix qui pot accedir i que pot "
#~ "fer en el sistema. Els grups defineixen elements en com&uacute; entre "
#~ "diversos usuaris. Cada usuari pot estar en un o m&eacute;s grups a la "
#~ "vegada. Cada grup te una serie de perfils predefinits. Un perfil es una "
#~ "llista de cosses que un usuari por fer, veure incidents, gestionar la base "
#~ "de dades, etc. M&eacute;s abaix hi ha una llista de perfils disponibles que "
#~ "han sigut creats pels administradors del Pandora."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest usuari te perm&iacute;s per gestionar-ho tot. Aquest usuari es un "
#~ "administrador i pot fer el que vulgui mes enll&agrave; del que extableixin "
#~ "el perfils o grups."
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aquest but&ograve; refresca la informaci&oacute; sobre l'utilitzaci&oacute; "
#~ "de la base de dades en funci&oacute; del temps."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Utilitza aquest 'combo' per seleccionar l'agent sobre el cual vols operar. "
#~ "Es necessari seleccionar un agent per purgar dades i per obtenir "
#~ "informaci&oacute; sobre l'us de la base de dades."
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ERROR: En aquest moment nom&eacute;s l'Administrador Global pot gestionar "
#~ "perfils."
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Lectura dels agents"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Escriptura dels agents"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Gesti&oacute; dels agents"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Lectura del incidents de sistema"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Escriptura del incidents de sistema"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de Gesti&oacute; del incidents de sistema"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos d'edici&oacute; de les alertes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de gesti&oacute; de les alertes"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de gesti&oacute; de usuaris"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de gesti&oacute; de les bases de dades"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de gesti&oacute; del sistema Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "Des de l'Agent"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Dest&iacute;"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Paquets per rang de dates"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Events en total"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Incidents"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Detalls del grup"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de dades del Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "Es necessari seleccionar els m&ograve;duls o alertes per esborrar"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Hi ha hagut un problema esborrant la nota"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Crador de l'incident"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Aquest camp no pot ser modificat mentre s'est&agrave; editant"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " doncs no hi ha alertes"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap event"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Distribuci&oacute; de m&ograve;duls"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Fonts Truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "Dre. a Esq."
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "Esq. a Dre."
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Cancel.lar"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "Executat el refresc del m&ograve;dul de xarxa"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Ajuda"
#~ msgid "active_console"
#~ msgstr "Consola activa"
#~ msgid "Agent overview"
#~ msgstr "Agent overview"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ msgstr "Desactivado"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:563
msgid "Database"
msgstr "Base de datos"
msgstr "Base de Datos"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:564
msgid "Code / binary directory"
@ -1601,7 +1601,7 @@ msgstr "No hay ningún servidor configurado en la base de datos"
#: ../../godmode/servers/manage_recontask.php:40
msgid "Succesfully deleted recon task"
msgstr "Enlace borrado correctamente"
msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/servers/manage_recontask.php:42
msgid "Error deleting recon task"
@ -2718,15 +2718,15 @@ msgstr "Puerto"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php:43
msgid "Create a simple alert"
msgstr "Crear alerta simple"
msgstr "Crear alerta"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php:44
msgid "Create a new combined alert"
msgstr "Crear alerta combinada"
msgstr "Crear incidente"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php:59
msgid "Simple alerts"
msgstr "Alertas simples"
msgstr "Editar alertas"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php:108
#: ../../include/functions_db.php:2023
@ -2786,7 +2786,7 @@ msgstr "Este agente no tiene ningún módulo definido"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php:129
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:86
msgid "Combined alerts"
msgstr "Alertas combinadas"
msgstr "Alertas asignadas"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php:141
msgid "Combined"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

View File

@ -14,498 +14,9 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:49+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#~ msgid "Two hours"
#~ msgstr "Deux heures"
#~ msgid "Six hours"
#~ msgstr "Six heures"
#~ msgid "One day"
#~ msgstr "Un jour"
#~ msgid "Two days"
#~ msgstr "Deux jours"
#~ msgid "Five days"
#~ msgstr "Cinq jours"
#~ msgid "Two months"
#~ msgstr "Deux mois"
#~ msgid "Six months"
#~ msgstr "Six mois"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr "est un <b>Projet Logiciel GPL</b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas connecté(e)"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème pour éliminer le serveur"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème pour actualiser le serveur"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Appuyez ici pour voir l'information de la Base de Données en format texte"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Tâche d'effacement lancée par l'agent "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr "Veuillez patienter"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "Pendant l'effacement des données pour "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Effacement des registres du module "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " dans la Base de Données"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins de trois mois"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins d'un mois"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins de deux semaines"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins d'une semaine"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins de trois jours"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins de 24 heures"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Effacer les données qui ont plus de trois mois"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Effacer les données qui ont plus de 30 jours"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Effacer les données qui ont plus de deux semaines"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Effacer les données qui ont plus d'une semaine"
#~ msgid "Data checks"
#~ msgstr "Contrôle des données"
#~ msgid "Event validation failed"
#~ msgstr "La validation de cette commande a échoué"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème lors de la création de l'usager"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Usager créé avec succès"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Lien éliminé avec succès"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "Cet agent existe déjà"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Module ajouté avec succès"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Module éliminé avec succès"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Agent éliminé avec succès"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "Le module n'a pas été trouvé"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "Aucun agent destinataire n'a été sélectionné pour être effacé"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème lors de l'élimination du profil"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Aperçu principal d'événements"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "Expéditeur"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "Destinataire"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nouveau Message pour un groupe"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Detail des groupes d'agents"
#~ msgid "Update_alert"
#~ msgstr "Actualiser l'alerte"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Nouvel incident"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Ouverte et annotée"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Effacer l'incident"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Orignie"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Destination"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "Dernières données reçues par l'agent"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Edition/Création du module"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Développé en utilisant des outils et des logiciels GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vue principale des incidents"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Ecran principal de configuration de l'agent"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Selectionner l'agent à modifier"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nom / Type"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Aperçu détaillé des alertes"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Aperçu détaillé"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Alerte par défaut pour agent déconnecté"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Configuration de Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Page pour l'audit interne"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Type de filtre pour le registre"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Effacer toutes les données"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Manipulation de la Base de Données"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compression des Bases de Données"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configurer"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Validé par"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr "(*) Veuillez introduire la date selon le format aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Il y a "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "usagers définis dans Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "alertes définies dans Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "modules de données réunis par Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "Données réunies la dernière fois par un agent le "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Statistiques générales de Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Moyenne"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Tableau mensuel"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Tableau hebdomadaire"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Tableau horaire"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pandora a rencontré un problème pour créer le module keepalive dans le "
#~ "nouvel agent"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Les profils de l'usager dans Pandora définissent quels usagers peuvent "
#~ "accéder à Pandora et ce que chacun peut faire. Les groupes definissent les "
#~ "éléments que les usagers ont en commun. Chaque usager peut appartenir à un "
#~ "ou plusieurs groupes et il a un profil attribué dans chaque groupe auquel il "
#~ "appartient. Un profil est une liste de ce qu'il peut ou ne peut pas faire "
#~ "dans chaque groupe, comme par exemple «voir des incident» ou «gérer des "
#~ "bases de donnée». Dans la partie inférieur il y a une liste des profils "
#~ "disponibles (définis par les administrateurs locaux de Pandora)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cet usager est spécial et il a le droit d'effectuer toute action, en passant "
#~ "au dessus des privilèges attribués à travers les groupes/profils"
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ce bouton actualise l'information à long terme concernant la Base de Données"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Utilisez cette commande pour sélectionner un agent. Il est nécessaire de "
#~ "sélectionner un agent pour obtenir des informations de la Base de Données et "
#~ "pour effacer les données présentes dans celle-ci."
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ERREUR : Seulement l'Administrateur Général peut administrer des profils "
#~ "actuellement"
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour lire les agents"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour écrire sur les agents"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer les agents"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour lire le système des incidents"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour écrire sur le système des incidents"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrar le système des incidents"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour assigner des alertes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer des alertes"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer des usagers"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer la Base de Données"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "depuis l'agent"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Destination"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Paquets par rangs de date"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Total des événements"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Incidents"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Detail des groupes"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de Données de Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner les modules ou les alertes à effacer"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème lors de l'élimination de la note"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Auteurs des incidents"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Ce champ ne peut pas être modifié en mode édition"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " , par conséquent il n'y a pas d'alertes"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "Il n'y a pas d'événements"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Distribution de modules"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Polices truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "dr. a gau."
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "gau. a dr."
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Annuler"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "L'actualisation du module de Réseau est exécuté"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Aide"
#~ msgid "Agent overview"
#~ msgstr "Sommaire Agent"
#~ msgid "Detailed monitor view"
#~ msgstr "Aperçu détaillé des moniteurs"
#~ msgid "Group name"
#~ msgstr "Nom de groupes"
#~ msgid "No agent selected"
#~ msgstr "Aucun agent n'a été selectionné"
#~ msgid "Daily graph"
#~ msgstr "Tableau du jour"
#~ msgid "Incidents status"
#~ msgstr "Etat des incidents"
#~ msgid "Incidents priorities"
#~ msgstr "Priorités des incidents"
#~ msgid "Events per user"
#~ msgstr "événements par usager"
#~ msgid "Events per group"
#~ msgstr "événements par groupe"
#~ msgid "dbprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le processus d'élimination de la Base de données sert à éliminer les données "
#~ "inscrites sur celle-ci si elles"
#~ msgid "valprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Les valeurs relatives à l'agent, au module, au minimum et au maximum "
#~ "définissent les données correctes. Toutes les données qui ne sont pas "
#~ "reconnues comme étant correctes seront éliminées"
#~ msgid "Incident sources"
#~ msgstr "Origines des incidents"
#~ msgid "Incident groups"
#~ msgstr "Groupes des incidents"
#~ msgid "Assigned Network Server"
#~ msgstr "Serveur assigné"
#~ msgid "Active Server"
#~ msgstr "Serveur actif"
#~ msgid "Graph order"
#~ msgstr "Ordre du tableau"
#~ msgid "Background image"
#~ msgstr "Image de base"
#~ msgid "SNMP modules"
#~ msgstr "Modules SNMP"
#~ msgid "Network components groups"
#~ msgstr "Groupes de composantes réseau"
#~ msgid "Module Component"
#~ msgstr "Composante réseau"
#~ msgid "# Modules"
#~ msgstr "# Modules"
#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Sauvegarder"
#~ msgid "says"
#~ msgstr "dit"
#~ msgid "Tactical indicator"
#~ msgstr "Indicateur tactique"
#~ msgid "Position X"
#~ msgstr "Position X"
#~ msgid "Position Y"
#~ msgstr "Position Y"
#~ msgid "Parent item"
#~ msgstr "Élément parent"
#~ msgid "Link color"
#~ msgstr "Couleur du lien"
#~ msgid "White"
#~ msgstr "Blanc"
#~ msgid "Add map item"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter un element sur la carte"
#~ msgid "There are no defined report items"
#~ msgstr "Aucun élément du rapport na été défini"
#~ msgid "Message already read"
#~ msgstr "Message lu"
#~ msgid "Message not read"
#~ msgstr "Message non lu"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
#: ../../operation/agentes/datos_agente.php:120
msgid "There was a problem locating the source of the graph"
@ -5724,3 +5235,492 @@ msgstr "Expéditeur"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:215
msgid "No subject"
msgstr "Sans Objet"
#~ msgid "Two hours"
#~ msgstr "Deux heures"
#~ msgid "Six hours"
#~ msgstr "Six heures"
#~ msgid "One day"
#~ msgstr "Un jour"
#~ msgid "Two days"
#~ msgstr "Deux jours"
#~ msgid "Five days"
#~ msgstr "Cinq jours"
#~ msgid "Two months"
#~ msgstr "Deux mois"
#~ msgid "Six months"
#~ msgstr "Six mois"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr "est un <b>Projet Logiciel GPL</b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas connecté(e)"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème pour éliminer le serveur"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème pour actualiser le serveur"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Appuyez ici pour voir l'information de la Base de Données en format texte"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Tâche d'effacement lancée par l'agent "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr "Veuillez patienter"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "Pendant l'effacement des données pour "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Effacement des registres du module "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " dans la Base de Données"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins de trois mois"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins d'un mois"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins de deux semaines"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins d'une semaine"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins de trois jours"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Paquets ayant moins de 24 heures"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Effacer les données qui ont plus de trois mois"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Effacer les données qui ont plus de 30 jours"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Effacer les données qui ont plus de deux semaines"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Effacer les données qui ont plus d'une semaine"
#~ msgid "Data checks"
#~ msgstr "Contrôle des données"
#~ msgid "Event validation failed"
#~ msgstr "La validation de cette commande a échoué"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème lors de la création de l'usager"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Usager créé avec succès"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Lien éliminé avec succès"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "Cet agent existe déjà"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Module ajouté avec succès"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Module éliminé avec succès"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Agent éliminé avec succès"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "Le module n'a pas été trouvé"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "Aucun agent destinataire n'a été sélectionné pour être effacé"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème lors de l'élimination du profil"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Aperçu principal d'événements"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "Expéditeur"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "Destinataire"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nouveau Message pour un groupe"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Detail des groupes d'agents"
#~ msgid "Update_alert"
#~ msgstr "Actualiser l'alerte"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Nouvel incident"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Ouverte et annotée"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Effacer l'incident"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Orignie"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Destination"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "Dernières données reçues par l'agent"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Edition/Création du module"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Développé en utilisant des outils et des logiciels GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vue principale des incidents"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Ecran principal de configuration de l'agent"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Selectionner l'agent à modifier"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nom / Type"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Aperçu détaillé des alertes"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Aperçu détaillé"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Alerte par défaut pour agent déconnecté"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Configuration de Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Page pour l'audit interne"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Type de filtre pour le registre"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Effacer toutes les données"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Manipulation de la Base de Données"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compression des Bases de Données"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configurer"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Validé par"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr "(*) Veuillez introduire la date selon le format aaaa/mm/jj hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Il y a "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "usagers définis dans Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "alertes définies dans Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "modules de données réunis par Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "Données réunies la dernière fois par un agent le "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Statistiques générales de Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Moyenne"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Tableau mensuel"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Tableau hebdomadaire"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Tableau horaire"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pandora a rencontré un problème pour créer le module keepalive dans le "
#~ "nouvel agent"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Les profils de l'usager dans Pandora définissent quels usagers peuvent "
#~ "accéder à Pandora et ce que chacun peut faire. Les groupes definissent les "
#~ "éléments que les usagers ont en commun. Chaque usager peut appartenir à un "
#~ "ou plusieurs groupes et il a un profil attribué dans chaque groupe auquel il "
#~ "appartient. Un profil est une liste de ce qu'il peut ou ne peut pas faire "
#~ "dans chaque groupe, comme par exemple «voir des incident» ou «gérer des "
#~ "bases de donnée». Dans la partie inférieur il y a une liste des profils "
#~ "disponibles (définis par les administrateurs locaux de Pandora)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cet usager est spécial et il a le droit d'effectuer toute action, en passant "
#~ "au dessus des privilèges attribués à travers les groupes/profils"
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ce bouton actualise l'information à long terme concernant la Base de Données"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Utilisez cette commande pour sélectionner un agent. Il est nécessaire de "
#~ "sélectionner un agent pour obtenir des informations de la Base de Données et "
#~ "pour effacer les données présentes dans celle-ci."
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ERREUR : Seulement l'Administrateur Général peut administrer des profils "
#~ "actuellement"
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour lire les agents"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour écrire sur les agents"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer les agents"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour lire le système des incidents"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour écrire sur le système des incidents"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrar le système des incidents"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour assigner des alertes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer des alertes"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer des usagers"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer la Base de Données"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permission pour administrer Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "depuis l'agent"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Destination"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Paquets par rangs de date"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Total des événements"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Incidents"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Detail des groupes"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de Données de Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner les modules ou les alertes à effacer"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Pandora a rencontré un problème lors de l'élimination de la note"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Auteurs des incidents"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Ce champ ne peut pas être modifié en mode édition"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " , par conséquent il n'y a pas d'alertes"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "Il n'y a pas d'événements"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Distribution de modules"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Polices truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "dr. a gau."
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "gau. a dr."
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Annuler"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "L'actualisation du module de Réseau est exécuté"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Aide"
#~ msgid "Agent overview"
#~ msgstr "Sommaire Agent"
#~ msgid "Detailed monitor view"
#~ msgstr "Aperçu détaillé des moniteurs"
#~ msgid "Group name"
#~ msgstr "Nom de groupes"
#~ msgid "No agent selected"
#~ msgstr "Aucun agent n'a été selectionné"
#~ msgid "Daily graph"
#~ msgstr "Tableau du jour"
#~ msgid "Incidents status"
#~ msgstr "Etat des incidents"
#~ msgid "Incidents priorities"
#~ msgstr "Priorités des incidents"
#~ msgid "Events per user"
#~ msgstr "événements par usager"
#~ msgid "Events per group"
#~ msgstr "événements par groupe"
#~ msgid "dbprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le processus d'élimination de la Base de données sert à éliminer les données "
#~ "inscrites sur celle-ci si elles"
#~ msgid "valprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Les valeurs relatives à l'agent, au module, au minimum et au maximum "
#~ "définissent les données correctes. Toutes les données qui ne sont pas "
#~ "reconnues comme étant correctes seront éliminées"
#~ msgid "Incident sources"
#~ msgstr "Origines des incidents"
#~ msgid "Incident groups"
#~ msgstr "Groupes des incidents"
#~ msgid "Assigned Network Server"
#~ msgstr "Serveur assigné"
#~ msgid "Active Server"
#~ msgstr "Serveur actif"
#~ msgid "Graph order"
#~ msgstr "Ordre du tableau"
#~ msgid "Background image"
#~ msgstr "Image de base"
#~ msgid "SNMP modules"
#~ msgstr "Modules SNMP"
#~ msgid "Network components groups"
#~ msgstr "Groupes de composantes réseau"
#~ msgid "Module Component"
#~ msgstr "Composante réseau"
#~ msgid "# Modules"
#~ msgstr "# Modules"
#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Sauvegarder"
#~ msgid "says"
#~ msgstr "dit"
#~ msgid "Tactical indicator"
#~ msgstr "Indicateur tactique"
#~ msgid "Position X"
#~ msgstr "Position X"
#~ msgid "Position Y"
#~ msgstr "Position Y"
#~ msgid "Parent item"
#~ msgstr "Élément parent"
#~ msgid "Link color"
#~ msgstr "Couleur du lien"
#~ msgid "White"
#~ msgstr "Blanc"
#~ msgid "Add map item"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter un element sur la carte"
#~ msgid "There are no defined report items"
#~ msgstr "Aucun élément du rapport na été défini"
#~ msgid "Message already read"
#~ msgstr "Message lu"
#~ msgid "Message not read"
#~ msgstr "Message non lu"

View File

@ -14,492 +14,9 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#~ msgid "Two hours"
#~ msgstr "Dúas horas"
#~ msgid "Six hours"
#~ msgstr "Seis horas"
#~ msgid "One day"
#~ msgstr "Un día"
#~ msgid "Two days"
#~ msgstr "Dous días"
#~ msgid "Five days"
#~ msgstr "Cinco días"
#~ msgid "Two months"
#~ msgstr "Dous meses"
#~ msgid "Six months"
#~ msgstr "Seis meses"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr "é un <b>Proxecto de Software Libre con licenza GPL</b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "Non estás conectado/a"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema eliminando o servidor"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema actualizando o servidor"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr "Pulse aquí para ver información da base de datos como texto"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Tarefa de borrado lanzada para o axente "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr "Por favor, agarde"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "Mentres se borran datos para "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Borrando rexistros para o módulo "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " na base de datos"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de tres meses"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos dun mes"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de duas semanas"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos dunha semana"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de tres días"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de 24 horas"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar os datos con mais de tres meses"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar os datos con mais de 30 días"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar os datos con mais de duas semanas"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar os datos con mais dunha semana"
#~ msgid "Data checks"
#~ msgstr "Comprobaciones de datos"
#~ msgid "Event validation failed"
#~ msgstr "Validación de evento fallida"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema creando o usuario"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Usuario creado correctamente"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Ligazón eliminada correctamente"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "O axente xa existe"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Módulo engaadido correctamente"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Módulo eliminado correctamente"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Axente eliminado correctamente"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "No se atopou módulo"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "No se seleccionaron axentes destino para o borrado"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema eliminando o perfil"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Vista principal dos eventos"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "Remitente"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "Destinatario"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nova mensaxe a un grupo"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Detalles dos grupos de axentes"
#~ msgid "Update_alert"
#~ msgstr "Actualizar alerta"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Novo incidente"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Aberta e con notas"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Borrar incidente"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Orixe"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Destino"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "Últimos datos recibidos polo axente"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Edición/Creación de módulo"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Desenrolado empregando ferramentas e software GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vista principal de incidentes"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantalla principal de configuración do axente"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar axente a modificar"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nome / Tipo"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada das alertas"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Alerta por defecto do axente caído"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Configuración de Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Páxinas de Auditoría Interna"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Tipo de filtro do log"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Borrar todos os datos"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Manipulación da BBDD"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compactado da BBDD"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configurar"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Validado por"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Resolución (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr "(*) Por favor, introduza a data con formato yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Hai "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "usuarios definidos en Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "alertas definidas en Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "módulos de datos recollidos por Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "Datos recollidos por un axente por última vez o "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Estadísticas xerais de Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Media"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico mensual"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico semanal"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico horario"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema creando o módulo keepalive no novo axente"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Os perfís de usuario en Pandora definen qué usuarios poden acceder a Pandora "
#~ "e que pode facer cada un. Os grupos definen elementos en común, cada usuario "
#~ "pode pertencer a un ou mais;s grupos, e ten asignado un perfil por cada "
#~ "grupo ao que pertenza. Un perfil é unha lista do que pode e non pode facer "
#~ "cada grupo, como «ver incidentes» ou «xestionar bases de datos». Abaixo "
#~ "podese ver unha lista dos perfís dispo&ntilde;ibles (definidos polos "
#~ "administradores locais de Pandora)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este usuario ten permiso para todo, pasando por riba dos privilexos "
#~ "asignados mediante perfís/grupos"
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este botón actualiza a información sobre uso da base de datos ao longo do "
#~ "tempo"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Use este control para seleccionar un axente. É preciso seleccionar un axente "
#~ "tanto para borrar información da base de datos como para obter datos dela"
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr "ERROR: Neste momento só o administrador xeral pode administrar perfí"
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de lectura de axentes"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de escritura sobre axentes"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de axentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de lectura no sistema de incidentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de escritura no sistema de incidentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión do sistema de incidentes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de asignación de alertas"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de alertas"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de usuarios"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión da BD"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "dende o axente"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Destino"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes por rangos de data"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Eventos totais"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Incidentes"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Detalles dos grupos"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos de Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "Debe seleccionar módulos ou alertas para borrar"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema eliminando a nota"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Autores dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Este campo non pode modificarse no modo de edición"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " , polo tanto non hai alertas"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "Non hai eventos"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Distribución dos módulos"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Fontes truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "Der. a Esq."
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "Esq. a Der."
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Cancelar"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "Executada a actualización do módulo de rede"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Axuda"
#~ msgid "active_console"
#~ msgstr "Consola activa"
#~ msgid "Agent overview"
#~ msgstr "Agent overview"
#~ msgid "Detailed monitor view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada dos monitores"
#~ msgid "Group name"
#~ msgstr "Nome do grupo"
#~ msgid "No agent selected"
#~ msgstr "Non se seleccionou axente"
#~ msgid "Daily graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico diario"
#~ msgid "Incidents status"
#~ msgstr "Estado dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "Incidents priorities"
#~ msgstr "Prioridade dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "Events per user"
#~ msgstr "Eventos por usuario"
#~ msgid "Events per group"
#~ msgstr "Eventos por grupo"
#~ msgid "valprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "O valor do módulo do axente mínimo e máximo que delimitan os valores "
#~ "válidos. Calquer outro valor fora de ese rango será eliminado"
#~ msgid "Incident sources"
#~ msgstr "Orixe dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "Incident groups"
#~ msgstr "Grupos dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "Assigned Network Server"
#~ msgstr "Servidor asignado"
#~ msgid "Active Server"
#~ msgstr "Servidor activo"
#~ msgid "Graph order"
#~ msgstr "Orde do gráfico"
#~ msgid "Background image"
#~ msgstr "Imaxe de fondo"
#~ msgid "SNMP modules"
#~ msgstr "Módulos SNMP"
#~ msgid "Network components groups"
#~ msgstr "Grupos de compoñentes de rede"
#~ msgid "Module Component"
#~ msgstr "Componente de rede"
#~ msgid "# Modules"
#~ msgstr "Nº Módulos"
#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Gravar"
#~ msgid "says"
#~ msgstr "dixo"
#~ msgid "Tactical indicator"
#~ msgstr "Indicador táctico"
#~ msgid "Position X"
#~ msgstr "Posición eixe X"
#~ msgid "Position Y"
#~ msgstr "Posición eixe Y"
#~ msgid "Parent item"
#~ msgstr "Obxeto padre"
#~ msgid "Link color"
#~ msgstr "Cor de enlace"
#~ msgid "White"
#~ msgstr "Branco"
#~ msgid "Black"
#~ msgstr "Negro"
#~ msgid "Add map item"
#~ msgstr "Engadir objeto ó mapa"
#~ msgid "There are no defined report items"
#~ msgstr "Non hai definidos elementos no informe"
#~ msgid "Message already read"
#~ msgstr "Mensaxe leído"
#~ msgid "Message not read"
#~ msgstr "Mensaxe sin ler"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
#: ../../operation/agentes/datos_agente.php:120
msgid "There was a problem locating the source of the graph"
@ -5703,3 +5220,486 @@ msgstr "Remitente"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:215
msgid "No subject"
msgstr "Sen asunto"
#~ msgid "Two hours"
#~ msgstr "Dúas horas"
#~ msgid "Six hours"
#~ msgstr "Seis horas"
#~ msgid "One day"
#~ msgstr "Un día"
#~ msgid "Two days"
#~ msgstr "Dous días"
#~ msgid "Five days"
#~ msgstr "Cinco días"
#~ msgid "Two months"
#~ msgstr "Dous meses"
#~ msgid "Six months"
#~ msgstr "Seis meses"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr "é un <b>Proxecto de Software Libre con licenza GPL</b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "Non estás conectado/a"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema eliminando o servidor"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema actualizando o servidor"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr "Pulse aquí para ver información da base de datos como texto"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Tarefa de borrado lanzada para o axente "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr "Por favor, agarde"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "Mentres se borran datos para "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Borrando rexistros para o módulo "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " na base de datos"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de tres meses"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos dun mes"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de duas semanas"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos dunha semana"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de tres días"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes con menos de 24 horas"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar os datos con mais de tres meses"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar os datos con mais de 30 días"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar os datos con mais de duas semanas"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Borrar os datos con mais dunha semana"
#~ msgid "Data checks"
#~ msgstr "Comprobaciones de datos"
#~ msgid "Event validation failed"
#~ msgstr "Validación de evento fallida"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema creando o usuario"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Usuario creado correctamente"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Ligazón eliminada correctamente"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "O axente xa existe"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Módulo engaadido correctamente"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Módulo eliminado correctamente"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Axente eliminado correctamente"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "No se atopou módulo"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "No se seleccionaron axentes destino para o borrado"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema eliminando o perfil"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Vista principal dos eventos"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "Remitente"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "Destinatario"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nova mensaxe a un grupo"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Detalles dos grupos de axentes"
#~ msgid "Update_alert"
#~ msgstr "Actualizar alerta"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Novo incidente"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Aberta e con notas"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Borrar incidente"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Orixe"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP(s) Destino"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "Últimos datos recibidos polo axente"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Edición/Creación de módulo"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Desenrolado empregando ferramentas e software GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vista principal de incidentes"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Pantalla principal de configuración do axente"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionar axente a modificar"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nome / Tipo"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada das alertas"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Alerta por defecto do axente caído"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Configuración de Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Páxinas de Auditoría Interna"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Tipo de filtro do log"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Borrar todos os datos"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Manipulación da BBDD"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compactado da BBDD"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configurar"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Validado por"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Resolución (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr "(*) Por favor, introduza a data con formato yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Hai "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "usuarios definidos en Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "alertas definidas en Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "módulos de datos recollidos por Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "Datos recollidos por un axente por última vez o "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Estadísticas xerais de Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Media"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico mensual"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico semanal"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico horario"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema creando o módulo keepalive no novo axente"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Os perfís de usuario en Pandora definen qué usuarios poden acceder a Pandora "
#~ "e que pode facer cada un. Os grupos definen elementos en común, cada usuario "
#~ "pode pertencer a un ou mais;s grupos, e ten asignado un perfil por cada "
#~ "grupo ao que pertenza. Un perfil é unha lista do que pode e non pode facer "
#~ "cada grupo, como «ver incidentes» ou «xestionar bases de datos». Abaixo "
#~ "podese ver unha lista dos perfís dispo&ntilde;ibles (definidos polos "
#~ "administradores locais de Pandora)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este usuario ten permiso para todo, pasando por riba dos privilexos "
#~ "asignados mediante perfís/grupos"
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Este botón actualiza a información sobre uso da base de datos ao longo do "
#~ "tempo"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Use este control para seleccionar un axente. É preciso seleccionar un axente "
#~ "tanto para borrar información da base de datos como para obter datos dela"
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr "ERROR: Neste momento só o administrador xeral pode administrar perfí"
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de lectura de axentes"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de escritura sobre axentes"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de axentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de lectura no sistema de incidentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de escritura no sistema de incidentes"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión do sistema de incidentes"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de asignación de alertas"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de alertas"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de usuarios"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión da BD"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Permisos de xestión de Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "dende o axente"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Destino"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Paquetes por rangos de data"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Eventos totais"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Incidentes"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Detalles dos grupos"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Base de datos de Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "Debe seleccionar módulos ou alertas para borrar"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Houbo un problema eliminando a nota"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Autores dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Este campo non pode modificarse no modo de edición"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " , polo tanto non hai alertas"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "Non hai eventos"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Distribución dos módulos"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Fontes truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "Der. a Esq."
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "Esq. a Der."
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Cancelar"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "Executada a actualización do módulo de rede"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Axuda"
#~ msgid "active_console"
#~ msgstr "Consola activa"
#~ msgid "Agent overview"
#~ msgstr "Agent overview"
#~ msgid "Detailed monitor view"
#~ msgstr "Vista detallada dos monitores"
#~ msgid "Group name"
#~ msgstr "Nome do grupo"
#~ msgid "No agent selected"
#~ msgstr "Non se seleccionou axente"
#~ msgid "Daily graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico diario"
#~ msgid "Incidents status"
#~ msgstr "Estado dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "Incidents priorities"
#~ msgstr "Prioridade dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "Events per user"
#~ msgstr "Eventos por usuario"
#~ msgid "Events per group"
#~ msgstr "Eventos por grupo"
#~ msgid "valprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "O valor do módulo do axente mínimo e máximo que delimitan os valores "
#~ "válidos. Calquer outro valor fora de ese rango será eliminado"
#~ msgid "Incident sources"
#~ msgstr "Orixe dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "Incident groups"
#~ msgstr "Grupos dos incidentes"
#~ msgid "Assigned Network Server"
#~ msgstr "Servidor asignado"
#~ msgid "Active Server"
#~ msgstr "Servidor activo"
#~ msgid "Graph order"
#~ msgstr "Orde do gráfico"
#~ msgid "Background image"
#~ msgstr "Imaxe de fondo"
#~ msgid "SNMP modules"
#~ msgstr "Módulos SNMP"
#~ msgid "Network components groups"
#~ msgstr "Grupos de compoñentes de rede"
#~ msgid "Module Component"
#~ msgstr "Componente de rede"
#~ msgid "# Modules"
#~ msgstr "Nº Módulos"
#~ msgid "Save"
#~ msgstr "Gravar"
#~ msgid "says"
#~ msgstr "dixo"
#~ msgid "Tactical indicator"
#~ msgstr "Indicador táctico"
#~ msgid "Position X"
#~ msgstr "Posición eixe X"
#~ msgid "Position Y"
#~ msgstr "Posición eixe Y"
#~ msgid "Parent item"
#~ msgstr "Obxeto padre"
#~ msgid "Link color"
#~ msgstr "Cor de enlace"
#~ msgid "White"
#~ msgstr "Branco"
#~ msgid "Black"
#~ msgstr "Negro"
#~ msgid "Add map item"
#~ msgstr "Engadir objeto ó mapa"
#~ msgid "There are no defined report items"
#~ msgstr "Non hai definidos elementos no informe"
#~ msgid "Message already read"
#~ msgstr "Mensaxe leído"
#~ msgid "Message not read"
#~ msgstr "Mensaxe sin ler"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

View File

@ -14,389 +14,9 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:49+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "è un <b>Free Software Project (Progetto di Software Libero), sottoposto ai "
#~ "termini di licenza GPL </b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "Non sei connesso"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema eliminando il server"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema aggiornando il server"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr "Premi qui per ottenere le informazioni del DB come testo"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Pulizia compiti lanciati per 'id agente "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Per favore sii paziente. Questa operazione può essere molto lunga (5-10 "
#~ "minuti)"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "mentre sto cancellando dati per "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Sto cancellando i record per il modulo "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " nel Databasee"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di tre mesi"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di un mese"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di due settimane"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di una settimana"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di tre giorni"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di un giorno"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci dati oltre i 90 giorni"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci dati più vecchi di 30 giorni"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci dati oltre 14 giorni"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci dati oltre i 7 giorni"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema crendo l'utente"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Utente creato con successo"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Collegamento eliminato con successo"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "L'agente esiste già"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Modulo aggiunto con successo"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Modulo eliminato con successo"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Agente eliminato con successo"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "Modulo non trovato"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "Nessun agente da cancellare è stato selezionato"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema eliminando il profilo"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Vista Evento Principale"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "Da"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "A"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nuovo messaggio al gruppo"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Dettaglio del Gruppo Agenti"
#~ msgid "Update_alert"
#~ msgstr "Aggiorna allarme"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Nuovo Avvenimento"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Aperto con annotazioni"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Elimina Avvenimento"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP Sorgente"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP Destinazione"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "Ultimi dati ricevuti dall'Agente"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Form di Creazione/Aggiornamento Modulo"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Progettato usando software e strumenti GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vista Principale Avvenimento"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Schermata di configurazione principale dell'Agente"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Seleziona l'agente da modificare"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nome / Tipo"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Visualizzazione dettagliata dell'allarme"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Vista completa dettagliata"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Allarme predefinito di Agente non attivo"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Impostazioni principali di Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Pagine di Verifica Interna"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Filtro dei tipi di registro"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci tutti i dati"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Manipolazione Database"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compatta database"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configura"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Verificato da"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Risoluzione (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr "(*) Per favore digitate la data nel formato aaaa/mm/gg hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Ci sono "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "utenti definiti in Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "allarmi definiti in Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "moduli di dati registrati nel Database di Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "Ultimi dati ricevuti il "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Statistiche generali di Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Media"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico mensile"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico settimanale"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico orario"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si è verificato un problema creando un modulo keepalive nel nuovo agente"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "I profili Utenti in Pandora definiscono quali utenti possono accedere a "
#~ "Pandora cos&igrave; come quello che può fare ciascun utente. I Gruppi "
#~ "definiscono elementi in comune tra diversi utetnti. Ogni utente potrebbe "
#~ "appartenere ad uno o più gruppi in qualsiasi momento. Ogni gruppo ha profili "
#~ "utente che sono definiti e ad esso collegati. Un profilo è una lista di cose "
#~ "che un utente può fare, tipo visualizzare avvenimenti, gestire database od "
#~ "altro. Una lista dei profili disponibil è di seguito definita dagli "
#~ "amministratori locali di Pandora."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "L'utente ha il permesso di gestire tutto. Questo è l'utente amministratore "
#~ "ed sovrascrive tutti i permessi attribuiti nei profili/gruppi."
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Questo bottone aggiorna le informazioni riguardo all'uso del database nel "
#~ "tempo"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Usa questo combo per selezionare l'agente per l'operazione. Devi selezionare "
#~ "un agente per pulire i dati e per ottenere informazioni circa l'uso del "
#~ "database"
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ERRORE: Al momento, solo l'Amministratore Globale può gestire i profili"
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Lettura Agenti"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Scritttura Agenti"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di gestione Agenti"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di lettura degli Avvenimentii di Sistema"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di scrittura degli Avvenimenti di Sistema"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Gestione dei diritti degli Avvenimentii di Sistema"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di modifica degli Allarmi"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di gestione degli Allarmi"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Gestione Utenti"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Gestione Database"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Gestione del Sistema Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "Dall'Agente"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Destinazione"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti per raggio di date"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Totale eventi"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Avvenimenti"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Dettaglio gruppo"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Database di Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "E' necessario selezionare i moduli o gli allarmi da cancellare"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema cancellando l'annotazione"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Scrittori di avvenimenti"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Il campo non si può modificare nella modalità modifica"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " quindi non ci sono allaemi"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "Non ci sono eventi"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Ripartizione modulo agente"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Font Truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "Destra a sinistra"
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "Sinistra a Destra"
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Cancella"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "Aggiornamento del modulo di rete eseguito"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Aiuto"
#~ msgid "active_console"
#~ msgstr "Console attiva"
#~ msgid "dbprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Il processo di pulizia del Database viene usato per cancellare quelle voci "
#~ "del database che per qualsiasi ragione (fallimento dell'agente, valore "
#~ "esistente ma fuori limite, test, errori nel DB, etc.) sono fuori scala. "
#~ "Cancellare dati falsi, errati o semplicemente inutili consente di ottenere "
#~ "una scala grafica più \"reale\""
#~ msgid "valprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Il valore minimo e massimo di agenti e moduli delimita i datio corretti. "
#~ "Qualsiasi dato al di fuori della scala di valori sarà eliminato.Ad esempio, "
#~ "in un tipo di modulo che registra il numero di processi, i valori importanti "
#~ "risiederanno nel raggio tra 0 e 100. Forse potremo avere dati con valori "
#~ "superiori a 100, ma questo sarà un errore, od altre situazioni speciali. "
#~ "Valori come -1, 101 o 100000 saranno eliminati dal database"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
#: ../../operation/agentes/datos_agente.php:120
msgid "There was a problem locating the source of the graph"
@ -5597,3 +5217,383 @@ msgstr "Mittente"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:215
msgid "No subject"
msgstr "Nessun oggetto"
#~ msgid "is a <b>OpenSource Software Project, licensed under GPL terms</b>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "è un <b>Free Software Project (Progetto di Software Libero), sottoposto ai "
#~ "termini di licenza GPL </b>"
#~ msgid "You're not connected"
#~ msgstr "Non sei connesso"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting server"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema eliminando il server"
#~ msgid "There was a problem updating server"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema aggiornando il server"
#~ msgid "Press here to get DB Info as text"
#~ msgstr "Premi qui per ottenere le informazioni del DB come testo"
#~ msgid "Purge task launched for agent id "
#~ msgstr "Pulizia compiti lanciati per 'id agente "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please be patient. This operation can be very long in time (5-10 minutes)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Per favore sii paziente. Questa operazione può essere molto lunga (5-10 "
#~ "minuti)"
#~ msgid "while deleting data for "
#~ msgstr "mentre sto cancellando dati per "
#~ msgid "Deleting records for module "
#~ msgstr "Sto cancellando i record per il modulo "
#~ msgid " in the Database"
#~ msgstr " nel Databasee"
#~ msgid "Packets three months old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di tre mesi"
#~ msgid "Packets one month old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di un mese"
#~ msgid "Packets two weeks old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di due settimane"
#~ msgid "Packets one week old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di una settimana"
#~ msgid "Packets three days old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di tre giorni"
#~ msgid "Packets one day old"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti vecchi di un giorno"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 90 days"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci dati oltre i 90 giorni"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 30 days"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci dati più vecchi di 30 giorni"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 14 days"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci dati oltre 14 giorni"
#~ msgid "Purge data over 7 days"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci dati oltre i 7 giorni"
#~ msgid "create_user_no"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema crendo l'utente"
#~ msgid "User successfully created"
#~ msgstr "Utente creato con successo"
#~ msgid "delete_link_ok"
#~ msgstr "Collegamento eliminato con successo"
#~ msgid "agent_exists"
#~ msgstr "L'agente esiste già"
#~ msgid "add_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Modulo aggiunto con successo"
#~ msgid "delete_module_ok"
#~ msgstr "Modulo eliminato con successo"
#~ msgid "delete_agent_ok"
#~ msgstr "Agente eliminato con successo"
#~ msgid "notfoundmod"
#~ msgstr "Modulo non trovato"
#~ msgid "noagents_del"
#~ msgstr "Nessun agente da cancellare è stato selezionato"
#~ msgid "delete_profile_no"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema eliminando il profilo"
#~ msgid "Main Event View"
#~ msgstr "Vista Evento Principale"
#~ msgid "m_from"
#~ msgstr "Da"
#~ msgid "m_to"
#~ msgstr "A"
#~ msgid "new_message_g"
#~ msgstr "Nuovo messaggio al gruppo"
#~ msgid "group_view"
#~ msgstr "Dettaglio del Gruppo Agenti"
#~ msgid "Update_alert"
#~ msgstr "Aggiorna allarme"
#~ msgid "New Incident"
#~ msgstr "Nuovo Avvenimento"
#~ msgid "Open with notes"
#~ msgstr "Aperto con annotazioni"
#~ msgid "Delete incident"
#~ msgstr "Elimina Avvenimento"
#~ msgid "Source IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP Sorgente"
#~ msgid "Destination IP(s)"
#~ msgstr "IP Destinazione"
#~ msgid "Last received data from Agent"
#~ msgstr "Ultimi dati ricevuti dall'Agente"
#~ msgid "Module Update/Create form"
#~ msgstr "Form di Creazione/Aggiornamento Modulo"
#~ msgid "gpl_used"
#~ msgstr "Progettato usando software e strumenti GPL"
#~ msgid "Incident Main view"
#~ msgstr "Vista Principale Avvenimento"
#~ msgid "Agent main config screen"
#~ msgstr "Schermata di configurazione principale dell'Agente"
#~ msgid "Select agent to modify"
#~ msgstr "Seleziona l'agente da modificare"
#~ msgid "Name / Type"
#~ msgstr "Nome / Tipo"
#~ msgid "Detailed alert view"
#~ msgstr "Visualizzazione dettagliata dell'allarme"
#~ msgid "Detailed full view"
#~ msgstr "Vista completa dettagliata"
#~ msgid "Agent down default alert"
#~ msgstr "Allarme predefinito di Agente non attivo"
#~ msgid "Pandora Main setup "
#~ msgstr "Impostazioni principali di Pandora "
#~ msgid "Internal Audit Pages"
#~ msgstr "Pagine di Verifica Interna"
#~ msgid "Log type filter"
#~ msgstr "Filtro dei tipi di registro"
#~ msgid "Purge all data"
#~ msgstr "Pulisci tutti i dati"
#~ msgid "Database Manipulation"
#~ msgstr "Manipolazione Database"
#~ msgid "Database compact"
#~ msgstr "Compatta database"
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Configura"
#~ msgid "Checked by"
#~ msgstr "Verificato da"
#~ msgid "Resolution (%)"
#~ msgstr "Risoluzione (%)"
#~ msgid "(*) Please enter date with format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgstr "(*) Per favore digitate la data nel formato aaaa/mm/gg hh:mm:ss"
#~ msgid "There are "
#~ msgstr "Ci sono "
#~ msgid "users defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "utenti definiti in Pandora"
#~ msgid "alerts defined in Pandora"
#~ msgstr "allarmi definiti in Pandora"
#~ msgid "data modules stored in Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "moduli di dati registrati nel Database di Pandora"
#~ msgid "Last data received at "
#~ msgstr "Ultimi dati ricevuti il "
#~ msgid "Pandora general statistics"
#~ msgstr "Statistiche generali di Pandora"
#~ msgid "Average"
#~ msgstr "Media"
#~ msgid "Monthly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico mensile"
#~ msgid "Weekly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico settimanale"
#~ msgid "Hourly graph"
#~ msgstr "Grafico orario"
#~ msgid "There was a problem creating keepalive module in new agent"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si è verificato un problema creando un modulo keepalive nel nuovo agente"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "User profiles in Pandora define which users can access Pandora as well as "
#~ "what each user can do. Groups define elements in common among various users. "
#~ "Each user could be in one or more groups at any one time. Each group has "
#~ "user profiles which are defined and attached to it. A profile is a list of "
#~ "things a user can do, such as view incidents, manage database or other. A "
#~ "list of available profiles is defined below by the local Pandora "
#~ "administrators"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "I profili Utenti in Pandora definiscono quali utenti possono accedere a "
#~ "Pandora cos&igrave; come quello che può fare ciascun utente. I Gruppi "
#~ "definiscono elementi in comune tra diversi utetnti. Ogni utente potrebbe "
#~ "appartenere ad uno o più gruppi in qualsiasi momento. Ogni gruppo ha profili "
#~ "utente che sono definiti e ad esso collegati. Un profilo è una lista di cose "
#~ "che un utente può fare, tipo visualizzare avvenimenti, gestire database od "
#~ "altro. Una lista dei profili disponibil è di seguito definita dagli "
#~ "amministratori locali di Pandora."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites "
#~ "all permissions given in profiles/groups."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "L'utente ha il permesso di gestire tutto. Questo è l'utente amministratore "
#~ "ed sovrascrive tutti i permessi attribuiti nei profili/gruppi."
#~ msgid "This button refresh info about database usage among time"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Questo bottone aggiorna le informazioni riguardo all'uso del database nel "
#~ "tempo"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use this combo to select agent for operation. You need to select an agent to "
#~ "purge data and to get info about database usage"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Usa questo combo per selezionare l'agente per l'operazione. Devi selezionare "
#~ "un agente per pulire i dati e per ottenere informazioni circa l'uso del "
#~ "database"
#~ msgid "ERROR: At this moment only Global Admin can manage profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ERRORE: Al momento, solo l'Amministratore Globale può gestire i profili"
#~ msgid "Agents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Lettura Agenti"
#~ msgid "Agents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Scritttura Agenti"
#~ msgid "Agents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di gestione Agenti"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Reading rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di lettura degli Avvenimentii di Sistema"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Writing rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di scrittura degli Avvenimenti di Sistema"
#~ msgid "System Incidents Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Gestione dei diritti degli Avvenimentii di Sistema"
#~ msgid "Alerts Edition rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di modifica degli Allarmi"
#~ msgid "Alerts Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di gestione degli Allarmi"
#~ msgid "Users Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Gestione Utenti"
#~ msgid "Database Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Gestione Database"
#~ msgid "Pandora System Management rights"
#~ msgstr "Diritti di Gestione del Sistema Pandora"
#~ msgid "From Agent"
#~ msgstr "Dall'Agente"
#~ msgid "Destination"
#~ msgstr "Destinazione"
#~ msgid "Packets by date range"
#~ msgstr "Pacchetti per raggio di date"
#~ msgid "Total events"
#~ msgstr "Totale eventi"
#~ msgid "Incidents"
#~ msgstr "Avvenimenti"
#~ msgid "group_detail"
#~ msgstr "Dettaglio gruppo"
#~ msgid "Pandora Database"
#~ msgstr "Database di Pandora"
#~ msgid "It is necesary to select modules or alerts to delete"
#~ msgstr "E' necessario selezionare i moduli o gli allarmi da cancellare"
#~ msgid "There was a problem deleting note"
#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un problema cancellando l'annotazione"
#~ msgid "Incident writers"
#~ msgstr "Scrittori di avvenimenti"
#~ msgid "This field can't be changed while in Edition mode"
#~ msgstr "Il campo non si può modificare nella modalità modifica"
#~ msgid " so there are no alerts"
#~ msgstr " quindi non ci sono allaemi"
#~ msgid "SNMP"
#~ msgstr "SNMP"
#~ msgid "There are no events"
#~ msgstr "Non ci sono eventi"
#~ msgid "Agent module share out"
#~ msgstr "Ripartizione modulo agente"
#~ msgid "Truetype fonts"
#~ msgstr "Font Truetype"
#~ msgid "Right to Left"
#~ msgstr "Destra a sinistra"
#~ msgid "Left to Right"
#~ msgstr "Sinistra a Destra"
#~ msgid "Cancel"
#~ msgstr "Cancella"
#~ msgid "Network module refresh executed"
#~ msgstr "Aggiornamento del modulo di rete eseguito"
#~ msgid "Help"
#~ msgstr "Aiuto"
#~ msgid "active_console"
#~ msgstr "Console attiva"
#~ msgid "dbprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Il processo di pulizia del Database viene usato per cancellare quelle voci "
#~ "del database che per qualsiasi ragione (fallimento dell'agente, valore "
#~ "esistente ma fuori limite, test, errori nel DB, etc.) sono fuori scala. "
#~ "Cancellare dati falsi, errati o semplicemente inutili consente di ottenere "
#~ "una scala grafica più \"reale\""
#~ msgid "valprohelp"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Il valore minimo e massimo di agenti e moduli delimita i datio corretti. "
#~ "Qualsiasi dato al di fuori della scala di valori sarà eliminato.Ad esempio, "
#~ "in un tipo di modulo che registra il numero di processi, i valori importanti "
#~ "risiederanno nel raggio tra 0 e 100. Forse potremo avere dati con valori "
#~ "superiori a 100, ma questo sarà un errore, od altre situazioni speciali. "
#~ "Valori come -1, 101 o 100000 saranno eliminati dal database"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pandora-fms\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-10 15:55+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-09-29 04:15+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Albert Mate <Unknown>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-19 06:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: stefan <linelolteanu@yahoo.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian <ro@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ msgstr "Dezvoltare"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:553
msgid "Testing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Testare"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:554
msgid "Public"
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr "Public"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/alert_manager_editor.php:273
#: ../../include/functions.php:768
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Dezactivat"
msgstr "Dezactivat(ă)"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:563
msgid "Database"
@ -773,15 +773,15 @@ msgstr "Bază de date"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:564
msgid "Code / binary directory"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cod/director binar"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager.php:100
msgid "More info"
msgstr ""
msgstr "MAi multe informatii"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager.php:116
msgid "Update manager settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aduceti la zi mangerul de setari"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:67
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:167 ../../godmode/setup/news.php:44
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ msgstr "Nu a fost creat. Eroare la inserarea datelor"
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:30
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:35
msgid "Deleted successfully"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sters cu succes"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:85
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:75
@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:32
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:37
msgid "Not deleted. Error deleting data"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nu s-a sters.Eroare la stergerea datelor"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:110
msgid "Update layout successful"
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/modules/manage_nc_groups.php:56
#: ../../godmode/modules/manage_network_templates_form.php:100
msgid "Updated successfully"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aducere la zi terminata cu succes."
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:243
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:176
@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/modules/manage_nc_groups.php:54
#: ../../godmode/modules/manage_network_templates_form.php:98
msgid "Not updated. Error updating data"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nu sa adus la zii.Eroare la aducerea la zii a datelor"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:257
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:292
@ -868,16 +868,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/reporting/custom_reporting.php:25
#: ../../operation/menu.php:270
msgid "Reporting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Raportare"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:257
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:293 ../../godmode/menu.php:159
msgid "Map builder"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Constructor de harti"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:262
msgid "Map name"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Numele hartii"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:263
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:305
@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ msgstr "Înălțime"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:333
msgid "preview"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Previzualizare"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:351
msgid "Map element trash"
@ -1030,11 +1030,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:352
msgid "Drag an element here to delete from the map"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Trageti un element aici pentru a fi sters din harta"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:365
msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Ora"
msgstr "Oră"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:366
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:367
@ -1076,11 +1076,11 @@ msgstr "Şase luni"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:388
msgid "Map element editor"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Editor de elemente al hartii"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:389
msgid "Drag an element here to edit the properties"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aduceti un element aici pentru a i modifica proprietatile"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:397
msgid "Label"
@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ msgstr "Culoare etichetă"
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:290
#: ../../operation/events/events.php:315
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tip:"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:407
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:215
@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ msgstr "Imagine"
#: ../../godmode/modules/manage_nc_groups_form.php:58
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php:96
msgid "Parent"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Părinte"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:419
msgid "Map linked"
@ -1185,17 +1185,17 @@ msgstr "A apărut o problemă la salvarea graficului"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:204
msgid "Graph builder module list"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lista de module al constructorului de grafice"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:252
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:108
msgid "Combined image render"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Redare da imagini combinata"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:265
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:267 ../../godmode/menu.php:149
msgid "Graph builder"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Constructor de Grafice"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:276
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:396
@ -1221,11 +1221,11 @@ msgstr "Module"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:304
msgid "Factor"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Factor"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:314
msgid "Render now"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Reda acum"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:318
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:322
@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ msgstr "Vezi evenimente"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:418
msgid "Stacked"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Stivuit"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:422
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:137
@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ msgstr "Zonă"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:423
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:138
msgid "Stacked area"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Zona stivuita"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:424
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:139
@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:483
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:342
msgid "Private"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Privat"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:497
msgid "Store"
@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ msgstr "Salvare"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:109
msgid "Reporting successfully deleted"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Raportarea a fost ştearsă"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:111
msgid "There was a problem deleting reporting"
@ -1341,11 +1341,11 @@ msgstr "Raportarea a fost creată cu succes"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:147
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:161
msgid "There was a problem creating reporting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "A apărut o problemă la crearea raportării"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:219
msgid "SLA was successfully created"
msgstr "SLA creat cu succes"
msgstr "SLA a fost creat cu succes"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:221
msgid "There was a problem creating SLA"
@ -1370,28 +1370,28 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:242
msgid "SLAs defined"
msgstr ""
msgstr "SLA-uri definite"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:252
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:292
#: ../../operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php:211
msgid "SLA Min. (value)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "SLA Minim (valoare)"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:253
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:294
#: ../../operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php:209
msgid "SLA Max. (value)"
msgstr "SLA Max.(valoare)"
msgstr "SLA Maxim (valoare)"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:254
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:296
msgid "SLA Limit (%)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Limita SLA (%)"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:279
msgid "SLA report construction"
msgstr "Creare raport SLA"
msgstr "Raport constructie SLA"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:326
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:497

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46

View File

@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pandora-fms\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-10 15:55+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-08 15:21+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-16 14:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Zhenka <eduma@mail.ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <uk@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:49+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:68
msgid "Server connection failed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Помилка з'єднання з сервером"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:70
msgid "Server authorization rejected"
@ -584,11 +584,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:72
#: ../../extensions/update_manager.php:98
msgid "There's a new update for Pandora"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Є нове оновлення до Pandora"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:77
msgid "Id"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:80
#: ../../godmode/setup/news.php:129 ../../include/functions_db.php:1935
@ -647,11 +647,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:291
#: ../../operation/users/user.php:35
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Опис"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:89
msgid "Overwrite local changes"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Переписати локальні зміни"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:93
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/settings.php:70
@ -694,11 +694,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/events/events.php:275
#: ../../operation/users/user_edit.php:137
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Оновити"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:98
msgid "Your system version number is"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Номер версії системи"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/settings.php:38
msgid "Update manager settings updated"
@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/settings.php:43
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Налаштування"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/settings.php:49
msgid "Customer key"
@ -718,11 +718,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/settings.php:55
msgid "Update server path"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Шлях до сервера оновлень"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/settings.php:58
msgid "Update server port"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Порт серверу оновлень"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/settings.php:61
msgid "Binary input path"
@ -734,15 +734,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:552
msgid "Development"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Розробка"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:553
msgid "Testing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Тестування"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:554
msgid "Public"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Публічний"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:555
#: ../../godmode/groups/group_list.php:126
@ -758,11 +758,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/agentes/alert_manager_editor.php:273
#: ../../include/functions.php:768
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Вимкнений"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:563
msgid "Database"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Бази даних"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/lib/libupdate_manager.php:564
msgid "Code / binary directory"
@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../extensions/update_manager.php:100
msgid "More info"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Більше інформації"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager.php:116
msgid "Update manager settings"
@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:30
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:35
msgid "Deleted successfully"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Успішно видалений"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:85
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:75
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:32
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:37
msgid "Not deleted. Error deleting data"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Не видалений. Помилка видалення"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:110
msgid "Update layout successful"
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:125
#: ../../operation/events/events.php:224 ../../operation/events/events.php:319
msgid "Group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Група"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:264
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:358
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/events/events.php:467
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:192
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Видалити"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:288
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:325
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/snmpconsole/snmp_alert.php:352
#: ../../operation/snmpconsole/snmp_alert.php:359
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Створити"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:303
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:479
@ -995,27 +995,27 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:59
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:229 ../../operation/users/user.php:34
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ім'я"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:307
msgid "Background"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Фон"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:311
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:405
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:308
msgid "Width"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ширина"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:313
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:403
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:326
msgid "Height"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Висота"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:333
msgid "preview"
msgstr ""
msgstr "попередній перегляд"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:351
msgid "Map element trash"
@ -1027,14 +1027,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:365
msgid "Hour"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Година"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:366
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:367
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:368
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:369
msgid "Hours"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Години"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:370
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:394
@ -1047,25 +1047,25 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../include/functions.php:493 ../../include/functions.php:516
#: ../../operation/servers/view_server_detail.php:113
msgid "days"
msgstr ""
msgstr "днів"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:372
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:357
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:396
msgid "Last week"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Останній тиждень"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:374
msgid "Last Month"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Останній місяць"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:375
msgid "Two Months"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Два місяці"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:376
msgid "Six Months"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Шість місяців"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:388
msgid "Map element editor"
@ -1077,11 +1077,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:397
msgid "Label"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Мітка"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:399
msgid "Label color"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Колір Мітки"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:401
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:429
@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:290
#: ../../operation/events/events.php:315
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Тип"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:407
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:215
@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_agente.php:158
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:288
msgid "Agent"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Агент"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:409
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:216
@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php:207
#: ../../operation/agentes/exportdata.php:174
msgid "Module"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Модуль"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:411
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:380
@ -1142,11 +1142,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:432
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:119
msgid "Period"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Період"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:413
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Зображення"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:416
#: ../../godmode/groups/group_list.php:109
@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:454
#: ../../operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php:80
msgid "Loading"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Завантаження"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:83
msgid "Graph stored successfully"
@ -1210,11 +1210,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_agente.php:162
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:232
msgid "Modules"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Модулі"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:304
msgid "Factor"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Коефіцієнт"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:314
msgid "Render now"
@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../include/functions.php:823 ../../include/functions.php:912
#: ../../include/functions_db.php:1885
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Так"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:319
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:321
@ -1242,29 +1242,29 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../include/functions.php:825 ../../include/functions.php:914
#: ../../include/functions_db.php:1887
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ні"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:339
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:391
msgid "3 hours"
msgstr ""
msgstr "3 години"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:354
msgid "4 days"
msgstr ""
msgstr "4 дні"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:363
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:398
msgid "Last month"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Останній місяць"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:372
msgid "1 year"
msgstr ""
msgstr "1 рік"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:404 ../../operation/menu.php:165
msgid "View events"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Показати події"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:418
msgid "Stacked"
@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:422
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:137
msgid "Area"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Зона"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:423
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:138
@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:424
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:139
msgid "Line"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Рядок"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:447
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:416
@ -1299,11 +1299,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/modules/manage_network_components_form_network.php:286
#: ../../operation/incidents/incident_note.php:42
msgid "Add"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Додати"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:447
msgid "Redraw"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Перемалювати"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:458
msgid "Custom graph store"
@ -5189,4 +5189,4 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:215
msgid "No subject"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Тема відсутня"

View File

@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pandora-fms\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-10 15:55+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-09 14:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: rainofchaos <rainofchaos@gmail.com>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-17 06:11+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: whitemay <whitemay@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Simplified Chinese <zh_CN@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-13 07:48+0000\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-20 07:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46
#: ../../operation/agentes/datos_agente.php:120
msgid "There was a problem locating the source of the graph"
msgstr ""
msgstr "定位本图的来源时出错。"
#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:53 ../../reporting/stat_win.php:218
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:333
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/incidents/incident_detail.php:317
#: ../../operation/incidents/incident_detail.php:325
msgid "Informative"
msgstr ""
msgstr "信息"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1040 ../../operation/incidents/incident.php:244
#: ../../operation/incidents/incident.php:265
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "提示"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1279 ../../include/functions.php:679
#: ../../include/functions.php:1159 ../../include/functions.php:1180
msgid "Normal"
msgstr ""
msgstr "正常"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:1286 ../../include/functions.php:682
#: ../../include/functions.php:1160 ../../include/functions.php:1182
@ -278,11 +278,11 @@ msgstr "未发出警告"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:2139
msgid "Monitors BAD"
msgstr ""
msgstr "监视器报错"
#: ../../reporting/fgraph.php:2140
msgid "Monitors OK"
msgstr ""
msgstr "监视器正常"
#: ../../general/pandora_help.php:22
msgid "Pandora FMS help system"
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ msgstr "对不起,无法找到该页面!"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/load_updatemanager.php:37
msgid "Keygen file does not exists"
msgstr ""
msgstr "未找到Keygen文件"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/load_updatemanager.php:44
msgid "Keygen file is not executable"
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ msgstr "服务器拒绝了认证"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:72
#: ../../extensions/update_manager.php:98
msgid "There's a new update for Pandora"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pandora有新的更新"
#: ../../extensions/update_manager/main.php:77
msgid "Id"
@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ msgstr "6个月"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:388
msgid "Map element editor"
msgstr ""
msgstr "地图元素编辑器"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:389
msgid "Drag an element here to edit the properties"
@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ msgstr "模块"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:432
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:119
msgid "Period"
msgstr ""
msgstr "周期"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/map_builder.php:413
msgid "Image"
@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:252
#: ../../operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php:108
msgid "Combined image render"
msgstr ""
msgstr "组合图形生成器"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:265
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:267 ../../godmode/menu.php:149
@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ msgstr "私有的"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php:497
msgid "Store"
msgstr ""
msgstr "存储"
#: ../../godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php:109
msgid "Reporting successfully deleted"
@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ msgstr "网络服务器"
#: ../../godmode/servers/modificar_server.php:125
msgid "Master"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../godmode/servers/modificar_server.php:126
#: ../../operation/servers/view_server.php:96
@ -2304,7 +2304,7 @@ msgstr "成功地创建了代理"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php:243
msgid "Deleted data above"
msgstr ""
msgstr "删除上述数据"
#: ../../godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php:256
#: ../../godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php:270
@ -4908,7 +4908,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/sla_view.php:34
msgid "SLA view"
msgstr ""
msgstr "SLA视图"
#: ../../operation/agentes/sla_view.php:41
msgid "Automatic SLA for monitors"
@ -4916,25 +4916,25 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/sla_view.php:141
msgid "User-defined SLA items"
msgstr ""
msgstr "自定义SLA条目"
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_agente.php:380
msgid "There are no agents included in this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "组中没有代理"
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:46
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:54
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:113
msgid "Full list of Alerts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "完整的告警列表"
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:61
msgid "Info"
msgstr ""
msgstr "信息"
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:284
msgid "Combined alert"
msgstr ""
msgstr "组合告警"
#: ../../operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php:299
msgid "No agent included in this group has any assigned alert"
@ -4947,46 +4947,46 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:115
msgid "Monitor OK"
msgstr ""
msgstr "监视器正常"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:125
msgid "Monitor BAD"
msgstr ""
msgstr "监视器异常"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:138
msgid "Monitor Unknown"
msgstr ""
msgstr "监视器状态未知"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:147
msgid "Monitor Not Init"
msgstr ""
msgstr "监视器未初始化"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:154
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:184
msgid "Alerts Fired"
msgstr ""
msgstr "产生告警"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:162
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:195
msgid "Alerts Total"
msgstr ""
msgstr "告警总数"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:169
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:170
msgid "Data Checks"
msgstr ""
msgstr "数据检查"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:172
msgid "Data Unknown"
msgstr ""
msgstr "数据未知"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:178
msgid "Data Not Init"
msgstr ""
msgstr "数据未初始化"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:203
msgid "Total Agents"
msgstr ""
msgstr "代理总数"
#: ../../operation/agentes/tactical.php:205
msgid "Total Checks"
@ -5110,46 +5110,46 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/users/user.php:111
msgid "Agents reading"
msgstr ""
msgstr "当前读取代理"
#: ../../operation/users/user.php:114
msgid "Agents management"
msgstr ""
msgstr "当前管理代理"
#: ../../operation/users/user.php:117
msgid "Alerts edition"
msgstr ""
msgstr "告警版本"
#: ../../operation/users/user.php:120
msgid "Users management"
msgstr ""
msgstr "用户管理"
#: ../../operation/users/user.php:123
msgid "Database management"
msgstr ""
msgstr "数据库管理"
#: ../../operation/users/user.php:126
msgid "Alerts anagement"
msgstr ""
msgstr "告警管理"
#: ../../operation/users/user.php:129
msgid "Pandora system management"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pandora系统管理"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:26
msgid "Message successfully sent"
msgstr ""
msgstr "成功发送消息"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:28
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:51
msgid "There was a problem sending message"
msgstr ""
msgstr "发送消息时出错"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:61
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:102
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:225
msgid "New message"
msgstr ""
msgstr "新建消息"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:94
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:126
@ -5172,7 +5172,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:160
msgid "Read messages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "读取消息"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:168
msgid "Message sucessfully deleted"
@ -5180,19 +5180,19 @@ msgstr "成功地删除了消息"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:170
msgid "There was a problem deleting message"
msgstr ""
msgstr "删除消息时出错"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:184
msgid "There are no messages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "没有消息"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:188
msgid "Read"
msgstr ""
msgstr "读取"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:189
msgid "Sender"
msgstr ""
msgstr "发送方"
#: ../../operation/messages/message.php:215
msgid "No subject"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
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#: ../../reporting/stat_win.php:46