2011-07-11 Vanessa Gil <vanessa.gil@artica.es>

* win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc
	win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Allow drone agents in Windows.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@4545 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
vgilc 2011-07-11 15:49:29 +00:00
parent 8bff091cfa
commit 0c2241b9c8
5 changed files with 329 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2011-07-11 Vanessa Gil <vanessa.gil@artica.es>
* win32/pandora_agent_conf.cc
win32/pandora_windows_service.cc: Allow drone agents in Windows.
2011-07-08 Vanessa Gil <vanessa.gil@artica.es>
* unix/pandora_agent: Allow drone agents in Unix.

View File

@ -101,6 +101,145 @@ Pandora::Pandora_Agent_Conf::parseFile(string path_file, Collection *aux){
* Create configuration file for drone agents.
* @param filename Configuration file to open.
* @param path_broker Configuration file to write.
writeBrokerConf(string path_broker, string filename, string name_broker){
ifstream file_conf (filename.c_str ());
ofstream file_broker (path_broker.c_str ());
string buffer;
string comp;
unsigned int pos;
/* Read and set the file */
while (!file_conf.eof ()) {
/* Set the value from each line */
getline (file_conf, buffer);
pos = buffer.find("agent_name");
if (pos != string::npos){
comp = buffer.substr (0,12);
if (comp == "# agent_name"){
buffer = "agent_name "+name_broker+"\n";
pos = buffer.find("broker_agent");
if (pos != string::npos){
} else {
buffer = buffer + "\n";
file_broker << buffer;
file_conf.close ();
Pandora::Pandora_Agent_Conf::setFile (string *all_conf){
string buffer, filename;
unsigned int pos;
Collection *aux;
filename = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir ();
filename += "pandora_agent.conf";
ifstream file (filename.c_str ());
if (this->key_values)
delete this->key_values;
this->key_values = new list<Key_Value> ();
if (this->collection_list)
delete this->collection_list;
this->collection_list = new list<Collection> ();
if (!file.is_open ()) {
/* Read and set the file */
while (!file.eof ()) {
/* Set the value from each line */
getline (file, buffer);
/* Ignore blank or commented lines */
if (buffer[0] != '#' && buffer[0] != '\n' && buffer[0] != '\0') {
/*Check if is a include*/
pos = buffer.find("include");
if (pos != string::npos){
string path_file;
unsigned pos_c;
path_file = buffer.substr(pos+8);
pos_c = path_file.find("\"");
/* Remove " */
while (pos_c != string::npos){
path_file.replace(pos_c, 1, "");
pos_c = path_file.find("\"",pos_c+1);
parseFile(path_file, aux);
/*Check if is a broker_agent*/
pos = buffer.find("broker_agent");
if (pos != string::npos){
string path_broker, name_broker;
unsigned pos_c;
int position = 0;
name_broker = buffer.substr(pos+13);
path_broker = name_broker+".conf";
all_conf[position] = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir () + path_broker;
position += 1;
ifstream file_br (path_broker.c_str ());
/* Check if already exists the configuration file*/
if (!file_br){
writeBrokerConf(path_broker, filename, name_broker);
/*Check if is a collection*/
pos = buffer.find("file_collection");
if(pos != string::npos) {
string collection_name, trimmed_str;
/*Add collection to collection_list*/
/*The number 15 is the number of character of string file_collection*/
collection_name = buffer.substr(pos+15);
aux = new Collection();
aux->name = trim (collection_name);
/*Check for ".." substring for security issues*/
if ( collection_name.find("..") == string::npos ) {
aux->verify = 0;
collection_list->push_back (*aux);
/*Check if is a module*/
pos = buffer.find ("module_");
if (pos == string::npos) {
Key_Value kv;
kv.parseLine (buffer);
key_values->push_back (kv);
file.close ();
* Sets configuration file to Pandora_Agent_Conf object instance.
@ -154,6 +293,7 @@ Pandora::Pandora_Agent_Conf::setFile (string filename) {
parseFile(path_file, aux);
/*Check if is a collection*/
pos = buffer.find("file_collection");
if(pos != string::npos) {

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ namespace Pandora {
~Pandora_Agent_Conf ();
void parseFile(string path_file, Collection *aux);
void setFile (string *all_conf);
void setFile (string filename);
string getValue (const string key);

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <pandora_agent_conf.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace Pandora;
@ -113,13 +114,98 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::start () {
this->started = true;
Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init_broker (string file_conf) {
string interval, debug, transfer_interval, util_dir, path, env;
string udp_server_enabled, udp_server_port, udp_server_addr, udp_server_auth_addr;
int pos;
/*setPandoraDebug (true);*/
// Add the util subdirectory to the PATH
util_dir = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir ();
util_dir += "util";
path = getenv ("PATH");
env = "PATH=" + path + ";" + util_dir;
putenv (env.c_str ());
this->conf = Pandora::Pandora_Agent_Conf::getInstance ();
this->conf->setFile (file_conf);
this->modules = new Pandora_Module_List (file_conf);
pandoraLog ("Pandora agent started");
string buffer;
string filename;
unsigned int pos;
int num = 0;
filename = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir ();
filename += "pandora_agent.conf";
ifstream file (filename.c_str ());
/* Read and set the file */
while (!file.eof ()) {
/* Set the value from each line */
getline (file, buffer);
/* Ignore blank or commented lines */
if (buffer[0] != '#' && buffer[0] != '\n' && buffer[0] != '\0') {
/*Check if is a broker_agent*/
pos = buffer.find("broker_agent");
if (pos != string::npos){
num += 1;
file.close ();
return num;
Pandora_Windows_Service::check_broker_agents(string *all_conf){
string buffer, filename;
unsigned int pos;
int pos_file = 0;
filename = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir ();
filename += "pandora_agent.conf";
ifstream file (filename.c_str ());
while (!file.eof ()) {
/* Set the value from each line */
getline (file, buffer);
/* Ignore blank or commented lines */
if (buffer[0] != '#' && buffer[0] != '\n' && buffer[0] != '\0') {
/*Check if is a broker_agent*/
pos = buffer.find("broker_agent");
if (pos != string::npos){
string name_broker, path_broker;
name_broker = buffer.substr(pos+13);
path_broker = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir () + name_broker + ".conf";
all_conf[pos_file] = path_broker;
pos_file += 1;
Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init () {
string conf_file, interval, debug, transfer_interval, util_dir, path, env;
string udp_server_enabled, udp_server_port, udp_server_addr, udp_server_auth_addr;
int pos, num;
setPandoraDebug (true);
// Add the util subdirectory to the PATH
util_dir = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir ();
util_dir += "util";
@ -130,10 +216,13 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init () {
conf_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir ();
conf_file += "pandora_agent.conf";
num = count_broker_agents();
string all_conf[num];
this->conf = Pandora::Pandora_Agent_Conf::getInstance ();
this->conf->setFile (conf_file);
this->conf->setFile (all_conf);
this->modules = new Pandora_Module_List (conf_file);
/* Get the interval value (in seconds) and set it to the service */
interval = conf->getValue ("interval");
transfer_interval = conf->getValue ("transfer_interval");
@ -891,11 +980,11 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollections () {
Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig () {
Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig (string file) {
int i, conf_size;
char *conf_str = NULL, *remote_conf_str = NULL, *remote_conf_md5 = NULL;
char agent_md5[33], conf_md5[33], flag;
string agent_name, conf_file, conf_tmp_file, md5_tmp_file, temp_dir, tmp;
string agent_name, conf_tmp_file, md5_tmp_file, temp_dir, tmp;
tmp = conf->getValue ("remote_config");
if (tmp != "1") {
@ -909,10 +998,6 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig () {
temp_dir += "\\";
/* Get base install directory */
conf_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir ();
conf_file += "pandora_agent.conf";
/* Get agent name */
tmp = conf->getValue ("agent_name");
if (tmp.empty ()) {
@ -930,7 +1015,7 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig () {
/* Calculate md5 hashes */
try {
conf_size = Pandora_File::readBinFile (conf_file, &conf_str);
conf_size = Pandora_File::readBinFile (file, &conf_str);
Pandora_File::md5 (conf_str, conf_size, conf_md5);
} catch (...) {
pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Error calculating configuration md5");
@ -1017,7 +1102,7 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig () {
conf_size = Pandora_File::readBinFile (tmp, &conf_str);
Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp);
/* Save new configuration */
Pandora_File::writeBinFile (conf_file, conf_str, conf_size);
Pandora_File::writeBinFile (file, conf_str, conf_size);
} catch (...) {
pandoraDebug("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Error retrieving configuration file from server");
if (conf_str != NULL) {
@ -1154,19 +1239,20 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::sendBufferedXml (string path) {
Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run () {
Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run_broker (string config) {
Pandora_Agent_Conf *conf = NULL;
string server_addr;
int startup_delay = 0;
static unsigned char delayed = 0;
int exe = 1;
int startup_delay = 0;
static unsigned char delayed = 0;
int exe = 1;
int i;
pandoraDebug ("Run begin");
conf = this->getConf ();
/* Sleep if a startup delay was specified */
startup_delay = atoi (conf->getValue ("startup_delay").c_str ()) * 1000;
startup_delay = atoi (conf->getValue ("startup_delay").c_str ()) * 1000;
if (startup_delay > 0 && delayed == 0) {
delayed = 1;
pandoraLog ("Delaying startup %d miliseconds", startup_delay);
@ -1175,7 +1261,7 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run () {
/* Check for configuration changes */
if (getPandoraDebug () == false) {
this->checkConfig ();
this->checkConfig (config);
this->checkCollections ();
@ -1196,7 +1282,71 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run () {
if (exe == 0) return;
pandoraDebug ("Run %s", module->getName ().c_str ());
if (module->checkCron () == 1) {
module->run ();
/* Save module data to an environment variable */
if (!module->getSave().empty ()) {
module->exportDataOutput ();
/* Evaluate module conditions */
module->evaluateConditions ();
this->modules->goNext ();
Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run () {
Pandora_Agent_Conf *conf = NULL;
string server_addr, conf_file;
int startup_delay = 0;
static unsigned char delayed = 0;
int exe = 1;
int i, num;
pandoraDebug ("Run begin");
conf = this->getConf ();
/* Sleep if a startup delay was specified */
startup_delay = atoi (conf->getValue ("startup_delay").c_str ()) * 1000;
if (startup_delay > 0 && delayed == 0) {
delayed = 1;
pandoraLog ("Delaying startup %d miliseconds", startup_delay);
Sleep (startup_delay);
/* Check for configuration changes */
if (getPandoraDebug () == false) {
conf_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir ();
conf_file += "pandora_agent.conf";
this->checkConfig (conf_file);
this->checkCollections ();
server_addr = conf->getValue ("server_ip");
if (this->modules != NULL) {
this->modules->goFirst ();
while (! this->modules->isLast ()) {
Pandora_Module *module;
module = this->modules->getCurrentValue ();
exe = module->evaluatePreconditions ();
if (exe == 0) return;
pandoraDebug ("Run %s", module->getName ().c_str ());
if (module->checkCron () == 1) {
module->run ();
@ -1214,7 +1364,6 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run () {
this->elapsed_transfer_time += this->interval;
if (this->elapsed_transfer_time >= this->transfer_interval) {
@ -1227,6 +1376,16 @@ Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run () {
/* Get the interval value (in minutes) */
pandoraDebug ("Next execution on %d seconds", this->interval / 1000);
num = count_broker_agents();
string all_conf[num];
for (i=0;i<num;i++){

View File

@ -73,8 +73,12 @@ namespace Pandora {
int unzipCollection(string zip_path, string dest_dir);
void checkCollections ();
void addCollectionsPath();
void checkConfig ();
void checkConfig (string file);
void purgeDiskCollections ();
void pandora_init_broker (string file_conf);
void pandora_run_broker (string config);
int count_broker_agents();
void check_broker_agents(string *all_conf);
Pandora_Windows_Service ();