diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/admin_access_logs.php b/pandora_console/godmode/admin_access_logs.php
index 82f0af0f7e..4af38ec669 100644
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/admin_access_logs.php
+++ b/pandora_console/godmode/admin_access_logs.php
@@ -106,8 +106,6 @@ $form .= html_print_table($table, true);
 $form .= '</form>';
 ui_toggle($form, __("Filter"), "", false);
-// ui_toggle(graphic_user_activity(400, 150), __("Chart"));
 $filter = "1=1";
 if (!empty($filter_type)) {
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_agents.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_agents.php
index 4199f2c9a5..b9980bd972 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_agents.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_agents.php
@@ -1327,56 +1327,6 @@ function agents_get_alias_by_name ($name, $case = 'none') {
- * Get the number of pandora data packets in the database.
- *
- * In case an array is passed, it will have a value for every agent passed
- * incl. a total otherwise it will just return the total
- *
- * @param mixed Agent id or array of agent id's, 0 for all
- *
- * @return mixed The number of data in the database
- */
-function agents_get_modules_data_count ($id_agent = 0) {
-	$id_agent = safe_int ($id_agent, 1);
-	if (empty ($id_agent)) {
-		$id_agent = array ();
-	}
-	else {
-		$id_agent = (array) $id_agent;
-	}
-	$count = array ();
-	$count["total"] = 0;
-	$query[0] = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos";
-	foreach ($id_agent as $agent_id) {
-		//Init value
-		$count[$agent_id] = 0;
-		// TODO TAGS agents_get_modules
-		$modules = array_keys (agents_get_modules ($agent_id)); 
-		foreach ($query as $sql) { 
-			//Add up each table's data
-			//Avoid the count over empty array
-			if (!empty($modules))
-				$count[$agent_id] += (int) db_get_sql ($sql .
-					" WHERE id_agente_modulo IN (".implode (",", $modules).")", 0, true);
-		}
-		//Add total agent count to total count
-		$count["total"] += $count[$agent_id];
-	}
-	if ($count["total"] == 0) {
-		foreach ($query as $sql) {
-			$count["total"] += (int) db_get_sql ($sql, 0, true);
-		}
-	}
-	return $count; //Return the array
  * Check if an agent has alerts fired.
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_graph.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_graph.php
index b268751fd4..f09bb04c45 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_graph.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_graph.php
@@ -20,210 +20,6 @@ include_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_agents.php");
 include_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_modules.php");
 include_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_users.php");
-function get_graph_statistics ($chart_array) {
-	global $config;
-	///
-	/// The calculus for AVG, MIN and MAX values are in this function
-	/// because it must be done based on graph array data not using reporting
-	/// function to get coherent data between stats and graph visualization
-	$stats = array ();
-	$count = 0;
-	$size = sizeof($chart_array);
-	//Initialize stats array
-	$stats = array ("avg" => 0, "min" => null, "max" => null, "last" => 0);
-	foreach ($chart_array as $item) {
-		//Sum all values later divide by the number of elements
-		$stats['avg'] = $stats['avg'] + $item;
-		//Get minimum
-		if ($stats['min'] == null) {
-			$stats['min'] = $item;
-		}
-		else if ($item < $stats['min']) {
-			$stats['min'] = $item;
-		}
-		//Get maximum
-		if ($stats['max'] == null) {
-			$stats['max'] = $item;
-		}
-		else if ($item > $stats['max']) {
-			$stats['max'] = $item;
-		}
-		$count++;
-		//Get last data
-		if ($count == $size) {
-			$stats['last'] = $item;
-		}
-	}
-	//End the calculus for average
-	if ($count > 0) {
-		$stats['avg'] = $stats['avg'] / $count;
-	}
-	//Format stat data to display properly
-	$stats['last'] = remove_right_zeros(number_format($stats['last'], $config['graph_precision']));
-	$stats['avg'] = remove_right_zeros(number_format($stats['avg'], $config['graph_precision']));
-	$stats['min'] = remove_right_zeros(number_format($stats['min'], $config['graph_precision']));
-	$stats['max'] = remove_right_zeros(number_format($stats['max'], $config['graph_precision']));
-	return $stats;
-function get_statwin_graph_statistics ($chart_array, $series_suffix = '') {
-	///
-	/// The calculus for AVG, MIN and MAX values are in this function
-	/// because it must be done based on graph array data not using reporting
-	/// function to get coherent data between stats and graph visualization
-	$stats = array ();
-	$count = 0;
-	$size = sizeof($chart_array);
-	//Initialize stats array
-	$stats['sum'] = array ("avg" => 0, "min" => null, "max" => null, "last" => 0);
-	$stats['min'] = array ("avg" => 0, "min" => null, "max" => null, "last" => 0);
-	$stats['max'] = array ("avg" => 0, "min" => null, "max" => null, "last" => 0);
-	foreach ($chart_array as $item) {
-		if ($series_suffix != '') {
-			if (isset($item['sum' . $series_suffix]))
-				$item['sum'] = $item['sum' . $series_suffix];
-			if (isset($item['min' . $series_suffix]))
-				$item['min'] = $item['min' . $series_suffix];
-			if (isset($item['max' . $series_suffix]))
-				$item['max'] = $item['max' . $series_suffix];
-		}
-		//Get stats for normal graph
-		if (isset($item['sum']) && $item['sum']) {
-			//Sum all values later divide by the number of elements
-			$stats['sum']['avg'] = $stats['sum']['avg'] + $item['sum'];
-			//Get minimum
-			if ($stats['sum']['min'] == null) {
-				$stats['sum']['min'] = $item['sum'];
-			}
-			else if ($item['sum'] < $stats['sum']['min']) {
-				$stats['sum']['min'] = $item['sum'];
-			}
-			//Get maximum
-			if ($stats['sum']['max'] == null) {
-				$stats['sum']['max'] = $item['sum'];
-			}
-			else if ($item['sum'] > $stats['sum']['max']) {
-				$stats['sum']['max'] = $item['sum'];
-			}
-		}
-		//Get stats for min graph
-		if (isset($item['min']) && $item['min']) {
-			//Sum all values later divide by the number of elements
-			$stats['min']['avg'] = $stats['min']['avg'] + $item['min'];
-			//Get minimum
-			if ($stats['min']['min'] == null) {
-				$stats['min']['min'] = $item['min'];
-			}
-			else if ($item['min'] < $stats['min']['min']) {
-				$stats['min']['min'] = $item['min'];
-			}
-			//Get maximum
-			if ($stats['min']['max'] == null) {
-				$stats['min']['max'] = $item['min'];
-			}
-			else if ($item['min'] > $stats['min']['max']) {
-				$stats['min']['max'] = $item['min'];
-			}
-		}
-		//Get stats for max graph
-		if (isset($item['max']) && $item['max']) {
-			//Sum all values later divide by the number of elements
-			$stats['max']['avg'] = $stats['max']['avg'] + $item['max'];
-			//Get minimum
-			if ($stats['max']['min'] == null) {
-				$stats['max']['min'] = $item['max'];
-			}
-			else if ($item['max'] < $stats['max']['min']) {
-				$stats['max']['min'] = $item['max'];
-			}
-			//Get maximum
-			if ($stats['max']['max'] == null) {
-				$stats['max']['max'] = $item['max'];
-			}
-			else if ($item['max'] > $stats['max']['max']) {
-				$stats['max']['max'] = $item['max'];
-			}
-		}
-		//Count elements
-		$count++;
-		//Get last data
-		if ($count == $size) {
-			if (isset($item['sum']) && $item['sum']) {
-				$stats['sum']['last'] = $item['sum'];
-			}
-			if (isset($item['min']) && $item['min']) {
-				$stats['min']['last'] = $item['min'];
-			}
-			if (isset($item['max']) && $item['max']) {
-				$stats['max']['last'] = $item['max'];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//End the calculus for average
-	if ($count > 0) {
-		$stats['sum']['avg'] = $stats['sum']['avg'] / $count;
-		$stats['min']['avg'] = $stats['min']['avg'] / $count;
-		$stats['max']['avg'] = $stats['max']['avg'] / $count;
-	}
-	//Format stat data to display properly
-	$stats['sum']['last'] = round($stats['sum']['last'], 2);
-	$stats['sum']['avg'] = round($stats['sum']['avg'], 2);
-	$stats['sum']['min'] = round($stats['sum']['min'], 2);
-	$stats['sum']['max'] = round($stats['sum']['max'], 2);
-	$stats['min']['last'] = round($stats['min']['last'], 2);
-	$stats['min']['avg'] = round($stats['min']['avg'], 2);
-	$stats['min']['min'] = round($stats['min']['min'], 2);
-	$stats['min']['max'] = round($stats['min']['max'], 2);
-	$stats['max']['last'] = round($stats['max']['last'], 2);
-	$stats['max']['avg'] = round($stats['max']['avg'], 2);
-	$stats['max']['min'] = round($stats['max']['min'], 2);
-	$stats['max']['max'] = round($stats['max']['max'], 2);
-	return $stats;
 function grafico_modulo_sparse_data_chart (
@@ -2624,383 +2420,6 @@ function graph_sla_slicebar ($id, $period, $sla_min, $sla_max, $date, $daysWeek
 		$config['fontpath'], $round_corner, $home_url, $ttl);
- * Print a pie graph with purge data of agent
- * 
- * @param integer id_agent ID of agent to show
- * @param integer width pie graph width
- * @param integer height pie graph height
- */
-function grafico_db_agentes_purge ($id_agent, $width = 380, $height = 300) {
-	global $config;
-	global $graphic_type;
-	$filter = array();
-	if ($id_agent < 1) {
-		$query = "";
-	}
-	else {
-		// TODO TAGS agents_get_modules
-		$modules = agents_get_modules($id_agent);
-		$module_ids = array_keys($modules);
-		if (!empty($module_ids))
-			$filter['id_agente_modulo'] = $module_ids;
-	}
-	// All data (now)
-	$time_now = time();
-	// 1 day ago
-	$time_1day = $time_now - SECONDS_1DAY;
-	// 1 week ago
-	$time_1week = $time_now - SECONDS_1WEEK;
-	// 1 month ago
-	$time_1month = $time_now - SECONDS_1MONTH;
-	// Three months ago
-	$time_3months = $time_now - SECONDS_3MONTHS;
-	$query_error = false;
-	// Data from 1 day ago
-	$num_1day = 0;
-	$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-										FROM tagente_datos
-										WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
-	$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-										FROM tagente_datos_string
-										WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
-	$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-										FROM tagente_datos_log4x
-										WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
-	if ($num_1day >= 0) {
-		// Data from 1 week ago
-		$num_1week = 0;
-		$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-											FROM tagente_datos
-											WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
-											AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
-		$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-											FROM tagente_datos_string
-											WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
-											AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
-		$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-											FROM tagente_datos_log4x
-											WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
-											AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
-		if ($num_1week >= 0) {
-			if ($num_1week > 0) {
-				$num_1week = 0;
-				$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-													FROM tagente_datos
-													WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
-				$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-													FROM tagente_datos_string
-													WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
-				$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-													FROM tagente_datos_log4x
-													WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
-			}
-			// Data from 1 month ago
-			$num_1month = 0;
-			$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-												FROM tagente_datos
-												WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
-												AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
-			$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-												FROM tagente_datos_string
-												WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
-												AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
-			$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-												FROM tagente_datos_log4x
-												WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
-												AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
-			if ($num_1month >= 0) {
-				if ($num_1month > 0) {
-					$num_1month = 0;
-					$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-														FROM tagente_datos
-														WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
-					$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-														FROM tagente_datos_string
-														WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
-					$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-														FROM tagente_datos_log4x
-														WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
-				}
-				// Data from 3 months ago
-				$num_3months = 0;
-				$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-													FROM tagente_datos
-													WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
-													AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
-				$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-													FROM tagente_datos
-													WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
-													AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
-				$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-													FROM tagente_datos
-													WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
-													AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
-				if ($num_3months >= 0) {
-					if ($num_3months > 0) {
-						$num_3months = 0;
-						$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-															FROM tagente_datos
-															WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
-						$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-															FROM tagente_datos
-															WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
-						$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-															FROM tagente_datos
-															WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
-					}
-					// All data
-					$num_all = 0;
-					$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-														FROM tagente_datos
-														WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
-					$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-														FROM tagente_datos
-														WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
-					$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-														FROM tagente_datos
-														WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
-					if ($num_all >= 0) {
-						$num_older = $num_all - $num_3months;
-						if ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1) {
-							// All data in common and history database
-							$num_all_w_history = 0;
-							$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-																FROM tagente_datos
-																WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
-							$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-																FROM tagente_datos
-																WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
-							$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
-																FROM tagente_datos
-																WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
-							if ($num_all_w_history >= 0) {
-								$num_history = $num_all_w_history - $num_all;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else if (($num_1day == 0) && ($num_1week == 0) && ($num_1month == 0) && ($num_3months == 0) && ($num_all == 0)) {
-		//If no data, returns empty
-		$query_error = true;
-	}
-	// Error
-	if ($query_error || $num_older < 0 || ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && $num_history < 0)
-			|| (empty($num_1day) && empty($num_1week) && empty($num_1month)
-				&& empty($num_3months) && empty($num_all) 
-				&& ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && empty($num_all_w_history)))) {
-		return html_print_image('images/image_problem_area_small.png', true);
-	}
-	// Data indexes
-	$str_1day = __("Today");
-	$str_1week = "1 ".__("Week");
-	$str_1month = "1 ".__("Month");
-	$str_3months = "3 ".__("Months");
-	$str_older = "> 3 ".__("Months");
-	// Filling the data array
-	$data = array();
-	if (!empty($num_1day))
-		$data[$str_1day] = $num_1day;
-	if (!empty($num_1week))
-		$data[$str_1week] = $num_1week;
-	if (!empty($num_1month))
-		$data[$str_1month] = $num_1month;
-	if (!empty($num_3months))
-		$data[$str_3months] = $num_3months;
-	if (!empty($num_older))
-		$data[$str_older] = $num_older;
-	if ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && !empty($num_history)) {
-		// In this pie chart only 5 elements are shown, so we need to remove
-		// an element. With a history db enabled the >3 months element are dispensable
-		if (count($data) >= 5 && isset($data[$str_3months]))
-			unset($data[$str_3months]);
-		$time_historic_db = time() - ((int)$config['history_db_days'] * SECONDS_1DAY);
-		$date_human = human_time_comparation($time_historic_db);
-		$str_history = "> $date_human (".__("History db").")";
-		$data[$str_history] = $num_history;
-	}
-	$water_mark = array(
-			'file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", 
-			'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false)
-		);
-	return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
-		__('Other'), '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
- * Print a horizontal bar graph with packets data of agents
- * 
- * @param integer width pie graph width
- * @param integer height pie graph height
- */
-function grafico_db_agentes_paquetes($width = 380, $height = 300) {
-	global $config;
-	global $graphic_type;
-	$data = array ();
-	$legend = array ();
-	$agents = agents_get_group_agents (array_keys (users_get_groups (false, 'RR')), false, "none");
-	$count = agents_get_modules_data_count (array_keys ($agents));
-	unset ($count["total"]);
-	arsort ($count, SORT_NUMERIC);
-	$count = array_slice ($count, 0, 8, true);
-	foreach ($count as $agent_id => $value) {
-		$data[$agents[$agent_id]]['g'] = $value;
-	}
-	if($config["fixed_graph"] == false){
-		$water_mark = array('file' =>
-			$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
-			'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
-	}
-	return hbar_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height, array(),
-		$legend, "", "", true, "", $water_mark,
-		$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], false, 1, $config['homeurl'],
-					'white',
-					'black');
- * Print a horizontal bar graph with modules data of agents
- * 
- * @param integer height graph height
- * @param integer width graph width
- */
-function graph_db_agentes_modulos($width, $height) {
-	global $config;
-	global $graphic_type;
-	$data = array ();
-	switch ($config['dbtype']) {
-		case "mysql":
-		case "postgresql":
-			$modules = db_get_all_rows_sql ('
-				SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo), id_agente
-				FROM tagente_modulo
-				WHERE delete_pending = 0
-				GROUP BY id_agente
-				ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 10');
-			break;
-		case "oracle":
-			$modules = db_get_all_rows_sql ('
-				SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo), id_agente
-				FROM tagente_modulo
-				WHERE rownum <= 10
-				AND delete_pending = 0
-				GROUP BY id_agente
-				ORDER BY 1 DESC');
-			break;
-	}
-	if ($modules === false)
-		$modules = array ();
-	$data = array();
-	foreach ($modules as $module) {
-		$agent_name = agents_get_name ($module['id_agente'], "none");
-		if (empty($agent_name)) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		switch ($config['dbtype']) {
-			case "mysql":
-			case "postgresql":
-				$data[$agent_name]['g'] = $module['COUNT(id_agente_modulo)'];
-				break;
-			case "oracle":
-				$data[$agent_name]['g'] = $module['count(id_agente_modulo)'];
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	if($config["fixed_graph"] == false){
-		$water_mark = array('file' =>
-			$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
-			'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
-	}
-	return hbar_graph($config['flash_charts'],
-		$data, $width, $height, array(),
-		array(), "", "", true, "",
-		$water_mark,
-		$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], false, 1, $config['homeurl'],
-					'white',
-					'black');
- * Print a pie graph with users activity in a period of time
- * 
- * @param integer width pie graph width
- * @param integer height pie graph height
- * @param integer period time period
- */
-function graphic_user_activity ($width = 350, $height = 230) {
-	global $config;
-	global $graphic_type;
-	$data = array ();
-	$max_items = 5;
-	switch ($config['dbtype']) {
-		case "mysql":
-		case "postgresql":
-			$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) n_incidents, id_usuario
-				FROM tsesion
-				GROUP BY id_usuario
-				ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
-			break;
-		case "oracle":
-			$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) n_incidents, id_usuario
-				FROM tsesion 
-				WHERE rownum <= %d
-				GROUP BY id_usuario
-				ORDER BY 1 DESC', $max_items);
-			break;
-	}
-	$logins = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
-	if ($logins == false) {
-		$logins = array();
-	}
-	foreach ($logins as $login) {
-		$data[$login['id_usuario']] = $login['n_incidents'];
-	}
-	if($config["fixed_graph"] == false){
-		$water_mark = array('file' =>
-			$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
-			'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
-	}
-	return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
-		__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
-		$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
  * Print a pie graph with priodity incident
@@ -3428,70 +2847,6 @@ function grafico_eventos_grupo ($width = 300, $height = 200, $url = "", $meta =
 		$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom');
-function grafico_eventos_agente ($width = 300, $height = 200, $result = false, $meta = false, $history = false) {
-	global $config;
-	global $graphic_type;
-	//It was urlencoded, so we urldecode it
-	//$url = html_entity_decode (rawurldecode ($url), ENT_QUOTES);
-	$data = array ();
-	$loop = 0;
-	if ($result === false) {
-		$result = array();
-	}
-	$system_events = 0;
-	$other_events = 0;
-	$total = array();
-	$i = 0;
-	foreach ($result as $row) {
-		if ($meta) {
-			$count[] = $row["agent_name"];
-		}
-		else {
-			if ($row["id_agente"] == 0) {
-				$count[] = __('SYSTEM');
-			}
-			else
-				$count[] = agents_get_alias($row["id_agente"]) ;
-		}
-	}
-	$total = array_count_values($count);
-	foreach ($total as $key => $total) {
-		if ($meta) {
-			$name = $key." (".$total.")";
-		}
-		else {
-			$name = $key." (".$total.")";
-		}
-		$data[$name] = $total;
-	}
-	/*
-	if ($other_events > 0) {
-		$name = __('Other')." (".$other_events.")";
-		$data[$name] = $other_events;
-	}
-	*/
-	// Sort the data
-	arsort($data);
-	if($config["fixed_graph"] == false){
-		$water_mark = array('file' =>
-			$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
-			'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
-	}
-	return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
-		__('Others'), '', $water_mark,
-		$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom');
  * Print a pie graph with events data in 320x200 size