2007-08-28 Raul Mateos <raulofpandora@gmail.com>

* branches/*/win32_old, tags/*/win32_old/, trunk/*/win32_old:
	Deleted old win32 agent directory in any branch.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@626 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
raulmateos 2007-08-28 13:50:44 +00:00
parent 4018dd6991
commit 118f33c49d
28 changed files with 0 additions and 860 deletions

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
' ====================================
' Agent install as win Service
' ====================================
PANDORA_HOME = "c:\pandora\"
' ==============================================================================
' Dont touch below this line
' ==============================================================================
' Check if exists instsrv.exe and srvany.exe
dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FileExists(PANDORA_HOME & "util\srvany.exe") Then
wScript.Echo "ERROR: Cannot find SRVANY.EXE, please read documentation and FAQ"
end if
If Not fso.FileExists(PANDORA_HOME & "util\instsrv.exe") Then
wScript.Echo "ERROR: Cannot find INSTSRV.EXE, please read documentation and FAQ"
end if
runCmd PANDORA_HOME & "util\instsrv.exe PandoraAgent "& PANDORA_HOME& "util\srvany.exe"
' Modificacion del registro
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PandoraAgent\","Parameters"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PandoraAgent\Parameters","Application", "REG_SZ"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PandoraAgent\Parameters\Application",PANDORA_HOME & "pandora_agent.bat", "REG_SZ"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PandoraAgent","Description", "REG_SZ"
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PandoraAgent\Description","Pandora Agent for Windows", "REG_SZ"
wScript.Echo "Instalation sucessful. Please start service now or restart"
' ======================================================
' Librerias externas
' ======================================================
Function Run (ByVal cmd) ' Author: Christian d''Heureuse (www.source-code.biz)
Dim sh: Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim wsx: Set wsx = Sh.Exec(cmd)
If wsx.ProcessID = 0 And wsx.Status = 1 Then
' (The Win98 version of VBScript does not detect WshShell.Exec errors)
Err.Raise vbObjectError,,"WshShell.Exec failed."
End If
Dim Status: Status = wsx.Status
'WScript.StdOut.Write wsx.StdOut.ReadAll()
'WScript.StdErr.Write wsx.StdErr.ReadAll()
If Status <> 0 Then Exit Do
WScript.Sleep 10
Run = wsx.ExitCode
End Function
' Runs an internal command interpreter command. Author: Christian d''Heureuse (www.source-code.biz)
Function RunCmd (ByVal cmd)
RunCmd = Run("%ComSpec% /c " & cmd)
End Function

View File

@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
' +---------------------------------------------------------------
' | Agente Windows para Pandora | Pandora Agent for Windows
' | Este codigo ha sido desarrollado por:
' | This code has beed coded by:
' | 2004, Sancho Lerena <slerena@iname.com>
' | 2004, Sergio Iglesias <sergio@genterara.com>
' | Este codigo esta distribuido y protegido bajo la licencia GPL.
' | This code is distributed and protected under GPL licence.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
version = "1.1a_050413"
' ====================================
' Configuracion del agente
' ====================================
' Global vars
dim fichero_log
dim debug_mode
PANDORA_HOME = "c:\pandora\"
CONFIG_FILE= PANDORA_HOME & "pandora_agent.conf"
fichero_log = "c:\pandora\pandora_agent.log"
debug_mode = 0
' ======================================================
' Comprobacion de version de WSH y existencia de md5.exe
' ======================================================
Randomize ' Generamos un numero de serie pseudoaleatorio con la funcion rand
'lectura del fichero de configuración, para valores BASE de configuracion unicamente
'Declarar variables.
Dim fs
Dim ts
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open file.
Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(CONFIG_FILE)
'Loop while not at the end of the file.
Do While Not ts.AtEndOfStream
linea = ts.ReadLine
if Not (linea = Empty) Then 'validamos que no es una linea en blanco
arrContents = Split(linea, " ") 'dividimos la linea en trozos
'validamos si es una linea de configuracion, y cogemos su informacion
if (arrContents(0) = "server_ip") Then
SERVER = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "server_path") Then
SERVER_IN = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "temporal") Then
TEMPORAL = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "interval") Then
INTERVALO = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "host_name") Then
NOMBRE_HOST = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "private_key") Then
PRIVATE_KEY = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "debug") Then
debug_mode = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
end if
' Inicializacion de los nombres de ficheros de datos y checksum
fichero_prueba = TEMPORAL&"/"&NOMBRE_HOST&".test"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fs.OpenTextFile(fichero_prueba,8, true)
a.WriteLine("Agent " & NOMBRE_HOST &" test upload")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' First, check if entry in registry exists for SERVER, if not, make an special connection to create this one, send KEYS interactively
salida = ""
on error resume next
hostkey_reg = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys\rsa2@22:" & SERVER
salida = wshShell.regread(hostkey_reg)
on error goto 0
if salida = "" then
debug_log fichero_log, "Creating hostkey in registry"
wScript.echo "Creating hostkey in registry"
WshShell.Run PANDORA_HOME & "util\pscp.exe -q -2 -l pandora -i " & PRIVATE_KEY & " " & fichero_prueba & " pandora@" & SERVER & ":" &SERVER_IN, 8, 0
WScript.Sleep 1500 ' wait 1.5 sec
WshShell.AppActivate "pscp"
WshShell.SendKeys "yes" ' send YES if first time CONNECTION (hostkey accept)
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
end if
'Checks for pscp proccess hang, and wait untill its done
counter = 0
do while proceso ("pscp.exe")
wscript.sleep 1000 ' wait 1 secs
counter = counter + 1
if counter > 15 then ' 15 seconds timeout for pscp shutdown
debug_log fichero_log, "PSCP Timeout creating hostkey"
wScript.echo "PSCP Timeout creating hostkey"
end if
wScript.echo "Hostkey can be readed in registry. Instalation successful"
' =============================================================
' FUNCTION check_init () - Check initial dependencies
' =============================================================
Function check_init (config_file)
' Check pandora_agent.conf
dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FileExists(config_file) Then
wScript.Echo "ERROR: Cannot find " & config_file
end if
dim oFileSys
Set oFileSys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If NOT oFileSys.FileExists(PANDORA_HOME & "util\md5.exe") then
wScript.Echo "ERROR FATAL"& vbcrlf & "Cannot find md5.exe" & vbcrlf
End If
'Comprobar que ejecutamos con v5.6 de WSH
If CDbl(wScript.Version) < CDbl("5.6") then
text = " \n ERROR: Windows Scripting Host Incorrect version \n\n Your actual version is " & wScript.Version & "\n \n Please download a latest version from http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/default.asp \n"
wScript.Echo Text
End if
End Function
' =============================================================
' FUNCTION debug_log (file_output, line_output)
' =============================================================
Sub debug_log(file_output, line_output)
if debug_mode Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fs.OpenTextFile(file_output,8, true)
End if
End Sub
' ================================================================
' FUNCTION proceso (nombre) - Return 1 if process given is running
' ================================================================
Function proceso (nombre)
proceso = 0
for each Process in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("Win32_process")
if ( lcase(Process.Name) = lcase(nombre) ) then
proceso = 1
end if
'numeroProc = numeroProc + 1
End Function

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
' ====================================
' Agent install as win Service
' ====================================
PANDORA_HOME = "c:\pandora\"
' ==============================================================================
' Dont touch below this line
' ==============================================================================
' Check if exists instsrv.exe and srvany.exe
dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FileExists(PANDORA_HOME & "util\srvany.exe") Then
wScript.Echo "ERROR: Cannot find SRVANY.EXE, please read documentation and FAQ"
end if
If Not fso.FileExists(PANDORA_HOME & "util\instsrv.exe") Then
wScript.Echo "ERROR: Cannot find INSTSRV.EXE, please read documentation and FAQ"
end if
' Uninstall service
runCmd PANDORA_HOME & "\util\instsrv.exe PandoraAgent REMOVE"
wScript.Echo "Uninstall successfully"
' ======================================================
' Librerias externas
' ======================================================
Function Run (ByVal cmd) ' Author: Christian d''Heureuse (www.source-code.biz)
Dim sh: Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim wsx: Set wsx = Sh.Exec(cmd)
If wsx.ProcessID = 0 And wsx.Status = 1 Then
' (The Win98 version of VBScript does not detect WshShell.Exec errors)
Err.Raise vbObjectError,,"WshShell.Exec failed."
End If
Dim Status: Status = wsx.Status
'WScript.StdOut.Write wsx.StdOut.ReadAll()
'WScript.StdErr.Write wsx.StdErr.ReadAll()
If Status <> 0 Then Exit Do
WScript.Sleep 10
Run = wsx.ExitCode
End Function
Function RunCmd (ByVal cmd)
RunCmd = Run("%ComSpec% /c " & cmd)
End Function

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
cscript.exe //B //nologo c:\pandora\pandora_agent.vbs

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
server_ip pandora_server
server_path /opt/pandora_server/data_in
temporal c:\pandora\data_out
interval 300
host_name winbox01
private_key c:\pandora\util\keys\pandora_key.ppk
debug 1
module_name NetbiosServer_KBSent
module_type generic_data
module_exec net statistics server | findstr "enviados sent" |c:\pandora\util\head -1 | c:\pandora\util\tr -s " " | c:\pandora\util\cut -f 3 -d " "
module_name Number_of_hidden_Shares
module_type generic_data
module_exec net share |findstr \$ |c:\pandora\util\cut -f1 -d" " |c:\pandora\util\wc -l|c:\pandora\util\tr -s " "
module_name CPU Name
module_type generic_data_string
module_registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\ProcessorNameString
#module_name find_string
#module_type generic_proc
#module_file C:\pandora\testfile.txt
#module_string test
module_name disk_free
module_type generic_data
module_system disk_free
module_name pagefile
module_type generic_data
module_system pagefile
module_name proctotal
module_type generic_data
module_system proc_total
module_name memfree
module_type generic_data
module_system mem_free
module_name Windows Update Service
module_type generic_proc
module_service wuauserv
module_name McAfee Shield Antivirus Service
module_type generic_proc
module_service McShield
module_name Explorer
module_type generic_proc
module_process Explorer.EXE

View File

@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
' +---------------------------------------------------------------
' | Agente Windows para Pandora | Pandora Agent for Windows
' | Este codigo ha sido desarrollado por:
' | This code has beed coded by:
' | 2004-2006, Sancho Lerena <slerena@gmail.com>
' | 2004-2005, Sergio Iglesias <sergio@genterara.com>
' | Este codigo esta distribuido y protegido bajo la licencia GPL.
' | This code is distributed and protected under GPL licence.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
version = "1.2a for Windows"
' ====================================
' Configuracion del agente
' ====================================
' Global vars
dim fichero_log
dim debug_mode
PANDORA_HOME = "c:\pandora\"
CONFIG_FILE = PANDORA_HOME & "pandora_agent.conf"
fichero_log = PANDORA_HOME & "pandora_agent.log"
debug_mode = 0
' ======================================================
' Comprobacion de version de WSH y existencia de md5.exe
' ======================================================
Randomize ' Generamos un numero de serie pseudoaleatorio con la funcion rand
'lectura del fichero de configuración, para valores BASE de configuracion unicamente
'Declarar variables.
Dim fs
Dim ts
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open file.
Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(CONFIG_FILE)
'Loop while not at the end of the file.
Do While Not ts.AtEndOfStream
linea = ts.ReadLine
if Not (linea = Empty) Then 'validamos que no es una linea en blanco
arrContents = Split(linea, " ") 'dividimos la linea en trozos
'validamos si es una linea de configuracion, y cogemos su informacion
if (arrContents(0) = "server_ip") Then
SERVER = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "server_path") Then
SERVER_IN = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "temporal") Then
TEMPORAL = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "interval") Then
INTERVALO = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "host_name") Then
NOMBRE_HOST = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "private_key") Then
PRIVATE_KEY = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
if (arrContents(0) = "debug") Then
debug_mode = trim(cstr(arrContents(1)))
end if
end if
' Debug mode init
if debug_mode Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fs.OpenTextFile(fichero_log,8, true)
texto = "DEBUG Mode: Starting Pandora Agent " & version & " execution " & vbcrlf
texto = texto & "DEBUG Mode: Reading startup variables..." &vbcrlf
texto = texto & "Home Path : " & PANDORA_HOME & vbcrlf
texto = texto &"Hostname : " & NOMBRE_HOST & vbcrlf
texto = texto &"Server : " & SERVER & vbcrlf
texto = texto &"ServerPath: " & SERVER_IN & vbcrlf
texto = texto &"TempPath : " & TEMPORAL & vbcrlf
texto = texto &"Interval : " & INTERVALO & vbcrlf
texto = texto & "PrivateKey: " & PRIVATE_KEY & vbcrlf
wScript.echo texto
a.WriteLine("DEBUG Starting Pandora Agent " & version)
a.WriteLine("Home Path : " & PANDORA_HOME)
a.WriteLine("Hostname : " & NOMBRE_HOST)
a.WriteLine("Server : " & SERVER)
a.WriteLine("ServerPath: " & SERVER_IN)
a.WriteLine("TempPath : " & TEMPORAL)
a.WriteLine("Interval : " & INTERVAL)
a.WriteLine("PrivateKey: " & PRIVATE_KEY)
End if
do ' Main loop
' Checks for pscp proccess hang
existe = proceso ("pscp.exe")
if existe then
wScript.echo "Another instance of PSCP detected or delayed PSCP in memory, aborting"
debug_mode = 1 ' In this case, debug force to log this error
debug_log fichero_log, "Another instance of PSCP detected or delayed PSCP in memory "
end if
' =================================================================
' Preparacion Entorno: Variables de ficheros, temporales, etc
' =================================================================
' Definicion de algunas variables, es VB, no haria falta, pero somos muy buenos programadores :-P
Dim s, datos, memoria_fisica, memoria_virtual
Dim fichero_datos, fichero_md5
Dim anio, mes, dia, hora
numeroProc = 0
serie= Int((100000 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
' Construimos fecha y hora
anio = Year(Now())
mes = Month (Now())
dia = Day (Now())
hora = Time()
' Inicializacion de los nombres de ficheros de datos y checksum
fichero_datos = TEMPORAL&"/"&NOMBRE_HOST&"."&serie&".data"
fichero_md5 = TEMPORAL&"/"&NOMBRE_HOST&"."&serie&".checksum"
fichero_wild = TEMPORAL&"/"&NOMBRE_HOST&"."&serie&".*"
' ====================================
' OS Info collection
' ====================================
' Obtencion de la propia plataforma Windows
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM")
strOS = WshSysEnv("OS")
strVersionNumber = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\" & "Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion")
strServicePack = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\" & "Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CSDVersion")
strActualOS = strOS & ", " & strVersionNumber & ", " & strServicePack
' ========================================================================
' Begin XML construction (agent_data header)
' ========================================================================
' Cabecera del XML, conteniendo version, timestamp y otros datos generales del sistema
' Como el intervalo, la version SO windows, la version del agente, etv
s = "<agent_data os_name='"&strOS&"' os_version='"&strActualOS&"' intervalo='"&INTERVALO&"' version='"&version&"' timestamp='" & anio & "/" & mes & "/" & dia & " " & hora & "' agent_name='"&NOMBRE_HOST&"'>" & vbcrlf
' =====================================================================
' Module parser
' =====================================================================
debug_log fichero_log, "*BEGIN PARSING MODULES"
Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(CONFIG_FILE)
'Loop while not at the end of the file.
Do While Not ts.AtEndOfStream
linea = ts.ReadLine
if Not (linea = Empty) Then 'validamos que no es una linea en blanco
arrContents = Split(linea, " ") 'dividimos la linea en trozos
'Module analyzer
' Parse 1th line (module_begin) token
if (lcase(arrContents(0)) = "module_begin") Then
es_servicio = 0
es_proceso = 0
'Parse 2th line (could contain spaces between words!)
'2th linea contains NAME of module
linea_2 = ts.ReadLine
contenidos_2 = Split(linea_2, " ")
i = 1
nombre = ""
do while tamanio >= i
if (nombre = Empty) then
nombre = contenidos_2(i)
nombre = nombre & " " & contenidos_2(i)
end if
i = i +1
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "--" & vbcrlf & chr(9) & "Module name: " & nombre
' Parse 3th line (module TYPE)
linea_3 = ts.ReadLine
contenidos_3 = Split(linea_3, " ")
tipo = contenidos_3(1)
'debug_mode introduzco el tipo de modulo
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Module type : " & tipo
' Parse 4th linea (could contain spaces between words!)
' 4th line contains process/service names
linea_4 = ts.ReadLine
contenidos_4 = Split (linea_4, " ")
i = 1
temp4 = ""
do while tamanio >= i
if (temp4 = Empty) then
temp4 = contenidos_4(i)
temp4 = temp4 & " " & contenidos_4(i)
end if
i = i +1
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Content search for : " & temp4
' ================================================
' module_service
' ================================================
if (lcase(contenidos_4(0)) = "module_service") Then
es_servicio = 1
nombre_servicio = contenidos_4(1)
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Service Module: " & nombre_servicio
existe = servicio (nombre_servicio) ' Check service function
s = render_output (s, nombre, "generic_proc", existe)
end if
' ================================================
' module_process
' ================================================
if (lcase(contenidos_4(0)) = "module_process") Then
es_proceso = 1
nombre_proceso = contenidos_4(1)
existe = proceso (nombre_proceso)
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Process module: " & nombre_proceso
s = render_output (s, nombre, "generic_proc", existe)
end if
' ==============================================================
' module_system mem_free | proc_total | disk_free
' ==============================================================
if (lcase(contenidos_4(0)) = "module_system") Then
es_sistema = 1
dato_sistema = contenidos_4(1)
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Internal system module " & dato_sistema
' Internal module: Freemem
if (dato_sistema = "mem_free") Then
For Each objOS in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("Win32_OperatingSystem")
mem_free = objOS.FreeVirtualMemory
s = render_output (s, nombre, tipo, mem_free)
end if
' Internal module: total process
if (lcase(dato_sistema) = "proc_total") Then
for each Process in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("Win32_process")
numeroProc = numeroProc + 1
s = render_output (s, nombre, tipo, numeroProc)
end if
' Internal module: free disk
if (lcase(dato_sistema) = "disk_free") Then
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType = " & "3" & "")
For Each objDisk in colDisks
s = render_output (s, nombre & "_" & objDisk.DeviceID , tipo, objDisk.FreeSpace)
end if
end if ' End of module_system
' ================================================
' module_file
' ================================================
if (lcase(contenidos_4(0)) = "module_file") Then
fichero = contenidos_4(1)
' Parse 5th line (module FILE)
linea_5 = ts.ReadLine
contenidos_5 = Split(linea_5, " ") ' 5th line is word to search
busqueda = contenidos_5(1)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "File module: " & fichero & " token " & busqueda
linea_encontrada = 0
If Not fso.FileExists(fichero) Then ' If file doesnt exists
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Doesn't exist file " & fichero & " returning 0\n"
Set str_file = fs.OpenTextFile(fichero) ' File exists and
Do While Not str_file.AtEndOfStream
linea = str_file.ReadLine
If InStr(linea, busqueda) <> 0 Then ' Word founded !
linea_encontrada = 1
End If
End If
s = render_output (s, nombre, tipo, linea_encontrada)
end if ' Fin de busqueda de array
' ================================================
' module_exec
' ================================================
if (lcase(contenidos_4(0)) = "module_exec") Then
ejecucion = contenidos_4(1)
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Exec module: " & ejecucion
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFileName = objFSO.GetTempName
strFullName = objFSO.BuildPath(temporal, strFileName)
runCmd ejecucion & " >> " & strFullName
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFullName)
salida = objFile.ReadLine ' Only read first line !!, be careful !
s = render_output( s, nombre, tipo, salida)
end if
' ================================================
' module_registry
' ================================================
if (lcase(contenidos_4(0)) = "module_registry") Then
entrada_registro = contenidos_4(1)
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Registry module: " & entrada_registro
salida = ""
on error resume next
salida = wshShell.regread(entrada_registro)
on error goto 0
if salida = "" then
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "Error reading Registry module: " & entrada_registro
end if
s = render_output ( s, nombre, tipo, salida)
end if ' end registry module
' ================================================
' module_eventid
' ================================================
if (lcase(contenidos_4(0)) = "module_eventid") Then
id_event_log = contenidos_4(1)
debug_log fichero_log, chr(9) & "EventLog module: " & id_event_log
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colLoggedEvents = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'Application' and Eventcode = '" & id_event_log & "'")
eventos = 0
For Each objEvent in colLoggedEvents
eventos = eventos + 1
eventos = eventos +1
s = render_output (s, nombre, tipo, eventos)
end if ' finalizo lectura de event log
end if ' Comienzo bucle de busqueda de modulos
end if ' Si la linea no es linea vacia
'Close the file.
debug_log fichero_log, "*END PARSING MODULES"
' Creamos el filehandle y escribimos en el archivo
' ================================================
'cierro el xml existente desde el principio
s = s & "</agent_data>" & vbcrlf
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(fichero_datos, True)
' Creamos el MD5 utilizando una llamada a md5.exe
' ===============================================
runCmd PANDORA_HOME & "util\md5.exe " & fichero_datos & " > " & fichero_md5
wscript.sleep 2000 ' espero 2 segundos
' Send using SSH data file
' ====================================
' First, check if entry in registry exists for SERVER, if not, break
salida = ""
on error resume next
hostkey_reg = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys\rsa2@22:" & SERVER
salida = wshShell.regread(hostkey_reg)
on error goto 0
if salida = "" then
debug_log fichero_log, "Cannot read hostkey in registry. Please create manually using plink or read documentation"
wScript.echo "Cannot create hostkey in registry. Please create manually using plink or read documentation"
end if
' if here, hostkey must exists, so simply connect
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run PANDORA_HOME & "util\pscp.exe -q -2 -l pandora -i " & PRIVATE_KEY & " " & fichero_wild & " pandora@" & SERVER & ":" &SERVER_IN, 0, 1
' If debug mode, terminate here
if debug_mode Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fs.OpenTextFile(fichero_log,8, true)
texto = "DEBUG Mode: Terminating execution"
texto = texto & vbcrlf & "Writing output to "&fichero_datos
wScript.echo texto
a.WriteLine("DEBUG Terminating pandora agent")
End if
' Delete data files
' ==============================
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
pausa = INTERVALO * 1000
WScript.Sleep pausa ' sleep get value in miliseconds, not seconds
loop while debug_mode = 0 ' Forever loop
' ====================================================================
' FUNCTION RunCmd(cmd) - Runs an internal command interpreter command.
' ====================================================================
Function RunCmd (ByVal cmd)
Dim sh: Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sh.Run "%ComSpec% /c " & cmd ,0,1
End Function
' ================================================================
' FUNCTION proceso (nombre) - Return 1 if process given is running
' ================================================================
Function proceso (nombre)
proceso = 0
for each Process in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("Win32_process")
if ( lcase(Process.Name) = lcase(nombre) ) then
proceso = 1
end if
'numeroProc = numeroProc + 1
End Function
' =============================================================
' FUNCTION servicio (nombre) - Return 1 if SERVICE is running
' =============================================================
Function servicio (nombre)
servicio = 0
for each Service in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!").InstancesOf ("Win32_service")
if ( lcase(Service.Name) = lcase(nombre) ) then
if (Service.State = "Running" ) then
servicio = 1
end if
end if
End Function
' =============================================================
' FUNCTION output render_output (output, name, type, data)
' =============================================================
function render_output(output, name, tipo, data)
s = output
s = s & "<module>" & vbcrlf
s = s & "<name>"& name & "</name>" & vbcrlf
s = s & "<type>" & tipo & "</type>" & vbcrlf
s = s & "<data>" & data & "</data>" & vbcrlf
s = s & "</module>" & vbcrlf
end function
' =============================================================
' FUNCTION debug_log (file_output, line_output)
' =============================================================
Sub debug_log(file_output, line_output)
if debug_mode Then
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fs.OpenTextFile(file_output,8, true)
End if
End Sub
' =============================================================
' FUNCTION check_init () - Check initial dependencies
' =============================================================
Function check_init (config_file)
' Check pandora_agent.conf
dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FileExists(config_file) Then
wScript.Echo "ERROR: Cannot find " & config_file
end if
dim oFileSys
Set oFileSys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If NOT oFileSys.FileExists(PANDORA_HOME & "util\md5.exe") then
wScript.Echo "ERROR FATAL"& vbcrlf & "Cannot find md5.exe" & vbcrlf
End If
'Comprobar que ejecutamos con v5.6 de WSH
If CDbl(wScript.Version) < CDbl("5.6") then
text = " \n ERROR: Windows Scripting Host Incorrect version \n\n Your current version is " & wScript.Version & "\n \n Please download a latest version from http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/default.asp \n"
wScript.Echo Text
End if
End Function
' ======================================================
' End program
' ======================================================

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: ssh-dss
Encryption: none
Comment: dsa-key-20050412
Public-Lines: 9
Private-Lines: 1
Private-MAC: e77da1863687c2003376572c4f12fa965d9f6d80

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
ssh-dss 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 dsa-key-20050412

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.