2014-09-02 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm: Added support for loading complex macros on demand.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2014-09-02 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm: Added support for loading complex macros on
2014-09-02 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/Core.pm: Added the macros _agentcustomid_ and
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
_agentcustomid_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'custom_id'} : '',
_agentdescription_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'comentarios'} : '',
_agentgroup_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'nombre'} : '',
_agentstatus_ => (defined ($agent)) ? get_agent_status ($pa_config, $dbh, $agent->{'id_agente'}) : '',
_agentstatus_ => undef,
_address_ => (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'direccion'} : '',
_timestamp_ => (defined($timestamp)) ? $timestamp : strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()),
_timezone_ => strftime ("%Z", localtime()),
@ -853,20 +853,20 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
_groupother_ => (defined ($group)) ? $group->{'other'} : '',
_module_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'nombre'} : '',
_modulecustomid_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'custom_id'} : '',
_modulegroup_ => (defined ($module)) ? (get_module_group_name ($dbh, $module->{'id_module_group'}) || '') : '',
_modulegroup_ => undef,
_moduledescription_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'descripcion'} : '',
_modulestatus_ => (defined ($module)) ? get_agentmodule_status_str($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '',
_moduletags_ => (defined ($module)) ? pandora_get_module_url_tags ($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '',
_modulestatus_ => undef,
_moduletags_ => undef,
_id_agent_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'id_agente'} : '',
_id_alert_ => (defined ($alert->{'id_template_module'})) ? $alert->{'id_template_module'} : '',
_interval_ => (defined ($module) && $module->{'module_interval'} != 0) ? $module->{'module_interval'} : (defined ($agent)) ? $agent->{'intervalo'} : '',
_target_ip_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'ip_target'} : '',
_target_port_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'tcp_port'} : '',
_policy_ => (defined ($module)) ? enterprise_hook('get_policy_name', [$dbh, $module->{'id_policy_module'}]) : '',
_policy_ => undef,
_plugin_parameters_ => (defined ($module)) ? $module->{'plugin_parameter'} : '',
_email_tag_ => (defined ($module)) ? pandora_get_module_email_tags ($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '',
_phone_tag_ => (defined ($module)) ? pandora_get_module_phone_tags ($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '',
_name_tag_ => (defined ($module)) ? pandora_get_module_tags ($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '',
_email_tag_ => undef,
_phone_tag_ => undef,
_name_tag_ => undef,
if ((defined ($extra_macros)) && (ref($extra_macros) eq "HASH")) {
@ -881,18 +881,18 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
# User defined alerts
if ($action->{'internal'} == 0) {
$macros{_field1_} = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros);
$macros{_field2_} = subst_alert_macros ($field2, \%macros);
$macros{_field3_} = subst_alert_macros ($field3, \%macros);
$macros{_field4_} = subst_alert_macros ($field4, \%macros);
$macros{_field5_} = subst_alert_macros ($field5, \%macros);
$macros{_field6_} = subst_alert_macros ($field6, \%macros);
$macros{_field7_} = subst_alert_macros ($field7, \%macros);
$macros{_field8_} = subst_alert_macros ($field8, \%macros);
$macros{_field9_} = subst_alert_macros ($field9, \%macros);
$macros{_field10_} = subst_alert_macros ($field10, \%macros);
$macros{_field1_} = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field2_} = subst_alert_macros ($field2, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field3_} = subst_alert_macros ($field3, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field4_} = subst_alert_macros ($field4, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field5_} = subst_alert_macros ($field5, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field6_} = subst_alert_macros ($field6, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field7_} = subst_alert_macros ($field7, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field8_} = subst_alert_macros ($field8, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field9_} = subst_alert_macros ($field9, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$macros{_field10_} = subst_alert_macros ($field10, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
my $command = subst_alert_macros (decode_entities ($action->{'command'}), \%macros);
my $command = subst_alert_macros (decode_entities ($action->{'command'}), \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
logger($pa_config, "Executing command '$command' for action '" . safe_output($action->{'name'}) . "' alert '". safe_output($alert->{'name'}) . "' agent '" . (defined ($agent) ? safe_output($agent->{'nombre'}) : 'N/A') . "'.", 8);
eval {
@ -906,14 +906,14 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
# Internal Audit
} elsif ($clean_name eq "Internal Audit") {
$field1 = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros);
$field1 = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
pandora_audit ($pa_config, $field1, defined ($agent) ? safe_output($agent->{'nombre'}) : 'N/A', 'Alert (' . safe_output($alert->{'description'}) . ')', $dbh);
# Email
} elsif ($clean_name eq "eMail") {
$field1 = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros);
$field2 = subst_alert_macros ($field2, \%macros);
$field3 = subst_alert_macros ($field3, \%macros);
$field1 = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field2 = subst_alert_macros ($field2, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field3 = subst_alert_macros ($field3, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
if ($pa_config->{"mail_in_separate"} != 0){
foreach my $address (split (',', $field1)) {
# Remove blanks
@ -927,12 +927,12 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
# Pandora FMS Event
} elsif ($clean_name eq "Pandora FMS Event") {
$field1 = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros);
$field3 = subst_alert_macros ($field3, \%macros);
$field4 = subst_alert_macros ($field4, \%macros);
$field6 = subst_alert_macros ($field6, \%macros);
$field7 = subst_alert_macros ($field7, \%macros);
$field8 = subst_alert_macros ($field8, \%macros);
$field1 = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field3 = subst_alert_macros ($field3, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field4 = subst_alert_macros ($field4, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field6 = subst_alert_macros ($field6, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field7 = subst_alert_macros ($field7, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field8 = subst_alert_macros ($field8, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
# Field 1 (event text)
my $event_text = $field1;
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
if($agent_name eq "") {
$agent_name = "_agent_";
$agent_name = subst_alert_macros ($agent_name, \%macros);
$agent_name = subst_alert_macros ($agent_name, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
my $fullagent = get_agent_from_name ($dbh, $agent_name);
# Field 5 (priority)
@ -986,11 +986,11 @@ sub pandora_execute_action ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
# Integria IMS Ticket
} elsif ($clean_name eq "Integria IMS Ticket") {
$field1 = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros);
$field3 = subst_alert_macros ($field3, \%macros);
$field4 = subst_alert_macros ($field4, \%macros);
$field6 = subst_alert_macros ($field6, \%macros);
$field7 = subst_alert_macros ($field7, \%macros);
$field1 = subst_alert_macros ($field1, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field3 = subst_alert_macros ($field3, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field4 = subst_alert_macros ($field4, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field6 = subst_alert_macros ($field6, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
$field7 = subst_alert_macros ($field7, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
# Field 1 (Integria IMS API path)
my $api_path = $field1;
@ -3238,21 +3238,51 @@ sub pandora_evaluate_snmp_alerts ($$$$$$$$$) {
# Search string for macros and substitutes them with their values.
sub subst_alert_macros ($$) {
my ($string, $macros) = @_;
sub subst_alert_macros ($$;$$$$) {
my ($string, $macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module) = @_;
my $macro_regexp = join('|', grep { defined $macros->{$_} } keys %{$macros});
my $macro_regexp = join('|', keys %{$macros});
# Macro data may contain HTML entities
eval {
no warnings;
local $SIG{__DIE__};
$string =~ s/($macro_regexp)/decode_entities($macros->{$1})/ige;
$string =~ s/($macro_regexp)/decode_entities(on_demand_macro($pa_config, $dbh, $1, $macros, $agent, $module))/ige;
return $string;
# Load macros that access the database on demand.
sub on_demand_macro($$$$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $macro, $macros, $agent, $module) = @_;
# Static macro.
return $macros->{$macro} if (defined($macros->{$macro}));
# Load on-demand macros.
return '' unless defined($pa_config) and defined($dbh);
if ($macro eq '_agentstatus_') {
return (defined ($agent)) ? get_agent_status ($pa_config, $dbh, $agent->{'id_agente'}) : '';
} elsif ($macro eq '_modulegroup_') {
return (defined ($module)) ? (get_module_group_name ($dbh, $module->{'id_module_group'}) || '') : '';
} elsif ($macro eq '_modulestatus_') {
return (defined ($module)) ? get_agentmodule_status_str($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '';
} elsif ($macro eq '_moduletags_') {
return (defined ($module)) ? pandora_get_module_url_tags ($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '';
} elsif ($macro eq '_policy_') {
return (defined ($module)) ? enterprise_hook('get_policy_name', [$dbh, $module->{'id_policy_module'}]) : '';
} elsif ($macro eq '_email_tag_') {
return (defined ($module)) ? pandora_get_module_email_tags ($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '';
} elsif ($macro eq '_phone_tag_') {
return (defined ($module)) ? pandora_get_module_phone_tags ($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '';
} elsif ($macro eq '_name_tag_') {
return (defined ($module)) ? pandora_get_module_tags ($pa_config, $dbh, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}) : '';
# Process module data.
@ -4219,7 +4249,7 @@ sub pandora_module_unknown ($$) {
_data_ => 'N/A',
load_module_macros ($module->{'module_macros'}, \%macros);
$description = subst_alert_macros ($description, \%macros);
$description = subst_alert_macros ($description, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
pandora_event ($pa_config, $description, $agent->{'id_grupo'}, $module->{'id_agente'},
$severity, 0, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}, $event_type, 0, $dbh, 'Pandora', '', '', '', '', $module->{'critical_instructions'}, $module->{'warning_instructions'}, $module->{'unknown_instructions'});
@ -4277,7 +4307,7 @@ sub pandora_module_unknown ($$) {
_module_ => safe_output($module->{'nombre'}),
load_module_macros ($module->{'module_macros'}, \%macros);
$description = subst_alert_macros ($description, \%macros);
$description = subst_alert_macros ($description, \%macros, $pa_config, $dbh, $agent, $module);
pandora_event ($pa_config, $description, $agent->{'id_grupo'}, $module->{'id_agente'},
$severity, 0, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'}, $event_type, 0, $dbh, 'Pandora', '', '', '', '', $module->{'critical_instructions'}, $module->{'warning_instructions'}, $module->{'unknown_instructions'});
Reference in New Issue