Added SNMP v1, v2, v2c and v3 to Network Sweep recon

This commit is contained in:
fermin831 2018-09-17 14:36:52 +02:00
parent cfec231107
commit 146dab5caa
2 changed files with 258 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ sub new {
# Working SNMP community for each device.
community_cache => {},
# Cache of deviced discovered.
dicovered_cache => {},
# Connections between devices.
connections => {},
@ -147,8 +150,15 @@ sub new {
recon_timing_template => 3,
recon_ports => '',
resolve_names => 0,
snmp_auth_user => '',
snmp_auth_pass => '',
snmp_auth_method => '',
snmp_checks => 2,
snmp_privacy_method => '',
snmp_privacy_pass => '',
snmp_security_level => '',
snmp_timeout => 2,
snmp_version => 1,
subnets => [],
@ -157,8 +167,66 @@ sub new {
# Perform some sanity checks.
die("No subnet was specified.") unless defined($self->{'subnets'});
# Disable SNMP scans if no community was given.
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0 if (scalar(@{$self->{'communities'}}) == 0);
# Check SNMP params id SNMP is enabled
if ($self->{'snmp_enabled'}) {
# Check SNMP version
if ($self->{'snmp_version'} ne '1' && $self->{'snmp_version'} ne '2'
&& $self->{'snmp_version'} ne '2c' && $self->{'snmp_version'} ne '3'
) {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "SNMP version " . $self->{'snmp_version'} . " not supported (only 1, 2, 2c and 3).", 5);
# Check the version 3 parameters
if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq '3') {
# Fixed some vars
$self->{'communities'} = [];
# SNMP v3 checks
if (
$self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne 'noAuthNoPriv' &&
$self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne 'authNoPriv' &&
$self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne 'authPriv'
) {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "Invalid SNMP security level " . $self->{'snmp_security_level'} . ".", 5);
if ($self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} ne 'DES' && $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} ne 'AES') {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "Invalid SNMP privacy method " . $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} . ".", 5);
if ($self->{'snmp_auth_method'} ne 'MD5' && $self->{'snmp_auth_method'} ne 'SHA') {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "Invalid SNMP authentication method " . $self->{'snmp_auth_method'} . ".", 5);
} else {
# Fixed some vars
$self->{'snmp_auth_user'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_auth_pass'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_auth_method'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_security_level'} = '';
# Disable SNMP scans if no community was given.
if (scalar(@{$self->{'communities'}}) == 0) {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "There is not any SNMP community configured.", 5);
# Remove all snmp related values if disabled
if (!$self->{'snmp_enabled'}) {
$self->{'communities'} = [];
$self->{'snmp_auth_user'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_auth_pass'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_auth_method'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_security_level'} = '';
return bless($self, $class);
@ -199,7 +267,7 @@ sub aft_connectivity($$) {
my ($self, $switch) = @_;
my (%mac_temp, @aft_temp);
return unless defined($self->get_community($switch));
return unless ($self->is_snmp_discovered($switch));
@ -397,8 +465,7 @@ sub find_ifaces($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Does it respond to SNMP?
my $community = $self->get_community($device);
return unless defined($community);
return unless ($self->is_snmp_discovered($device));
my @output = $self->snmp_get_value_array($device, $PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINDEX);
foreach my $if_index (@output) {
@ -476,11 +543,13 @@ sub get_device($$) {
sub get_community($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
return '' if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3");
if (defined($self->{'community_cache'}->{$device})) {
return $self->{'community_cache'}->{$device};
return undef;
return '';
@ -787,6 +856,9 @@ sub get_visited_devices($) {
sub get_vlans($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Disabled in verison 3
return () if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3");
# Is the VLAN cache disabled?
return () unless ($self->{'__vlan_cache_enabled__'} == 1);
@ -945,6 +1017,17 @@ sub is_visited($$) {
return 0;
# Returns 1 if the given device has responded successfully to a snmp request
# Returns 0 otherwise.
sub is_snmp_discovered($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Check if device is into discovered cache
return (defined($self->{'discovered_cache'}->{$device})) ? 1 : 0;
# Mark the given devices as connected to each other on the given interfaces.
@ -999,23 +1082,46 @@ sub mark_visited($$) {
# Looks for a working SNMP community for the given device. Returns 1 if one is
# found, 0 otherwise. Updates the SNMP community cache.
# Mark the given device as snmp discovered.
sub mark_discovered($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
$self->{'discovered_cache'}->{$device} = 1;
# Validate the configuration for the given device.
# Returns 1 if successfull snmp contact, 0 otherwise.
# Updates the SNMP community cache on v1, v2 and v2c.
sub snmp_responds($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# We already have a working SNMP community for this device.
return 1 if (defined($self->get_community($device)));
return 1 if($self->is_snmp_discovered($device));
return ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3")
? $self->snmp_responds_v3($device)
: $self->snmp_responds_v122c($device);
# Looks for a working SNMP community for the given device. Returns 1 if one is
# found, 0 otherwise. Updates the SNMP community cache.
sub snmp_responds_v122c($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
foreach my $community (@{$self->{'communities'}}) {
# Clean blanks.
$community =~ s/\s+//g;
`snmpwalk -M/dev/null -r$self->{'snmp_checks'} -t$self->{'snmp_timeout'} -v1 -On -Oe -c $community $device .0 2>/dev/null`;
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, ".0", $community);
if ($? == 0) {
$self->set_community($device, $community);
return 1;
@ -1023,6 +1129,25 @@ sub snmp_responds($$) {
return 0;
# Validate the SNMP v3 configuration for a device.
# Returns 1 if successfull snmp contact, 0 otherwise.
sub snmp_responds_v3($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, ".0");
if ($? == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Parse the local ARP cache.
@ -1309,8 +1434,8 @@ sub snmp_get($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $oid) = @_;
my @output;
return () unless defined $self->is_snmp_discovered($device);
my $community = $self->get_community($device);
return () unless defined ($community);
# Check the SNMP query cache first.
if (defined($self->{'snmp_cache'}->{"${device}_${oid}"})) {
@ -1320,13 +1445,15 @@ sub snmp_get($$$) {
# Check VLANS.
my @vlans = $self->get_vlans($device);
if (scalar(@vlans) == 0) {
@output = `snmpwalk -M/dev/null -r$self->{'snmp_checks'} -t$self->{'snmp_timeout'} -v1 -On -Oe -c $community $device $oid 2>/dev/null`;
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, $oid, $community);
@output = `$command`;
else {
# Handle duplicate lines.
my %output_hash;
foreach my $vlan (@vlans) {
foreach my $line (`snmpwalk -M/dev/null -r$self->{'snmp_checks'} -t$self->{'snmp_timeout'} -v1 -On -Oe -c $community\@$vlan $device $oid 2>/dev/null`) {
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, $oid, $community, $vlan);
foreach my $line (`$vlan`) {
$output_hash{$line} = 1;
@ -1339,6 +1466,31 @@ sub snmp_get($$$) {
return @output;
# Get the snmpwalk command seing version 1, 2, 2c or 3.
sub snmp_get_command {
my ($self, $device, $oid, $community, $vlan) = @_;
$vlan = defined($vlan) ? "\@" . $vlan : '';
my $command = "snmpwalk -M/dev/null -r$self->{'snmp_checks'} -t$self->{'snmp_timeout'} -v$self->{'snmp_version'} -On -Oe ";
if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3") {
$command .= " -l$self->{'snmp_security_level'} ";
print $self->{'snmp_security_level'} . "\n";
if ($self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne "noAuthNoPriv") {
$command .= " -u$self->{'snmp_auth_user'} -a$self->{'snmp_auth_method'} -A$self->{'snmp_auth_pass'} ";
if ($self->{'snmp_security_level'} eq "authPriv") {
$command .= " -x$self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} -X$self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'} ";
} else {
$command .= " -c$community$vlan ";
return "$command $device $oid 2>/dev/null";
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns the value of the given OID. Returns undef
# on error.

View File

@ -173,7 +173,16 @@ sub data_consumer ($$) {
pa_config => $pa_config,
recon_ports => $task->{'recon_ports'},
resolve_names => $task->{'resolve_names'},
snmp_auth_user => $task->{'snmp_auth_user'},
snmp_auth_pass => $task->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
snmp_auth_method => $task->{'snmp_auth_method'},
snmp_checks => $task->{'snmp_checks'},
snmp_enabled => $task->{'snmp_enabled'},
snmp_privacy_method => $task->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
snmp_privacy_pass => $task->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
snmp_security_level => $task->{'snmp_security_level'},
snmp_timeout => $task->{'snmp_timeout'},
snmp_version => $task->{'snmp_version'},
subnets => \@subnets,
task_id => $task->{'id_rt'},
vlan_cache_enabled => $task->{'vlan_enabled'},
@ -310,10 +319,17 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_network_profile_modules($$$) {
$self->call('message', "Network component ID " . $np_component->{'id_nc'} . " not found.", 5);
# Use snmp_community from network task instead the component snmp_community
$component->{'snmp_community'} = safe_output($self->get_community($device));
$component->{'tcp_send'} = $self->{'snmp_version'};
$component->{'custom_string_1'} = $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'};
$component->{'custom_string_2'} = $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'};
$component->{'custom_string_3'} = $self->{'snmp_security_level'};
$component->{'plugin_parameter'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_method'};
$component->{'plugin_user'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_user'};
$component->{'plugin_pass'} = $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'};
pandora_create_module_from_network_component($self->{'pa_config'}, $component, $agent_id, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -466,8 +482,8 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
# Add interfaces to the agent if it responds to SNMP.
return $agent_id unless ($self->is_snmp_discovered($device));
my $community = $self->get_community($device);
return $agent_id unless defined($community);
my @output = $self->snmp_get_value_array($device, $PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINDEX);
foreach my $if_index (@output) {
@ -506,7 +522,13 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
'descripcion' => $if_desc,
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => 1,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFOPERSTATUS.$if_index"
@ -516,6 +538,14 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
'descripcion' => $if_desc,
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -531,7 +561,13 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => 1,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFHCINOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -539,6 +575,13 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
my %module = (
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -553,7 +596,13 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => 1,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -561,6 +610,13 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
my %module = (
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -577,7 +633,13 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => 1,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFHCOUTOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -585,6 +647,14 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
my %module = (
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -599,7 +669,13 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
'descripcion' => 'The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.',
'id_agente' => $agent_id,
'ip_target' => $device,
'tcp_send' => 1,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
'snmp_community' => $community,
'snmp_oid' => "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFOUTOCTECTS.$if_index");
pandora_create_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, $self->{'dbh'});
@ -607,6 +683,14 @@ sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::create_agent($$) {
my %module = (
'ip_target' => $device,
'snmp_community' => $community,
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'tcp_send' => $self->{'snmp_version'},
'custom_string_1' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'},
'custom_string_2' => $self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'},
'custom_string_3' => $self->{'snmp_security_level'},
'plugin_parameter' => $self->{'snmp_auth_method'},
'plugin_user' => $self->{'snmp_auth_user'},
'plugin_pass' => $self->{'snmp_auth_pass'},
pandora_update_module_from_hash ($self->{'pa_config'}, \%module, 'id_agente_modulo', $module_id, $self->{'dbh'});