diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
index 3869454424..cf48d108fb 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting.php
@@ -363,12 +363,153 @@ function reporting_make_reporting_data($id_report, $date, $time,
+ case 'agent_detailed_event':
+ case 'event_report_agent':
+ $report['contents'][] = reporting_event_report_agent(
+ $report,
+ $content);
+ break;
+ case 'group_report':
+ $report['contents'][] = reporting_group_report(
+ $report,
+ $content);
+ break;
return reporting_check_structure_report($report);
+function reporting_group_report($report, $content) {
+ global $config;
+ $return['type'] = 'group_report';
+ if (empty($content['name'])) {
+ $content['name'] = __('Group Report');
+ }
+ $return['title'] = $content['name'];
+ $return['subtitle'] = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true);
+ $return["description"] = $content["description"];
+ $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content);
+ $return["data"] = array();
+ $events = events_get_group_events(
+ $content['id_group'],
+ $content['period'],
+ $report['datetime']);
+ if (empty($events)) {
+ $events = array();
+ }
+ $return["data"]["count_events"] = count($events);
+ $return["data"]["group_stats"] = reporting_get_group_stats($content['id_group']);
+ return reporting_check_structure_content($return);
+function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content) {
+ global $config;
+ $return['type'] = 'event_report_agent';
+ if (empty($content['name'])) {
+ $content['name'] = __('Event Report Agent');
+ }
+ $return['title'] = $content['name'];
+ $return['subtitle'] = agents_get_name($content['id_agent']);
+ $return["description"] = $content["description"];
+ $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content);
+ $style = $content['style'];
+ $filter_event_no_validated = $style['filter_event_no_validated'];
+ $filter_event_validated = $style['filter_event_validated'];
+ $filter_event_critical = $style['filter_event_critical'];
+ $filter_event_warning = $style['filter_event_warning'];
+ $event_graph_by_user_validator = $style['event_graph_by_user_validator'];
+ $event_graph_by_criticity = $style['event_graph_by_criticity'];
+ $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $style['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated'];
+ $return['data'] = reporting_get_agents_detailed_event(
+ $content['id_agent'],
+ $content['period'],
+ $report["datetime"],
+ true,
+ $filter_event_validated,
+ $filter_event_critical,
+ $filter_event_warning,
+ $filter_event_no_validated,
+ true);
+ $return["chart"]["by_user_validator"] = null;
+ $return["chart"]["by_criticity"] = null;
+ $return["chart"]["validated_vs_unvalidated"] = null;
+ if ($event_graph_by_user_validator) {
+ $data_chart =
+ reporting_get_count_events_validated_by_user(
+ array('id_agent' => $content['id_agent']),
+ $content['period'],
+ $report["datetime"],
+ $filter_event_validated,
+ $filter_event_critical,
+ $filter_event_warning,
+ $filter_event_no_validated);
+ $return["chart"]["by_user_validator"] = pie3d_graph(
+ false,
+ $data_chart,
+ 500,
+ 150,
+ __("other"),
+ "",
+ ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
+ $config['fontpath'],
+ $config['font_size']);
+ }
+ if ($event_graph_by_criticity) {
+ $data_graph = reporting_get_count_events_by_criticity(
+ array('id_agent' => $content['id_agent']), $content['period'],
+ $report["datetime"],
+ $filter_event_validated,
+ $filter_event_critical,
+ $filter_event_warning,
+ $filter_event_no_validated);
+ $colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph);
+ $return["chart"]["by_criticity"] = pie3d_graph(
+ false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), "",
+ ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
+ $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, false, $colors);
+ }
+ if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) {
+ $data_graph = reporting_get_count_events_validated(
+ array('id_agent' => $content['id_agent']), $content['period'],
+ $report["datetime"],
+ $filter_event_validated,
+ $filter_event_critical,
+ $filter_event_warning,
+ $filter_event_no_validated);
+ $return["chart"]["validated_vs_unvalidated"] = pie3d_graph(
+ false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), "",
+ ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
+ $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
+ }
+ return reporting_check_structure_content($return);
function reporting_database_serialized($report, $content) {
global $config;
@@ -2367,6 +2508,157 @@ function reporting_set_conf_charts(&$width, &$height, &$only_image, $type, $cont
+ * Get a detailed report of summarized events per agent
+ *
+ * It construct a table object with all the grouped events happened in an agent
+ * during a period of time.
+ *
+ * @param mixed Agent id(s) to get the report from.
+ * @param int Period of time (in seconds) to get the report.
+ * @param int Beginning date (unixtime) of the report
+ * @param bool Flag to return or echo the report table (echo by default).
+ *
+ * @return A table object (XHTML)
+ */
+function reporting_get_agents_detailed_event ($id_agents, $period = 0,
+ $date = 0, $return = false, $filter_event_validated = false,
+ $filter_event_critical = false, $filter_event_warning = false,
+ $filter_event_no_validated = false, $only_data = false) {
+ global $config;
+ if ($only_data) {
+ $return_data = array();
+ }
+ $id_agents = (array)safe_int ($id_agents, 1);
+ if (!is_numeric ($date)) {
+ $date = strtotime ($date);
+ }
+ if (empty ($date)) {
+ $date = get_system_time ();
+ }
+ $table->width = '99%';
+ $table->align = array();
+ $table->align[0] = 'center';
+ $table->align[1] = 'center';
+ $table->align[3] = 'center';
+ $table->data = array ();
+ $table->head = array ();
+ $table->head[0] = __('Status');
+ $table->head[1] = __('Count');
+ $table->head[2] = __('Name');
+ $table->head[3] = __('Type');
+ $table->head[4] = __('Criticity');
+ $table->head[5] = __('Val. by');
+ $table->head[6] = __('Timestamp');
+ $events = array ();
+ foreach ($id_agents as $id_agent) {
+ $event = events_get_agent ($id_agent,
+ (int)$period,
+ (int)$date,
+ $filter_event_validated, $filter_event_critical,
+ $filter_event_warning, $filter_event_no_validated);
+ if (empty($event)) {
+ $event = array();
+ }
+ if ($only_data) {
+ foreach ($event as $e) {
+ $return_data[] = array(
+ 'status' => $e['estado'],
+ 'count' => $e['event_rep'],
+ 'name' => $e['evento'],
+ 'type' => $e["event_type"],
+ 'criticity' => $e["criticity"],
+ 'validated_by' => $e['id_usuario'],
+ 'timestamp' => $e['timestamp_rep']
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!empty ($event)) {
+ array_push ($events, $event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($only_data) {
+ return $return_data;
+ }
+ if ($events) {
+ $note = '';
+ if (count($events) >= 1000) {
+ $note .= '* ' . __('Maximum of events shown') . ' (1000)
+ }
+ foreach ($events as $eventRow) {
+ foreach ($eventRow as $k => $event) {
+ //First pass along the class of this row
+ $table->cellclass[$k][1] = $table->cellclass[$k][2] =
+ $table->cellclass[$k][4] = $table->cellclass[$k][5] =
+ $table->cellclass[$k][6] =
+ get_priority_class ($event["criticity"]);
+ $data = array ();
+ // Colored box
+ switch ($event['estado']) {
+ case 0:
+ $img_st = "images/star.png";
+ $title_st = __('New event');
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $img_st = "images/tick.png";
+ $title_st = __('Event validated');
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $img_st = "images/hourglass.png";
+ $title_st = __('Event in process');
+ break;
+ }
+ $data[] = html_print_image ($img_st, true,
+ array ("class" => "image_status",
+ "width" => 16,
+ "title" => $title_st));
+ $data[] = $event['event_rep'];
+ $data[] = ui_print_truncate_text(
+ io_safe_output($event['evento']),
+ 140, false, true);
+ //$data[] = $event['event_type'];
+ $data[] = events_print_type_img ($event["event_type"], true);
+ $data[] = get_priority_name ($event['criticity']);
+ if (empty($event['id_usuario']) && $event['estado'] == EVENT_VALIDATE) {
+ $data[] = '' . __('System') . '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $user_name = db_get_value ('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['id_usuario']);
+ $data[] = io_safe_output($user_name);
+ }
+ $data[] = '' .
+ date($config['date_format'], $event['timestamp_rep']) . '';
+ array_push ($table->data, $data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($events)
+ return html_print_table ($table, $return) . $note;
* Get general statistical info on a group
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting_html.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting_html.php
index dc0e37e7e9..b00b44e41f 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting_html.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_reporting_html.php
@@ -227,6 +227,13 @@ function reporting_html_print_report($report, $mini = false) {
case 'database_serialized':
reporting_html_database_serialized($table, $item);
+ case 'agent_detailed_event':
+ case 'event_report_agent':
+ reporting_html_event_report_agent($table, $item);
+ break;
+ case 'group_report':
+ reporting_html_group_report($table, $item);
+ break;
if ($item['type'] == 'agent_module')
@@ -239,6 +246,199 @@ function reporting_html_print_report($report, $mini = false) {
+function reporting_html_group_report($table, $item) {
+ global $config;
+ $table->colspan['group_report']['cell'] = 3;
+ $table->cellstyle['group_report']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;';
+ $table->data['group_report']['cell'] = "
+ | " .
+ __('Total') . " |
+ " .
+ __('Unknown') . " |
+ ||||
" .
+ __('Agents') . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['total_agents'] . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['agents_unknown'] . " |
+ ||||
+ | " .
+ __('Total') . " |
+ " .
+ __('Normal') . " |
+ " .
+ __('Critical') . " |
+ " .
+ __('Warning') . " |
+ " .
+ __('Unknown') . " |
+ " .
+ __('Not init') . " |
" .
+ __('Monitors') . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['monitor_checks'] . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['monitor_ok'] ." |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['monitor_critical'] . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['monitor_warning'] . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['monitor_unknown'] . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['monitor_not_init'] . " |
+ | " .
+ __('Defined') . " |
+ " .
+ __('Fired') . " |
+ ||||
" .
+ __('Alerts') . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['monitor_alerts'] . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]['group_stats']['monitor_alerts_fired'] . " |
+ ||||
+ | " .
+ __('Last %s', human_time_description_raw($item['date']['period'])) . " |
+ |||||
" .
+ __('Events') . " |
+ " .
+ $item["data"]["count_events"]." |
- | " .
- __('Total') . " |
- " .
- __('Unknown') . " |
- ||||
" .
- __('Agents') . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['total_agents'] . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['agents_unknown'] . " |
- ||||
- | " .
- __('Total') . " |
- " .
- __('Normal') . " |
- " .
- __('Critical') . " |
- " .
- __('Warning') . " |
- " .
- __('Unknown') . " |
- " .
- __('Not init') . " |
" .
- __('Monitors') . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['monitor_checks'] . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['monitor_ok'] ." |
- " .
- $group_stats['monitor_critical'] . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['monitor_warning'] . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['monitor_unknown'] . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['monitor_not_init'] . " |
- | " .
- __('Defined') . " |
- " .
- __('Fired') . " |
- ||||
" .
- __('Alerts') . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['monitor_alerts'] . " |
- " .
- $group_stats['monitor_alerts_fired'] . " |
- ||||
- | " .
- __('Last 8 hours') . " |
- |||||
" .
- __('Events') . " |
- " .
- count($events)." |