2008-04-24 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>

* util/pandora_db.pl: Rewrote and enabled pandora_compactdb.
          Small fix to pandora_purgedb.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@820 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
ramonn 2008-04-24 16:24:55 +00:00
parent 550d81e315
commit 1c2a9bb233
2 changed files with 114 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2008-04-24 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* util/pandora_db.pl: Rewrote and enabled pandora_compactdb.
Small fix to pandora_purgedb.
2008-04-23 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* Config.pm: Added dataserver_thread config token

View File

@ -119,8 +119,9 @@ sub pandora_purgedb {
my @datarow2;
if ($idag2->rows != 0) {
while (@datarow2 = $idag2->fetchrow_array()) {
# Create Insert SQL for this data
$buffer3 = "insert into tagente_datos (id_agente_modulo,datos,timestamp,id_agente) values ($buffer,$datarow2[2],'$limit_timestamp',$datarow2[4])";
# Create Insert SQL for this data
my $limit_utimestamp = &UnixDate($limit_timestamp,"%s");
$buffer3 = "insert into tagente_datos (id_agente_modulo,datos,timestamp,utimestamp,id_agente) values ($buffer,$datarow2[2],'$limit_timestamp',$limit_utimestamp,$datarow2[4])";
# Execute DELETE
@ -154,102 +155,115 @@ sub pandora_compactdb {
my $dbuser = $_[2];
my $dbpass = $_[3];
my $dbhost = $_[4];
my @data_item; # Array to get data from each record of DB
my %data_list; # Hash to store values (sum) for each id
my %data_list_items; # Hash to store total values for each id
my $err; # error code in datecalc function
my $rows_selected = 0; # Calculate how many rows are selected in this loop
my $dbh; # database handler
my $query;
my $query_ready;
my $limit_timestamp; # Define the high limit for timestamp query
my $limit_timestamp_numeric;
my $low_limit; # Define the low limit for timestamp query
my $key; # Used by foreach-loop
my $low_limit_timestamp; # temporal variable to store low limit timestamp
my $low_limit_timestamp_numeric;
my $oldest_timestamp;
my $oldest_timestamp_numeric;
my $flag; #temporal value to store diff between dats
# Begin procedure (SQL open initizalizacion and initial timestamp calculation)
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost:3306",$dbuser, $dbpass,{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
# Get the first (oldest) timestamp in database to make it the marker for the end of query
$query = "SELECT min(timestamp) FROM tagente_datos ";
$query_ready = $dbh->prepare($query);
$query_ready ->execute();
@data_item = $query_ready->fetchrow_array();
$oldest_timestamp = @data_item[0];
$oldest_timestamp_numeric = &UnixDate($oldest_timestamp,"%s");
my %count_hash;
my %id_agent_hash;
my %value_hash;
my $err;
# If no data, skip this step
if ($oldest_timestamp ne ""){
# We need to determine data ranges
# Calculate start limit for compactation
$limit_timestamp = DateCalc("today","-$days days",\$err);
$limit_timestamp = &UnixDate($limit_timestamp,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
$limit_timestamp_numeric = &UnixDate($limit_timestamp,"%s");
print "[COMPACT] Packing data from $limit_timestamp to $oldest_timestamp \n";
# Main loop
do { # Makes a query for each days from $limit_timestamp (now is set $days from today)
# To get actual low limit, minus step_compact hours
$low_limit_timestamp = DateCalc("$limit_timestamp","-$config_step_compact hours",\$err);
$low_limit_timestamp = &UnixDate($low_limit_timestamp,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
$low_limit_timestamp_numeric = &UnixDate($low_limit_timestamp,"%s");
if ($verbosity > 0){
print "[COMPACT] Working at interval: $limit_timestamp -$low_limit_timestamp \n";
# Connect to the database
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbname:$dbhost:3306",$dbuser, $dbpass,
{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
# DB Query to get data from DB based on timestamp limits
$query = "SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp < $limit_timestamp_numeric AND utimestamp >= $low_limit_timestamp_numeric";
$query_ready = $dbh->prepare($query);
$query_ready ->execute();
$rows_selected = $query_ready->rows;
if ($rows_selected > 0) {
# Init hashes
# Create a hash data_list with id_agente_mopulo as index
# and creating a summatory of values for this inverval
# storing the total number of dif. values in data_list_items hash
while (@data_item = $query_ready->fetchrow_array()) {
$data_list{$data_item[1]}= $data_list{$data_item[1]} + $data_item[2];
$data_list_items{$data_item[1]}=$data_list_items{$data_item[1]} + 1;
# Once we has filled the hast, let's delete records processed for this
# interval. Later we could insert the new record, and initialize hash for
# reuse it in the next loop.
$query = "DELETE FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp < $limit_timestamp _numeric AND utimestamp >= $low_limit_timestamp_numeric";
# print "DEBUG: Purge query $query \n";
my $value; my $value_timestamp;
foreach $key (keys (%data_list)) {
$value = int($data_list{$key} / $data_list_items{$key}); # Media aritmetica :-)
$query="INSERT INTO tagente_datos (id_agente_modulo, datos, timestamp, utimestamp) VALUES ($key, $value, '$limit_timestamp', $limit_timestamp_numeric)";
#if ($verbosity > 0){
print "[DEBUG]: Datos para el id_agente_modulo # $key : Numero de datos ( $data_list_items{$key} ) valor total ( $data_list{$key} media ($value)) \n";
# Purge hash
delete $data_list{$key};
delete $data_list_items{$key};
$limit_timestamp = $low_limit_timestamp; # To the next day !!
$flag = Date_Cmp($oldest_timestamp,$limit_timestamp);
} until ($flag >= 0);
} else {
print "[COMPACT] No data to pack ! \n";
if ($config_step_compact < 1) {
# Compact interval length in seconds
# $config_step_compact varies between 1 (36 samples/day) and
# 20 (1.8 samples/day)
my $step = $config_step_compact * 2400;
# The oldest timestamp will be the lower limit
my $query = "SELECT min(utimestamp) as min FROM tagente_datos";
my $query_st = $dbh->prepare($query);
if ($query_st->rows == 0) {
my $data = $query_st->fetchrow_hashref();
my $limit_utime = $data->{'min'};
if ($limit_utime < 1) {
# Calculate the start date
my $start_date = DateCalc("today","-$days days",\$err);
my $start_utime = &UnixDate($start_date,"%s");
my $stop_date;
my $stop_utime;
print "[COMPACT] Compacting data until $start_date\n";
# Prepare the query to retrieve data from an interval
$query = "SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp < ? AND
utimestamp >= ?";
$query_st = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (1) {
# Calculate the stop date for the interval
$stop_utime = $start_utime - $step;
# Out of limits
if ($start_utime < $limit_utime) {
$query_st->execute($start_utime, $stop_utime);
if ($query_st->rows == 0) {
# No data, move to the next interval
$start_utime = $stop_utime;
# Get interval data
while ($data = $query_st->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $id_module = $data->{'id_agente_modulo'};
if (! defined($value_hash{$id_module})) {
$value_hash{$id_module} = 0;
$count_hash{$id_module} = 0;
if (! defined($id_agent_hash{$id_module})) {
$id_agent_hash{$id_module} = $data->{'id_agente'};
$value_hash{$id_module} += $data->{'datos'};
# Delete interval from the database
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp < $start_utime
AND utimestamp >= $stop_utime");
# Insert interval average value
foreach my $key (keys(%value_hash)) {
$value_hash{$key} /= $count_hash{$key};
$stop_date = localtime($stop_utime);
$stop_date = &UnixDate($stop_date,
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO tagente_datos (id_agente_modulo,
id_agente, datos, timestamp, utimestamp) VALUES
($key, $id_agent_hash{$key}, $value_hash{$key} ,
'$stop_date', $stop_utime)");
# Move to the next interval
$start_utime = $stop_utime;
@ -513,7 +527,7 @@ sub help_screen{
sub pandoradb_main {
pandora_purgedb ($config_days_purge, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost);
pandora_checkdb_consistency ($dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost);
# pandora_compactdb ($config_days_compact, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost);
pandora_compactdb ($config_days_compact, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost);
print "\n";