diff --git a/pandora_console/ChangeLog b/pandora_console/ChangeLog
index 64a2f3b92f..5862e29aed 100644
--- a/pandora_console/ChangeLog
+++ b/pandora_console/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2014-08-11  Miguel de Dios <miguel.dedios@artica.es>
+	* include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_modificar_agente.php,
+	include/help/clippy/homepage.php,
+	include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_configurar_agente.php,
+	include/functions_clippy.php: wip in the clippy.
 2014-08-11  Vanessa Gil <vanessa.gil@artica.es>
 	* godmode/agentes/agent_template.php: Fixed bug in FF
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/functions_clippy.php b/pandora_console/include/functions_clippy.php
index 2f296896a8..ad7c9f52cf 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/functions_clippy.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/functions_clippy.php
@@ -28,12 +28,96 @@ function clippy_start($sec2) {
 	$sec2 = str_replace('/', '_', $sec2);
-	//~ html_debug_print($sec2, true);
-	if (is_file("include/help/clippy/" . $sec2 . ".php")) {
-		require("include/help/clippy/" . $sec2 . ".php");
+	if ($sec2 != 'homepage') {
+		if (is_file("include/help/clippy/" . $sec2 . ".php")) {
+			require("include/help/clippy/" . $sec2 . ".php");
+			clippy_start_page();
+		}
-		clippy_start_page();
+		//Add homepage for all pages for to show the "task sugestions"
+		require("include/help/clippy/homepage.php");
+		clippy_start_page_homepage();
+	}
+	else {
+		require("include/help/clippy/homepage.php");
+		clippy_start_page_homepage();
+function clippy_clean_help() {
+	set_cookie('clippy', null);
+function clippy_write_javascript_helps_steps($helps) {
+	global $config;
+	$clippy = get_cookie('clippy', false);
+	set_cookie('clippy', null);
+	//Get the help steps from a task
+	$steps = $helps[$clippy]['steps'];
+	if (empty($steps)) {
+		//Get the first by default
+		$temp = reset($helps);
+		$steps = $temp['steps'];
+	}
+	$conf = $helps[$clippy]['conf'];
+	if (empty($conf)) {
+		//Get the first by default
+		$temp = reset($helps);
+		$conf = $temp['conf'];
+	}
+	$name_obj_tour = 'intro';
+	if (!empty($conf['name_obj_tour'])) {
+		$name_obj_tour = $conf['name_obj_tour'];
+	}
+	$autostart = true;
+	if (!is_null($conf['autostart'])) {
+		$autostart = $conf['autostart'];
+	}
+	$other_js = '';
+	if (!empty($conf['other_js'])) {
+		$other_js = $conf['other_js'];
+	}
+	?>
+	<script type="text/javascript">
+		var <?php echo $name_obj_tour; ?> = null;
+		$(document).ready(function() {
+			<?php echo $name_obj_tour; ?> = introJs();
+			<?php echo $name_obj_tour; ?>.setOptions({
+				steps: <?php echo json_encode($steps); ?>,
+				showBullets: <?php echo json_encode($conf['showBullets']); ?>,
+				showStepNumbers: <?php echo json_encode($conf['showStepNumbers']); ?>,
+			});
+			<?php
+			if (!empty($conf['next_help'])) {
+			?>
+				clippy_set_help('<?php echo $conf['next_help']; ?>');
+			<?php
+			}
+			?>
+			<?php
+			if ($autostart) {
+			?>
+				<?php echo $name_obj_tour; ?>.start();
+			<?php
+			}
+			?>
+		});
+		<?php echo $other_js; ?>
+	</script>
+	<?php
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_configurar_agente.php b/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_configurar_agente.php
index 5cba2d007a..a2f1fd2bc1 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_configurar_agente.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_configurar_agente.php
@@ -20,134 +20,107 @@
 function clippy_start_page() {
-	global $config;
+	$helps = array();
-	$clippy = get_cookie('clippy', false);
-	set_cookie('clippy', null);
-	switch ($clippy) {
-		case 'choose_tabs_modules':
-			$steps = array();
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> '#clippy',
-				'intro' => __('Now you must go to modules, don\'t worry I teach you.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> "img[alt='Modules']",
-				'intro' => __('Please click in this tab.')
-				);
-			break;
-		case 'create_module':
-			$steps = array();
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> '#clippy',
-				'intro' => __('Now you must create the module, don\'t worry I teach you.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> "#moduletype",
-				'intro' => __('Choose the network server module.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> "input[name='updbutton']",
-				'intro' => __('And click in this button.')
-				);
-			break;
-		case 'create_module_second_step':
-			$steps = array();
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> '#clippy',
-				'intro' => __('We are going to fill the form.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> "#network_component_group",
-				'intro' => __('Please choose the Network Management.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> "#network_component",
-				'intro' => __('And choose the component with the name "Host Alive".')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> "input[name='name']",
-				'intro' => __('You can change the name.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> "input[name='ip_target']",
-				'intro' => __('Check if this IP is the address of your machine.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> "input[name='crtbutton']",
-				'intro' => __('And only to finish it is clicking this button.')
-				);
-			break;
-		case 'create_module_third_step':
-			$steps = array();
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> '#clippy',
-				'intro' => __('Now, your module is just created.<br/> And the status color is <b>blue</b>.<br/>This meaning of blue status is the module is not executed for first time.<br/>In the next seconds if there is not a problem, the status color will change to red or green.')
-				);
-			break;
-	}
+	//==================================================================
+	//Help tour about the monitoring with a ping (step 3)
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_3'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_3']['steps'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_3']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> '#clippy',
+		'intro' => __('Now you must go to modules, don\'t worry I teach you.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_3']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> "img[alt='Modules']",
+		'intro' => __('Please click in this tab.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_3']['conf'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_3']['conf']['showBullets'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_3']['conf']['showStepNumbers'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_3']['conf']['next_help'] = 'monitoring_server_step_4';
+	//==================================================================
+	//==================================================================
+	//Help tour about the monitoring with a ping (step 4)
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4']['steps'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> '#clippy',
+		'intro' => __('Now you must create the module, don\'t worry I teach you.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> "#moduletype",
+		'intro' => __('Choose the network server module.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> "input[name='updbutton']",
+		'intro' => __('And click in this button.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4']['conf'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4']['conf']['showBullets'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4']['conf']['showStepNumbers'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_4']['conf']['next_help'] = 'monitoring_server_step_5';
+	//==================================================================
-	?>
-	<script type="text/javascript">
-		var steps = <?php echo json_encode($steps); ?>;
-		var intro = null;
-		$(document).ready(function() {
-			intro = introJs();
-			<?php
-			switch ($clippy) {
-				case 'choose_tabs_modules':
-					?>
-					intro.setOptions({
-						steps: steps,
-						showBullets: false,
-						showStepNumbers: false
-					});
-					clippy_set_help('create_module');
-					intro.start();
-					<?php
-					break;
-				case 'create_module':
-					?>
-					intro.setOptions({
-						steps: steps,
-						showBullets: false,
-						showStepNumbers: false
-					});
-					clippy_set_help('create_module_second_step');
-					intro.start();
-					<?php
-					break;
-				case 'create_module_second_step':
-					?>
-					intro.setOptions({
-						steps: steps,
-						showBullets: false,
-						showStepNumbers: false
-					});
-					clippy_set_help('create_module_third_step');
-					intro.start();
-					<?php
-					break;
-				case 'create_module_third_step':
-					?>
-					intro.setOptions({
-						steps: steps,
-						showBullets: false,
-						showStepNumbers: false
-					});
-					intro.start();
-					<?php
-					break;
-			}
-			?>
-		});
-	</script>
-	<?php
+	//==================================================================
+	//Help tour about the monitoring with a ping (step 5)
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['steps'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> '#clippy',
+		'intro' => __('Now you must create the module, don\'t worry I teach you.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> '#clippy',
+		'intro' => __('We are going to fill the form.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> "#network_component_group",
+		'intro' => __('Please choose the Network Management.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> "#network_component",
+		'intro' => __('And choose the component with the name "Host Alive".')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> "input[name='name']",
+		'intro' => __('You can change the name.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> "input[name='ip_target']",
+		'intro' => __('Check if this IP is the address of your machine.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> "input[name='crtbutton']",
+		'intro' => __('And only to finish it is clicking this button.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['conf'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['conf']['showBullets'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['conf']['showStepNumbers'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_5']['conf']['next_help'] = 'monitoring_server_step_6';
+	//==================================================================
+	//==================================================================
+	//Help tour about the monitoring with a ping (step 6)
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_6'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_6']['steps'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_6']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> '#clippy',
+		'intro' => __('Now, your module is just created.<br/> And the status color is <b>blue</b>.<br/>This meaning of blue status is the module is not executed for first time.<br/>In the next seconds if there is not a problem, the status color will change to red or green.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_6']['conf'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_6']['conf']['showBullets'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_6']['conf']['showStepNumbers'] = 0;
+	//==================================================================
+	clippy_write_javascript_helps_steps($helps);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_modificar_agente.php b/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_modificar_agente.php
index 0948758f61..c0fbff9b68 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_modificar_agente.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/godmode_agentes_modificar_agente.php
@@ -20,81 +20,52 @@
 function clippy_start_page() {
-	global $config;
-	$clippy = get_cookie('clippy', false);
-	set_cookie('clippy', null);
+	$helps = array();
-	switch ($clippy) {
-		case 'monitoring_server':
-			$steps = array();
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> '#clippy',
-				'intro' => __('I show how to monitoring a server.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> 'input[name="search"]',
-				'intro' => __('Please type a agent to save the modules for monitoring a server.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> 'input[name="srcbutton"]',
-				'intro' => __('Maybe if you typped correctly the name, you can see the agent.')
-				);
-			break;
-		case 'choose_agent':
-			$steps = array();
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> '#clippy',
-				'intro' => __('Please choose the agent that you have searched.')
-				);
-			$steps[] = array(
-				'element'=> '#agent_list',
-				'intro' => __('Choose the agent, please click in the name.')
-				);
-			break;
-	}
+	//==================================================================
+	//Help tour about the monitoring with a ping (step 1)
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1']['steps'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> '#clippy',
+		'intro' => __('I show how to monitoring a server.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> 'input[name="search"]',
+		'intro' => __('Please type a agent to save the modules for monitoring a server.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> 'input[name="srcbutton"]',
+		'intro' => __('Maybe if you typped correctly the name, you can see the agent.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1']['conf'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1']['conf']['showBullets'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1']['conf']['showStepNumbers'] = 1;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_1']['conf']['next_help'] = 'monitoring_server_step_2';
+	//==================================================================
+	//==================================================================
+	//Help tour about the monitoring with a ping (step 2)
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_2'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_2']['steps'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_2']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> '#clippy',
+		'intro' => __('Please choose the agent that you have searched.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_2']['steps'][] = array(
+		'element'=> '#agent_list',
+		'intro' => __('Choose the agent, please click in the name.')
+		);
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_2']['conf'] = array();
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_2']['conf']['showBullets'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_2']['conf']['showStepNumbers'] = 0;
+	$helps['monitoring_server_step_2']['conf']['next_help'] = 'monitoring_server_step_3';
+	//==================================================================
-	?>
-	<script type="text/javascript">
-		var steps = <?php echo json_encode($steps); ?>;
-		var intro = null;
-		$(document).ready(function() {
-			intro = introJs();
-			<?php
-			switch ($clippy) {
-				case 'monitoring_server':
-					?>
-					intro.setOptions({
-						steps: steps,
-						showBullets: false,
-						showStepNumbers: true
-					});
-					clippy_set_help('choose_agent');
-					intro.start();
-					<?php
-					break;
-				case 'choose_agent':
-					?>
-					intro.setOptions({
-						steps: steps,
-						showBullets: false,
-						showStepNumbers: false
-					});
-					clippy_set_help('choose_tabs_modules');
-					intro.start();
-					<?php
-					break;
-			}
-			?>
-		});
-	</script>
-	<?php
+	clippy_write_javascript_helps_steps($helps);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/homepage.php b/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/homepage.php
index 7458a03755..31c24237a4 100644
--- a/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/homepage.php
+++ b/pandora_console/include/help/clippy/homepage.php
@@ -19,20 +19,28 @@
  * @subpackage Clippy
-function clippy_start_page() {
+function clippy_start_page_homepage() {
 	global $config;
-	$steps = array();
-	$steps[] = array(
+	clippy_clean_help();
+	$helps = array();
+	//==================================================================
+	//Help tour with the some task for to help the user.
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$helps['homepage'] = array();
+	$helps['homepage']['steps'] = array();
+	$helps['homepage']['steps'][] = array(
 		'element'=> '#clippy',
 		'intro' => __('Could you help you?<br/><br/>I am Pandorin, the annoying clippy for Pandora. You could follow my advices for to make common and basic tasks in Pandora.')
-	$steps[] = array(
+	$helps['homepage']['steps'][] = array(
 		'element'=> '#clippy',
 		'intro' => __('What task do you want to do?') . '<br/><br/>' .
 			'<ul style="text-align: left; margin-left: 3px; list-style-type: disc;">' .
 				'<li>' .
-					"<a href='javascript: clippy_go_link_show_help(\"index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/modificar_agente\", \"monitoring_server\");'>" . 
+					"<a href='javascript: clippy_go_link_show_help(\"index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/modificar_agente\", \"monitoring_server_step_1\");'>" . 
 					//'<a href="index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/modificar_agente&clippy=monitoring_server">' . 
 						__('Monitoring a server Linux/Windows with a pandora agent') .
 					'</a>' .
@@ -41,29 +49,23 @@ function clippy_start_page() {
 				'<li>' . __('Monitoring a Windows server with remote WMI ') . '</li>' .
+	$helps['homepage']['conf'] = array();
+	$helps['homepage']['conf']['showBullets'] = 0;
+	$helps['homepage']['conf']['showStepNumbers'] = 0;
+	$helps['homepage']['conf']['name_obj_tour'] = 'intro_homepage';
+	$helps['homepage']['conf']['other_js'] = "
+		function show_clippy() {
+			intro_homepage.start();
+		}
+		";
+	if ($config['logged']) {
+		$helps['homepage']['conf']['autostart'] = true;
+	}
+	else {
+		$helps['homepage']['conf']['autostart'] = false;
+	}
+	//==================================================================
-	?>
-	<script type="text/javascript">
-		var steps = <?php echo json_encode($steps); ?>;
-		var intro = null;
-		$(document).ready(function() {
-			intro = introJs();
-			intro.setOptions({
-				steps: steps,
-				showBullets: false,
-				showStepNumbers: false
-			});
-			<?php
-			if ($config['logged']) {
-			?>
-			intro.start();
-			<?php
-			}
-			?>
-		});
-	</script>
-	<?php
+	clippy_write_javascript_helps_steps($helps);
\ No newline at end of file