diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/db/db_sanity.php b/pandora_console/godmode/db/db_sanity.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb81ae12e..0000000000
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/db/db_sanity.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-".__('Checking tagente_estado table')."";
- $rows = db_get_all_rows_in_table('tagente_modulo');
- if ($rows === false) {
- $rows = array();
- }
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $id_agente_modulo = $row['id_agente_modulo'];
- $id_agente = $row["id_agente"];
- // check if exist in tagente_estado and create if not
- $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_estado
- WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo";
- $total = db_get_sql ($sql);
- if ($total == 0) {
- $sql = "INSERT INTO tagente_estado (id_agente_modulo, datos, timestamp, estado, id_agente, last_try, utimestamp, current_interval, running_by, last_execution_try) VALUE ($id_agente_modulo, 0, '01-01-1970 00:00:00', 0, 100, $id_agente, '01-01-1970 00:00:00', 0, 0, 0)";
- echo "Inserting module $id_agente_modulo in state table
- db_process_sql ($sql);
- }
- }
- ui_print_message(__('Check tagente_estado table: Done'));
- echo "
".__('Checking database consistency')."";
- $rows = db_get_all_rows_in_table('tagente_estado');
- if ($rows === false) {
- $rows = array();
- }
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $id_agente_modulo = $row['id_agente_modulo'];
- # check if exist in tagente_estado and create if not
- $rows = db_get_all_rows_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo");
- if ($rows !== false) {
- $row = reset($rows);
- $count = $row['count'];
- if ($count == 0) {
- echo "Deleting non-existing module $id_agente_modulo in state table
- db_process_sql_delete('tagente_estado', array('id_agente_modulo' => $id_agente_modulo));
- }
- }
- }
- ui_print_message(__('Check database consistency: Done'));
-elseif ($sanity == 2) {
- echo "".__('Deleting non-init data')."";
- $rows = db_get_all_rows_filter("tagente_estado", array("utimestamp" => 0));
- if ($rows === false) {
- $rows = array();
- }
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- echo "Deleting non init module " . $row['id_agente_modulo'] ."
- modules_delete_agent_module($row['id_agente_modulo']);
- }
- echo "Deleting bad module (id 0)
- $bad_modules = db_get_all_rows_filter('tagente_modulo', array('id_modulo' => 0));
- foreach($bad_modules as $bm) {
- modules_delete_agent_module ($bm['id_agente_modulo']);
- }
-echo "
-echo "";
diff --git a/pandora_console/godmode/menu.php b/pandora_console/godmode/menu.php
index 7e42f8aae7..b93a0e42e2 100644
--- a/pandora_console/godmode/menu.php
+++ b/pandora_console/godmode/menu.php
@@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ if (check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "DM")) {
$sub["godmode/db/db_refine"]["text"] = __('Database debug');
$sub["godmode/db/db_audit"]["text"] = __('Database audit');
$sub["godmode/db/db_event"]["text"] = __('Database event');
- $sub["godmode/db/db_sanity"]["text"] = __('Database sanity');
$menu_godmode["gdbman"]["sub"] = $sub;