fixed changes php7

This commit is contained in:
daniel 2018-10-11 12:57:48 +02:00
parent ed361d44bf
commit 1f56054f6c
9 changed files with 248 additions and 610 deletions

View File

@ -106,8 +106,6 @@ $form .= html_print_table($table, true);
$form .= '</form>';
ui_toggle($form, __("Filter"), "", false);
// ui_toggle(graphic_user_activity(400, 150), __("Chart"));
$filter = "1=1";
if (!empty($filter_type)) {

View File

@ -126,6 +126,22 @@ if (file_exists ('languages/'.$user_language.'.mo')) {
echo grafico_modulo_sparse($params);
echo '</div>';
elseif($type_graph_pdf == 'pie_chart'){
echo '<div>';
echo flot_pie_chart(
echo '</div>';
$config['font_size'] = $aux_font_size;

View File

@ -2366,8 +2366,8 @@ function graph_alert_status ($defined_alerts, $fired_alerts, $width = 300, $heig
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
$out = pie2d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height, __("other"),
'', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, "hidden", $colors);
$out = pie_graph($data, $width, $height, __("other"),
'', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, "hidden", $colors, false);
if ($return) {
return $out;
@ -2444,11 +2444,22 @@ function graph_agent_status ($id_agent = false, $width = 300, $height = 200, $re
if (array_sum($data) == 0) {
$data = array();
$out = pie2d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), '',
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, "hidden", $colors);
$out = pie_graph(
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false),
if ($return) {
return $out;
@ -2519,8 +2530,19 @@ function graph_event_module ($width = 300, $height = 200, $id_agent) {
$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height, __("other"),
'', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, "bottom");
return pie_graph(
function progress_bar($progress, $width, $height, $title = '', $mode = 1, $value_text = false, $color = false, $options = false) {
@ -2623,227 +2645,6 @@ function graph_sla_slicebar ($id, $period, $sla_min, $sla_max, $date, $daysWeek
$config['fontpath'], $round_corner, $home_url, $ttl);
* Print a pie graph with purge data of agent
* @param integer id_agent ID of agent to show
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
function grafico_db_agentes_purge ($id_agent, $width = 380, $height = 300) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$filter = array();
if ($id_agent < 1) {
$query = "";
else {
$modules = agents_get_modules($id_agent);
$module_ids = array_keys($modules);
if (!empty($module_ids))
$filter['id_agente_modulo'] = $module_ids;
// All data (now)
$time_now = time();
// 1 day ago
$time_1day = $time_now - SECONDS_1DAY;
// 1 week ago
$time_1week = $time_now - SECONDS_1WEEK;
// 1 month ago
$time_1month = $time_now - SECONDS_1MONTH;
// Three months ago
$time_3months = $time_now - SECONDS_3MONTHS;
$query_error = false;
// Data from 1 day ago
$num_1day = 0;
$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
if ($num_1day >= 0) {
// Data from 1 week ago
$num_1week = 0;
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
if ($num_1week >= 0) {
if ($num_1week > 0) {
$num_1week = 0;
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
// Data from 1 month ago
$num_1month = 0;
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
if ($num_1month >= 0) {
if ($num_1month > 0) {
$num_1month = 0;
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
// Data from 3 months ago
$num_3months = 0;
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
if ($num_3months >= 0) {
if ($num_3months > 0) {
$num_3months = 0;
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
// All data
$num_all = 0;
$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
if ($num_all >= 0) {
$num_older = $num_all - $num_3months;
if ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1) {
// All data in common and history database
$num_all_w_history = 0;
$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
if ($num_all_w_history >= 0) {
$num_history = $num_all_w_history - $num_all;
else if (($num_1day == 0) && ($num_1week == 0) && ($num_1month == 0) && ($num_3months == 0) && ($num_all == 0)) {
//If no data, returns empty
$query_error = true;
// Error
if ($query_error || $num_older < 0 || ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && $num_history < 0)
|| (empty($num_1day) && empty($num_1week) && empty($num_1month)
&& empty($num_3months) && empty($num_all)
&& ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && empty($num_all_w_history)))) {
return html_print_image('images/image_problem_area_small.png', true);
// Data indexes
$str_1day = __("Today");
$str_1week = "1 ".__("Week");
$str_1month = "1 ".__("Month");
$str_3months = "3 ".__("Months");
$str_older = "> 3 ".__("Months");
// Filling the data array
$data = array();
if (!empty($num_1day))
$data[$str_1day] = $num_1day;
if (!empty($num_1week))
$data[$str_1week] = $num_1week;
if (!empty($num_1month))
$data[$str_1month] = $num_1month;
if (!empty($num_3months))
$data[$str_3months] = $num_3months;
if (!empty($num_older))
$data[$str_older] = $num_older;
if ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && !empty($num_history)) {
// In this pie chart only 5 elements are shown, so we need to remove
// an element. With a history db enabled the >3 months element are dispensable
if (count($data) >= 5 && isset($data[$str_3months]))
$time_historic_db = time() - ((int)$config['history_db_days'] * SECONDS_1DAY);
$date_human = human_time_comparation($time_historic_db);
$str_history = "> $date_human (".__("History db").")";
$data[$str_history] = $num_history;
$water_mark = array(
'file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false)
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a horizontal bar graph with packets data of agents
@ -2950,55 +2751,6 @@ function graph_db_agentes_modulos($width, $height) {
* Print a pie graph with users activity in a period of time
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param integer period time period
function graphic_user_activity ($width = 350, $height = 230) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
switch ($config['dbtype']) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) n_incidents, id_usuario
FROM tsesion
GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
case "oracle":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) n_incidents, id_usuario
FROM tsesion
WHERE rownum <= %d
GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC', $max_items);
$logins = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($logins == false) {
$logins = array();
foreach ($logins as $login) {
$data[$login['id_usuario']] = $login['n_incidents'];
if($config["fixed_graph"] == false){
$water_mark = array('file' =>
$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a pie graph with priodity incident
@ -3035,9 +2787,11 @@ function grafico_incidente_prioridad () {
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 320, 200,
return pie_graph(
$data, 320, 200,
__('Other'), '', '',
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']
@ -3075,8 +2829,8 @@ function graph_incidents_status () {
$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 320, 200,
return pie_graph($data, 320, 200,
__('Other'), '', '',
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
@ -3132,7 +2886,7 @@ function graphic_incident_group () {
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 320, 200,
return pie_graph($data, 320, 200,
__('Other'), '', '',
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
@ -3187,7 +2941,8 @@ function graphic_incident_user () {
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 320, 200,
return pie_graph(
$data, 320, 200,
__('Other'), '', '',
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
@ -3241,7 +2996,8 @@ function graphic_incident_source($width = 320, $height = 200) {
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
return pie_graph(
$data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', '',
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
@ -3249,27 +3005,27 @@ function graphic_incident_source($width = 320, $height = 200) {
function graph_events_validated($width = 300, $height = 200, $extra_filters = array(), $meta = false, $history = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$event_type = false;
if (array_key_exists('event_type', $extra_filters))
$event_type = $extra_filters['event_type'];
$event_severity = false;
if (array_key_exists('event_severity', $extra_filters))
$event_severity = $extra_filters['event_severity'];
$event_status = false;
if (array_key_exists('event_status', $extra_filters))
$event_status = $extra_filters['event_status'];
$event_filter_search = false;
if (array_key_exists('event_filter_search', $extra_filters))
$event_filter_search = $extra_filters['event_filter_search'];
$data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated(
array('id_group' => array_keys(users_get_groups())), null, null,
array('id_group' => array_keys(users_get_groups())), null, null,
$event_severity, $event_type, $event_status, $event_filter_search);
$colors = array();
foreach ($data_graph as $k => $v) {
if ($k == __('Validated')) {
@ -3279,17 +3035,26 @@ function graph_events_validated($width = 300, $height = 200, $extra_filters = ar
$colors[$k] = COL_CRITICAL;
if($config["fixed_graph"] == false){
$water_mark = array('file' =>
$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
echo pie3d_graph(
true, $data_graph, $width, $height, __("other"), "",
echo pie_graph(
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, false, $colors);
@ -3420,7 +3185,8 @@ function grafico_eventos_grupo ($width = 300, $height = 200, $url = "", $meta =
$water_mark = array();
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
return pie_graph(
$data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom');
@ -3484,7 +3250,8 @@ function grafico_eventos_agente ($width = 300, $height = 200, $result = false, $
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
return pie_graph(
$data, $width, $height,
__('Others'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom');
@ -3565,7 +3332,8 @@ function grafico_eventos_total($filter = "", $width = 320, $height = 200, $noWat
$water_mark = array();
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
return pie_graph(
$data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom', $colors);
@ -3615,7 +3383,8 @@ function grafico_eventos_usuario ($width, $height) {
'file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("/images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
return pie_graph(
$data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
@ -3631,10 +3400,11 @@ function grafico_eventos_usuario ($width, $height) {
function graph_custom_sql_graph ($id, $width, $height,
$type = 'sql_graph_vbar', $only_image = false, $homeurl = '',
$ttl = 1, $max_num_elements = 8) {
global $config;
$report_content = db_get_row ('treport_content', 'id_rc', $id);
if($id != null){
$historical_db = db_get_value_sql("SELECT historical_db from treport_content where id_rc =".$id);
@ -3649,42 +3419,30 @@ function graph_custom_sql_graph ($id, $width, $height,
$sql = db_get_row('treport_custom_sql', 'id', $report_content["treport_custom_sql_id"]);
$sql = io_safe_output($sql['sql']);
if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && defined('METACONSOLE')) {
$metaconsole_connection = enterprise_hook('metaconsole_get_connection', array($report_content['server_name']));
if ($metaconsole_connection === false) {
return false;
if (enterprise_hook('metaconsole_load_external_db', array($metaconsole_connection)) != NOERR) {
//ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name);
return false;
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
case "oracle":
$sql = str_replace(";", "", $sql);
$data_result = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql,$historical_db);
if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && defined('METACONSOLE'))
if ($data_result === false)
$data_result = array ();
$data = array ();
$count = 0;
foreach ($data_result as $data_item) {
@ -3726,19 +3484,20 @@ function graph_custom_sql_graph ($id, $width, $height,
$flash_charts = $config['flash_charts'];
if ($only_image) {
$flash_charts = false;
$ttl =2;
if($config["fixed_graph"] == false){
$water_mark = array('file' =>
$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
switch ($type) {
case 'sql_graph_vbar': // vertical bar
return vbar_graph(
@ -3787,8 +3546,17 @@ function graph_custom_sql_graph ($id, $width, $height,
case 'sql_graph_pie': // Pie
return pie3d_graph($flash_charts, $data, $width, $height, __("other"), $homeurl,
$water_mark, $config['fontpath'], '', $ttl);
return pie_graph(
@ -4512,7 +4280,7 @@ function graph_netflow_aggregate_pie ($data, $aggregate, $ttl = 1, $only_image =
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($flash_chart, $values, 370, 200,
return pie_graph($flash_chart, $values, 370, 200,
__('Other'), $config['homeurl'], $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl);

View File

@ -1307,7 +1307,8 @@ function reporting_event_top_n($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic',
if ($show_graph != REPORT_TOP_N_ONLY_TABLE) {
$return['charts']['pie'] = pie3d_graph(false,
$return['charts']['pie'] = pie_graph(
$width, $height,
@ -1460,7 +1461,7 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type,
$filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search);
$return['chart']['by_agent']= pie3d_graph(
$return['chart']['by_agent']= pie_graph(
@ -1470,7 +1471,8 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
if ($event_graph_by_user_validator) {
@ -1479,7 +1481,7 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
$report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type,
$filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search);
$return['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie3d_graph(
$return['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie_graph(
@ -1489,7 +1491,8 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
if ($event_graph_by_criticity) {
@ -1500,7 +1503,7 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
$colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph);
$return['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie3d_graph(
$return['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie_graph(
@ -1512,7 +1515,8 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) {
@ -1521,7 +1525,7 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
$report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type,
$filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search);
$return['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie3d_graph(
$return['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie_graph(
@ -1531,7 +1535,8 @@ function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
@ -2196,7 +2201,7 @@ function reporting_exception($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic',
$return["chart"]["pie"] = pie3d_graph(
$return["chart"]["pie"] = pie_graph(
@ -2206,7 +2211,8 @@ function reporting_exception($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic',
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
$params = array(
@ -2378,7 +2384,7 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
$report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type,
$filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search);
$return["chart"]["by_user_validator"] = pie3d_graph(
$return["chart"]["by_user_validator"] = pie_graph(
@ -2388,7 +2394,8 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
if ($event_graph_by_criticity) {
@ -2398,8 +2405,8 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
$filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search);
$colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph);
$return["chart"]["by_criticity"] = pie3d_graph(
$return["chart"]["by_criticity"] = pie_graph(
@ -2411,7 +2418,8 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) {
@ -2420,7 +2428,7 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
$report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type,
$filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search);
$return["chart"]["validated_vs_unvalidated"] = pie3d_graph(
$return["chart"]["validated_vs_unvalidated"] = pie_graph(
@ -2430,7 +2438,8 @@ function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
@ -3309,9 +3318,9 @@ function reporting_alert_report_module($report, $content) {
function reporting_sql_graph($report, $content, $type,
$force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, $type_sql_graph) {
global $config;
switch ($type_sql_graph) {
case 'sql_graph_hbar':
$return['type'] = 'sql_graph_hbar';
@ -3323,7 +3332,7 @@ function reporting_sql_graph($report, $content, $type,
$return['type'] = 'sql_graph_pie';
if (empty($content['name'])) {
switch ($type_sql_graph) {
case 'sql_graph_vbar':
@ -3337,23 +3346,22 @@ function reporting_sql_graph($report, $content, $type,
// Get chart
reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type,
$content, $ttl);
reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type,$content, $ttl);
if (!empty($force_width_chart)) {
$width = $force_width_chart;
if (!empty($force_height_chart)) {
$height = $force_height_chart;
$return['title'] = $content['name'];
$return["description"] = $content["description"];
$return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text();
switch ($type) {
case 'dinamic':
case 'static':
@ -3370,7 +3378,7 @@ function reporting_sql_graph($report, $content, $type,
case 'data':
return reporting_check_structure_content($return);
@ -6610,7 +6618,7 @@ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event ($id_modules, $period = 0,
array('id_agentmodule' => $id_module), $period, $date, $filter_event_severity,
$filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search);
$event['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie3d_graph(
$event['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie_graph(
@ -6620,7 +6628,8 @@ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event ($id_modules, $period = 0,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
if ($event_graph_by_criticity) {
@ -6630,7 +6639,7 @@ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event ($id_modules, $period = 0,
$colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph);
$event['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie3d_graph(
$event['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie_graph(
@ -6642,7 +6651,8 @@ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event ($id_modules, $period = 0,
if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) {
@ -6650,7 +6660,7 @@ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event ($id_modules, $period = 0,
array('id_agentmodule' => $id_module), $period, $date, $filter_event_severity,
$filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search);
$event['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie3d_graph(
$event['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie_graph(
@ -6660,7 +6670,8 @@ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event ($id_modules, $period = 0,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
if (!empty ($event)) {

View File

@ -3038,125 +3038,6 @@ function reporting_get_fired_alerts_table ($alerts_fired) {
return $table;
* Get a report for alerts in a group of agents.
* It prints the numbers of alerts defined, fired and not fired in a group.
* It also prints all the alerts that were fired grouped by agents.
* @param int $id_group Group to get info of the alerts.
* @param int $period Period of time of the desired alert report.
* @param int $date Beggining date of the report (current date by default).
* @param bool $return Flag to return or echo the report (echo by default).
* @return string
function reporting_alert_reporting ($id_group, $period = 0, $date = 0, $return = false) {
global $config;
$output = '';
$alerts = get_group_alerts ($id_group);
$alerts_fired = get_alerts_fired ($alerts, $period, $date);
$fired_percentage = 0;
if (sizeof ($alerts) > 0)
$fired_percentage = round (sizeof ($alerts_fired) / sizeof ($alerts) * 100, 2);
$not_fired_percentage = 100 - $fired_percentage;
$data = array ();
$data[__('Alerts fired')] = $fired_percentage;
$data[__('Alerts not fired')] = $not_fired_percentage;
$output .= pie3d_graph(false, $data, 280, 150,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . '/',
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
$output .= '<strong>'.__('Alerts fired').': '.sizeof ($alerts_fired).'</strong><br />';
$output .= '<strong>'.__('Total alerts monitored').': '.sizeof ($alerts).'</strong><br />';
if (! sizeof ($alerts_fired)) {
if (!$return)
echo $output;
return $output;
$table = reporting_get_fired_alerts_table ($alerts_fired);
$table->width = '100%';
$table->class = 'databox';
$table->size = array ();
$table->size[0] = '100px';
$table->style = array ();
$table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold';
$output .= html_print_table ($table, true);
if (!$return)
echo $output;
return $output;
* Get a report for monitors modules in a group of agents.
* It prints the numbers of monitors defined, showing those which went up and down, in a group.
* It also prints all the down monitors in the group.
* @param int $id_group Group to get info of the monitors.
* @param int $period Period of time of the desired monitor report.
* @param int $date Beginning date of the report in UNIX time (current date by default).
* @param bool $return Flag to return or echo the report (by default).
* @return string
function reporting_monitor_health ($id_group, $period = 0, $date = 0, $return = false) {
if (empty ($date)) //If date is 0, false or empty
$date = get_system_time ();
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$output = '';
$monitors = modules_get_monitors_in_group ($id_group);
if (empty ($monitors)) //If monitors has returned false or an empty array
$monitors_down = modules_get_monitors_down ($monitors, $period, $date);
$down_percentage = round (count ($monitors_down) / count ($monitors) * 100, 2);
$not_down_percentage = 100 - $down_percentage;
$output .= '<strong>'.__('Total monitors').': '.count ($monitors).'</strong><br />';
$output .= '<strong>'.__('Monitors down on period').': '.count ($monitors_down).'</strong><br />';
$table = reporting_get_monitors_down_table ($monitors_down);
$table->width = '100%';
$table->class = 'databox';
$table->size = array ();
$table->size[0] = '100px';
$table->style = array ();
$table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold';
$table->size = array ();
$table->size[0] = '100px';
$output .= html_print_table ($table, true);
$data = array();
$data[__('Monitors OK')] = $down_percentage;
$data[__('Monitors BAD')] = $not_down_percentage;
$output .= pie3d_graph(false, $data, 280, 150,
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . '/',
ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
if (!$return)
echo $output;
return $output;
* Get a report table with all the monitors down.

View File

@ -180,12 +180,13 @@ function vbar_graph(
return '<img src="' . $no_data_image . '" />';
if ($flash_chart) {
//if ($flash_chart) {
return flot_vcolumn_chart ($chart_data, $width, $height, $color,
$legend, $long_index, $homeurl, $unit, $water_mark_url,
$homedir,$font,$font_size, $from_ux, $from_wux, $backgroundColor,
else {
$new_chart_data = array();
foreach ($chart_data as $key => $value) {
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ function vbar_graph(
$id_graph = serialize_in_temp($graph, null, $ttl);
return "<img src='" . $homeurl . "include/graphs/functions_pchart.php?static_graph=1&graph_type=vbar&ttl=".$ttl."&id_graph=".$id_graph."'>";
function area_graph(
@ -307,9 +308,9 @@ function hbar_graph($flash_chart, $chart_data, $width, $height,
return '<img src="' . $no_data_image . '" />';
if ($flash_chart) {
return flot_hcolumn_chart(
$chart_data, $width, $height, $water_mark_url, $font, $font_size, $backgroundColor, $tick_color, $val_min, $val_max);
//if ($flash_chart) {
return flot_hcolumn_chart($chart_data, $width, $height, $water_mark_url, $font, $font_size, $backgroundColor, $tick_color, $val_min, $val_max);
else {
foreach ($chart_data as $key => $value) {
@ -344,31 +345,12 @@ function hbar_graph($flash_chart, $chart_data, $width, $height,
return "<img src='" . $homeurl . "include/graphs/functions_pchart.php?static_graph=1&graph_type=hbar&ttl=".$ttl."&id_graph=".$id_graph."'>";
function pie3d_graph($flash_chart, $chart_data, $width, $height,
$others_str = "other", $homedir = "", $water_mark = "", $font = '',
$font_size = '', $ttl = 1, $legend_position = false, $colors = '',
$hide_labels = false) {
return pie_graph('3d', $flash_chart, $chart_data, $width, $height,
$others_str, $homedir, $water_mark, $font, $font_size, $ttl,
$legend_position, $colors, $hide_labels);
function pie2d_graph($flash_chart, $chart_data, $width, $height,
$others_str = "other", $homedir="", $water_mark = "", $font = '',
$font_size = '', $ttl = 1, $legend_position = false, $colors = '',
$hide_labels = false) {
return pie_graph('2d', $flash_chart, $chart_data, $width, $height,
$others_str, $homedir, $water_mark, $font, $font_size, $ttl,
$legend_position, $colors, $hide_labels);
function pie_graph($graph_type, $flash_chart, $chart_data, $width,
function pie_graph($chart_data, $width,
$height, $others_str = "other", $homedir="", $water_mark = "",
$font = '', $font_size = '', $ttl = 1, $legend_position = false,
$font = '', $font_size = 8, $ttl = 1, $legend_position = false,
$colors = '', $hide_labels = false) {
if (empty($chart_data)) {
@ -405,34 +387,35 @@ function pie_graph($graph_type, $flash_chart, $chart_data, $width,
$chart_data = $chart_data_trunc;
if ($flash_chart) {
return flot_pie_chart(array_values($chart_data),
array_keys($chart_data), $width, $height, $water_mark_url,
$font, $font_size, $legend_position, $colors, $hide_labels);
else {
$graph = array();
$graph['data'] = $chart_data;
$graph['width'] = $width;
$graph['height'] = $height;
$graph['water_mark'] = $water_mark_file;
$graph['font'] = $font;
$graph['font_size'] = $font_size;
$graph['legend_position'] = $legend_position;
$graph['color'] = $colors;
$params = array(
'values' => array_values($chart_data),
'keys' => array_keys($chart_data),
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'water_mark_url' => $water_mark_url,
'font' => $font,
'font_size' => $font_size,
'legend_position' => $legend_position,
'colors' => $colors,
'hide_labels' => $hide_labels
$id_graph = serialize_in_temp($graph, null, $ttl);
switch ($graph_type) {
case "2d":
return "<img src='" . $homedir . "include/graphs/functions_pchart.php?static_graph=1&graph_type=pie2d&ttl=".$ttl."&id_graph=".$id_graph."'>";
case "3d":
return "<img src='" . $homedir . "include/graphs/functions_pchart.php?static_graph=1&graph_type=pie3d&ttl=".$ttl."&id_graph=".$id_graph."'>";
if($ttl == 2){
return generator_chart_to_pdf('pie_chart', $params);
return flot_pie_chart(
function ring_graph($flash_chart, $chart_data, $width,

View File

@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
function pandoraFlotPie(graph_id, values, labels, nseries, width, font_size, water_mark, separator, legend_position, height, colors, hide_labels) {
var labels = labels.split(separator);
var data = values.split(separator);
if (colors != '') {
colors = colors.split(separator);
var pieRadius = 0.9;
var color = null;
@ -17,62 +14,43 @@ function pandoraFlotPie(graph_id, values, labels, nseries, width, font_size, wat
if (colors != '') {
color = colors[i];
data[i] = { label: labels[i], data: parseFloat(data[i]), color: color}
var label_conf;
if (width < 400 || hide_labels) {
label_conf = {
show: false
else {
label_conf = {
show: true,
radius: pieRadius,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:' + font_size + 'pt;' +
'text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' +
label + '<br/>' + series.percent.toFixed(2) + '%</div>';
background: {
opacity: 0.5,
color: ''
var show_legend = true;
if (legend_position == 'hidden') {
show_legend = false;
var conf_pie = {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: pieRadius,
//offset: {top: -100},
label: label_conf,
legend: {
show: show_legend
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: pieRadius
if (width < 400) {
conf_pie.legend.labelFormatter = function(label, series) {
return label + " (" + series.percent.toFixed(2) + "%)";
legend: {
show: show_legend
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
if(hide_labels != false && hide_labels != 0){
conf_pie.series.pie.label = {
show: true,
radius: 2/3,
formatter: labelFormatter,
threshold: 0.1
conf_pie.series.pie.label = {
switch (legend_position) {
case 'bottom':
@ -89,7 +67,7 @@ function pandoraFlotPie(graph_id, values, labels, nseries, width, font_size, wat
var plot = $.plot($('#'+graph_id), data, conf_pie);
var legends = $('#'+graph_id+' .legendLabel');
legends.css('font-size', font_size+'pt');
legends.css('font-size', font_size+'pt');
// Events
$('#' + graph_id).bind('plothover', pieHover);
@ -106,14 +84,18 @@ function pandoraFlotPie(graph_id, values, labels, nseries, width, font_size, wat
legends.eq(index).css('color', '');
function labelFormatter(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:' + font_size + 'pt;' + 'text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' +
label + '<br/>' + series.percent.toFixed(2) + '%</div>';
// Reset styles
function resetInteractivity() {
legends.css('color', '#3F3F3D');
if (water_mark) {
set_watermark(graph_id, plot,
$('#watermark_image_' + graph_id).attr('src'));
set_watermark(graph_id, plot,$('#watermark_image_' + graph_id).attr('src'));

View File

@ -371,16 +371,16 @@ function menu_graph(
function flot_pie_chart ($values, $labels, $width, $height, $water_mark,
$font = '', $font_size = 8, $legend_position = '', $colors = '',
$hide_labels = false) {
// include_javascript_dependencies_flot_graph();
$series = sizeof($values);
if (($series != sizeof ($labels)) || ($series == 0) ) {
$graph_id = uniqid('graph_');
switch ($legend_position) {
case 'bottom':
$height = $height + (count($values) * 24);
@ -390,9 +390,9 @@ function flot_pie_chart ($values, $labels, $width, $height, $water_mark,
$return = "<div id='$graph_id' class='graph' style='width: ".$width."px; height: ".$height."px;'></div>";
if ($water_mark != '') {
$return .= "<div id='watermark_$graph_id' style='display:none; position:absolute;'><img id='watermark_image_$graph_id' src='$water_mark'></div>";
$water_mark = 'true';
@ -400,23 +400,23 @@ function flot_pie_chart ($values, $labels, $width, $height, $water_mark,
else {
$water_mark = 'false';
$separator = ';;::;;';
$labels = implode($separator, $labels);
$values = implode($separator, $values);
if (!empty($colors)) {
$colors = implode($separator, $colors);
$return .= "<script type='text/javascript'>";
$return .= "pandoraFlotPie('$graph_id', '$values', '$labels',
'$series', '$width', $font_size, $water_mark, '$separator',
'$legend_position', '$height', '$colors', " . json_encode($hide_labels) . ")";
$return .= "</script>";
return $return;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
// Load global vars
global $config;
enterprise_include ("operation/snmpconsole/snmp_view.php");
include_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_graph.php');
require_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_agents.php");
@ -169,7 +168,7 @@ unset($table_source_data);
if (empty($table_source_graph_data))
$table_source_graph = graph_nodata_image();
$table_source_graph = pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $table_source_graph_data, 400, 550, __("Other"),
$table_source_graph = pie_graph($table_source_graph_data, 400, 550, __("Other"),
'', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1);
$table_source_row['graph'] = $table_source_graph;
@ -216,7 +215,7 @@ unset($table_oid_data);
if (empty($table_oid_graph_data))
$table_oid_graph = graph_nodata_image();
$table_oid_graph = pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $table_oid_graph_data, 400, 550, __("Other"),
$table_oid_graph = pie_graph($table_oid_graph_data, 400, 550, __("Other"),
'', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1);
$table_oid_row['graph'] = $table_oid_graph;