Some fixes in the skins.

This commit is contained in:
mdtrooper 2016-03-30 13:05:08 +02:00
parent 0b725ba2fc
commit 1facd4d69f
1 changed files with 65 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function ui_print_truncate_text($text, $numChars = GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, $showTextI
else {
echo $text;
$text = io_safe_output($text);
if (mb_strlen($text, "UTF-8") > ($numChars)) {
@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ function ui_print_truncate_text($text, $numChars = GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, $showTextI
else {
if ($style !== false) {
if ($style !== false) {
$truncateText = '<span style="' . $style . '">' . $text . '</span>';
else {
else {
$truncateText = $text;
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ function printSmallFont ($string, $return = true) {
* Prints a generic message between tags.
* @param mixed The string message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close', 'force_style') to be displayed
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ function ui_print_message ($message, $class = '', $attributes = '', $return = fa
<td class="title" style="text-transform: uppercase; padding-top: 10px;"><b>' . $text_title . '</b></td>
<td class="icon" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 3px;">';
if (!$no_close_bool) {
//Use the no_meta parameter because this image is only in the base console
//Use the no_meta parameter because this image is only in the base console
$output .= '<a href="javascript: close_info_box(\'' . $id . '\')">' .
html_print_image('images/blade.png', true, false, false, false, true) . '</a>';
@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ function ui_print_message ($message, $class = '', $attributes = '', $return = fa
return $output;
echo $output;
return '';
* Prints an error message.
* @param mixed The string error message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ function ui_print_error_message ($message, $attributes = '', $return = false, $t
return ui_print_message ($message, 'error', $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Prints an operation success message.
* @param mixed The string message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ function ui_print_success_message ($message, $attributes = '', $return = false,
return ui_print_message ($message, 'suc', $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Prints an operation info message.
* @param mixed The string message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed
@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ function ui_print_empty_data($message, $attributes = '', $return = false, $tag =
return ui_print_message ($message, 'info', $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Evaluates a result using empty() and then prints an error or success message
* @param mixed The results to evaluate. 0, NULL, false, '' or
* @param mixed The results to evaluate. 0, NULL, false, '' or
* array() is bad, the rest is good
* @param mixed The string or array ('title', 'message') to be displayed if the result was good
* @param mixed The string or array ('title', 'message') to be displayed if the result was bad
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ function ui_print_result_message ($result, $good = '', $bad = '', $attributes =
* Prints an warning message.
* @param mixed The string warning message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ function ui_print_tags_warning ($return = false) {
* Print group icon within a link
* @param int Group id
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ function ui_print_group_icon ($id_group, $return = false, $path = "groups_small"
if (defined('METACONSOLE'))
$link = false;
if ($link)
if ($link)
$output = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&amp;sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&amp;refr=60&amp;group_id='.$id_group.'">';
if ($config['show_group_name']) {
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ function ui_print_group_icon ($id_group, $return = false, $path = "groups_small"
if ($link)
if ($link)
$output .= '</a>';
if (!$return)
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ function ui_print_group_icon ($id_group, $return = false, $path = "groups_small"
return $output;
* Print group icon within a link. Other version.
* @param int Group id
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ function ui_print_group_icon_path ($id_group, $return = false, $path = "images/g
$style = 'width: 16px; height: 16px;';
$output = '';
if ($link)
if ($link)
$output = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&amp;sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&amp;refr=60&amp;group_id='.$id_group.'">';
if (empty ($icon))
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ function ui_print_group_icon_path ($id_group, $return = false, $path = "images/g
$output .= '<img style="' . $style . '" class="bot" src="'.$path.'/'.$icon.'.png" alt="'.groups_get_name ($id_group, true).'" title="'.groups_get_name ($id_group, true).'" />';
if ($link)
if ($link)
$output .= '</a>';
if (!$return)
@ -604,12 +604,12 @@ function ui_print_group_icon_path ($id_group, $return = false, $path = "images/g
return $output;
* Get the icon of an operating system.
* @param int Operating system id
* @param bool Whether to also append the name of the OS after the icon
* @param bool Whether to return or echo the result
* @param bool Whether to return or echo the result
* @param bool Whether to apply skin or not
* @return string HTML with icon of the OS
@ -636,8 +636,7 @@ function ui_print_os_icon ($id_os, $name = true, $return = false,
return "-";
if ($apply_skin) {
else if ($apply_skin) {
if ($only_src) {
$output = html_print_image("images/" . $subfolter . "/" . $icon, true, $options, true, $relative);
@ -690,7 +689,7 @@ function ui_print_agent_name ($id_agent, $return = false, $cutoff = 'agent_mediu
if ($link) {
$url = $server_url . 'index.php?sec=estado&amp;'.
$url = $server_url . 'index.php?sec=estado&amp;'.
'sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&amp;' .
'id_agente=' . $id_agent.$extra_params;
@ -710,7 +709,7 @@ function ui_print_agent_name ($id_agent, $return = false, $cutoff = 'agent_mediu
echo $output;
* Formats a row from the alert table and returns an array usable in the table function
* @param array A valid (non empty) row from the alert table
@ -769,12 +768,12 @@ function ui_format_alert_row ($alert, $agent = true, $url = '', $agent_style = f
if ($alert['disabled']) {
$disabledHtmlStart = '<span style="font-style: italic; color: #aaaaaa;">';
$disabledHtmlStart = '<span style="font-style: italic; color: #aaaaaa;">';
$disabledHtmlEnd = '</span>';
$styleDisabled = "font-style: italic; color: #aaaaaa;";
else {
$disabledHtmlStart = '';
$disabledHtmlStart = '';
$disabledHtmlEnd = '';
$styleDisabled = "";
@ -802,7 +801,7 @@ function ui_format_alert_row ($alert, $agent = true, $url = '', $agent_style = f
else {
$img = 'images/policies.png';
$data[$index['policy']] = '<a href="?sec=gpolicies&amp;sec2=enterprise/godmode/policies/policies&amp;id=' . $policyInfo['id'] . '">' .
$data[$index['policy']] = '<a href="?sec=gpolicies&amp;sec2=enterprise/godmode/policies/policies&amp;id=' . $policyInfo['id'] . '">' .
html_print_image($img,true, array('title' => $policyInfo['name'])) .
@ -813,7 +812,7 @@ function ui_format_alert_row ($alert, $agent = true, $url = '', $agent_style = f
$data[$index['standby']] = '';
if (isset ($alert["standby"]) && $alert["standby"] == 1) {
$data[$index['standby']] = html_print_image ('images/bell_pause.png', true, array('title' => __('Standby on')));
if (!defined('METACONSOLE')) {
// Force alert execution
@ -821,7 +820,7 @@ function ui_format_alert_row ($alert, $agent = true, $url = '', $agent_style = f
if ($alert["force_execution"] == 0) {
$data[$index['force_execution']] =
'<a href="'.$url.'&amp;id_alert='.$alert["id"].'&amp;force_execution=1&refr=60">' . html_print_image("images/target.png", true, array("border" => '0', "title" => __('Force'))) . '</a>';
else {
$data[$index['force_execution']] =
'<a href="'.$url.'&amp;id_alert='.$alert["id"].'&amp;refr=60">' . html_print_image("images/refresh.png", true) . '</a>';
@ -832,7 +831,7 @@ function ui_format_alert_row ($alert, $agent = true, $url = '', $agent_style = f
if ($agent == 0) {
$data[$index['module_name']] .=
ui_print_truncate_text(isset($alert['agent_module_name']) ? $alert['agent_module_name'] : modules_get_agentmodule_name ($alert["id_agent_module"]), 'module_small', false, true, true, '[&hellip;]', 'font-size: 7.2pt');
else {
if (defined('METACONSOLE')) {
$agent_name = $alert['agent_name'];
@ -851,7 +850,7 @@ function ui_format_alert_row ($alert, $agent = true, $url = '', $agent_style = f
$data[$index['agent_name']] .= ui_print_agent_name ($id_agent, true, 'agent_medium', $styleDisabled . " $agent_style", false, $console_url, $url_hash, $agent_name);
else {
$data[$index['agent_name']] .= ui_print_agent_name ($id_agent, true, 'agent_medium', $styleDisabled, false, $console_url, $url_hash);
$data[$index['agent_name']] .= ui_print_agent_name ($id_agent, true, 'agent_medium', $styleDisabled, false, $console_url, $url_hash);
@ -932,7 +931,7 @@ function ui_format_alert_row ($alert, $agent = true, $url = '', $agent_style = f
* Prints a substracted string, length specified by cutoff, the full string will be in a rollover.
* Prints a substracted string, length specified by cutoff, the full string will be in a rollover.
* @param string The string to be cut
* @param int At how much characters to cut
@ -1050,7 +1049,7 @@ function ui_print_alert_template_example ($id_alert_template, $return = false, $
* @param string Id of the help article
* @param bool Whether to return or output the result
* @param string Home url if its necessary
* @param string Home url if its necessary
* @param string Image path
* @return string The help tip
@ -1063,7 +1062,7 @@ function ui_print_help_icon ($help_id, $return = false, $home_url = '', $image =
$home_url = "../../" . $home_url;
$output = html_print_image ($image, true,
$output = html_print_image ($image, true,
array ("class" => "img_help",
"title" => __('Help'),
"onclick" => "open_help ('" . $help_id . "','" . $home_url . "')"));
@ -1257,7 +1256,7 @@ function ui_require_jquery_file ($name, $path = 'include/javascript/', $echo_tag
* @param string Callback will fill this with the current buffer.
* @param bitfield Callback will fill this with a bitfield (see ob_start)
* @return string String to return to the browser
* @return string String to return to the browser
function ui_process_page_head ($string, $bitfield) {
global $config;
@ -1286,7 +1285,7 @@ function ui_process_page_head ($string, $bitfield) {
$_GET['sec2'] == 'enterprise/dashboard/main_dashboard') {
$query = ui_get_url_refresh (false, false);
$output .= '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' .
$output .= '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' .
$config_refr . '; URL=' . $query . '" />';
@ -1357,7 +1356,7 @@ function ui_process_page_head ($string, $bitfield) {
$exists_css = false;
if ($login_ok and $isFunctionSkins !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
//Checks if user's skin is available
//Checks if user's skin is available
$exists_skin = enterprise_hook('skins_is_path_set');
if ($exists_skin) {
$skin_path = enterprise_hook('skins_get_skin_path');
@ -1369,15 +1368,15 @@ function ui_process_page_head ($string, $bitfield) {
if ($exists_css) {
foreach ($skin_styles as $filename => $name) {
$style = substr ($filename, 0, strlen ($filename) - 4);
$config['css'][$style] = $skin_path . 'include/styles/' . $filename;
$config['css'][$style] = $skin_path . 'include/styles/' . $filename;
//Otherwise assign default and user's css
else {
//User style should go last so it can rewrite common styles
$config['css'] = array_merge (array (
"common" => "include/styles/common.css",
"menu" => "include/styles/menu.css",
"common" => "include/styles/common.css",
"menu" => "include/styles/menu.css",
$config['style'] => "include/styles/" . $config['style'] . ".css"),
@ -1552,7 +1551,7 @@ function ui_process_page_body ($string, $bitfield) {
return $output;
* Prints a pagination menu to browse into a collection of data.
* @param int $count Number of elements in the collection.
@ -1562,7 +1561,7 @@ function ui_process_page_body ($string, $bitfield) {
* taken from $_REQUEST['offset']
* @param int $pagination Current pagination size. If a user requests a larger
* pagination than config["block_size"]
* @param bool $return Whether to return or print this
* @param bool $return Whether to return or print this
* @param string $offset_name The name of parameter for the offset.
* @param bool $print_total_items Show the text with the total items. By default true.
@ -1596,8 +1595,8 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0,
URL passed render links with some parameter
&offset - Offset records passed to next page
&counter - Number of items to be blocked
Pagination needs $url to build the base URL to render links, its a base url, like
&counter - Number of items to be blocked
Pagination needs $url to build the base URL to render links, its a base url, like
" http://pandora/index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/admin_access_logs "
$block_limit = PAGINATION_BLOCKS_LIMIT; // Visualize only $block_limit blocks
@ -1793,7 +1792,7 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0,
return $output;
* Prints only a tip button which shows a text when the user puts the mouse over it.
* @param string Complete text to show in the tip
@ -1804,8 +1803,8 @@ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0,
function ui_print_session_action_icon ($action, $return = false) {
$key_icon = array(
'acl' => 'images/delete.png',
'agent' => 'images/agent.png',
'acl' => 'images/delete.png',
'agent' => 'images/agent.png',
'module' => 'images/module.png',
'alert' => 'images/bell.png',
'incident' => 'images/default_list.png',
@ -1831,7 +1830,7 @@ function ui_print_session_action_icon ($action, $return = false) {
$output = '';
foreach($key_icon as $key => $icon) {
if (stristr($action, $key) !== false) {
$output = html_print_image($icon, true, array('title' => $action)) . ' ';
$output = html_print_image($icon, true, array('title' => $action)) . ' ';
@ -1841,7 +1840,7 @@ function ui_print_session_action_icon ($action, $return = false) {
echo $output;
* Prints only a tip button which shows a text when the user puts the mouse over it.
* @param string Complete text to show in the tip
@ -1889,7 +1888,7 @@ function ui_debug ($var, $backtrace = true) {
foreach ($traces as $trace) {
/* Many classes are used to allow better customization.
/* Many classes are used to allow better customization.
Please, do not remove them */
echo '<li>';
if (isset ($trace['class']))
@ -1947,7 +1946,7 @@ function ui_print_moduletype_icon ($id_moduletype, $return = false, $relative =
$type = db_get_row ("ttipo_modulo", "id_tipo", (int) $id_moduletype, array ("descripcion", "icon"));
if ($type === false) {
$type = array ();
$type["descripcion"] = __('Unknown type');
$type["descripcion"] = __('Unknown type');
$type["icon"] = 'b_down.png';
$imagepath = 'images/'.$type["icon"];
@ -1987,7 +1986,7 @@ function ui_print_module_warn_value ($max_warning, $min_warning, $str_warning, $
else {
$data .= __("N/A");
$data .= " - ";
@ -2032,7 +2031,7 @@ function ui_get_status_images_path () {
$imageset = $config["status_images_set"];
if (strpos ($imageset, ",") === false)
if (strpos ($imageset, ",") === false)
$imageset .= ",40x18";
list ($imageset, $sizes) = preg_split ("/\,/", $imageset);
@ -2049,7 +2048,7 @@ function ui_get_status_images_path () {
* Prints an image representing a status.
* @param string
* @param string
* @param string
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param array options to set image attributes: I.E.: style
* @param Path of the image, if not provided use the status path
@ -2158,7 +2157,7 @@ function ui_toggle($code, $name, $title = '', $hidden_default = true, $return =
function ui_get_url_refresh ($params = false, $relative = true, $add_post = true) {
// Agent selection filters and refresh
global $config;
// slerena, 8/Ene/2015 - Need to put index.php on URL which have it.
if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'index.php') === false)
$url = '';
@ -2381,7 +2380,7 @@ function ui_get_full_url ($url = '', $no_proxy = false, $add_name_php_file = fal
* @param boolean Return (false will print using a echo)
* @param boolean help (Help ID to print the Help link)
* @param boolean Godmode (false = operation mode).
* @param string Options (HTML code for make tabs or just a brief info string
* @param string Options (HTML code for make tabs or just a brief info string
* @return string Header HTML
@ -2399,7 +2398,7 @@ function ui_print_page_header ($title, $icon = "", $return = false, $help = "",
$type = "view";
$type2 = "menu_tab_frame_view";
$separator_class = "separator";
else {
$type = "view";
$type2 = "menu_tab_frame_view";
@ -2411,7 +2410,7 @@ function ui_print_page_header ($title, $icon = "", $return = false, $help = "",
$buffer .= '<ul class="mn"><li class="' . $type . '">&nbsp;' . '&nbsp; ';
$buffer .= '<span style="">' .
$buffer .= '<span style="">' .
ui_print_truncate_text($title, 38);
if ($help != "")
$buffer .= "<div class='head_help' style='float: right; margin-top: -2px !important; margin-left: 2px !important;'>" .
@ -2627,7 +2626,7 @@ function ui_print_page_header ($title, $icon = "", $return = false, $help = "",
* - $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call'] The
* call of this function to call after user select a agent into the
* list in the autocomplete field. Instead the
* list in the autocomplete field. Instead the
* $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select'], this is
* overwrite the previous element. And this is necesary when you need
* to set some params in your custom function.
@ -3214,7 +3213,7 @@ function ui_print_agent_autocomplete_input($parameters) {
server_id = ui.item.id_server;
//Put the name
@ -3535,7 +3534,7 @@ function ui_get_error ($error_code) {
case 'error_dbconfig':
$title = __('Problem with Pandora FMS database');
$message = __('Cannot connect to the database, please check your database setup in the <b>include/config.php</b> file.<i><br/><br/>
Probably your database, hostname, user or password values are incorrect or
Probably your database, hostname, user or password values are incorrect or
the database server is not running.').'<br /><br />';
$message .= '<span class="red">';
$message .= '<b>' . __('DB ERROR') . ':</b><br>';
@ -3577,9 +3576,9 @@ function ui_get_error ($error_code) {
case 'error_perms':
$title = __('Bad permission for include/config.php');
$message = __('For security reasons, <i>config.php</i> must have restrictive permissions, and "other" users
should not read it or write to it. It should be written only for owner
(usually www-data or http daemon user), normal operation is not possible until you change
$message = __('For security reasons, <i>config.php</i> must have restrictive permissions, and "other" users
should not read it or write to it. It should be written only for owner
(usually www-data or http daemon user), normal operation is not possible until you change
permissions for <i>include/config.php</i> file. Please do it, it is for your security.');
@ -3700,4 +3699,4 @@ function ui_print_module_string_value($value, $id_agente_module,
return $salida;