Add support for Discovery Apps.
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
@ -102,6 +103,8 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
@ -257,15 +260,28 @@ sub get_console_api_url ($$) {
## Return action ID given the action name.
## Return the ID of an alert action given its name.
sub get_action_id ($$) {
my ($dbh, $action_name) = @_;
my $rc = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id FROM talert_actions WHERE name = ?", $action_name);
my $rc = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id FROM talert_actions
WHERE name = ?", safe_input($action_name));
return defined ($rc) ? $rc : -1;
## Return the name of an alert action given its ID.
sub get_action_name ($$) {
my ($dbh, $action_id) = @_;
my $rc = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT name FROM talert_actions
WHERE id = ?", safe_input($action_id));
return defined ($rc) ? $rc : -1;
## Return command ID given the command name.
@ -304,6 +320,29 @@ sub get_agent_ids_from_alias ($$) {
return @rc;
## Return the ID of an alert template given its name.
sub get_template_id ($$) {
my ($dbh, $template_name) = @_;
my $rc = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id FROM talert_templates
WHERE name = ?", safe_input($template_name));
return defined ($rc) ? $rc : -1;
## Return the name of an alert template given its ID.
sub get_template_name ($$) {
my ($dbh, $template_id) = @_;
my $rc = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT name FROM talert_templates
WHERE id = ?", safe_input($template_id));
return defined ($rc) ? $rc : -1;
## Return server ID given the name of server.
@ -698,24 +737,6 @@ sub get_agent_module_id ($$$) {
return defined ($rc) ? $rc : -1;
## Return template id given the template name.
sub get_template_id ($$) {
my ($dbh, $template_name) = @_;
my $field;
if ($RDBMS eq 'oracle') {
$field = "to_char(name)";
else {
$field = "name";
my $rc = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id FROM talert_templates WHERE $field = ?", safe_input($template_name));
return defined ($rc) ? $rc : -1;
## Return the module template id given the module id and the template id.
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ use constant {
@ -147,13 +148,13 @@ sub data_producer ($) {
WHERE id_recon_server = ?
AND disabled = 0
AND ((utimestamp = 0 AND interval_sweep != 0 OR status = 1)
OR (status = -1 AND interval_sweep > 0 AND (utimestamp + interval_sweep) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))', $server_id);
OR (status < 0 AND interval_sweep > 0 AND (utimestamp + interval_sweep) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))', $server_id);
} else {
@rows = get_db_rows ($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM trecon_task
WHERE (id_recon_server = ? OR id_recon_server NOT IN (SELECT id_server FROM tserver WHERE status = 1 AND server_type = ?))
AND disabled = 0
AND ((utimestamp = 0 AND interval_sweep != 0 OR status = 1)
OR (status = -1 AND interval_sweep > 0 AND (utimestamp + interval_sweep) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))', $server_id, DISCOVERYSERVER);
OR (status < 0 AND interval_sweep > 0 AND (utimestamp + interval_sweep) < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))', $server_id, DISCOVERYSERVER);
foreach my $row (@rows) {
@ -185,7 +186,17 @@ sub data_consumer ($$) {
if (defined ($task->{'id_recon_script'}) && ($task->{'id_recon_script'} != 0)) {
exec_recon_script ($pa_config, $dbh, $task);
} else {
# Is it a discovery app?
elsif ($task->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP) {
if ($task->{'setup_complete'} == 1) {
exec_recon_app ($pa_config, $dbh, $task);
} else {
logger($pa_config, 'Setup for recon app task ' . $task->{'id_app'} . ' not complete.', 10);
else {
logger($pa_config, 'Starting recon task for net ' . $task->{'subnet'} . '.', 10);
@ -407,7 +418,375 @@ sub exec_recon_script ($$$) {
# Guess the OS using nmap.
# Executes recon apps.
sub exec_recon_app ($$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $task) = @_;
# Get execution, macro and script data.
my @executions = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tdiscovery_apps_executions WHERE id_app = ?', $task->{'id_app'});
my @scripts = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tdiscovery_apps_scripts WHERE id_app = ?', $task->{'id_app'});
logger($pa_config, 'Executing recon app ID ' . $task->{'id_app'}, 10);
update_recon_task ($dbh, $task->{'id_rt'}, 0);
# Configure macros.
my %macros = (
"__taskMD5__" => md5($task->{'id_rt'}),
"__taskInterval__" => $task->{'interval_sweep'},
"__taskGroup__" => get_group_name($dbh, $task->{'id_group'}),
"__taskGroupID__" => $task->{'id_group'},
"__temp__" => $pa_config->{'temporal'},
"__incomingDir__" => $pa_config->{'incomingdir'},
"__consoleAPIURL__" => $pa_config->{'console_api_url'},
"__consoleAPIPass__" => $pa_config->{'console_api_pass'},
"__consoleUser__" => $pa_config->{'console_user'},
"__consolePass__" => $pa_config->{'console_pass'},
get_recon_app_macros($pa_config, $dbh, $task),
get_recon_script_macros($pa_config, $dbh, $task)
# Dump macros to disk.
dump_recon_app_macros($pa_config, $dbh, $task, \%macros);
# Run executions.
my $status = -1;
my @summary;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@executions); $i++) {
my $execution = $executions[$i];
# NOTE: Add the redirection before calling subst_alert_macros to prevent it from escaping quotes.
my $cmd = $pa_config->{'plugin_exec'} . ' ' . $task->{'executions_timeout'} . ' ' .
subst_alert_macros(safe_output($execution->{'execution'}) . ' 2>&1', \%macros);
logger($pa_config, 'Executing command for recon app ID ' . $task->{'id_app'} . ': ' . $cmd, 10);
my $output_json = `$cmd`;
# Something went wrong.
my $rc = $? >> 8;
if ($rc != 0) {
$status = -2;
# Timeout specific mesage.
if ($rc == 124) {
push(@summary, "The execution timed out.");
# No output message.
if (!defined($output_json)) {
push(@summary, "The execution returned no output.");
# Parse the output.
my $output = eval {
local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
# Non-JSON output.
if (!defined($output)) {
push(@summary, $output_json);
# Process monitoring data.
if (defined($output->{'monitoring_data'})) {
my $recon = new PandoraFMS::Recon::Base(
dbh => $dbh,
group_id => $task->{'id_group'},
id_os => $task->{'id_os'},
pa_config => $pa_config,
snmp_enabled => 0,
task_id => $task->{'id_rt'},
task_data => $task,
# Store output data.
push(@summary, $output);
# Update the progress.
update_recon_task($dbh, $task->{'id_rt'}, int((100 * ($i + 1)) / scalar(@executions)));
# Parse the output.
my $summary_json = eval {
local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
if (!defined($summary_json)) {
logger($pa_config, 'Invalid summary for recon app ID ' . $task->{'id_app'}, 10);
} else {
db_do($dbh, "UPDATE trecon_task SET summary=? WHERE id_rt=?", $summary_json, $task->{'id_rt'});
update_recon_task($dbh, $task->{'id_rt'}, $status);
# Processe app macros and return them ready to be used by subst_alert_macros.
sub get_recon_app_macros ($$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $task) = @_;
my %macros;
# Get a list of macros for the given task.
my @macro_array = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros WHERE id_task = ?', $task->{'id_rt'});
foreach my $macro_item (@macro_array) {
my $macro_id = safe_output($macro_item->{'id_task'});
my $macro_name = safe_output($macro_item->{'macro'});
my $macro_type = $macro_item->{'type'};
my $macro_value = safe_output($macro_item->{'value'});
my $computed_value = '';
# The value can be a JSON array of values.
my $value_array = eval {
local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
if (defined($value_array) && ref($value_array) eq 'ARRAY') {
# Multi value macro.
my @tmp;
foreach my $value_item (@{$value_array}) {
push(@tmp, get_recon_macro_value($pa_config, $dbh, $macro_type, $value_item));
$computed_value = p_encode_json($pa_config, \@tmp);
if (!defined($computed_value)) {
logger($pa_config, "Error encoding macro $macro_name for task ID " . $task->{'id_rt'}, 10);
} else {
# Single value macro.
$computed_value = get_recon_macro_value($pa_config, $dbh, $macro_type, $macro_value);
# Store the computed value.
$macros{$macro_name} = $computed_value;
return %macros;
# Dump macros that must be saved to disk.
# The macros dictionary is modified in-place.
sub dump_recon_app_macros ($$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $task, $macros) = @_;
# Get a list of macros that must be dumped to disk.
my @macro_array = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tdiscovery_apps_tasks_macros WHERE id_task = ? AND temp_conf = 1', $task->{'id_rt'});
foreach my $macro_item (@macro_array) {
# Make sure the macro has already been parsed.
my $macro_name = safe_output($macro_item->{'macro'});
next unless defined($macros->{$macro_name});
my $macro_value = $macros->{$macro_name};
my $macro_id = safe_output($macro_item->{'id_task'});
# Save the computed value to a temporary file.
my $temp_dir = $pa_config->{'incomingdir'} . '/discovery/tmp';
mkdir($temp_dir) if (! -d $temp_dir);
my $fname = $temp_dir . '/' . md5($task->{'id_rt'} . '_' . $macro_name) . '.macro';
eval {
open(my $fh, '>', $fname) or die($!);
print $fh subst_alert_macros($macro_value, $macros);
if ($@) {
logger($pa_config, "Error writing macro $macro_name for task ID " . $task->{'id_rt'} . " to disk: $@", 10);
# Set the macro value to the temporary file name.
$macros->{$macro_name} = $fname;
# Processe recon script macros and return them ready to be used by
# subst_alert_macros.
sub get_recon_script_macros ($$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $task) = @_;
my %macros;
# Get a list of script macros.
my @macro_array = get_db_rows($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tdiscovery_apps_scripts WHERE id_app = ?', $task->{'id_app'});
foreach my $macro_item (@macro_array) {
my $macro_name = safe_output($macro_item->{'macro'});
my $macro_value = safe_output($macro_item->{'value'});
# Compose the full path to the script: <incoming dir>/discovery/<app short name>/<script>
my $app = get_db_single_row($dbh, 'SELECT short_name FROM tdiscovery_apps WHERE id_app = ?', $task->{'id_app'});
if (!defined($app)) {
logger($pa_config, "Discovery app with ID " . $task->{'id_app'} . " not found.", 10);
my $app_short_name = safe_output($app->{'short_name'});
$macros{$macro_name} = $pa_config->{'incomingdir'} . '/discovery/' . $app_short_name . '/' . $macro_value;
return %macros;
# Return the replacement value for the given macro.
sub get_recon_macro_value($$$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $type, $value) = @_;
my $ret = '';
# These macros return the macro value itself.
if ($type eq 'custom' ||
$type eq 'interval' ||
$type eq 'module_types' ||
$type eq 'status') {
$ret = $value;
# Name of the group if it exists. Empty otherwise.
elsif ($type eq 'agent_groups') {
my $group_name = get_group_name($dbh, $value);
if (defined($group_name)) {
$ret = $group_name;
# Name of the agent if it exists. Empty otherwise.
elsif ($type eq 'agents') {
my $agent_id = get_agent_id($dbh, $value);
if ($agent_id > 0) {
$ret = $value;
# Name of the module group if it exists. Empty otherwise.
elsif ($type eq 'module_groups') {
my $module_group_name = get_module_group_name($dbh, $value);
if (defined($module_group_name)) {
$ret = $module_group_name;
# Name of the module if it exists. Empty otherwise.
elsif ($type eq 'modules') {
my $module_id = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE nombre = ?", safe_input($value));
if ($module_id > 0) {
$ret = $value;
# Name of the tag if it exists. Empty otherwise.
elsif ($type eq 'tags') {
my $tag_name = get_tag_name($dbh, $value);
if (defined($tag_name)) {
$ret = $tag_name;
# Name of the alert template if it exists. Empty otherwise.
elsif ($type eq 'alert_templates') {
my $template_name = get_template_name($dbh, $value);
if (defined($template_name)) {
$ret = $template_name;
# Name of the alert action if it exists. Empty otherwise.
elsif ($type eq 'alert_actions') {
my $action_name = get_action_name($dbh, $value);
if (defined($action_name)) {
$ret = $action_name;
# Name of the OS if it exists. Empty otherwise.
elsif ($type eq 'os') {
my $os_name = get_os_name($dbh, $value);
if (defined($os_name)) {
$ret = $os_name;
# Credentials from the Pandora DB.
elsif ($type =~ m/^credentials\./) {
$ret = get_recon_credential_macro($pa_config, $dbh, $value);
return $ret;
# Return the value for a credential macro.
sub get_recon_credential_macro($$$) {
my ($pa_config, $dbh, $credential_id) = @_;
my $cred_dict = {};
my $cred_json = undef;
# Retrieve the credentials.
my $cred = get_db_single_row($dbh, 'SELECT * FROM tcredential_store WHERE identifier = ?', $credential_id);
return '' unless defined($cred);
# Generate the appropriate output for each product.
my $product = uc($cred->{'product'});
if ($product eq 'CUSTOM') {
$cred_dict = {
'user' => safe_output($cred->{'username'}),
'password' => safe_output($cred->{'password'})
elsif ($product eq 'AWS') {
$cred_dict = {
'access_key_id' => safe_output($cred->{'username'}),
'secret_access_key' => safe_output($cred->{'password'})
elsif ($product eq 'AZURE') {
$cred_dict = {
'client_id' => safe_output($cred->{'username'}),
'application_secret' => safe_output($cred->{'password'}),
'tenant_domain' => safe_output($cred->{'extra_1'}),
'subscription_id' => safe_output($cred->{'extra_2'})
elsif ($product eq 'GOOGLE') {
$cred_json = safe_output($cred->{'extra_1'});
elsif ($product eq 'SAP') {
$cred_dict = {
'user' => safe_output($cred->{'username'}),
'password' => safe_output($cred->{'password'})
elsif ($product eq 'SNMP') {
$cred_json = safe_output($cred->{'extra_1'});
elsif ($product eq 'WMI') {
$cred_dict = {
'user' => safe_output($cred->{'username'}),
'password' => safe_output($cred->{'password'}),
'namespace' => safe_output($cred->{'extra_1'})
# Encode to JSON if needed.
if (!defined($cred_json)) {
$cred_json = p_encode_json($pa_config, $cred_dict);
if (!defined($cred_json)) {
logger($pa_config, "Error encoding credential $credential_id to JSON.", 10);
return '';
# Return the base 64 encoding of the credential JSON.
return encode_base64($cred_json, '');
# Guess the OS using xprobe2 or nmap.
sub PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::guess_os($$;$) {
my ($self, $device, $string_flag) = @_;
Reference in New Issue