[GeoIP] Refactorized the ip geolocalization

This commit is contained in:
fermin831 2018-07-05 15:01:23 +02:00
parent f244dd79be
commit 20afc77c87
4 changed files with 41 additions and 975 deletions

View File

@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ sub pandora_load_config {
$pa_config->{"activate_gis"} = 0; # 3.1
$pa_config->{"location_error"} = 50; # 3.1
$pa_config->{"recon_reverse_geolocation_mode"} = 'disabled'; # 3.1
$pa_config->{"recon_reverse_geolocation_file"} = '/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat'; # 3.1
$pa_config->{"recon_reverse_geolocation_file"} = ''; # 3.1
$pa_config->{"recon_location_scatter_radius"} = 50; # 3.1
$pa_config->{"update_parent"} = 0; # 3.1
$pa_config->{"google_maps_description"} = 0;
@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ sub pandora_load_config {
} #FIXME: Find a better regexp to validate the path
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^recon_reverse_geolocation_file\s+(.*)/i) {
$pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'} = clean_blank($1);
if ( ! -r $pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'} ) {
print "[WARN] Invalid recon_reverse_geolocation_file.\n";
$pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'} = '';
elsif ($parametro =~ m/^recon_location_scatter_radius\s+(\d+)/i) {
$pa_config->{'recon_location_scatter_radius'} = clean_blank($1);

View File

@ -40,11 +40,7 @@ Exported Functions:
=item * C<distance_moved>
=item * C<get_reverse_geoip_sql>
=item * C<get_reverse_geoip_file>
=item * C<get_random_close_point>
=item * C<get_geoip_info>
@ -54,15 +50,13 @@ Exported Functions:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Geo::IP;
# Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5';
use PandoraFMS::DB;
use PandoraFMS::Tools;
# TODO:Test if is instaled
my $geoIPPurePerlavilable= (eval 'use PandoraFMS::GeoIP; 1') ? 1 : 0;
require Exporter;
@ -72,9 +66,7 @@ our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw(
# Some intenrnal constants
@ -137,84 +129,43 @@ sub distance_moved ($$$$$$$) {
=head2 C<< get_revesrse_geoip_sql (I<$pa_config>, I<$ip_addr>, I<$dbh>) >>
=head2 C<< get_geoip_info (I<$pa_config>, I<$address>, I<$dispersion>) >>
Gets the GIS information obtained from the B<SQL> Database:
Get GIS information from the MaxMind GeoIP database on file using Geo::IP module
B<Returns>: I<undef> if there is not information available or a B<hash> with:
* I<country_code>
* I<country_code3>
* I<country_name>
* I<region>
* I<city>
* I<postal_code>
B<Returns>: I<undef> if there is not information available or a B<hash ref> with:
* I<longitude>
* I<latitude>
* I<metro_code>
* I<area_code>
sub get_reverse_geoip_sql($$$) {
my ($pa_config,$ip_addr, $dbh) = @_;
my $id_range = get_db_value($dbh,
'SELECT ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_range' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . '
FROM tgis_reverse_geoip_ranges
WHERE INET_ATON(?) >= ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'first_IP_decimal' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . '
AND INET_ATON(?) <= ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'last_IP_decimal ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . '
LIMIT 1', $ip_addr, $ip_addr);
if (defined($id_range)) {
logger($pa_config,"Range id of '$ip_addr' is '$id_range'", 8);
my $region_info = get_db_single_row($dbh,
FROM tgis_reverse_geoip_info
WHERE ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . 'id_range ' . $RDBMS_QUOTE . ' = ?',
logger($pa_config, "region info of id_range '$id_range' is: country:".$region_info->{'country_name'}." region:".$region_info->{'region'}." city:".$region_info->{'city'}." longitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}." latitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}, 8);
return $region_info;
sub get_geoip_info {
my ($pa_config, $address) = @_;
# Return undef if feature is not activated
return undef unless ($pa_config->{'activate_gis'} && $pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'} ne '');
my $record = undef;
eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__};
my $gi = Geo::IP->open("/tmp/pandorafms/GeoLiteCity.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
die("Cannot load the geoip file \"" . $pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'} . "\".\n") unless defined($gi);
$record = $gi->record_by_addr($address);
if ($@) {
logger($pa_config, "Error giving coordinates to IP: $address. $@", 8);
return undef;
return undef unless defined($record);
=head2 C<< get_reverse_geoip_file (I<$pa_config>, I<$ip_addr>) >>
# Fuzzy position filter
my ($longitude, $latitude) = get_random_close_point (
$pa_config, $record->longitude, $record->latitude
Gets GIS information from the MaxMind GeooIP database on file using the
GPL perl API from MaxMindGeoIP
B<Returns>: I<undef> if there is not information available or a B<hash> with:
* I<country_code>
* I<country_code3>
* I<country_name>
* I<region>
* I<city>
* I<postal_code>
* I<longitude>
* I<latitude>
* I<metro_code>
* I<area_code>
sub get_reverse_geoip_file($$) {
my ($pa_config,$ip_addr) = @_;
if ($geoIPPurePerlavilable == 1) {
my $geoipdb = PandoraFMS::GeoIP->open( $pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'});
if (defined($geoipdb)) {
my $region_info = $geoipdb->get_city_record_as_hash($ip_addr);
logger($pa_config, "Region info found for IP '$ip_addr' is: country:".$region_info->{'country_name'}." region:".$region_info->{'region'}." city:".$region_info->{'city'}." longitude:".$region_info->{'longitude'}." latitude:".$region_info->{'latitude'}, 8);
return $region_info;
else {
logger($pa_config, "WARNING: Can't open reverse geolocation file ($pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'}) :$!",8);
return undef;
return {
"longitude" => $longitude,
"latitude" => $latitude
@ -228,7 +179,9 @@ Returns C<< (I<$longitude>, I<$laitiutde>) >>
sub get_random_close_point ($$$) {
my ($pa_config, $center_longitude, $center_latitude) = @_;
return ($center_longitude, $center_latitude) if ($pa_config->{'recon_location_scatter_radius'} == 0);
my $sign = int rand(2);
my $longitude = ($sign*(-1)+(1-$sign)) * rand($pa_config->{'recon_location_scatter_radius'}/$earth_radius_in_meters)*$to_degrees;
logger($pa_config,"Longitude random offset '$longitude' ", 8);
@ -250,7 +203,7 @@ __END__
L<PandoraFMS::DB>, L<PandoraFMS::Tools> (Optional L<Geo::IP::PurePerl> to use file reverse geolocation database that is faster than the SQL)
L<PandoraFMS::DB>, L<PandoraFMS::Tools>, L<Geo::IP>
=head1 LICENSE
@ -262,6 +215,6 @@ L<PandoraFMS::DB>, L<PandoraFMS::Tools>
Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L
Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L

View File

@ -1,891 +0,0 @@
package PandoraFMS::GeoIP;
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use File::Spec;
if ( $] >= 5.008 ) {
require Encode;
Encode->import(qw/ decode /);
else {
*decode = sub {
local $_ = $_[1];
use bytes;
s/([\x80-\xff])/my $c = ord($1);
my $p = $c >= 192 ? 1 : 0;
pack ( 'CC' => 0xc2 + $p , $c & ~0x40 ); /ge;
return $_;
use constant GEOIP_CHARSET_ISO_8859_1 => 0;
use constant GEOIP_CHARSET_UTF8 => 1;
use constant FULL_RECORD_LENGTH => 50;
use constant GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN => 16776960;
use constant RECORD_LENGTH => 3;
use constant GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0 => 16700000;
use constant GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1 => 16000000;
use constant STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE => 20;
use constant DATABASE_INFO_MAX_SIZE => 100;
use constant GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION => 1;
use constant GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0 => 7;
use constant GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1 => 3;
use constant GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0 => 6;
use constant GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 => 2;
use constant GEOIP_ORG_EDITION => 5;
use constant GEOIP_ISP_EDITION => 4;
use constant GEOIP_PROXY_EDITION => 8;
use constant GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION => 9;
use constant GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION => 10;
use constant GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION => 11;
use constant SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH => 3;
use constant STANDARD_RECORD_LENGTH => 3;
use constant ORG_RECORD_LENGTH => 4;
use constant MAX_RECORD_LENGTH => 4;
use constant MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH => 300;
use constant US_OFFSET => 1;
use constant CANADA_OFFSET => 677;
use constant WORLD_OFFSET => 1353;
use constant FIPS_RANGE => 360;
$VERSION = '1.24';
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
# cheat --- try to load Sys::Mmap
eval {
# wrap into eval again, as workaround for centos / mod_perl issue
# seems they use $@ without eval somewhere
eval "require Sys::Mmap"
? Sys::Mmap->import
: do {
no strict 'refs';
my $unused_stub = $_; # we must use a copy
*$unused_stub = sub { die 'Sys::Mmap required for mmap support' };
} # for
}; # do
}; # eval
} # begin
my @countries =
my @code3s = ( undef,"AP","EU","AND","ARE","AFG","ATG","AIA","ALB","ARM","ANT","AGO","AQ","ARG","ASM","AUT","AUS","ABW","AZE","BIH","BRB","BGD","BEL","BFA","BGR","BHR","BDI","BEN","BMU","BRN","BOL","BRA","BHS","BTN","BV","BWA","BLR","BLZ","CAN","CC","COD","CAF","COG","CHE","CIV","COK","CHL","CMR","CHN","COL","CRI","CUB","CPV","CX","CYP","CZE","DEU","DJI","DNK","DMA","DOM","DZA","ECU","EST","EGY","ESH","ERI","ESP","ETH","FIN","FJI","FLK","FSM","FRO","FRA","FX","GAB","GBR","GRD","GEO","GUF","GHA","GIB","GRL","GMB","GIN","GLP","GNQ","GRC","GS","GTM","GUM","GNB","GUY","HKG","HM","HND","HRV","HTI","HUN","IDN","IRL","ISR","IND","IO","IRQ","IRN","ISL","ITA","JAM","JOR","JPN","KEN","KGZ","KHM","KIR","COM","KNA","PRK","KOR","KWT","CYM","KAZ","LAO","LBN","LCA","LIE","LKA","LBR","LSO","LTU","LUX","LVA","LBY","MAR","MCO","MDA","MDG","MHL","MKD","MLI","MMR","MNG","MAC","MNP","MTQ","MRT","MSR","MLT","MUS","MDV","MWI","MEX","MYS","MOZ","NAM","NCL","NER","NFK","NGA","NIC","NLD","NOR","NPL","NRU","NIU","NZL","OMN","PAN","PER","PYF","PNG","PHL","PAK","POL","SPM","PCN","PRI","PSE","PRT","PLW","PRY","QAT","REU","ROU","RUS","RWA","SAU","SLB","SYC","SDN","SWE","SGP","SHN","SVN","SJM","SVK","SLE","SMR","SEN","SOM","SUR","STP","SLV","SYR","SWZ","TCA","TCD","TF","TGO","THA","TJK","TKL","TKM","TUN","TON","TLS","TUR","TTO","TUV","TWN","TZA","UKR","UGA","UM","USA","URY","UZB","VAT","VCT","VEN","VGB","VIR","VNM","VUT","WLF","WSM","YEM","YT","SRB","ZAF","ZMB","MNE","ZWE","A1","A2","O1","ALA","GGY","IMN","JEY","BLM","MAF");
my @names = (undef,"Asia/Pacific Region","Europe","Andorra","United Arab Emirates","Afghanistan","Antigua and Barbuda",
"Anguilla","Albania","Armenia","Netherlands Antilles","Angola","Antarctica","Argentina","American Samoa",
"Austria","Australia","Aruba","Azerbaijan","Bosnia and Herzegovina","Barbados","Bangladesh","Belgium","Burkina Faso",
"Bulgaria","Bahrain","Burundi","Benin","Bermuda","Brunei Darussalam","Bolivia","Brazil","Bahamas","Bhutan","Bouvet Island",
"Botswana","Belarus","Belize","Canada","Cocos (Keeling) Islands","Congo, The Democratic Republic of the","Central African Republic",
"Congo","Switzerland","Cote D'Ivoire","Cook Islands","Chile","Cameroon","China","Colombia","Costa Rica","Cuba","Cape Verde",
"Christmas Island","Cyprus","Czech Republic","Germany","Djibouti","Denmark","Dominica","Dominican Republic","Algeria","Ecuador",
"Estonia","Egypt","Western Sahara","Eritrea","Spain","Ethiopia","Finland","Fiji","Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"Micronesia, Federated States of","Faroe Islands","France","France, Metropolitan","Gabon","United Kingdom","Grenada","Georgia",
"French Guiana","Ghana","Gibraltar","Greenland","Gambia","Guinea","Guadeloupe","Equatorial Guinea","Greece",
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands","Guatemala","Guam","Guinea-Bissau","Guyana","Hong Kong",
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands","Honduras","Croatia","Haiti","Hungary","Indonesia","Ireland","Israel","India",
"British Indian Ocean Territory","Iraq","Iran, Islamic Republic of","Iceland","Italy","Jamaica","Jordan","Japan","Kenya",
"Kyrgyzstan","Cambodia","Kiribati","Comoros","Saint Kitts and Nevis","Korea, Democratic People's Republic of","Korea, Republic of",
"Kuwait","Cayman Islands","Kazakhstan","Lao People's Democratic Republic","Lebanon","Saint Lucia","Liechtenstein","Sri Lanka",
"Liberia","Lesotho","Lithuania","Luxembourg","Latvia","Libyan Arab Jamahiriya","Morocco","Monaco","Moldova, Republic of",
"Madagascar","Marshall Islands","Macedonia","Mali","Myanmar","Mongolia","Macau","Northern Mariana Islands","Martinique",
"Mauritania","Montserrat","Malta","Mauritius","Maldives","Malawi","Mexico","Malaysia","Mozambique","Namibia","New Caledonia",
"Niger","Norfolk Island","Nigeria","Nicaragua","Netherlands","Norway","Nepal","Nauru","Niue","New Zealand","Oman","Panama","Peru",
"French Polynesia","Papua New Guinea","Philippines","Pakistan","Poland","Saint Pierre and Miquelon","Pitcairn Islands","Puerto Rico",
"Palestinian Territory","Portugal","Palau","Paraguay","Qatar","Reunion","Romania","Russian Federation","Rwanda","Saudi Arabia",
"Solomon Islands","Seychelles","Sudan","Sweden","Singapore","Saint Helena","Slovenia","Svalbard and Jan Mayen","Slovakia","Sierra Leone",
"San Marino","Senegal","Somalia","Suriname","Sao Tome and Principe","El Salvador","Syrian Arab Republic","Swaziland",
"Turks and Caicos Islands","Chad","French Southern Territories","Togo","Thailand","Tajikistan","Tokelau","Turkmenistan","Tunisia",
"Tonga","Timor-Leste","Turkey","Trinidad and Tobago","Tuvalu","Taiwan","Tanzania, United Republic of","Ukraine","Uganda",
"United States Minor Outlying Islands","United States","Uruguay","Uzbekistan","Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","Venezuela","Virgin Islands, British","Virgin Islands, U.S.","Vietnam","Vanuatu",
"Wallis and Futuna","Samoa","Yemen","Mayotte","Serbia","South Africa","Zambia","Montenegro","Zimbabwe","Anonymous Proxy",
"Satellite Provider","Other","Aland Islands","Guernsey","Isle of Man","Jersey","Saint Barthelemy","Saint Martin");
# --- unfortunately we do not know the path so we assume the
# default path /usr/local/share/GeoIP
# if thats not true, you can set $Geo::IP::PurePerl::OPEN_TYPE_PATH
sub open_type {
my ( $class, $type, $flags ) = @_;
my %type_dat_name_mapper = (
# backward compatibility for 2003 databases.
$type -= 105 if $type >= 106;
my $name = $type_dat_name_mapper{$type};
die("Invalid database type $type\n") unless $name;
my $mkpath = sub { File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->rootdir, @_ ) };
my $path =
defined $Geo::IP::PurePerl::OPEN_TYPE_PATH
? $Geo::IP::PurePerl::OPEN_TYPE_PATH
: do {
$^O eq 'NetWare'
? $mkpath->(qw/ etc GeoIP /)
: do {
$^O eq 'MSWin32'
? $mkpath->(qw/ GeoIP /)
: $mkpath->(qw/ usr local share GeoIP /);
my $filename = File::Spec->catfile( $path, $name . '.dat' );
return $class->open( $filename, $flags );
sub open {
die "Geo::IP::PurePerl::open() requires a path name"
unless( @_ > 1 and $_[1] );
my ($class, $db_file, $flags) = @_;
my $fh = FileHandle->new;
my $gi;
CORE::open $fh, $db_file or die "Error opening $db_file";
if ( $flags && ( $flags & ( GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE | GEOIP_MMAP_CACHE ) ) ) {
my %self;
if ( $flags & GEOIP_MMAP_CACHE ) {
die "Sys::Mmap required for MMAP support"
unless defined $Sys::Mmap::VERSION;
mmap( $self{buf} = undef, 0, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, $fh )
or die "mmap: $!";
else {
local $/ = undef;
$self{buf} = <$fh>;
$self{fh} = $fh;
$gi = bless \%self, $class;
else {
$gi = bless { fh => $fh }, $class;
return $gi;
sub new {
my ($class, $db_file, $flags) = @_;
# this will be less messy once deprecated new( $path, [$flags] )
# is no longer supported (that's what open() is for)
my $def_db_file = '/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat';
if ($^O eq 'NetWare') {
$def_db_file = 'sys:/etc/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat';
} elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$def_db_file = 'c:/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat';
if ( !defined $db_file ) {
# called as new()
$db_file = $def_db_file;
} elsif ( $db_file =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
# called as new( $flags )
$flags = $db_file;
$db_file = $def_db_file;
} # else called as new( $database_filename, [$flags] );
$class->open( $db_file, $flags );
#this function setups the database segments
sub _setup_segments {
my ($gi) = @_;
my $a = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $j = 0;
my $delim;
my $buf;
$gi->{_charset} = GEOIP_CHARSET_ISO_8859_1;
$gi->{"databaseType"} = GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION;
$gi->{"record_length"} = STANDARD_RECORD_LENGTH;
my $filepos = tell($gi->{fh});
seek($gi->{fh}, -3, 2);
for ($i = 0; $i < STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE; $i++) {
#find the delim
if ($delim eq (chr(255).chr(255).chr(255))) {
#read the databasetype
$gi->{"databaseType"} = ord($a);
# backward compatibility for 2003 databases.
$gi->{databaseType} -= 105 if $gi->{databaseType} >= 106;
#chose the database segment for the database type
#if database Type is GEOIP_REGION_EDITION then use database segment GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN
if ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0) {
$gi->{"databaseSegments"} = GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0;
} elsif ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1) {
$gi->{"databaseSegments"} = GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1;
#read in the database segment
elsif (($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0) ||
($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1) ||
($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ORG_EDITION) ||
($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION) ||
($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ISP_EDITION)) {
$gi->{"databaseSegments"} = 0;
#read in the database segment for the database type
for ($j = 0;$j < SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH;$j++) {
$gi->{"databaseSegments"} += (ord(substr($buf,$j,1)) << ($j * 8));
#record length is four for ISP databases and ORG databases
#record length is three for country databases, region database and city databases
if ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ORG_EDITION ||
$gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_ISP_EDITION) {
$gi->{"record_length"} = ORG_RECORD_LENGTH;
} else {
seek($gi->{fh}, -4 , 1);
#if database Type is GEOIP_COUNTY_EDITION then use database segment GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN
if ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION ||
$gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION) {
$gi->{"databaseSegments"} = GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;
return $gi;
sub _seek_country {
my ($gi, $ipnum) = @_;
my $fh = $gi->{fh};
my $offset = 0;
my ($x0, $x1);
my $reclen = $gi->{"record_length"};
for (my $depth = 31; $depth >= 0; $depth--) {
unless ( exists $gi->{buf} ) {
seek $fh, $offset * 2 * $reclen, 0;
read $fh, $x0, $reclen;
read $fh, $x1, $reclen;
} else {
$x0 = substr($gi->{buf}, $offset * 2 * $reclen, $reclen);
$x1 = substr($gi->{buf}, $offset * 2 * $reclen + $reclen, $reclen);
$x0 = unpack("V1", $x0."\0");
$x1 = unpack("V1", $x1."\0");
if ($ipnum & (1 << $depth)) {
if ($x1 >= $gi->{"databaseSegments"}) {
$gi->{last_netmask} = 32 - $depth;
return $x1;
$offset = $x1;
} else {
if ($x0 >= $gi->{"databaseSegments"}) {
$gi->{last_netmask} = 32 - $depth;
return $x0;
$offset = $x0;
print STDERR "Error Traversing Database for ipnum = $ipnum - Perhaps database is corrupt?";
sub charset {
return $_[0]->{_charset};
sub set_charset{
my ( $gi, $charset ) = @_;
my $old_charset = $gi->{_charset};
$gi->{_charset} = $charset;
return $old_charset;
#this function returns the country code of ip address
sub country_code_by_addr {
my ($gi, $ip_address) = @_;
return unless $ip_address =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!;
return $countries[$gi->id_by_addr($ip_address)];
#this function returns the country code3 of ip address
sub country_code3_by_addr {
my ($gi, $ip_address) = @_;
return unless $ip_address =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!;
return $code3s[$gi->id_by_addr($ip_address)];
#this function returns the name of ip address
sub country_name_by_addr {
my ($gi, $ip_address) = @_;
return unless $ip_address =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!;
return $names[$gi->id_by_addr($ip_address)];
sub id_by_addr {
my ($gi, $ip_address) = @_;
return unless $ip_address =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!;
return $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address)) - GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;
#this function returns the country code of domain name
sub country_code_by_name {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my $country_id = $gi->id_by_name($host);
return $countries[$country_id];
#this function returns the country code3 of domain name
sub country_code3_by_name {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my $country_id = $gi->id_by_name($host);
return $code3s[$country_id];
#this function returns the country name of domain name
sub country_name_by_name {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my $country_id = $gi->id_by_name($host);
return $names[$country_id];
sub id_by_name {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my $ip_address;
if ($host =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!) {
$ip_address = $host;
} else {
$ip_address = join('.',unpack('C4',(gethostbyname($host))[4]));
return unless $ip_address;
return $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address)) - GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;
#this function returns the city record as a array
sub get_city_record {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my $ip_address = $gi->get_ip_address($host);
return unless $ip_address;
my $record_buf;
my $record_buf_pos;
my $char;
my $metroarea_combo;
my $record_country_code = "";
my $record_country_code3 = "";
my $record_country_name = "";
my $record_region = "";
my $record_city = "";
my $record_postal_code = "";
my $record_latitude = "";
my $record_longitude = "";
my $record_metro_code = "";
my $record_area_code = "";
my $str_length = 0;
my $i;
my $j;
#lookup the city
my $seek_country = $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address));
if ($seek_country == $gi->{"databaseSegments"}) {
#set the record pointer to location of the city record
my $record_pointer = $seek_country + (2 * $gi->{"record_length"} - 1) * $gi->{"databaseSegments"};
unless ( exists $gi->{buf} ) {
seek( $gi->{"fh"}, $record_pointer, 0 );
read( $gi->{"fh"}, $record_buf, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH );
$record_buf_pos = 0;
else {
$record_buf = substr($gi->{buf}, $record_pointer, FULL_RECORD_LENGTH);
$record_buf_pos = 0;
#get the country
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos,1));
$record_country_code = $countries[$char];#get the country code
$record_country_code3 = $code3s[$char];#get the country code with 3 letters
$record_country_name = $names[$char];#get the country name
#get the region
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
while ($char != 0) {
$str_length++;#get the length of string
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
if ($str_length > 0) {
$record_region = substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos,$str_length);
$record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
$str_length = 0;
#get the city
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
while ($char != 0) {
$str_length++;#get the length of string
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
if ($str_length > 0) {
$record_city = substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos,$str_length);
$record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
$str_length = 0;
#get the postal code
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
while ($char != 0) {
$str_length++;#get the length of string
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos+$str_length,1));
if ($str_length > 0) {
$record_postal_code = substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos,$str_length);
$record_buf_pos += $str_length + 1;
$str_length = 0;
my $latitude = 0;
my $longitude = 0;
#get the latitude
for ($j = 0;$j < 3; ++$j) {
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos++,1));
$latitude += ($char << ($j * 8));
$record_latitude = ($latitude/10000) - 180;
#get the longitude
for ($j = 0;$j < 3; ++$j) {
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos++,1));
$longitude += ($char << ($j * 8));
$record_longitude = ($longitude/10000) - 180;
#get the metro code and the area code
if (GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 == $gi->{"databaseType"}) {
$metroarea_combo = 0;
if ($record_country_code eq "US") {
#if the country is US then read the metro area combo
for ($j = 0;$j < 3;++$j) {
$char = ord(substr($record_buf,$record_buf_pos++,1));
$metroarea_combo += ($char << ($j * 8));
#split the metro area combo into the metro code and the area code
$record_metro_code = int($metroarea_combo/1000);
$record_area_code = $metroarea_combo%1000;
# the pureperl API must convert the string by themself to UTF8
# using Encode for perl >= 5.008 otherwise use it's own iso-8859-1 to utf8 converter
$record_city = decode( 'iso-8859-1' => $record_city )
if $gi->charset == GEOIP_CHARSET_UTF8;
return ($record_country_code,$record_country_code3,$record_country_name,$record_region,$record_city,$record_postal_code,$record_latitude,$record_longitude,$record_metro_code,$record_area_code);
#this function returns the city record as a hash ref
sub get_city_record_as_hash {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my %h;
@h{qw/ country_code country_code3 country_name
region city postal_code
latitude longitude metro_code
area_code /}
= $gi->get_city_record($host);
$h{dma_code} = $h{metro_code}; # alias for depreciated dma_code
return \%h;
#this function returns isp or org of the domain name
sub org_by_name {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my $ip_address = $gi->get_ip_address($host);
my $seek_org = $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address));
my $char;
my $org_buf;
my $org_buf_length = 0;
my $record_pointer;
if ($seek_org == $gi->{"databaseSegments"}) {
return undef;
$record_pointer = $seek_org + (2 * $gi->{"record_length"} - 1) * $gi->{"databaseSegments"};
unless ( exists $gi->{buf} ) {
seek( $gi->{"fh"}, $record_pointer, 0 );
read( $gi->{"fh"}, $org_buf, MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH );
else {
$org_buf = substr($gi->{buf}, $record_pointer, MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH );
$char = ord(substr($org_buf,0,1));
while ($char != 0) {
$char = ord(substr($org_buf,$org_buf_length,1));
$org_buf = substr($org_buf, 0, $org_buf_length);
return $org_buf;
#this function returns isp or org of the domain name
*isp_by_name = \*org_by_name;
*org_by_addr = \*org_by_name;
*isp_by_addr = \*org_by_name;
#this function returns the region
sub region_by_name {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my $ip_address = $gi->get_ip_address($host);
return unless $ip_address;
if ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0) {
my $seek_region = $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address)) - GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0;
if ($seek_region >= 1000) {
return ("US",chr(($seek_region - 1000)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - 1000)%26 + 65));
} else {
return ($countries[$seek_region],"");
} elsif ($gi->{"databaseType"} == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1) {
my $seek_region = $gi->_seek_country(addr_to_num($ip_address)) - GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1;
if ($seek_region < US_OFFSET) {
return ("","");
} elsif ($seek_region < CANADA_OFFSET) {
# return a us state
return ("US",chr(($seek_region - US_OFFSET)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - US_OFFSET)%26 + 65));
} elsif ($seek_region < WORLD_OFFSET) {
# return a canada province
return ("CA",chr(($seek_region - CANADA_OFFSET)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - CANADA_OFFSET)%26 + 65));
} else {
# return a country of the world
my $c = $countries[($seek_region - WORLD_OFFSET) / FIPS_RANGE];
my $a2 = ($seek_region - WORLD_OFFSET) % FIPS_RANGE;
my $r = chr(($a2 / 100)+48) . chr((($a2 / 10) % 10)+48) . chr(($a2 % 10)+48);
return ($c,$r);
sub get_ip_address {
my ($gi, $host) = @_;
my $ip_address;
#check if host is ip address
if ($host =~ m!^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$!) {
#host is ip address
$ip_address = $host;
} else {
#host is domain name do a dns lookup
$ip_address = join('.',unpack('C4',(gethostbyname($host))[4]));
return $ip_address;
sub addr_to_num { unpack( N => pack( C4 => split( /\./, $_[0] ) ) ) }
sub num_to_addr { join q{.}, unpack( C4 => pack( N => $_[0] ) ) }
sub database_info {
my $gi = shift;
my $i = 0;
my $buf;
my $retval;
my $hasStructureInfo;
for (my $i = 0;$i < STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE;$i++) {
if ($buf eq (chr(255) . chr(255) . chr(255))) {
$hasStructureInfo = 1;
if ($hasStructureInfo == 1) {
} else {
# no structure info, must be pre Sep 2002 database, go back to
for (my $i = 0;$i < DATABASE_INFO_MAX_SIZE;$i++){
if ($buf eq (chr(0). chr(0). chr(0))){
return $retval;
return "";
sub range_by_ip {
my $gi = shift;
my $ipnum = addr_to_num( shift );
my $c = $gi->_seek_country( $ipnum );
my $nm = $gi->last_netmask;
my $m = 0xffffffff << 32 - $nm;
my $left_seek_num = $ipnum & $m;
my $right_seek_num = $left_seek_num + ( 0xffffffff & ~$m );
while ( $left_seek_num != 0
and $c == $gi->_seek_country( $left_seek_num - 1) ) {
my $lm = 0xffffffff << 32 - $gi->last_netmask;
$left_seek_num = ( $left_seek_num - 1 ) & $lm;
while ( $right_seek_num != 0xffffffff
and $c == $gi->_seek_country( $right_seek_num + 1 ) ) {
my $rm = 0xffffffff << 32 - $gi->last_netmask;
$right_seek_num = ( $right_seek_num + 1 ) & $rm;
$right_seek_num += ( 0xffffffff & ~$rm );
return ( num_to_addr($left_seek_num), num_to_addr($right_seek_num) );
sub netmask { $_[0]->{last_netmask} = $_[1] }
sub last_netmask {
return $_[0]->{last_netmask};
my $gi = shift;
if ( exists $gi->{buf} && $gi->{flags} && ( $gi->{flags} & GEOIP_MMAP_CACHE ) ) {
munmap( $gi->{buf} ) or die "munmap: $!";
delete $gi->{buf};
=head1 NAME
Geo::IP::PurePerl - Look up country by IP Address
use Geo::IP::PurePerl;
my $gi = Geo::IP::PurePerl->new(GEOIP_STANDARD);
# look up IP address ''
my $country = $gi->country_code_by_addr('');
$country = $gi->country_code_by_name('yahoo.com');
# $country is equal to "US"
This module uses a file based database. This database simply contains
IP blocks as keys, and countries as values. This database is more
complete and accurate than reverse DNS lookups.
This module can be used to automatically select the geographically closest mirror,
to analyze your web server logs
to determine the countries of your visiters, for credit card fraud
detection, and for software export controls.
The database is available for free, updated monthly:
This free database is similar to the database contained in IP::Country,
as well as many paid databases. It uses ARIN, RIPE, APNIC, and LACNIC
whois to obtain the IP->Country mappings.
If you require greater accuracy, MaxMind offers a paid database
on a paid subscription basis from http://www.maxmind.com/app/country
=over 4
=item $gi = Geo::IP->new( [$flags] );
Constructs a new Geo::IP object with the default database located inside your system's
I<datadir>, typically I</usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat>.
Flags can be set to either GEOIP_STANDARD, or for faster performance
(at a cost of using more memory), GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE.
The default flag is GEOIP_STANDARD (uses less memory, but runs slower).
=item $gi = Geo::IP->new( $database_filename );
Calling the C<new> constructor in this fashion was was deprecated after version
0.26 in order to make the XS and pure perl interfaces more similar. Use the
C<open> constructor (below) if you need to specify a path. Eventually, this
means of calling C<new> will no longer be supported.
Flags can be set to either GEOIP_STANDARD, or for faster performance
(at a cost of using more memory), GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE.
=item $gi = Geo::IP->open( $database_filename, [$flags] );
Constructs a new Geo::IP object with the database located at C<$database_filename>.
The default flag is GEOIP_STANDARD (uses less memory, but runs slower).
=over 4
=item $code = $gi->country_code_by_addr( $ipaddr );
Returns the ISO 3166 country code for an IP address.
=item $code = $gi->country_code_by_name( $ipname );
Returns the ISO 3166 country code for a hostname.
=item $code = $gi->country_code3_by_addr( $ipaddr );
Returns the 3 letter country code for an IP address.
=item $code = $gi->country_code3_by_name( $ipname );
Returns the 3 letter country code for a hostname.
=item $name = $gi->country_name_by_addr( $ipaddr );
Returns the full country name for an IP address.
=item $name = $gi->country_name_by_name( $ipname );
Returns the full country name for a hostname.
=item $info = $gi->database_info;
Returns database string, includes version, date, build number and copyright notice.
=item $old_charset = $gi->set_charset( $charset );
Set the charset for the city name - defaults to GEOIP_CHARSET_ISO_8859_1. To
set UTF8, pass GEOIP_CHARSET_UTF8 to set_charset.
=item $charset = $gi->charset;
Gets the currently used charset.
=item $netmask = $gi->last_netmask;
Gets netmask of network block from last lookup.
=item $gi->netmask(12);
Sets netmask for the last lookup
=item my ( $from, $to ) = $gi->range_by_ip('');
Returns the start and end of the current network block. The method tries to join several continous netblocks.
=item @data = $gi->get_city_record( $addr );
Returns a array filled with information about the city.
my ($country_code,$country_code3,$country_name,$region,$city,$postal_code,$latitude,$longitude,$metro_code,$area_code ) = $gi->get_city_record($addr);
=item $href = get_city_record_as_hash( $addr );
Returns a hashref filled with information about the city.
my $href = $gi->get_city_record_as_hash($addr);
The hash include the following keys:
country_code, country_code3, country_name, region, city, postal_code, latitude, longitude, metro_code, area_code
=item $gi->isp_by_addr($addr)
Returns the isp name for an ipaddress
=item $gi->isp_by_name($name)
Returns the isp name for a hostname
=item $gi->org_by_addr($addr)
Returns the organisation name for an ipaddress
=item $gi->org_by_name($name)
Returns the organisation name for a hostname
Are available from SourceForge, see
=head1 VERSION
=head1 SEE ALSO
Geo::IP - this now has the PurePerl code merged it, so it supports
both XS and Pure Perl implementations. The XS implementation is
a wrapper around the GeoIP C API, which is much faster than the
Pure Perl API.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2008 MaxMind Inc
All rights reserved. This package is free software; it is licensed
under the GPL.

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ use PandoraFMS::Tools;
use PandoraFMS::DB;
use PandoraFMS::Core;
use PandoraFMS::ProducerConsumerServer;
use PandoraFMS::GIS qw(get_reverse_geoip_sql get_reverse_geoip_file get_random_close_point);
use PandoraFMS::GIS;
use PandoraFMS::Recon::Base;
# Patched Nmap::Parser. See http://search.cpan.org/dist/Nmap-Parser/.