2013-02-13 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>

* lib/PandoraFMS/NmapParser.pm: Merged with version 1.3 of Nmap::Parser.

	* util/pandora_db.pl: Added the deletion of old netflow and log data.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@7646 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
Ramon Novoa 2013-02-13 15:55:41 +00:00
parent 1a2310962a
commit 260726fa76
3 changed files with 207 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
2013-02-13 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/NmapParser.pm: Merged with version 1.3 of Nmap::Parser.
* util/pandora_db.pl: Added the deletion of old netflow and log data.
2013-02-13 Sergio Martin <sergio.martin@artica.es>
* lib/PandoraFMS/ReconServer.pm: Fix a crash of the Recon Server

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ use XML::Twig;
use Storable qw(dclone);
use vars qw($VERSION %D);
$VERSION = 1.21;
$VERSION = 1.30;
sub new {
@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ sub _prescript_tag_hdlr {
my ( $twig, $tag ) = @_;
my $scripts_hashref;
for my $script ( $tag->children('script') ) {
chomp($scripts_hashref->{ $script->{att}->{id} } =
$scripts_hashref->{ $script->{att}->{id} } =
__script_tag_hdlr( $script );
$D{$$}{SESSION}{prescript} = $scripts_hashref;
@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ sub _postscript_tag_hdlr {
my ( $twig, $tag ) = @_;
my $scripts_hashref;
for my $script ( $tag->children('script') ) {
chomp($scripts_hashref->{ $script->{att}->{id} } =
$scripts_hashref->{ $script->{att}->{id} } =
__script_tag_hdlr( $script );
$D{$$}{SESSION}{postscript} = $scripts_hashref;
@ -342,7 +342,8 @@ sub _host_tag_hdlr {
$D{$$}{HOSTS}{$id}{ipidsequence} = __host_ipidsequence_tag_hdlr($tag);
$D{$$}{HOSTS}{$id}{tcptssequence} = __host_tcptssequence_tag_hdlr($tag);
$D{$$}{HOSTS}{$id}{hostscript} = __host_hostscript_tag_hdlr($tag);
$D{$$}{HOSTS}{$id}{distance} = __host_distance_tag_hdlr($tag); #returns simple value
$D{$$}{HOSTS}{$id}{distance} =
__host_distance_tag_hdlr($tag); #returns simple value
$D{$$}{HOSTS}{$id}{trace} = __host_trace_tag_hdlr($tag);
$D{$$}{HOSTS}{$id}{trace_error} = __host_trace_error_tag_hdlr($tag);
$D{$$}{HOSTS}{$id}{times} = __host_times_tag_hdlr($tag);
@ -489,8 +490,8 @@ sub __host_script_tag_hdlr {
my $script_hashref;
for ( $tag->children('script') ) {
chomp($script_hashref->{ $_->{att}->{id} } =
$script_hashref->{ $_->{att}->{id} } =
return $script_hashref;
@ -503,6 +504,7 @@ sub __host_os_tag_hdlr {
my $portused_tag;
my $os_fingerprint;
#if( $D{$$}{SESSION}{xml_version} eq "1.04")
if ( defined $os_tag ) {
#get the open port used to match os
@ -523,17 +525,30 @@ sub __host_os_tag_hdlr {
#This will go in PandoraFMS::NmapParser::Host::OS
my $osmatch_index = 0;
my $osclass_index = 0;
for my $osmatch ( $os_tag->children('osmatch') ) {
$os_hashref->{osmatch_name}[$osmatch_index] =
$os_hashref->{osmatch_name_accuracy}[$osmatch_index] =
for my $osclass ( $osmatch->children('osclass') ) {
$os_hashref->{osclass_osfamily}[$osclass_index] =
$os_hashref->{osclass_osgen}[$osclass_index] =
$os_hashref->{osclass_vendor}[$osclass_index] =
$os_hashref->{osclass_type}[$osclass_index] =
$os_hashref->{osclass_class_accuracy}[$osclass_index] =
$os_hashref->{'osmatch_count'} = $osmatch_index;
#parse osclass tags
my $osclass_index = 0;
for my $osclass ( $os_tag->children('osclass') ) {
$os_hashref->{osclass_osfamily}[$osclass_index] =
@ -626,8 +641,8 @@ sub __host_hostscript_tag_hdlr {
my $scripts_hashref;
return undef unless ($scripts);
for my $script ( $scripts->children('script') ) {
chomp($scripts_hashref->{ $script->{att}->{id} } =
$scripts_hashref->{ $script->{att}->{id} } =
__script_tag_hdlr( $script );
return $scripts_hashref;
@ -687,6 +702,52 @@ sub __host_trace_error_tag_hdlr {
sub __script_tag_hdlr {
my $tag = shift;
my $script_hashref = {
output => $tag->{att}->{output}
chomp %$script_hashref;
if ( not $tag->is_empty()) {
$script_hashref->{contents} = __script_table($tag);
return $script_hashref;
sub __script_table {
my $tag = shift;
my ($ref, $subref);
my $fc = $tag->first_child();
if ($fc) {
if ($fc->is_text) {
$ref = $fc->text;
else {
if ($fc->{att}->{key}) {
$ref = {};
$subref = sub {
$ref->{$_->{att}->{key}} = shift;
else {
$ref = [];
$subref = sub {
push @$ref, shift;
for ($tag->children()) {
if ($_->tag() eq "table") {
$subref->(__script_table( $_ ));
else {
return $ref
@ -799,7 +860,7 @@ sub hostname {
return $self->{hostnames}[$index] if ( scalar @{ $self->{hostnames} } );
sub all_hostnames { return @{ $_[0]->{hostnames} }; }
sub all_hostnames { return @{ $_[0]->{hostnames} || [] }; }
sub extraports_state { return $_[0]->{ports}{extraports}{state}; }
sub extraports_count { return $_[0]->{ports}{extraports}{count}; }
sub distance { return $_[0]->{distance}; }
@ -845,14 +906,17 @@ sub _del_port {
sub _get_ports {
my $self = shift;
my $proto = pop; #param might be empty, so this goes first
my $state = lc(shift); #open, filtered, closed or any combination
my $state = shift; #open, filtered, closed or any combination
my @matched_ports = ();
#if $state eq '', then tcp_ports or udp_ports was called for all ports
#if $state is undef, then tcp_ports or udp_ports was called for all ports
#therefore, only return the keys of all ports found
if ( $state eq '' ) {
if ( not defined $state ) {
return sort { $a <=> $b } ( keys %{ $self->{ports}{$proto} } );
else {
$state = lc($state)
#the port parameter can be set to either any of these also 'open|filtered'
#can count as 'open' and 'filetered'. Therefore I need to use a regex from now on
@ -1151,7 +1215,7 @@ It is implemented by parsing the xml scan data that is generated by nmap. This
will enable anyone who utilizes nmap to quickly create fast and robust security scripts
that utilize the powerful port scanning abilities of nmap.
The latest version of this module can be found on here L<https://github.com/apersaud/Nmap-Parser/>
The latest version of this module can be found on here L<http://apersaud.github.com/Nmap-Parser/>
@ -1341,6 +1405,28 @@ Returns the human readable format of the finish time.
Returns the version of nmap xml file.
=item B<prescripts()>
=item B<prescripts($name)>
A basic call to prescripts() returns a list of the names of the NSE scripts
run in the pre-scanning phase. If C<$name> is given, it returns the text output of the
a reference to a hash with "output" and "content" keys for the
script with that name, or undef if that script was not run.
The value of the "output" key is the text output of the script. The value of the
"content" key is a data structure based on the XML output of the NSE script.
=item B<postscripts()>
=item B<postscripts($name)>
A basic call to postscripts() returns a list of the names of the NSE scripts
run in the post-scaning phase. If C<$name> is given, it returns the text output of the
a reference to a hash with "output" and "content" keys for the
script with that name, or undef if that script was not run.
The value of the "output" key is the text output of the script. The value of the
"content" key is a data structure based on the XML output of the NSE script.
=head2 PandoraFMS::NmapParser::Host
@ -1479,8 +1565,11 @@ when the scan was performed.
=item B<hostscripts($name)>
A basic call to hostscripts() returns a list of the names of the host scripts
run. If C<$name> is given, it returns the text output of the script with that
name, or undef if that script was not run.
run. If C<$name> is given, it returns the text output of the
a reference to a hash with "output" and "content" keys for the
script with that name, or undef if that script was not run.
The value of the "output" key is the text output of the script. The value of the
"content" key is a data structure based on the XML output of the NSE script.
=item B<tcp_ports()>
@ -1611,9 +1700,12 @@ Returns the version of the given product of the running service.
=item B<scripts($name)>
A basic call to scripts() returns a list of the names of the scripts
run for this port. If C<$name> is given, it returns the text output of the
A basic call to scripts() returns a list of the names of the NSE scripts
run for this port. If C<$name> is given, it returns
a reference to a hash with "output" and "content" keys for the
script with that name, or undef if that script was not run.
The value of the "output" key is the text output of the script. The value of the
"content" key is a data structure based on the XML output of the NSE script.
@ -1750,7 +1842,7 @@ The host name of this hop, if known.
I think some of us best learn from examples. These are a couple of examples to help
create custom security audit tools using some of the nice features
of the PandoraFMS::NmapParser module. Hopefully this can double as a tutorial.
More tutorials (articles) can be found at L<http://anthonypersaud.com/category/nmap-parser/>
More tutorials (articles) can be found at L<http://apersaud.github.com/Nmap-Parser/>
=head2 Real-Time Scanning
@ -1873,7 +1965,7 @@ Please remove any important IP addresses for security reasons. It saves time in
nmap, XML::Twig
The PandoraFMS::NmapParser page can be found at: L<https://github.com/apersaud/Nmap-Parser>.
The PandoraFMS::NmapParser page can be found at: L<http://apersaud.github.com/Nmap-Parser/>.
It contains the latest developments on the module. The nmap security scanner
homepage can be found at: L<http://www.insecure.org/nmap/>.

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use strict;
use Time::Local; # DateTime basic manipulation
use DBI; # DB interface with MySQL
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Path qw (rmtree);
# Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5';
@ -319,6 +320,84 @@ sub pandora_purgedb ($$) {
print "[PURGE] Delete empty contents in report (like SLA or Exception)...\n";
db_do ($dbh, "DELETE FROM treport_content WHERE type LIKE 'exception' AND id_rc NOT IN (SELECT id_report_content FROM treport_content_item);");
db_do ($dbh, "DELETE FROM treport_content WHERE type LIKE 'sla' AND id_rc NOT IN (SELECT id_report_content FROM treport_content_sla_combined);");
# Delete old netflow data
print "[PURGE] Deleting old netflow data...\n";
if (! -d $conf->{'_netflow_path'}) {
print "[!] Netflow data directory does not exist, skipping...\n";
} elsif (! -x $conf->{'_netflow_nfexpire'}) {
print "[!] Cannot execute " . $conf->{'_netflow_nfexpire'} . ", skipping...\n";
} else {
`yes 2>/dev/null | $conf->{'_netflow_nfexpire'} -e "$conf->{'_netflow_path'}" -t $conf->{'_netflow_max_lifetime'}d`;
# Delete old log data
print "[PURGE] Deleting old log data...\n";
if (! -d $conf->{'_log_dir'}) {
print "[!] Log data directory does not exist, skipping...\n";
} elsif ($conf->{'_log_max_lifetime'} != 0) {
# Calculate the limit date
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time() - $conf->{'_log_max_lifetime'} * 86400);
# Fix the year
$year += 1900;
# Fix the month
$mon += 1;
$mon = sprintf("%02d", $mon);
# Fix the day
$mday = sprintf("%02d", $mday);
# Fix the hour
$hour = sprintf("%02d", $hour);
# Set the per-depth limits
my $limits = [$year, $mon, $mday, $hour];
# Purge the log dir
pandora_purge_log_dir ($conf->{'_log_dir'}, $limits);
# Recursively delete old log files by sub directory.
sub pandora_purge_log_dir ($$;$) {
my ($dir, $limits, $depth) = @_;
# Initial call
if (! defined ($depth)) {
$depth = 0;
# No limit for this depth
if (! defined ($limits->[$depth])) {
# Open the dir
my $dir_dh;
if (! opendir($dir_dh, $dir)) {
# Purge sub dirs
while (my $sub_dir = readdir ($dir_dh)) {
next if ($sub_dir eq '.' || $sub_dir eq '..' || ! -d $dir . '/' . $sub_dir);
# Sub dirs have names that represent a year, month, day or hour
if ($sub_dir < $limits->[$depth]) {
rmtree ($dir . '/' . $sub_dir);
} elsif ($sub_dir == $limits->[$depth]) {
pandora_purge_log_dir ($dir . '/' . $sub_dir, $limits, $depth + 1)
# Close the dir
closedir ($dir_dh);
@ -479,6 +558,11 @@ sub pandora_load_config ($) {
$conf->{'_enterprise_installed'} = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'enterprise_installed'");
$conf->{'_metaconsole'} = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'metaconsole'");
$conf->{'_metaconsole_events_history'} = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'metaconsole_events_history'");
$conf->{'_netflow_max_lifetime'} = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'netflow_max_lifetime'");
$conf->{'_netflow_nfexpire'} = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'netflow_nfexpire'");
$conf->{'_netflow_path'} = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'netflow_path'");
$conf->{'_log_dir'} = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'log_dir'");
$conf->{'_log_max_lifetime'} = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'log_max_lifetime'");
db_disconnect ($dbh);