2007-03-29 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>

* pandora_config.pm: Now stores $pa_config->{'server_id'}
	available for any function in Pandora FMS Server.

	* pandora_db.pm: Several verbosity level adjustements in logger
	functions in all code. Some debug code purged. Alert code now
	should store group correctly in events. Renamed
	"processed_by_server" field from tagente_estado by "running_by",
	updated some code. pandora_updateserver() now stores also server

	* pandora_network.pm: pandora_serverkeepaliver now run more
	exactly and does not apply any delay. Module selection now uses
	utimestamp AND the new running_by to know that other instance of
	server is currently running this module. TCP code has moved to
	function pandora_query_tcp() -code cleanup-. UDP code deleted
	(doesn't work, and never used!). Fixed important bug in ICMP Proc
	that causes constant FLIPFLOP in monitors since last commit. Fixed
	also a problem from that version updating status timestamp. Lastry
	field only be used now for checking 24hr without updating tdata

	* pandora_server.conf: Updated some text and formatting, more
	clear now.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pandora/code/trunk@406 c3f86ba8-e40f-0410-aaad-9ba5e7f4b01f
This commit is contained in:
slerena 2007-03-29 10:42:34 +00:00
parent 4cc514362c
commit 2740cfeb48
5 changed files with 246 additions and 222 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,29 @@
2007-03-29 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* pandora_config.pm: Now stores $pa_config->{'server_id'}
available for any function in Pandora FMS Server.
* pandora_db.pm: Several verbosity level adjustements in logger
functions in all code. Some debug code purged. Alert code now
should store group correctly in events. Renamed
"processed_by_server" field from tagente_estado by "running_by",
updated some code. pandora_updateserver() now stores also server
* pandora_network.pm: pandora_serverkeepaliver now run more
exactly and does not apply any delay. Module selection now uses
utimestamp AND the new running_by to know that other instance of
server is currently running this module. TCP code has moved to
function pandora_query_tcp() -code cleanup-. UDP code deleted
(doesn't work, and never used!). Fixed important bug in ICMP Proc
that causes constant FLIPFLOP in monitors since last commit. Fixed
also a problem from that version updating status timestamp. Lastry
field only be used now for checking 24hr without updating tdata
* pandora_server.conf: Updated some text and formatting, more
clear now.
2007-03-23 Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
* pandora_tools.pm: Added sqlWrap function to manage quotes.

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw( pandora_help_screen
# version: Defines actual version of Pandora Server for this module only
my $pandora_version = "1.3-dev";
my $pandora_build="PS070312";
my $pandora_build="PS070328";
our $VERSION = $pandora_version;
# Setup hash
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ sub pandora_loadconfig {
$pa_config->{"network_threads"}=10; # Fixed default
$pa_config->{"keepalive"}=60; # 200 Seconds initially for server keepalive
$pa_config->{"keepalive"}=60; # 60 Seconds initially for server keepalive
$pa_config->{"keepalive_orig"} = $pa_config->{"keepalive"};
# Check for UID0
if ($> == 0){
printf " [W] It is not a good idea running Pandora FMS Server as root user, please DON'T DO IT!\n";
@ -285,9 +285,10 @@ sub pandora_loadconfig {
logger ($pa_config, "Launching $parametro $pa_config->{'version'} $pa_config->{'build'}", 0);
my $config_options = "Logfile at ".$pa_config->{"logfile"}.", Basepath is ".$pa_config->{"basepath"}.", Checksum is ".$pa_config->{"pandora_check"}.", Master is ".$pa_config->{"pandora_master"}.", SNMP Console is ".$pa_config->{"snmpconsole"}.", Server Threshold at ".$pa_config->{"server_threshold"}." sec, verbosity at ".$pa_config->{"verbosity"}.", Alert Threshold at $pa_config->{'alert_threshold'}, ServerName is '".$pa_config->{'servername'}.$pa_config->{"servermode"}."'";
logger ($pa_config, "Config options: $config_options");
my $dbh;
# Check valid Database variables and update server status
eval {
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:pandora:$pa_config->{'dbhost'}:3306", $pa_config->{'dbuser'}, $pa_config->{'dbpass'}, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:pandora:$pa_config->{'dbhost'}:3306", $pa_config->{'dbuser'}, $pa_config->{'dbpass'}, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
pandora_updateserver ($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'},1, $opmode, $dbh); # Alive status
if ($@) {
@ -297,6 +298,9 @@ sub pandora_loadconfig {
print " [*] Pandora FMS Server [".$pa_config->{'servername'}.$pa_config->{"servermode"}."] is running and operative \n";
$pa_config->{'server_id'} = dame_server_id ($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}.$pa_config->{"servermode"}, $dbh);
# Dump all errors to errorlog

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ sub pandora_calcula_alerta (%$$$$$$) {
$id_agente = dame_agente_id($pa_config, $nombre_agente, $dbh);
$id_modulo = dame_modulo_id($pa_config, $tipo_modulo,$dbh);
$id_agente_modulo = dame_agente_modulo_id($pa_config, $id_agente,$id_modulo,$nombre_modulo,$dbh);
logger($pa_config, "DEBUG: calcula_alerta() Calculado id_agente_modulo a $id_agente_modulo",5);
logger($pa_config, "DEBUG: calcula_alerta() Calculado id_agente_modulo a $id_agente_modulo",6);
# If any alert from this combinatio of agent/module
my $query_idag = "select * from talerta_agente_modulo where id_agente_modulo = '$id_agente_modulo'";
@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ sub pandora_calcula_alerta (%$$$$$$) {
my $err; my $flag;
my $fecha_limite = DateCalc($fecha_ultima_alerta,"+ $time_threshold seconds",\$err);
$flag = Date_Cmp($fecha_actual,$fecha_limite);
# DEBUG print "actual $fecha_actual limite $fecha_limite flag $flag times_fired $times_fired internal_counter $internal_counter \n";
# Check timer threshold for this alert
if ( $flag >= 0 ) { # Out limits !, reset $times_fired, but do not write to
# database until a real alarm was fired
@ -219,7 +218,6 @@ sub pandora_calcula_alerta (%$$$$$$) {
# database until a real alarm was fired
my $query_idag = "update talerta_agente_modulo set times_fired = 0, internal_counter = 0 where id_aam = $id_aam ";
# DEBUG print "SQL $query_idag \n";
} # While principal
@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ sub execute_alert (%$$$$$$$$$$) {
my $alert_name = $_[9];
my $dbh = $_[10];
if (($command == "") && ($alert_name == "")){
if (($command eq "") && ($alert_name eq "")){
# Get values for commandline, reading from talerta.
my $query_idag = "select * from talerta where id_alerta = '$id_alert'";
my $idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
@ -293,7 +291,7 @@ sub execute_alert (%$$$$$$$$$$) {
my $evt_descripcion = "Alert fired ($agent $alert_name) $field1 $field2";
my $id_agente = dame_agente_id($pa_config,$agent,$dbh);
pandora_event($pa_config, $evt_descripcion, 0, $id_agente, $dbh);
pandora_event($pa_config, $evt_descripcion, dame_grupo_agente($pa_config, $id_agente, $dbh), $id_agente, $dbh);
@ -334,7 +332,7 @@ sub pandora_writestate (%$$$$$$$) {
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
if ($s_idag->rows == 0) {
logger( $pa_config, "ERROR Cannot find agenteModulo $id_agente_modulo",6);
logger( $pa_config, "ERROR Cannot find agenteModulo $id_agente_modulo",4);
logger( $pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",10);
} else { @data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array(); }
my $module_interval = $data[7];
@ -356,19 +354,17 @@ sub pandora_writestate (%$$$$$$$) {
# $id_agente is agent ID to update ".dame_nombreagente_agentemodulo ($id_agente_modulo)."
# Let's see if there is any entry at tagente_estado table
my $idages = "select * from tagente_estado where id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo";
my $idages = "SELECT * from tagente_estado WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo";
my $s_idages = $dbh->prepare($idages);
$s_idages ->execute;
$datos = $dbh->quote($datos); # Parse data entry for adecuate SQL representation.
my $query_act; # OJO que dentro de una llave solo tiene existencia en esa llave !!
if ($s_idages->rows == 0) { # Doesnt exist entry in table, lets make the first entry
logger($pa_config, "Create entry in tagente_estado for module $nombre_modulo",4);
$query_act = "insert into tagente_estado (id_agente_modulo, datos, timestamp, estado, cambio, id_agente, last_try, utimestamp, current_interval, processed_by_server) values ($id_agente_modulo,$datos,'$timestamp','$estado','1',$id_agente,'$timestamp',$utimestamp, $module_interval, '$server_name')"; # Cuando se hace un insert, siempre hay un cambio de estado
$query_act = "INSERT INTO tagente_estado (id_agente_modulo, datos, timestamp, estado, cambio, id_agente, last_try, utimestamp, current_interval, running_by) VALUES ($id_agente_modulo,$datos,'$timestamp','$estado','1',$id_agente,'$timestamp',$utimestamp, $module_interval, 0)"; # Cuando se hace un insert, siempre hay un cambio de estado
} else { # There are an entry in table already
@data = $s_idages->fetchrow_array();
# Se supone que $data[5](estado) ( nos daria el estado ANTERIOR, podriamos leerlo
# ($c1,$c2,$c3...) $i_dages->fetchrow_array(); y luego hacer referencia a $c6 p.e
# Se supone que $data[5](estado) ( nos daria el estado ANTERIOR
# For xxxx_PROC type (boolean / monitor), create an event if state has changed
if (( $data[5] != $estado) && ($tipo_modulo =~ /proc/) ) {
# Cambio de estado detectado !
@ -386,10 +382,10 @@ sub pandora_writestate (%$$$$$$$) {
pandora_event($pa_config, $descripcion, $id_grupo, $id_agente, $dbh);
if ($needs_update == 1) {
$query_act = "update tagente_estado set utimestamp = '$utimestamp', datos = $datos, cambio = '$cambio', timestamp = '$timestamp', estado = '$estado', id_agente = $id_agente, last_try = '$timestamp', current_interval = '$module_interval', processed_by_server = '$server_name' where id_agente_modulo = '$id_agente_modulo'";
$query_act = "update tagente_estado set utimestamp = '$utimestamp', datos = $datos, cambio = '$cambio', timestamp = '$timestamp', estado = '$estado', id_agente = $id_agente, last_try = '$timestamp', current_interval = '$module_interval', running_by = 0 where id_agente_modulo = '$id_agente_modulo'";
} else { # dont update last_try field, that it's the field
# we use to check last update time in database
$query_act = "update tagente_estado set utimestamp = '$utimestamp', datos = $datos, cambio = '$cambio', timestamp = '$timestamp', estado = '$estado', id_agente = $id_agente, current_interval = '$module_interval', processed_by_server = '$server_name' where id_agente_modulo = '$id_agente_modulo'";
$query_act = "update tagente_estado set utimestamp = '$utimestamp', datos = $datos, cambio = '$cambio', timestamp = '$timestamp', estado = '$estado', id_agente = $id_agente, current_interval = '$module_interval', running_by = 0 where id_agente_modulo = '$id_agente_modulo'";
my $a_idages = $dbh->prepare($query_act);
@ -757,7 +753,7 @@ sub pandora_writedata (%$$$$$$$$$$){
} else { # Id AgenteModulo DOESNT exist, it could need to be created...
if (dame_learnagente($pa_config, $id_agente,$dbh) eq "1"){
# Try to write a module and agent_module definition for that datablock
logger( $pa_config, "Pandora_insertdata will create module (learnmode) for agent $nombre_agente",5);
logger( $pa_config, "Pandora_insertdata will create module (learnmode) for agent $nombre_agente",6);
crea_agente_modulo ($pa_config, $nombre_agente, $tipo_modulo, $nombre_modulo, $max, $min, $descripcion, $dbh);
$id_agente_modulo = dame_agente_modulo_id ($pa_config, $id_agente, $id_modulo, $nombre_modulo, $dbh);
$needscreate = 1; # Really needs to be created
@ -795,7 +791,7 @@ sub pandora_writedata (%$$$$$$$$$$){
# Detect changes between stored data and adquired data.
if ($data[2] ne $datos){
logger( $pa_config, "Updating data for $nombre_modulo after compare with tagente_data: new($datos) ne old($data[2])",4);
logger( $pa_config, "Updating data for $nombre_modulo after compare with tagente_data: new($datos) ne old($data[2])",5);
} else {
# Data in DB is the same, but could be older (more than 1
# day ). Should check this against last_try field, who is
@ -830,18 +826,18 @@ sub pandora_writedata (%$$$$$$$$$$){
if ($datos > $max) {
$datos = $max;
logger($pa_config,"DEBUG: MAX Value reached ($max) for agent $nombre_agente / $nombre_modulo",2);
logger($pa_config,"DEBUG: MAX Value reached ($max) for agent $nombre_agente / $nombre_modulo",6);
if ($datos < $min) {
$datos = $min;
$outlimit = 1;
logger($pa_config, "DEBUG: MIN Value reached ($min) for agent $nombre_agente / $nombre_modulo",2);
logger($pa_config, "DEBUG: MIN Value reached ($min) for agent $nombre_agente / $nombre_modulo",6);
$query = "insert into tagente_datos (id_agente_modulo, datos,timestamp, utimestamp, id_agente) VALUES ($id_agente_modulo, $datos, '$timestamp', $utimestamp, $id_agente)";
} # If data is out of limits, do not insert into database (Thanks for David Villanueva for his words)
if ($outlimit == 0){
logger($pa_config, "DEBUG: pandora_insertdata Calculado id_agente_modulo a $id_agente_modulo",4);
logger($pa_config, "DEBUG: pandora_insertdata Calculado id_agente_modulo a $id_agente_modulo",6);
logger($pa_config, "DEBUG: pandora_insertdata SQL : $query",10);
$dbh->do($query); # Makes insertion in database
@ -853,14 +849,15 @@ fin_DB_insert_datos:
## SUB pandora_serverkeepalive (pa_config, status, dbh)
## Update server status
sub pandora_serverkeepaliver (%$) {
sub pandora_serverkeepaliver (%$$) {
my $pa_config= $_[0];
my $opmode = $_[1]; # 0 dataserver, 1 network server, 2 snmp console, 3 recon server
my $dbh = $_[2];
my $pandorasuffix;
my @data;
if ($pa_config->{"keepalive"} <= 0){
my $temp = $pa_config->{"keepalive"} - $pa_config->{"server_threshold"};
if ($temp <= 0){
my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
my $temp = $pa_config->{"keepalive_orig"} * 2; # Down if keepalive x 2 seconds unknown
my $fecha_limite = DateCalc($timestamp,"- $temp seconds",\$err);
@ -873,7 +870,8 @@ sub pandora_serverkeepaliver (%$) {
while (@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array()){
if ($data[3] != 0){ # only if it's currently not down
# Update server data
my $sql_update = "update tserver set status = 0 where id_server = $data[0]";
my $version_data = $pa_config->{"version"}." (P) ".$pa_config->{"build"};
my $sql_update = "UPDATE tserver SET status = 0, version = '".$version_data."' WHERE id_server = $data[0]";
pandora_event($pa_config, "Server ".$data[1]." going Down", 0, 0, $dbh);
logger( $pa_config, "Server ".$data[1]." going Down ",1);
@ -883,9 +881,9 @@ sub pandora_serverkeepaliver (%$) {
# Update my server
pandora_updateserver ($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}, 1, $opmode, $dbh);
$pa_config->{"keepalive"} = $pa_config->{"keepalive_orig"};
$pa_config->{"keepalive"} = $pa_config->{"keepalive"} - $pa_config->{"server_threshold"};
@ -912,7 +910,8 @@ sub pandora_updateserver (%$$$) {
my $id_server = dame_server_id($pa_config, $servername.$pandorasuffix, $dbh);
if ($id_server == -1){
# Must create a server entry
my $sql_server = "insert into tserver (name,description) values ('$servername".$pandorasuffix."','Autocreated at startup')";
my $version_data = $pa_config->{"version"}." (P) ".$pa_config->{"build"};
my $sql_server = "INSERT INTO tserver (name,description,version) VALUES ('$servername".$pandorasuffix."','Autocreated at startup','$version_data')";
$id_server = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}.$pandorasuffix, $dbh);
@ -928,14 +927,15 @@ sub pandora_updateserver (%$$$) {
# Update server data
my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
my $version_data = $pa_config->{"version"}." (P) ".$pa_config->{"build"};
if ($opmode == 0){
$sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', recon_server = 0, snmp_server = 0, network_server = 0, data_server = 1, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = $pa_config->{'pandora_check'} where id_server = $id_server";
$sql_update = "update tserver set version = '$version_data', status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', recon_server = 0, snmp_server = 0, network_server = 0, data_server = 1, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = $pa_config->{'pandora_check'} where id_server = $id_server";
} elsif ($opmode == 1){
$sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', recon_server = 0, snmp_server = 0, network_server = 1, data_server = 0, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = 0 where id_server = $id_server";
$sql_update = "update tserver set version = '$version_data', status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', recon_server = 0, snmp_server = 0, network_server = 1, data_server = 0, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = 0 where id_server = $id_server";
} elsif ($opmode == 2) {
$sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', recon_server = 0, snmp_server = 1, network_server = 0, data_server = 0, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = 0 where id_server = $id_server";
$sql_update = "update tserver set version = '$version_data', status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', recon_server = 0, snmp_server = 1, network_server = 0, data_server = 0, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = 0 where id_server = $id_server";
} elsif ($opmode == 3) {
$sql_update = "update tserver set status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', recon_server = 1, snmp_server = 0, network_server = 0, data_server = 0, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = 0 where id_server = $id_server";
$sql_update = "update tserver set version = '$version_data', status = 1, laststart = '$timestamp', keepalive = '$timestamp', recon_server = 1, snmp_server = 0, network_server = 0, data_server = 0, master = $pa_config->{'pandora_master'}, checksum = 0 where id_server = $id_server";
@ -1088,11 +1088,11 @@ sub dame_server_id (%$$) {
my $id_server;my @data;
# Get serverid
my $query_idag = "select * from tserver where name = '$name'";
my $query_idag = "SELECT * FROM tserver WHERE name = '$name' ";
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
if ($s_idag->rows == 0) {
logger ($pa_config, "ERROR dame_server_id(): Cannot find server called $name. Returning -1",10);
logger ($pa_config, "ERROR dame_server_id(): Cannot find server called $name. Returning -1",4);
logger ($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",10);
} else { @data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array(); }
@ -1194,8 +1194,8 @@ sub dame_agente_nombre (%$$) {
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
if ($s_idag->rows == 0) {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR dame_agente_nombre(): Cannot find agent with id $id_agente",1);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",2);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR dame_agente_nombre(): Cannot find agent with id $id_agente",4);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",10);
} else { @data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array(); }
$nombre_agente = $data[1];
@ -1274,8 +1274,8 @@ sub dame_nombreagente_agentemodulo (%$$) {
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
if ($s_idag->rows == 0) {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR dame_nombreagente_agentemodulo(): Cannot find id_agente_modulo $id_agentemodulo",1);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",2);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR dame_nombreagente_agentemodulo(): Cannot find id_agente_modulo $id_agentemodulo",3);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",10);
$id_agente = -1;
} else {
@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array();
@ -1349,8 +1349,8 @@ sub dame_id_tipo_modulo (%$$) {
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
if ($s_idag->rows == 0) {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR dame_id_tipo_modulo(): Cannot find id_agente_modulo $id_agente_modulo",1);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",2);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR dame_id_tipo_modulo(): Cannot find id_agente_modulo $id_agente_modulo",4);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",10);
$tipo ="-1";
} else {
@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array();
@ -1422,8 +1422,8 @@ sub dame_desactivado (%$$) {
my $s_idag = $dbh->prepare($query_idag);
$s_idag ->execute;
if ($s_idag->rows == 0) {
logger($pa_config, "ERROR dame_desactivado(): Cannot find agente $id_agente",1);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",2);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR dame_desactivado(): Cannot find agente $id_agente",4);
logger($pa_config, "ERROR: SQL Query is $query_idag ",10);
$desactivado = -1;
} else {
@data = $s_idag->fetchrow_array();
@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ sub crea_agente_modulo (%$$$$$$$) {
} elsif ($min eq "") {
$query = "insert into tagente_modulo (id_agente,id_tipo_modulo,nombre,min,descripcion) values ($agente_id,$modulo_id,'$nombre_modulo',$min,'$descripcion (*)')";
logger( $pa_config, "DEBUG: Query for autocreate : $query ",3);
logger( $pa_config, "DEBUG: Query for autocreate : $query ",6);

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Pandora FMS Network Server
# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
# (c) 2006-2007 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use Date::Manip; # Needed to manipulate DateTime formats of input, output and compare
use Time::Local; # DateTime basic manipulation
use Date::Manip; # Needed to manipulate DateTime formats of input, output and compare
use Time::Local; # DateTime basic manipulation
use Net::Ping; # For ICMP latency
use Time::HiRes; # For high precission timedate functions (Net::Ping)
use IO::Socket; # For TCP/UDP access
@ -83,13 +83,9 @@ my $dbhost = $pa_config{'dbhost'};
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:pandora:$dbhost:3306", $pa_config{'dbuser'}, $pa_config{'dbpass'}, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 });
while (1) {
pandora_serverkeepaliver (\%pa_config,1,$dbh);
pandora_serverkeepaliver (\%pa_config, 1, $dbh);
if ($pa_config{"server_threshold"} < 10){
sleep (10);
} else {
sleep ($pa_config{"server_threshold"});
sleep ($pa_config{"server_threshold"});
@ -140,7 +136,7 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
my $max; my $min; my $module_interval;
my $nombre; my $tcp_port; my $tcp_rcv; my $tcp_send; my $snmp_oid;
my $snmp_community; my $ip_target; my $id_module_group;
my $timestamp_viejo; # Stores timestamp from tagente_estado table
my $timestamp_old; # Stores timestamp from tagente_estado table
my $id_agente_estado; # ID from tagente_estado table
my $estado_cambio; # store tagente_estado cambio field
my $estado_estado; # Store tagente_estado estado field
@ -158,9 +154,8 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
my $query_sql; my $query_sql2; my $query_sql3;
my $exec_sql; my $exec_sql2; my $exec_sql3;
my $buffer;
my $running;
$server_id = dame_server_id($pa_config, $pa_config->{'servername'}."_Net", $dbh);
while ( 1 ) {
logger ($pa_config,"Loop in Network Module Subsystem",10);
@ -205,7 +200,7 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
$agent_interval = $sql_data2[7];
$agent_disabled = $sql_data2[12];
$agent_osdata =$sql_data2[8];
# Second: Checkout for agent_modules with type = X
# (network modules) and owned by our selected agent
@ -219,8 +214,6 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
# 32 for SNMP PROC
# 0 for the rest: TCP DATA, TCP DATA_INC and TCP DATA_STRING
if ($nettype == 111){ # icmp proc high lat
$query_sql = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_tipo_modulo = 6 AND (module_interval = 0 OR module_interval > 100) AND id_agente = $id_agente";
$nettypedesc="ICMP PROC HighLatency";
@ -241,17 +234,15 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
$nettypedesc="SNMP DataInc Low Latency";
} elsif ($nettype == 12){ #icmp data
$query_sql = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_tipo_modulo = 7 AND id_agente = $id_agente";
$nettypedesc="ICMP PROC Low Latency";
$nettypedesc="ICMP DATA (Latency)";
} elsif ($nettype == 32){ #snmp proc
$query_sql = "select * from tagente_modulo where id_tipo_modulo = 18 AND id_agente = $id_agente";
$nettypedesc="ICMP PROC Low Latency";
$nettypedesc="SNMP PROC";
} elsif ($nettype == 0){
$query_sql = "select * from tagente_modulo where ( id_tipo_modulo = 8 OR id_tipo_modulo = 10 OR id_tipo_modulo =11 OR id_tipo_modulo = 12 OR id_tipo_modulo = 15 OR id_tipo_modulo = 17 ) AND id_agente = $id_agente";
$nettypedesc="TCPData, TCPDataInc, TCPString, UDPProc, SNMPData, SNMPString";
$nettypedesc="TCPData, TCPDataInc, TCPString, SNMPData, SNMPString";
$exec_sql = $dbh->prepare($query_sql);
$exec_sql ->execute;
@ -280,37 +271,37 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
$exec_sql3 ->execute;
if ($exec_sql3->rows > 0) { # Exist entry in tagente_estado
@sql_data3 = $exec_sql3->fetchrow_array();
$timestamp_viejo = $sql_data3[7]; # Now use last_try (for network agents)
$timestamp_old = $sql_data3[8]; # Now use utimestamp
$id_agente_estado = $sql_data3[0];
$estado_cambio = $sql_data3[4];
$estado_estado = $sql_data3[5];
$running = $sql_data3[11];
} else {
$id_agente_estado = -1;
$estado_estado = -1;
# if timestamp of tagente_modulo + module_interval <= timestamp actual, exec module
my $fecha_estatus = ParseDate($timestamp_viejo);
my $fecha_mysql = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); # If we need to updat
my $fecha_actual = ParseDate( $fecha_mysql );
my $err; my $fecha_flag;
my $fecha_limite = DateCalc($fecha_estatus,"+ $module_interval seconds",\$err);
# Comprobar que est<73>por encima (sumando esta) del minimo de alertas
# Comprobar que est<73>por debajo (sumando esta) del m<>imo de alertas
$fecha_flag = Date_Cmp($fecha_actual,$fecha_limite);
if (( $fecha_flag >= 0) || ($flag == 1)) { # Exec module, we are out time limit !
# thread
# my $threadid = threads->new( \&exec_network_module, $id_agente, $id_agente_estado, $id_tipo_modulo, $fecha_mysql, $nombre, $min, $max, $agent_interval, $tcp_port, $tcp_send, $tcp_rcv, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid, $ip_target, $module_result, $module_data, $estado_cambio, $estado_estado, $agent_name, $agent_osdata, $id_agente_modulo, $pa_config, $dbh);
# $threadid->detach;
my $current_timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%s");
my $err;
my $limit1_timestamp = $timestamp_old + $module_interval;
my $limit2_timestamp = $timestamp_old + ($module_interval*2);
if ( ($limit2_timestamp < $current_timestamp) || (($running == 0) && ( $limit1_timestamp < $current_timestamp)) || ($flag == 1) ) { # Exec module, we are out time limit !
if ($flag == 1){ # Reset flag to 0
$query_sql3 = "update tagente_modulo set flag=0 where id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo";
$query_sql3 = "UPDATE tagente_modulo SET flag=0 WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo";
$exec_sql3 = $dbh->prepare($query_sql3);
$exec_sql3 ->execute;
logger ($pa_config, "Network Module Subsystem ($nettypedesc): Exec Netmodule '$nombre'",5);
exec_network_module( $id_agente, $id_agente_estado, $id_tipo_modulo, $fecha_mysql, $nombre, $min, $max, $agent_interval, $tcp_port, $tcp_send, $tcp_rcv, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid, $ip_target, $module_result, $module_data, $estado_cambio, $estado_estado, $agent_name, $agent_osdata, $id_agente_modulo, $pa_config, $dbh);
# Update running_by flag
$query_sql3 = "UPDATE tagente_estado SET running_by = ".$pa_config->{'server_id'}." WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo";
$exec_sql3 = $dbh->prepare($query_sql3);
$exec_sql3 ->execute;
logger ($pa_config, "Network Module Subsystem ($nettypedesc): Exec Netmodule '$nombre' ID $id_agente_modulo ",4);
exec_network_module( $id_agente, $id_agente_estado, $id_tipo_modulo, $nombre, $min, $max, $agent_interval, $tcp_port, $tcp_send, $tcp_rcv, $snmp_community, $snmp_oid, $ip_target, $module_result, $module_data, $estado_cambio, $estado_estado, $agent_name, $agent_osdata, $id_agente_modulo, $pa_config, $dbh);
} # Timelimit if
} # while
@ -325,7 +316,6 @@ sub pandora_network_subsystem {
# pandora_ping_icmp (destination, timeout) - Do a ICMP scan, 1 if alive, 0 if not
sub pandora_ping_icmp {
my $p;
my $dest = $_[0];
@ -341,31 +331,88 @@ sub pandora_ping_icmp {
# pandora_ping_udp (destination, timeout, port ) - Do a UDP, 1 if alive, 0 if not
sub pandora_ping_udp {
my $p;
my $dest = $_[0];
my $l_timeout = $_[1];
my $tcp_port = $_[2];
if (($tcp_port < 65536) && ($tcp_port > 0)){
$p = Net::Ping->new("udp",$l_timeout);
my $udp_return;
my $udp_reply;
my $udp_ip;
($udp_return, $udp_reply, $udp_ip) = $p->ping ($dest,$l_timeout);
if ($udp_return) {
# Return value
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# SUB pandora_query_tcp (pa_config, tcp_port. ip_target, result, data, tcp_send,
# tcp_rcv, id_tipo_module, dbh)
# Makes a call to TCP modules to get a value.
sub pandora_query_tcp {
my $pa_config = $_[0];
my $tcp_port = $_[1];
my $ip_target = $_[2];
my $module_result = $_[3];
my $module_data = $_[4];
my $tcp_send = $_[5];
my $tcp_rcv = $_[6];
my $id_tipo_modulo = $_[7];
my $dbh = $_[8];
my $temp; my $temp2;
my $tam;
my $handle=IO::Socket::INET->new(
Blocking=>0 ); # Non blocking !!, very important !
if (defined($handle)){
if ($tcp_send ne ""){ # its Expected to sending data ?
# Send data
$tcp_send =~ s/\^M/\r\n/g;
# Replace Carriage rerturn and line feed
# we expect to receive data ?
if (($tcp_rcv ne "") || ($id_tipo_modulo == 10) || ($id_tipo_modulo ==8) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 11)) {
# Receive data, non-blocking !!!! (VERY IMPORTANT!)
$temp2 = "";
for ($tam=0; $tam<($pa_config->{'networktimeout'}/2); $tam++){
$temp2 = $temp2.$temp;
if ($temp ne ""){
$tam++; # If doesnt receive data, increase counter
if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # only for TCP Proc
if ($temp2 =~ /$tcp_rcv/i){ # String match !
$module_data = 1;
$module_result = 0;
} else {
$module_data = 0;
$module_result = 0;
} elsif ($id_tipo_modulo == 10 ){ # TCP String (no int conversion)!
$module_data = $temp2;
$module_result =0;
} else { # TCP Data numeric (inc or data)
if ($temp2 ne ""){
if ($temp2 =~ /[A-Za-z\.\,\-\/\\\(\)\[\]]/){
$module_result=1; # init
$module_data = 0; # invalid data
} else {
$module_data = int($temp2);
$module_result = 0; # Successful
$module_result = 0; # Successful
} else { # No expected data to receive, if connected and tcp_proc type successful
if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # TCP Proc
$module_result = 0;
$module_data = 1;
} else { # Cannot connect (open sock failed)
$module_result = 1; # Fail
if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # TCP Proc
$module_result = 0;
$module_data = 0; # Failed, but data exists
} else {
return 0;
@ -382,11 +429,11 @@ sub pandora_query_snmp {
my $dbh = $_[5];
my $output ="";
$ENV{'MIBS'}="ALL"; #Load all available MIBs
my $SESSION = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $snmp_target,
my $SESSION = new SNMP::Session (DestHost => $snmp_target,
Community => $snmp_community,
Version => 1);
if ((!defined($SESSION))&& ($snmp_community != "") && ($snmp_oid != "")) {
logger($pa_config, "SNMP ERROR SESSION", 4);
logger($pa_config, "SNMP ERROR SESSION for Target $snmp_target ", 4);
} else {
# Perl uses different OID syntax than SNMPWALK or PHP's SNMP
@ -405,10 +452,9 @@ sub pandora_query_snmp {
$perl_oid = $local_oid.".".$local_oid_idx;
my $OIDLIST = new SNMP::VarList([$perl_oid]);
# Pass the VarList to getnext building an array of the output
my @OIDINFO = $SESSION->getnext($OIDLIST);
my @OIDINFO = $SESSION->getnext($OIDLIST);
$output = $OIDINFO[0];
if ((!defined($output)) || ($output eq "")){
@ -416,8 +462,6 @@ sub pandora_query_snmp {
# Too much DEBUG for me :-)
# logger($pa_config, "SNMP RESULT $snmp_oid $snmp_target - > $output \n",10);
return $output;
@ -429,26 +473,26 @@ sub exec_network_module {
my $id_agente = $_[0];
my $id_agente_estado = $_[1];
my $id_tipo_modulo= $_[2];
my $fecha_mysql= $_[3];
my $nombre= $_[4];
my $min= $_[5];
my $max= $_[6];
my $agent_interval= $_[7];
my $tcp_port = $_[8];
my $tcp_send = $_[9];
my $tcp_rcv = $_[10];
my $mysnmp_community = $_[11];
my $mysnmp_oid = $_[12];
my $ip_target = $_[13];
my $module_result = $_[14];
my $module_data = $_[15];
my $estado_cambio = $_[16];
my $estado_estado = $_[17];
my $agent_name = $_[18];
my $agent_osdata = $_[19];
my $id_agente_modulo = $_[20];
my $pa_config = $_[21];
my $dbh = $_[22];
my $nombre= $_[3];
my $min= $_[4];
my $max= $_[5];
my $agent_interval= $_[6];
my $tcp_port = $_[7];
my $tcp_send = $_[8];
my $tcp_rcv = $_[9];
my $mysnmp_community = $_[10];
my $mysnmp_oid = $_[11];
my $ip_target = $_[12];
my $module_result = $_[13];
my $module_data = $_[14];
my $estado_cambio = $_[15];
my $estado_estado = $_[16];
my $agent_name = $_[17];
my $agent_osdata = $_[18];
my $id_agente_modulo = $_[19];
my $pa_config = $_[20];
my $dbh = $_[21];
my $error = "1";
my $query_sql2;
my $temp=0; my $tam; my $temp2;
@ -457,13 +501,12 @@ sub exec_network_module {
# ICMP Modules
# ------------
if ($id_tipo_modulo == 6){ # ICMP (Connectivity only: Boolean)
$temp = pandora_ping_icmp ($ip_target, $pa_config->{'networktimeout'});
if ($temp == 1 ){
$module_result = 0; # Successful
$module_data = 1;
} else {
$module_result = 0; # Error, cannot connect
$module_result = 1; # Error, cannot connect
$module_data = 0;
} elsif ($id_tipo_modulo == 7){ # ICMP (data for latency in ms)
@ -517,82 +560,12 @@ sub exec_network_module {
# ----------
} elsif (($id_tipo_modulo == 8) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 9) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 10) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 11)) { # TCP Module
if (($tcp_port < 65536) && ($tcp_port > 0)){ # Port check
my $handle=IO::Socket::INET->new(
Blocking=>0 );
if (defined($handle)){
if ($tcp_send ne ""){ # its Expected to sending data ?
# Send data
$tcp_send =~ s/\^M/\r\n/g; # Replace Carriage rerturn and line feed de los guevos
if (($tcp_rcv ne "") || ($id_tipo_modulo == 10) || ($id_tipo_modulo ==8) || ($id_tipo_modulo == 11)) { # its Expected to receive data ?
# Receive data, non-blocking !!!! (VERY IMPORTANT!)
for ($tam=0; $tam<($pa_config->{'networktimeout'}/2); $tam++){
$temp2 = $temp2.$temp;
if ($temp ne ""){
$tam++; # If doesnt receive data, increase counter
if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # only for TCP Proc
if ($temp2 =~ /$tcp_rcv/i){ # String match !
$module_data = 1;
$module_result =0;
} else {
$module_data = 0;
$module_result =0;
} elsif ($id_tipo_modulo == 10 ){ # TCP String (no int conversion)!
$module_data = $temp2;
$module_result =0;
} else { # TCP Data numeric (inc or data)
if ($temp2 ne ""){
if ($temp2 =~ /[A-Za-z\.\,\-\/\\\(\)\[\]]/){
$module_result=1; # init
$module_data = 0; # invalid data
} else {
$module_data = int($temp2);
$module_result = 0; # Successful
$module_result = 0; # Successful
} else { # No expected data to receive, if connected and tcp_proc type successful
if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # TCP Proc
$module_result = 0;
$module_data = 1;
} else { # Cannot connect (open sock failed)
$module_result = 1; # Fail
if ($id_tipo_modulo == 9){ # TCP Proc
$module_result = 0;
$module_data = 0; # Failed, but data exists
pandora_query_tcp ($pa_config, $tcp_port, $ip_target, \$module_result, \$module_data, $tcp_send, $tcp_rcv, $id_tipo_modulo, $dbh)
} else {
$module_result = 1;
$module_result = 1;
} elsif ($id_tipo_modulo == 12){ # UDP Proc
if (pandora_ping_udp ($ip_target, $pa_config->{"networktimeout"}, $tcp_port) == 1){
$module_result = 0;
$module_data = 1;
} else {
$module_result = 0; # Cannot connect
$module_data = 0;
# --------------------------------------------------------
# module_generic_data_inc (part, timestamp, agent_name)
# recreate hash for module_generic functions
# --------------------------------------------------------
if ($module_result == 0) {
my %part;
@ -601,36 +574,36 @@ sub exec_network_module {
my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
my $tipo_modulo = dame_nombretipomodulo_idagentemodulo($pa_config, $id_tipo_modulo,$dbh);
if (($tipo_modulo eq 'remote_snmp') || ($tipo_modulo eq 'remote_icmp') || ($tipo_modulo eq 'remote_tcp') || ($tipo_modulo eq 'remote_udp')) {
module_generic_data($pa_config, \%part,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh);
module_generic_data($pa_config, \%part,$timestamp,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh);
elsif ($tipo_modulo =~ /\_inc/ ) {
module_generic_data_inc($pa_config, \%part,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh);
module_generic_data_inc($pa_config, \%part,$timestamp,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh);
elsif ($tipo_modulo =~ /\_string/) {
module_generic_data_string($pa_config, \%part,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh);
module_generic_data_string($pa_config, \%part,$timestamp,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh);
elsif ($tipo_modulo =~ /\_proc/){
module_generic_proc($pa_config, \%part,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh);
module_generic_proc($pa_config, \%part,$timestamp,$agent_name,$tipo_modulo,$dbh);
else {
logger ($pa_config, "Problem with unknown module type '$tipo_modulo'",0);
logger ($pa_config, "Problem with unknown module type '$tipo_modulo'", 0);
goto skipdb_execmod;
# Update agent last contact
# Insert Pandora version as agent version
pandora_lastagentcontact ($pa_config,$fecha_mysql,$agent_name,$agent_osdata,$pa_config->{'version'},$agent_interval,$dbh);
} else {
pandora_lastagentcontact ($pa_config, $timestamp, $agent_name, $agent_osdata, $pa_config->{'version'}, $agent_interval, $dbh);
} else { # $module_result != 0)
# Modules who cannot connect or something go bad, update last_try field
my $timestamp = &UnixDate("today","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
my $query_act = "update tagente_estado set last_try = '$timestamp' where id_agente_estado = $id_agente_estado ";
my $utimestamp = &UnixDate("today","%s");
my $query_act = "UPDATE tagente_estado SET utimestamp = $utimestamp, timestamp = '$timestamp', last_try = '$timestamp' WHERE id_agente_estado = $id_agente_estado ";
my $a_idages = $dbh->prepare($query_act);

View File

@ -3,65 +3,86 @@
# Servername: Name of this server
# if not given, it takes localhost. It's preferable to setup one
# because machine name could change by some reason.
servername localhost
# incomingdir: Defines directory where incoming data packets are stored
# You could set directory relative to base path or absolute, starting with /
incomingdir /opt/pandora_server/data_in
# log_file: Main logfile for pandora_server
# You could set file relative to base path or absolute, starting with /
log_file /opt/pandora_server/log/pandora_server.log
# Error logfile: aux logfile for pandora_server errors (in Daemon mode)
# You could set file relative to base path or absolute, starting with /
errorlog_file /opt/pandora_server/log/pandora_server.error
# dbuser: Database user name (pandora by default)
dbuser pandora
# daemon: Runs in daemon mode (background) if 1, if 0 runs in foreground
# this could be setup on command line with -D option
# NEW in pandora 1.2, default is 0
# daemon 1
# dbpass: Database password
dbpass pandora
# dbhost: Database hostname or IP address
dbhost localhost
# verbosity: level of detail on errors/messages (0 default, 1 verbose, 2 debug.... 10 noisy)
# -v in command line (verbose) or -d (debug)
verbosity 9
# Server Threshold: defines number of seconds of main loop (in sec)
server_threshold 5
verbosity 4
# Alert threshold
alert_threshold 60
# Master Server, 1 if master server (normal mode), 0 for slave mode (slave in multi-server setup)
master 1
# Check datafiles using a MD5 hash, 1 to check (default), 0 to ignore .checksum
checksum 0
# Activate Pandora SNMP console (depending on snmptrapd)
# only available on Pandora Network server
snmpconsole 1
# Activate (1) Pandora Network Server
networkserver 1
# Activate (1) Pandora Data Server
dataserver 1
# Activate (1) Pandora FMS Recon server
reconserver 1
# Network timeout (in seconds) for timeout in network connections for Network agents
network_timeout 5
# Server keepalive (in seconds)
server_keepalive 45
server_keepalive 90
# Server Threshold: defines number of seconds of main loop (in sec)
server_threshold 5