fixed errors graphs

This commit is contained in:
daniel 2018-06-12 15:46:05 +02:00
parent 6eba3250da
commit 2d6fa8d0e0
4 changed files with 47 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ $table->data[1][0] = __('Remote config directory') .
$table->data[1][1] = html_print_input_text ('remote_config', io_safe_output($config["remote_config"]), '', 30, 100, true);
$table->data[2][0] = __('Phantomjs bin directory') . ui_print_help_tip (__("Directory where phantomjs binary file exists and has execution grants."), true);
$table->data[2][1] = html_print_input_text ('phantomjs_bin', io_safe_output($config["phantomjs_bin"]), '', 30, 100, true);
$table->data[6][0] = __('Auto login (hash) password');
$table->data[6][1] = html_print_input_password ('loginhash_pwd', io_output_password($config["loginhash_pwd"]), '', 15, 15, true);

View File

@ -3169,7 +3169,7 @@ function generator_chart_to_pdf($type_graph_pdf, $params, $params_combined = fal
$session_id = session_id();
$result = exec(
"phantomjs " . $file_js . " " .
$config['phantomjs_bin'] ."/phantomjs " . $file_js . " " .
$url . " '" .
$type_graph_pdf . "' '" .
$params_encode_json . "' '" .

View File

@ -129,9 +129,10 @@ function config_update_config () {
$error_update[] = __('Language settings');
if (!config_update_value ('remote_config', (string) get_parameter ('remote_config')))
$error_update[] = __('Remote config directory');
if (!config_update_value ('phantomjs_bin', (string) get_parameter ('phantomjs_bin')))
$error_update[] = __('phantomjs config directory');
if (!config_update_value ('loginhash_pwd', io_input_password((string) get_parameter ('loginhash_pwd'))))
$error_update[] = __('Auto login (hash) password');
if (!config_update_value ('timesource', (string) get_parameter ('timesource')))
$error_update[] = __('Time source');
if (!config_update_value ('autoupdate', (bool) get_parameter ('autoupdate')))
@ -804,12 +805,9 @@ function config_update_config () {
if (!config_update_value('ehorus_custom_field', (string) get_parameter('ehorus_custom_field', $config['ehorus_custom_field'])))
$error_update[] = __('eHorus id custom field');
if (count($error_update) > 0) {
$config['error_config_update_config'] = array();
$config['error_config_update_config']['correct'] = false;
@ -820,7 +818,7 @@ function config_update_config () {
$config['error_config_update_config'] = array();
$config['error_config_update_config']['correct'] = true;
$enterprise = enterprise_include_once ('include/functions_skins.php');
if ($enterprise !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
@ -869,7 +867,17 @@ function config_process_config () {
config_update_value ('remote_config', $default);
if (!isset ($config['phantomjs_bin'])) {
if ($is_windows){
$default = 'C:\\PandoraFMS\\Pandora_Server\\data_in';
$default = '/usr/bin';
config_update_value ('phantomjs_bin', $default);
if (!isset ($config['date_format'])) {
config_update_value ('date_format', 'F j, Y, g:i a');
@ -2178,21 +2186,28 @@ function config_check () {
sprintf(__('Recommended value is: %s'), sprintf(__('%s or greater'), '800M')) . '<br><br>' . __('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator (Dont forget restart apache process after changes)'),
sprintf(__("Not recommended '%s' value in PHP configuration"), 'upload_max_filesize'));
$PHPmemory_limit_min = config_return_in_bytes('500M');
if ($PHPmemory_limit < $PHPmemory_limit_min && $PHPmemory_limit !== '-1') {
sprintf(__('Recommended value is: %s'), sprintf(__('%s or greater'), '500M')) . '<br><br>' . __('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator'),
sprintf(__("Not recommended '%s' value in PHP configuration"), 'memory_limit'));
if (preg_match("/system/", $PHPdisable_functions) or preg_match("/exec/", $PHPdisable_functions)) {
__("Variable disable_functions containts functions system() or exec(), in PHP configuration file (php.ini)"). '<br /><br />' .
__('Please, change it on your PHP configuration file (php.ini) or contact with administrator (Dont forget restart apache process after changes)'), __("Problems with disable functions in PHP.INI"));
$result_ejectuion = exec($config['phantomjs_bin'] . 'phantomjs --version');
if(isset($result_ejectuion) || $result_ejectuion == ''){
__('To be able to create images of the graphs for PDFs, please install the phantom.js extension. For that, it is necessary to follow these steps:') .
'<a src="">Click here</a>',
__("phantomjs is not installed"));
function config_return_in_bytes($val) {

View File

@ -234,27 +234,20 @@ function grafico_modulo_sparse_data_chart (
global $config;
//XXX add zoom
$data_slice = $date_array['period'] / 250; //zoom
if( $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 23 ||
$data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 3 ||
$data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 17 ||
$data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 10 ||
$data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 33 ){
"SELECT count(*) as data, min(utimestamp) as utimestamp
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE id_agente_modulo = 227
AND utimestamp > 1527584831
AND utimestamp < 1527671231
GROUP by ROUND(utimestamp / 300);"
$data = db_get_all_rows_filter (
array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int)$agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > '". $date_array['start_date']. "'",
"utimestamp < '". $date_array['final_date'] . "'",
'group' => "ROUND(utimestamp / 300)",
'group' => "ROUND(utimestamp / $data_slice)",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('count(*) as datos', 'min(utimestamp) as utimestamp'),
@ -262,33 +255,17 @@ function grafico_modulo_sparse_data_chart (
$data = db_get_all_rows_filter (
array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int)$agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > '". $date_array['start_date']. "'",
"utimestamp < '". $date_array['final_date'] . "'",
'group' => "ROUND(utimestamp / 86400)",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('max(datos) as datos', 'min(utimestamp) as utimestamp'),
$data = db_get_all_rows_filter (
array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int)$agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > '". $date_array['start_date']. "'",
"utimestamp < '". $date_array['final_date'] . "'",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('datos', 'utimestamp'),
$data = db_get_all_rows_filter (
array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int)$agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > '". $date_array['start_date']. "'",
"utimestamp < '". $date_array['final_date'] . "'",
'group' => "ROUND(utimestamp / $data_slice)",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('max(datos) as datos', 'min(utimestamp) as utimestamp'),
if($data === false){