Do not update tagente_estado when processing out-of-order data.

Ref pandora_enterprise#6120.
This commit is contained in:
Ramon Novoa 2018-07-20 10:41:16 +02:00
parent fc885be510
commit 34639ac5c4
1 changed files with 13 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -1623,16 +1623,19 @@ sub pandora_process_module ($$$$$$$$$;$) {
my $save = ($module->{'history_data'} == 1 && ($agent_status->{'datos'} ne $processed_data || $last_try < ($utimestamp - 86400))) ? 1 : 0;
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE tagente_estado
SET datos = ?, estado = ?, known_status = ?, last_status = ?, last_known_status = ?,
status_changes = ?, utimestamp = ?, timestamp = ?,
id_agente = ?, current_interval = ?, running_by = ?,
last_execution_try = ?, last_try = ?, last_error = ?,
ff_start_utimestamp = ?
WHERE id_agente_modulo = ?', $processed_data, $status, $status, $new_status, $new_status, $status_changes,
$current_utimestamp, $timestamp, $module->{'id_agente'}, $current_interval, $server_id,
$utimestamp, ($save == 1) ? $timestamp : $agent_status->{'last_try'}, $last_error, $ff_start_utimestamp, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'});
# Never update tagente_estado when processing out-of-order data.
if ($utimestamp >= $last_try) {
db_do ($dbh, 'UPDATE tagente_estado
SET datos = ?, estado = ?, known_status = ?, last_status = ?, last_known_status = ?,
status_changes = ?, utimestamp = ?, timestamp = ?,
id_agente = ?, current_interval = ?, running_by = ?,
last_execution_try = ?, last_try = ?, last_error = ?,
ff_start_utimestamp = ?
WHERE id_agente_modulo = ?', $processed_data, $status, $status, $new_status, $new_status, $status_changes,
$current_utimestamp, $timestamp, $module->{'id_agente'}, $current_interval, $server_id,
$utimestamp, ($save == 1) ? $timestamp : $agent_status->{'last_try'}, $last_error, $ff_start_utimestamp, $module->{'id_agente_modulo'});
# Save module data. Async and log4x modules are not compressed.
if ($module_type =~ m/(async)|(log4x)/ || $save == 1) {
save_module_data ($data_object, $module, $module_type, $utimestamp, $dbh);